Beer keg to roll for dollars The Arnold Air Society (AAS). an organization dedicated to com munity service, will be rolling a beer keg from Eugene to Corvallis Saturday, with the AAS from Oregon State The purpose for the Keg roll is to raise money for muscular dys trophy, which is the National AAS project for 1976-77 Over 145 AF ROTC detachments around the United States have an AAS Squadron The Gen Don Zimmerman Squadron hopes to raise $1,000 for Muscular Dystrophy The AAS is asking for either straight donations to muscular dystrophy or a pledge per mile (total mileage-45 miles) Call 686-3117 or 687-0145 to pledge. Day care supporters meet Supporters of House Bill 2459 — legisla tion which would provide child care costs to student parents — are having a strategy meeting at 10:30 a m, today in the EMU, room to be posted The meeting is to discuss attending the committee hearing on the bill in Salem next week All interested persons are invited. For more information, call Cathy Loomis at 686-4384 THEATRE PROJECT Recently arrived from Johannesburg, South Africa, this origi nal and talented group of four young South African actors will be performing their play "SURVIVAL,” a combination of mime, theatre, song and dance Tuesday, April 26, 1977 EMU Ballroom — 8:00 p.m. U of O Students $3.00 Non-Students $4.50 Tickets Available at the EMU Main Desk Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum —...el al— Assertiveness training offered The University s chapter of the Young Women's Christian As sociation (YWCA) will offer a five-week assertiveness training course for women starting May 3 The class, which will meet at 9:30 p.m. on May 3.10,17,24 and 31, will be held at the Counseling Center on the third floor of Susan Campbell Hall Instructors will be University counselor Molly Fox and Sue Bettis, doctoral student in counseling The sessions will include read ings. group discussion, roleplay and practice with videotape feed back. Enrollment in the class will be limited to 24 women Registra tion charges wi II be S15 for YWCA chapter members and $20 for non-members For more informa tion call 686-4439 Letters mixed Thursday s story concerning the letter received by Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTFs) Tues day contained an error as to the origin of the letter The letter was sent by Aaron Novick dean of the Graduate School MEETINGS The Baptist Student Union will have a noonday meeting from 11 30 a m to 1 30 p m today in the EMU room to be posted For mote information call There will be a meeting lor ai past present and future National Studett change program mem bors at 6 30 p m Wednesday m the F MU room lo be posted Important materials wilt be distributed at the meeting For more information contact Judy Bogen *3211 mornings A meeting o< the Committee Against fie T upon Hike and Cutbacks will be held Sunday at 2 p m in the EMU room to be posted The committee wifi meet to plan further activities r the campaign agamsi the hike and cuts LECTURES Paul Buckner professor of fmo and applied ads at the University will speak on A year m the Studio at 4 30 p m today in 177 Lawrence Buckner spent 1975 76 on sabbatical leave from his dutws al the University During that time he worked as a fuH time stud*, sculptor He #h share some of the results of fhaf sabbatical year m his Benefit sing scheduled A group ol women will be singing their hearts out in Beall Concert Hall Sunday, to help a low lucky students The Women s Choral Society, made up ot about 45 women Irom the Eugene-Spnngtiold area, will present a concert entitlod Spring Sing at 3pm Sunday with the goal of raising lunds to support a scholarship lor University music students No admission will be charged lor the concert However, society members hope to receive donations lor the scholarship lund Under tire direction of University music prolessor Paul Wostlund. tho society will perform a selection ol music including Beniamin Britten s "Missa Brevia (a piece written lor church choirs composed ol younq boys) and Schubert s Serenade Guest soloist at the concert will be Cheryl Aydelott Tire University s Oboe Ensemble and Saxophone Ensemble, both directed by music professor Robert Moore will perform as special guests ol tho society Seniors set chowder feed Campbell Community Center is having a chowder leod from 3 to 7 p m at the center 155 High St . to help raise money for senior adult camp Senior camp is held each summer and gives older adults a chance to en|oy outdoor activities in a lores! setting Contributions Irom the supper will make i! possible lor seniors to participate in senior camp at a reasonable cost Cost of the supper is $1 75 tor adults and SI for those ago 9 and under The dinner menu includes clam and corn chowders, corn bread, salad, dessert and a beverage For more information phone Martha Jolly at 345-9809or 343-7261 The supper is sponsored by the Eugene Parks and Recreation Depart ment and the University s Department ol Recreation and Park Man agement -briefs MISCELLANEOUS DiCh Speight registrar 41 the University of Oregon Health Science* Carter >n Portland conducl an nformal medw_ai school ap(* «•’«*' WOrVahop at n 10 p m on May I .n Room t u F«r«on HaB Mr mI also be avauahM* al 8 If*! '’«jN »o mart wrth ail ether pre mod* For more inform* tion cent act Marks* Strange coordinator ol |«o healto seances «304*> Copiaa ol all baSols to* ASUO apnng primary atecbcri are potted until noon today m Sude •» EMU After that tim* the r>*aito<» w*H Stand »» Lynn Riddiford from the /oology department a? the University of Wrtshmylrjr *.ft conduct a semniar titled Hormones and the F ate of an In and F t a*Jr« mat Cell at4 30pm Ioday'nnoom1fi5cie*wf Teaat4pm m Room 75A Vujncoll Mrs somuiai it present ad n the btoiogy department BRING «*» -««t up a recycling [joint on the I MU terrace from 10a m to 4 p m today to CC4ectglarr. metal and (>a(wr The Univertut y s lacrosse loam f¥>t»ts the U'fvm sity of Washington tear?, at 2 p m Saturday on 'he mor> s P f Aokl jus! m«iiI Hayward field Ano*»ef ya”w ooai'*r»i t»rwve«wty nf Aoolorn ' <* KfexXAed far 11 ■ rr. *Hi'xidv al > t*«jm H to 9 lipm Sunday and tram 10 Ij Hi |i m AnrOf (Mi* Van SI fn IprnyJ ad pe*#nm are • be held 41 11 • m Sunday 4! *'«WeM«ry Grater 1414 Km* «d f« ir»ortb of *ie fV«* •»*>»«■ tniofo*l«>«l are mn*od to of POLICY I » l me'ak] » brief a c otomn m open to or y* >< •« orVii'Q In make announceftkwil of moehnyo tm lure* and rt*#co»a/*»aut twer*% Hnef* orensi onty once «n1 run Ai*d •nr.lode a name o'd phone number r> raee oat fiave que«f«m* f vent* Ortth donatin'« or <**)••» vunn rtiaryee a*" nnf fie co'rnd eied lor the rxmls column Ah items mutl fat turned in by i pm the day treforn putAcatKin at »ie ( merakJ Office Hoorn Applications are now auailable for the position of 1977-78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the Univer sity of Oregon. Term of office is. June H, 1977 through June 5, 197b Monthly salary of $393.75 begins May 1, 1977 Editor must be enrolled at least b credit hours, 3 of 4 terms while holding office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to Tina Gryc, 300 EMU before 5 p m April 22. 1977 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Emp loyer Women, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply Oregon Daily Emerald The Oeyon Daily Erne'aid published Monday through » noay *•» cept during e»dm weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiaid Publishing Co Inc at the University of Oregon Eugene Ore 974oi The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ot the Un.vers.ty With offices (XI the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union The Oreqon Daily Emerald it a member ol Associated Press and College Press Service Emerald subscriptions are S7 per term and $20 per year News and Editorial 066 5511 Display Advertising and Business OHf. \r\,‘ Classified Advedismq f>8b 434 , Production 086 4 381 Manning E dilor Asst Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Asst Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Greg Wasson Wally Benson Martha Bliss t Cm a Cuykendali Perry Gasluii Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson Sports Editor Asa 1 Sports Editor f ntertammont i dilors Wue I ditor Associate Editors Department and V tioois Local Politics Stale Politics Community Slate System and student Serv ASUO Environment N.ght | ditor Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Marv Fjordbecfc Bob Webb Peter t Air yea Paul Waktschnsdi Toth Wotfe N-rs GaNo Bee hy Young M. Hi 1,1 the- Mi < Im ighn Brenda T .»*>»»' f G While Serrft Ikj. ny Y t/wi iy Kate Carl Hryanl Darlene Gore fed Johnston V. J