THE CREPERV f or n unique luncheon. dm nor Omelet*. and other delight*. Cratm* Peaeorta Oirden Vegetable* 770 frost Hth 342 8340 7 am -10 pm 144 HO MWI TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piptftg txrf Right to you* door And now urn tuivn two rtefivery IrurAa to give you (eater Mirvtoe Cam 34? h 111 Mow open until 1 a m Monday to Saturday Midnight on Sunday 00628 tin MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1 rjOV l rttM I'lth luganoa own New Vort [>«>*• Salad* meat* ( >'tmsnr. nandwirtw* groceries (.xrict dinner* Catanny wed r Inga and aM oc aeon* Monday Saturday 1447& mwf events SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS ERNEST CALLENBACH DISCUSS MO HIS NOVEL ECOTOPIA FRIDAY 7 30 pm 1*7 EMU FREE O1OS0 2? OMGANI/A RON OF AFRICAN STUOENTS PRESENT AFRICA DAY CELEBRATIONS Speaker Dinner Cultural Show April 74 7pm I MU Hafir oam earn %J SO atudenta | I i kcHtt Mam iiw and at the door f Spcr*ex«d try the FSO 010VS22 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ERNIE GEHR < Ve oI the moat naiad of the Now wave of cuntem porary filmmehert Hta amphetie >a on structural ■i'wnia that torm when focuaoa or tha preaent \trm reality in our society Me win he Yu tunny and showing n» tiima including -iwnid wtnrang SERENE VELOCITY - as wen .ik many other* some a* ot yat untrtied Ha win appear at the lotlounny lime* WED. 4-20 6:30-8 p.m. THU. 4-21 6:30-8 p.m. FRI. 4-22 7-10 p.m. 180 PLC All lecture* and tllma are FREE and open to the EMU Cultural Forum <M« present a THEATRE WORKSHOP with tha South African Black ’77 Theatre Project 1 uiwclay April 76 EMU Ballroom 1 p m All ara welcome' FREE 01124 26 ENTERTAINMENT EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE SOUTH AFRICAN “BLACK ’77” THEATRE PROJECT Recently arrived from Johannesburg South Africa tfua original and talented group ot loot young South Alncan actors will bn pat forming their play 'SURVIVAL." • combine lion ol mirna theatre song and dance TUESOAV. APRIL 26 EMU BALLROOM Bpm S3 U of O Students $4 50 Non students tickets available al EMU Mam Desk 009B1 ab THE CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE CRUSADERS AND JOAN AMMATRADING MONDAY, MAY 2 8:30 p.m. Mac Court >4 50 U of O student* $6 generaI and re%«rved TicfcdU EMU Mam Doah and f verybody « Record* 010182 HORSES TO RENT Hourly mtnr, icsmc frail* no guide* WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS WEEKENDS Teleptione »o* Reservation* Windgato Farm* WB-87W f 34 5 tin BERTOLT BRECHT’S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN POCKET PLAYHOUSE VILLARO HALL APRIL 22 23 27 30 MAY 4-7 8pm $3 30 reserved Mata UO atudanta half-price with ID Call 686-4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073 8 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING SECOND FLOOR 10lh arid Ohva 687 0733 TONIGHT THRU TUESDAY LAWRENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE in ALFRED HITCHCOCK S REBECCA PLUS GEORGE CUKOR S GASLIGHT Starnr^ iM'iRlD BERGMAN mha oar ar aanmng role srwwiim** RE BE CCA al 7 30 GASl IGH T at 9 40 Rnduood at) mi* won main an Sat & Sun al 2 FRI 4 SAT MIONITE SHOWS FOR APRIL THE All AMERICAN GlRl RETURNS MARll YN CHAMBERS m the X Rat ad ctasaic BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR RATEO X OVER 18 Require# Separata Admtaaion 01123 26 THE ANANOA MAHGA SOCIETY PRESENTS DISNEY S ANIMATED CLASSIC ALICE IN WONDERLAND Como (0«n Ahce as she tourney a through Lewis Carroll % famous fantasy and political vatHo Starring iho Cheshire Cal tho Mad Manor T weedle Dum and T weed)© Don the While M.ihtj! arxl many more' ALSO THE RELUCTANT DRAGON Another animated rnasterpoce by Disney this one features a poetry reading Dragon and an over the hill knight vrfio have to fig uro nut how to avonl a hath© neither of them Seturdey AprM 23 $1 ISO Geology 7 end 9 p m 0108 3 22 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd VocaUst with acoustical guitai Monday Saturday 9-12 Jam Session every Sunday 8 30-1 30am 00571 F LIVE AT THE PEARL! LATIN JAZZ With ELA MUSIC AND DANCING 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. $2 admission PEARL ST. STATION 412 Pearl, Eugene 345-0937 01121 22 UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATS PRESENT REEFER MADNESS PLUS THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS With JACK NICHOLSON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 21, 22 7 and 9 30 pm 138 Gilbert <1 01092 22 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Wflametle 344-081' Happy Hour* Monday and Wednesday 9 30 t 10 30 Fnday — 4-6 p m MICHEL08 ON TAP Enler1a*nmenl four rights 8 13668 tti THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY KFMY 98«? Midnite Movie THIS WEEK A BOY AND HIS DOG An R-raled rather knky tale of survival Hugo Award Winner Best Science Fiction Film of the Year BEST SEATING ON THURSOAY All Seats Only 98c MAYFLOWER THEATRE 11th A Alder 01068 22 CINEMA UNIDO PRESENTS Emile de Antonio's POINT OF ORDER Sal 4 Sun Apr.) 23 4 2 7 4 930 177 Lawronce Hall $ EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS SUNDAY APRIL 24 MASH The bo* ottice hit from which the popular television senes was spun oft Centered around a company ol medics in the Korean War this group of individuals tries lo deal with the contradictions and emotional ups and downs ol the situation each in their own slightly wacky manner A powerful mi*ture of toy and grief work and play sanity and m sanity, put together in a brilliantly hilarious piece of work .is only director ROBERT ALTMAN (NASHVILLE. BREWSTER MC CLOUD) could accomplish Starring DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD. SALLY KELLERMAN and GARY BURGHOFF 7 and 9 p m $1 180 PLC 01126 22 The EMU Cultural Forum preaents ELECTRONIC WINDOWS A VIDEO SHOW ED MELLNIK Mr Mellmk will present two evening shows at 8 p m May 2 and 3 and two afternoon open environments on May 2 and 3 from 2-6 p m All performances will be in the Forum Room EMU All performances are Free 010S2sb HOMEFRIEO TRUCKSTOP Tonight CYCLONE MADRONE Saturday A M MITCH LIES PM JEFF DOUGLAS Evening JON JARVIE Sunday A M THE KIN torpnally Thrupenc* P M RICK & DARREL Evening DAVID WINTERS on 14th between Hiiyard and Alder 0111622 C C P A PRESENTS LISO ORIGINAL JAZZ ROCK Saturday. April 23rd 9 p m Tickets $1 75; $1 50 students COMMUNITY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 8th and Lincoln 01112 22 DANCE TONITE FEATURING BACCHUS Uve at Carson Hall 9-1 a m Dance contest $20 1st Admission $1 Free refreshments 4 22 PERSONAL WE STILL HAVE ALTERNATIVES BILL DICKEY FOR I.F.C. Responsible, Equitable Funding Paid D»ckey 4 21 25 PLEASE VOTE Please vote Bill Dickey I F C (ResponsOie Equitable fundingi Paid Dicky 4 25 THREE BACHELORS WANT to get aquamted with three attractive Bachelorettes 485-0370 4 26 ANDREA Gelletty CATHY BARRY B*»gmar*write in) ARE RUNNING! FOR SENIOR CLASS OFRCERS Pa<3 — Geiatty Teamen Bergman 4 22 PLAY IT SAM ta// st<mdards t»ues pianist for hire Tom Hook leave message 485-1593 4 22 Pd ELECT PAUL BARTEL ASUO President NO STRINGS ATTACHED BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT SUPPORT GROUP 422 JOURNALISM AND SPEECH MAJORS VOTE 4 JAN CHAMBERLIN SUAB Position #2 1 Journalism ana Speech 2 Pa>a by Chamberlin 4 26 LOST YOUR ZIP? Get your uppers fi*ed at Siegmund s Cleaners 821 East 13th Ave 00739 22 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations lor spring term PARTIES MEETINGS PICNICS DANCES etc $75 and up 89^3913 02885 ttn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT Confidential information and tree preg nancy tesl Call 68 7 8851 14286ttn DID YOU REORDER A 1976 0REGANA7 This shipment has arnved and books may be picked up at M ill n the EMU Copies are still available at $11 each For more mformaton call 686-4305 Don t forget — May 30 is the last day to order your copy oi the 197 7 Oregana' 01093 22 22 OFFICIAL U OF O CENTEN NIAL BANNERS To be auctioned Thursday and Friday EMU Mam Lobby main terrace Noon to4 30pm Higher the bid bigger the banner (Minimum bid $10) Sponsored by JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL For New Beginnings For EMU Tavern For Open Education For Student Activism For University Tenant Union For Innovation in ASUO Vote Bartel Vote Bartel Vote Bartel Vote Bartel Vote Bartel Vote Bartel VOTE BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Pd Bartel ASUO President Support Group 4 27 CAROL. LESLIE, AND JUDI, This weekend meant more to me than you will ever know Thanks' Love Molly 4 19 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted tor the following areas •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS • VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC interested a pp* carts should obtain applica tion forms from Suite 2 of the EMU Applica tors deadline is 5 pm Friday April 22 Non-salaned positons 00907 22 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ARE ON SALE THIS WEEK April 18-22 in the EMU 422 PLEASE HELP US FIGHT the battle We need money and workers 688-7679 345-3776 4 22 ANNOUNCING MAX'S MASTERS CR1BBAGE TOURNAMENT Pnzes and fir> for at Step by or can Max s Tavern 550 East 18th 485-9246 4 22 EARN LTD FAST PASS for 3-5 hours of survey work on Thursday Apr I 28 Phone LTD offices 687-5581 between 8am and 5pm for details 01062 22 THIS WEEK AT MAX S Free Pretzels Wednesday 7pm to 2 a m Pitcher Sale i7Sc Pitchers; Friday 4 io 6 om Tratnazer Playr# ocverage Wednesday and Friday; Biuegrass Muse — (Highwater Siring Band) Saturday 9pm to 2 am 422 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS SfeMSft x5ft 5ft * 10»t . 10ft * 10It ana large* 344-2710 West 11th and Berteisen Road 02918 ttn use your tutorial benefits For more ntormaton call 606 3232 HEY SHADOWFAX. Pum[»(i loves you 4 22 DEAREST DOLL. Thank you for the most wonder tiJ s»x months of my life May the next 60 years be better Love L J 4 22 VOTE FOR A STOP TO THE BUDGET NCREASE WERTIA elect SCOTT BASSETT ♦or INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE paid Bassett tor IFC Committee 422 SAW Theta love exists even <n a single yellow rose Thank you Cat 4 22 VOTE EXPERIENCE OHLENDORF For senior class President Paid Ohlendort Re-election committee 426 DC YOU CARE ABOUT FREE PARKING or a woman s center or daycare9 CRAIG GEARY does Vote GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Paid by Geary 422 LARRY— Roses are red grass is green the past six months have realy been keen' Sometimes were good some were sad. but most have been happy the days that we ve haa Love Your DoM 4 22 HIS RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF VOTE PAUL BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Pad Bartel unofficial fan club Pirce and Carrdon 426 JULIE MALOS — Happy 21st May you turn three shades of RED1 Congratulations L W and JG 4 22 VOTE JEFF WARREN FOR IFC Paid by Warren Committee (Personals continue on Page 20) 4 22