Still Dreaming at Tino’s ■ Live Music 7 to 11 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday Calzone Dinner Specials $2.25 1 iniisftpizza ,51h f " Godspell returns to S. Eugene Godspell. a play which has re ceived more rave reviews than we have space to consider here, is coming to Eugene A single per formance by the national touring company trom New York will take place Sunday at the South Eugene High school auditorium Godspell was originally con ceived and directed by John Michael Tebelak with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz The story is based on the Gospel ac cording to St. Matthew The national touring company is a professional company which happens to include three perfor mers who were involved in the Lane Community College produc tion of Godspell in 1974-75 David Morgan, who repeats the role of Jesus, Rosemary Loar and Roxy Thomas. All seats for the 6 p m. perfor mance are reserved at $6 and $5. children under age 12 will be ad mitted for $3. Ticket outlets are Meier and Frank, Carl Grieve Jewelers. The Cloak Room (28th and Oak only), and the EMU Mam Desk For further information call 747-4501 and ask for extension 318 r The Lady’s Not for Burning A Romantic Comedy by Christopher Fry April 29. 20, May 1 May 6. 7 (all 8:00 pm except May 1: 5:00 pm) $3, all seals reserved box office m-f, 12 4 30 747-4559 Lane Community College Dept of Performing Arts All my children By GLENN OZONEWOOD Ot the Emerald The last couple weeks I ve kicked around the idea ot who might get wntten out ot the script. I wasn't even dose It all started Tuesday, when Phil and his partner answered a call tor help Some drunk had busted into his ex-wtfe's apartment and taken her son hostage 'cause he thought she d stolen his pension check As the scene unfolded, Phil's partner decided he had to enter the apartment unarmed and try to talk the gunman into giving up Meanwhile. Phil sneaked through the back door and slowly made his way to the living room Pour o dock was the deadline the gunman had given for his check to be produced, and as the clock struck four, Phil burst into the room, the screen went dark — and five shots were fired On the other side of town, Tara was washing potatoes and turned on the radio to pick up a few notes "This just in from the news de partment, the boy who was being held hostage on the south side of town has been released, but one of the officers involved in the situa tion has been fatally wounded Cue the music, nng the phone Take it Ruth Ruth, was it Phillip7 Y know it was If Phil really has been wasted, maybe Chuck can have Tara, little Phil, and raise another of Phillip s children Who knows what fate, and the head scnpt writer, will bn rig Now. I'm not sure I can believe that Phil s really dead It would create some interesting options though Tara talked to Chuck Monday, and it s real obvious he d like to have little Phil back He told Tara il little Phil ran away when he heard the news about Tara's preg nancy. then Chuck would |ust koep him There was another interesting exchange Monday Phoebe in vited Dan to lunch, and though she was pleasant as hell. Dan didn t put up with her phoney |ive He just told her flat out he knew whal she wanted to see him about, and that she could rest as sured he and Brook had done no thing on their little trip Phoebe, thinking she had Imal ace, confronted him with birth control pills in Brook s purse Well, Daniel, it what you tell me is true, that leads to another un pleasant conclusion Could it be our dear Brook is involved in an indelicate liason with Benny Sagel?' Dan was quick to point out that he didnt know, and that it was none of his. or Phoebe s business With that, he excused himself, but those pills have got to give him something to muse about By the way, starting Monday. All My Children expands to a full hour Percussionists perform _ The San Jose State University Percussion Ensemble, conducter^^ by San Francisco Symphony Percussionist and composer. Anthony Cirone, and the University ot Oregon Percussion Ensemble, under the direction ot Charles Dowd, will perform at 8 p m on Tuesday in Beall Concert Hall The concert will consist entirely of new works not previously per formed in Oregon, including two works by Cirone. "Symphony No 2 for Percussion and "Double Concorto for Two Percussion Cirone. Dowd, and guest artist, Pamela West-Mann, will perform as soloists on Cirone s "Double Concerto Other compositions on the program are Fanfare by George Frock and Quintet for Mallet Percussion, Opus 39' by Serge DeGastyne Anthony Cirone has been with the San Francisco Symphony since 1965 and performed with many famous conductors, including Leonard Bernstein and Arthur Fiedler He is also a professor of music at San Jose State University Charles Dowd has done studio and orchestra work with the San Francisco Symphony and is presently tympanist with the Eugene Sym phony Orchestra and director of the percussion program at the University s School of Music There is no admission charge for the concert.