Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1977, Section B, Page 3, Image 15

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    KWAX offers more jazz
24 scholarships
awarded in music
Twenty-tour music students were selected to receive the annual
Ruth Lorraine Close Scholarship Awards conferred by the University’s
School ot Music
The scholarships, ranging (rom $500 to $2000, are awarded to
full-time students of musical performance, composition, music history
or music education
The awards are for one academic year of study at the School ot
Music. The recipients may study elsewhere unde, special circum
stances in order to fill a particular need in their specialty
A panel of four internationally recognized musicians judged the
competition Adjudicators include Mildred Dilling. harp; Martial Singher.
Metropolitan Opera vocalist; Ulysses Kay, composer; and Verne
Reynolds, professor of horn at Eastman School of Music
Winners are:
Marti A vary $2000 beteoon Shendan. Wyoming. Kathies'• Bohn $1000. clarinet. Noiarvile
To*aa Todd Barton $2000 music tvetory f ugerw Oregon Robm Chudy $?000 harp Locfcport Uknom
Aji«i Comstock $600 Pat anon Salem Otgtn f h/abeth Erman $?000 harp. Santa Morsca Cakfomm
Kenneth Fetch $2000 t»«o f ugene .Oregon Polar Fra|oU $2000 v*okn Salem Oregon CwxJy F ritzier
$VJ0 oboe Tualatin Oregon Alton F uller $2000 (ttno Peehaatm Wkeconam. Clay de Forge $2000
• ompotibon lugorw Oregon Wittam Johnaon $2000 organ Eugene Oregon Atan Lam. $2000 piano
Kcartoon Tong Hong Kong Thomae Nugent $;>OO0 oboe, f ugene, Oregon Seen McCoy $2000
compoeMton Ashland Oregon Carol kAtielman $2000 clannat Mi Vernon. Iowa Jamet Otaen $1000.
umpawaon OehfcoaP Wtaconam Mar, lee Parker $2000 r.ompoelton lafcevrew Oregon. Kathryn
Porto $2000 (teno Sen Diego Cakforrwa Chnefcjpher SctwxJtor $600 piano. Everett Wa#«rgon John
Wleaenthel $2000 compoeifton Eugene Oregon Artene Witlema $2000 harp Portland, Oregon Ron cJe
Wode $2000. compowtion Oak Harbor Watftngtnn FVrhard Woodman $2000 composition Inglewood
Fabric artist displays
work in Weaver’s office
Works of Oregon fabric arlist
Stephen Blumnch are hanging in
U S Congressman Jim Weaver's
Kugene office this month
Blumnch, who lives in Halsey,
Oregon, specializes In the batik
medium of hand printed textiles
The works displayed on the walls
of the 4th District Congressman s
office in downtown Eugene are
several small plaques and a large
quilted bedspread featunng color
ful repeated design motifs
Blumnch studied fabric design
at the Bundesgewerbuschule in
Linz. Austria and has taught work
shops in Wyoming, California and
throughout Western Oregon
The colorful batiks are rep
resentative of Blumrich's style
which has won him major awards
in California. New York, Georgia.
Minnesota and Maine
University Democrats Presents
The Little
of Horrors
Jack Nicholson
Thursday and Friday,
April 21, 22
7 & 9:30
138 Gilbert $1.00
KWAX-FM, will be airing more
jazz than ever before during the
upcoming weeks — including both
locally produced programming
and offerings from National Public
On April 26 at 3:30 p.m, NPR's
"Options" presents a program of
music and reminiscence by Eubie
Blake and Eari Hines The subject
is “The History of Jazz Piano."
Hines will play selections like
"Monday Day," "You Can Depend
on Me," and his first blues com
position, "Chime Blues " And
Blake, now 94. will play “Chevy
Chase," "Old-Fashioned Love,"
and more.
In May. KWAX will begin broad
casting the eight pilot programs
for a new NPR sen es " Jazz Alive
Kage of the East Coast has hit
875 H. 13th 6 flavors
Also serving Arabic food, soup
& sandwiches
These broadcasts will otter some
of the finest jazz artists recorded
in performance. The programs will
feature: The Thad Jones-Mel
Lewis Orchestra, recorded at the
Village Vanguard in New York;
The Earl Hines Quartet with voc
alist Rozay Wortham, recorded at
the Blues Alley in Washington,
D C.; and The ECM Festival of
Music, recorded at the Great
American Music Hall in San Fran
Broadcasts of “Jazz Alive" on
KWAX will begin the first week in
And in addition, beginning
Monday, April 2, at 4:30 p.m.,
KWAX will present "Old
Grooves," a half-hour of classic
jazz recordings. The station is al
ready broadcasting an hour of
classic jazz performance at 11
p.m. Fridays
Berg’s is Ready for Summer...
We’ve put away the skis and brought out the
by Kelty, Jansport and Trailwise
by Jansport, Sierra Designs, Trailwise
Drop by our 11th & Mill Store to see Eugene's Finest most
complete selection of backpacking, mountaineering, and tennis
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