fTlusical Events Women’s choir appears Under the direction of Paul Westlund, the Women's Choral Society will bloom in Beall Concert Hall at 3 p.m. on Sunday with a concert entitled. "Spring Sing." Special guests of the Society will be the University's Oboe and Saxophone Ensembles, directed by J. Robert Moore Director Westlund says that often the music performed by the Choral Society was written for church choirs composed of young boys. He doesn t view this as too much of a problem, however, and has included on the concert Ben jamin Britten's "Missa Brevia", which is just such a piece Guest soloist, Cheryl Aydelott. will per form with the Society on Schubert's 'Serenade'' The Society's members come from all walks of life and run the complete spectrum of age One member, described by Wostlund as, "a good alto, with a big sound that just booms out', has been with the group since its formation. 43 years ago Although there is no admission charge, the Society hopes to re ceive donations from people at tending the concert As in the past, the donations will go into a scho larship fund for support of music students Westlund tells the story of one music graduate who, after ' mak ing it", returned to Eugene to thank the Society for the scholar ship he received while attending the University of Oregon many years ago He told the Society that he probably would not have been able to stay in school without that S30 scholarship. Westlund says Today, the Society offers 2 or 3 scholarships a year in the $250 range So when you reach for that do nation on Sunday, remember, the ladies will be singing their hearts out for you — and a few very lucky young students — as well 6 GENTLEWOMAN 1 Fresh eyelet for sunny days and starry nights Dresses and sc pa rates Gentlewoman Gallery Where cloches are more than a kxrk . . . They're a feeling. 1639 l ast 19th Street Eugene, 343-9555 Open M W.F 10-8, Tu, Th. Sji 10-0, Sun \-y aCt // Thursday ^<April 21, 1977 3:30 PM. 138 Gilbert Hall on the University of Oregon Campus The University of Oregon Bookstore, Inc. will have its Annual Meeting The purposes of the annual meeting shall be to receive annual reports of officers of the corporation, review amend ment of Articles of Incorporation proposed by the Directors regarding Directors' terms of office, make such recommenda tions or proposals to the Board of Directors as the members may deem advisable and to receive nominations for member ship on the Board of Directors. Nominations Open for positions on the Board of Directors One (1) freshman for a one (1) year term Two (2) sophomores for two (2) year terms One (1) student-at-large for a one (1) year term Two 12) graduate students for one (1) year terms One (1) faculty member for a two (2) year term The meeting is open to all registered students of the University of Oregon, all faculty members employed on the Eugene campus and all classified staff members hold ing a fulltime University position 15 4l#J on succ ¥ PRACTICAL IDEAS PRACTICAL RESULTS Apply their success to your life Thursday, April 28 Jantzen Beach Thunderbird Portland, Oregon 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. EMCEE: Jim Bosley, KATCI-TV SPEAKERS: Phil Bogue, Chairman of Board, Portland Chamber of Commerce; Bob Hazen, Chairman of Board, The Benj. Franklin; Sam Naito, President, Skidmore Develop ment; Freddye Petett, Administrative Assistant, Mayor’s Office; Steve Stewart, Director, Stan Wiley Inst $ 15 student registration includes lunch. For further information, call the Portland Jaycees, 227-5656. Buddy Powers, Jimmy Diamond oive con cert-jam on Sunday Fresh from the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, jazz artists Buddy Powers and Jimmy Diamond will be coming to the Rodeway Inn this Sunday as guest performers for the Tradi tional Jazz Society of Oregon Buddy Powers, on trumpet, put in almost four years with Woody Herman's orchestra, and has re corded with Herman as well as with Tony Bennett. Frank Sinatra. Nat King Cole and Cal T|ader He has played the last two years with the Nob Hill Gang Dixieland Band Jimmy Diamond, piano and vocals, played with Turk Murphy and lu Watters and has toured with Charlie Barnel and worked with Red Nichols, Muggsy Spanier and Jack Teagarden He's the leader of the Nob Hill Gang Dixieland Band, now play ing at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco Emmylou Harris adds extra show ar Fairgrounds Due to an overwhelming man order response, a second Em mylou Harns show will be added at the Fairgrounds Auditorium building April 29th All early show tickets are sold Tickets are available at Everybody’s Record Co in Eugene, Sun Shop the Eugene Hotel and by mail order The sec ond show begins at If pm and ticket prices are S5 50 in advance Mail orders will bo accepted until April 22 hence, all letters postmarked Apnl 23 and after will not be honored For tickets send a check or money order along with a self-addressed stamped en velope to Emmylou Harns Con cert P O Box 5345 Eugene, Oregon 97405 The concert/)am will begin at 1 p m and last until around 6pm Admission is $1 tor students and $2 tor others The Rodeway Inn is located near the Beltline Road exit at Springfield All )azz lovers are welcome Modem Jazz Quartet plays in Portland The original members ot The Modern Jazz Quartet, back to gether again tor their first histone tour since disbanding in 1974. ap pear in concert at the Portland Auditonum on Tuesday. April 26 at 8 p m Called the best ot the best." by noted |azz writer Leonard Feather and "best small jazz ensemble in the USA by Downbeat magazine, the MJQ (uses the finest elements ot swing, bee-bop blues and classical music into the smooth, refined excellence that tirst startled the world ot jazz in tho 50 s For 22 years the talonts ot John Lewis (piano), Milt Jackson (vib g raharp), Percy Heath (bass) and I Connie Kay (drums) perfected a balance between composition lorms. the sensitive economy ot John Lewis piano and the (lowing melodies of Milt Jackson's vibes share the spontaneous solos that have packed concert halls and iazz festivals everywhere Originally the rhythm section of Dizzy Gillespie s big band in the 1940 s, The Modern Jazz Quartet has the longest life of any ensem ble in the history of jazz They have recorded over thirty afoums, mostly on the Atlantic label Tickets tor this Northwest Re leasing event are on sale at The Ticket Place at Lipmans (down town), First Federal in Vancouver a and the Auditorium Transcend the boundaries eftime Anolduaytowalk Give an ODf: lo a Grecian um...