fLASSlFIEPS 686-4343 PUCE YOUR CUSSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAM UESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10f per word tie first day copy is admitted and 8< per word each consecutive day tie ad is run without change There is a 12 word mnmum AH ads must be paid for n advance The Emerald cannot be responsWe for more than one day s noonect advertsng insertion If your ad appears ncorrectfy. call 606-4343 before 1 p m for correction m the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen tie value of thi advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellatwns The Emerald will not knomnngty accept advertise meats that discnmmale on the base or race, color, religion, sex or age CALI 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE fTOil SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO 632 Blair 343-0222 0057Ortr, NEW SH^MENT of Indwn bedspreads' Handeo ven and prints $5 and up at Andrea s. 2441 Hityard 345-1324 01070 22 BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center n the basement of the old EMU 01085 27 BIKINI S READY-MADE or custom fitted $9 75 and up Come in and see our great selection Andreas 2441 Hifyard. 345-1324 0097722 SHAKLEE CLEANING PROOtICTS SALE! 30% dacount. Basic-H Basel At-ease 687 0175. wtfl de#ver 422 GENTLEWOMAN introducing sun dresses jajuH kxre ail Jtrwrwr long 1639 East I9n Open. M W. F 10-8. Tu Th. Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5 345-9565 01075 22 UP TO 75% OFF THOUSANDS OF ITEMS □ocxa. peots tens Sleeping oags crasocaay cm in price Qualify outdoor gear at great prices FRIOAV. SATUROAY, SUNOAY. MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W Broadway on die Mall 686-2332 0112722 4 DAYS, 3 r»grts at Inn ol the Seventh Mountaai for 2 Package deal, best offer aI 484-9074 4 22 KARATE, TALC HI, KUNG-EU. JUOO suppfces SOW at EUGENE MARTIAL ARTS SUPPLY 2003 FrankJrv 342-7756 0106021 rwipa0 A Thr VNvtIiw*) r un< Cl WfeVe counting on you. Red Cross. The Good Neighbor. Why are bir ken stock wearers such enthusiastic supporters7 Come on up and find out for yours ell Open noon to 6 p m . Tuesday through Saturday birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th 687-0065 01049 22 CARACE SALES DELTA GAMMA SPONSORED RUMMAGE SALE. Saturday Apnl 23. 9a m to4pm Corner o» Oakway and Oakndge Luggage aka .dotting TV utensils and much more 4 22 SOUND SYSTEMS PHILIPS 212 ELECTRONIC TURNTABLE wilt Grado F3 . cartridge Immaculate condition $135 484 1264 4 21 PANASONIC 4-channel main* 8 track car stereo $25 speakers also make offer Evenings 7 pm 405-2043 4 25 WANTED REEL TO-REEL tape deck Sony Taac.elc Gary Roberts 665 5179keep trying 4 21 HITACHI RECEIVER. 25 WPC 22 inch speakers Garrard Turntable, excellent condition $250 343-3250 4 22 STILL A FEW LEFT MARANTZ 25% OFF ON SELECTED MODELS SUN SHOP Records-Stereo#-Service 860 East 13th 464-1468 0109029 r RAFTSHOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spnnmg wheels and looms superbly engineered reasonably priced m stock Yams, books on crafts 13053 tfn ROOKS/SUPPLIES We pay ttw hi^aai pncea n town for your qualify used books 101 W 7th 342 2002 Monday Saturday 10 am 530 pm 14075 M H F 40.000 USED BOOKS a/1 seifcng « W or Im« of pubfcshedpnce Textbooks, Off Notes Ma^/meo USED BOOKS BOUGHT AMO SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL MEW BOOKS SMITH FAiMLY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 144471fn TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPING IN MY HOME IBM Corredmg Seiedric Fast accurate Mrs Johnson 889-391S 4 22 TYPING IBMCorrecOng Selectnc Pea rtrte Fast reasonable Cloee to campus 687 9168 5 8 THESES. Dissertations. Long Papers Cor racing Selective Graduate approved Pck-up-defivery Sandy 343-9391 00682 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Legal maruserpts research stat References Daytime only Unda Nathan 343-8334 4 21 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST IBM Corroding S*M»c tnc Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 146011tn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IBM Se*ec tnc Graduate School approved WHI pick up and deliver Call Carole at 688 3983 or 688 3627 2710Yn JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE ANO REPAIR BOA. (Blowout, oil. adjust) Manual $12 Elect nc $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick up/Dekvery Ca< 342-2022 daybr night Work Guaranteed — References 02919 6 SKI STUFF ROSStGNAL 160 Exhibtlmns with Spademan bind ings. plus K as linger boots si/e M Package Deal only 2 years old Great Skis Make offer 344-0153 4 22 OUTDOOR GEAR BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU 01086-27 DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KITS OUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own kne of ueer-deeigned and tasted Ms for vests jackets, wind and ram gear, sleeping bags and more Also available for your creative sewing needs are fabrics Polar guard and accas sonee Limited custom madee available 2449 Htlyard 484 1252 114 Monday-Thursday 117 Friday 11-5 Saturday 004511.h,f MUNARI BOOTS excellent conditon $20 Mm< ■* 01* Leave message for Leslie 34^0165 4 22 TWO 60 centimeter Choumard Ice A*es $4iiirf1e< New ch'» St/elOPAS $15 Jeff 60* I960 343-4019 4 22 BICYCLES STELLA 10-speed excellent. 23 pounds 23 inch $225 or bast odor 343 0407 (Lie no 70484 1) 4 28 10-SPEED DOTSON BIKE, woman s In vary good condition just lunad up $40 Cai mornings or evenings alter 6pm 4 22 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E 11th St 342 4878 Authorized dealers lor Peogot Centurion Raleigh Motobecana Servce and rapa* tor mi manes Featurng a wide variety of accetsones Michehn lire* and tubes 1402Oftn RICHARD S Bike Shop See the Brand New T AKARA S Full Service on ALL Blkea 2495 M4yard 34*04 77 ^ARSCYCLES 1970 MUSTANG FAST BACK — m good ah«M> 302 V 8 AM FM $1660 or trade for 4-cytmder motorcycle 342 696 9 4 2< 1969 BUO-Ftebmlt engine transmission brake* ind new generator $996 Ca* 343-9997 4 21 66 SAAB SONNET 2 ae*er aporta car Exceftort mechanical condHion $1650 or offer 56 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 3000 mrfea on an pne dutch, kngpns brake* $600 or oHer M A B SWIFT SHOP Independent Saab and Volvo Spec tali* t« ?20 South 2nd SprtnghNd Caff 747 6605 0111026 974 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, rwombie e.ceHer.t ondaion Ski rack 6 track AM FM French Btoe 3400 beat Oder 343^300 4 22 1972 TRIUMPH QT-6 Runa beauttfuHy May want o paint so tailing tor le*t $2500 or offer 344 6153 421 NEED A CHEAP RlO€? $296 or Lea* RAJ Motors 360 W 7th 342 7339 14646 6n AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th ^ualom engine and tanarrsearon rebuktr^j and Mrts for Volkswagen* 342 3952 12070#n UNIVERSITY TEXACO 1668 Frank*! L5od on tuna up or any rapa* over $35 wrtti U of O I D card 343-1015 421 M A B SWIFT SHOP 747-56CX 4 cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars ara our tpaaady CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 938 Weal 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST fares Taf ored to your specific travel plans Write L as swell PO Bo* 3104 Eugene 97403 6 1 WANTED_ REWARD FOR INFORMATION tearing us to ran lal of house or duple* under $200 Begtrrtmg FALL or summer See 1084 Aider number 2 f 4 22 WOMAN AND DOG seek place to live Almost any situation will do Needed by May 1st Susan 686 54 74 4 26 WANTED USED PORTABLE electric typewriter in working condition Call 6866424 4 22 HELP WANTED DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS MANY subfects 'or experiments m judgement and decision making his week $3 for slightly carer one hour CaH — only f you u*jr> t participate in one of our e^enments in March this year, 405-2400 from 9 a m 5 5 m 0106722 Applications are now available for the position of 1977-78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the Uruverslly of Oregon Term of office is June 8, 1977 through June 5. 1978 Monthly salary of $393 75 begins May 1, 1977 Ed tor must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours. 3 of 4 terms while holding office Position requires work Sunday through Fnday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available m Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returner! lo Tina 3ryc. 300 EMU before 5 p m Apnl 22. 1977 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Women, ninonliee and the handicapped are encouraged to ipply 4 22 NEED PART TIME SECRETARY ORGANIZER Require efficiency « managing organising profeeaional personal concern* PiAEC ternmiBt activity academe wtuat(>>m Manning between H lo 10am 4 29 FEMALE VOCALIST WANTED muni know n role cX Arletic* on the U d O carryxj* The ASUO noeda si orient and lecutly volunteer* to delve fdo tie depths of where fund* go among many offer ■ sues Contact Layton Pere e« e«t 3734 try Mon day 25th of April Get treoAred' Qt n t 22 POLLWORKERS NEEDED lor lie ASUO 1 *« Iona Apm 77 and /A and May 4 and 5 17 38 per hour tntoroderfperaona should aumeloan orgar« /abomJ meetrig m the F MU TIKS I RlOAV. April 22 at 3 30 p m Room to be announced T he ASUO m an equal opportunity employer Women and mmorawa ancouraged to apply 01098 22 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK wrV> Vie hand. *.:■*! Pearl Buck Centar Mu*l be eagifXe for work study or cen recede pracftcum credM through L SCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk at 3450508 OTfffflsb LISTENING SKILLS COORDINATOR needed 10 13 fKmrveeefc Previous espenorKe >n desrgr* mg end vnptemervmg irraburtonai prugrsm pref erabty at comifunty cnlege level JG 73 hour See R*a 207 f news* Mel Of084 77 PARTY ME PULLTMt SALESPEOPLE experience n'« and two track in an fumra/wd apart montt now (j nl(> AH fwve water arid garbage mhvn e fur Snmo have 'xial 01001 0n CAMPOS QUADS $06$M6 UIAImm paid Aii eandRuning and private txkho 1110 Mu'll 00B247O 144U «r» Ouocte 741 Cmi teth Uarpof Mr ape a an conditioning Private >o tngerakrr oocti unt HI offad etiaa ipaadtake ntits TSmcti ( d 342 0007 after 0 lo atenkfy 4 20 FOOD U DRINK CAPS QLf MWOOO. J740 Franfcbn 73pm BMC AMP AST SPECIAL 04v Fandfui iwteh and ipaod to* 14224 *n GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder , v MOW YOU CAM BUY QRAMOi A IM*-vK f roan from ou baker GOLD! M OMA || and COCONUT ALMOND GRANOLA Cruncfyy daOctoua and natiate (made m«r> Ho nay | Slop in at I Ha OOLDCM TEMPLE (>00400 YOGURT — FRESH FROZEN The rags of N note swot Af Patera a Ateo Mrvtrg Arabic 1 oadi auup and wmdwtchai Open (mm 11 0 074 Foot 130i 0100022 Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Jom u« lor umetotte* aucb m our Morning r teat a SunoMna. or Croat a Your Own Tha pencakaa ara yvanmy and our oatmeal Our homamada soup aandwichat laiadt and amaoffaaa for luncH mil ert«a you lo coma back for moro Al ntfprt. two toaluro Tampura 1 vegetable* and nOtet teate dakt/Ma mualc nightly Weekday* 0 am 9pm Weekend* 9am 9pm Ctaaad T uaarlay *. 074 foot 1)0i 34 >004 ft 00007 22 . ^ ALLEN BROS COPFEI Hoaatari of gourmet uiftee* bulk teaa choco«s>«* 2404 Hrtyard Si Eugene 344 0221 00000 70 GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AURELIO $1 Otl Giant Pi//a Tuesday* free moral V> Price on bar Ham* m»i regular pi//a Sun Thun attar 0 30 p m 2901 and Witter node 14607 M M NEW DAY NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT E*ceMent vegetarian food at reasonable prices for lunch and dinner Duly specials 4 sotrp* 11 em 9 pm Mondey Saturday 136 Feel 1 llh Sum) 485 0412 IN SCARBOROUGH FAIRE 14314 MM LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Reg. $4 TO NOW $2.95 PER PERSON AH You Can Eel. Vy Her of WINE or a Pilcher of BEER or a Pilcher ol SOFT DRINK of your choice Meetbals excluded on re order 8:30 to 11 p.m TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 728 W. lei 484-1019 13978T.H