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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1977)
Model UN meeting set If you hear students denouncing the "Yankee, imperialistic war mongering attitudes of the United States, then they flash All-American grins, don t get confused. They may not mean a word of it Some 310 high school students — many of them dressed in the native costumes of countries they represent — are expected to attend the annual Oregon Model United Nations in the EMU Thursday through Saturday The three-day simulation of an actual United Nations meeting, sponsored each year by the 28 member schools of the Oregon High School International Relations League, will be conducted in coopera tion with the political science department Students representing 108 countnes, including all the " superpow ers." wili have an opportunity to tackle issues ranging from nuclear arms limitations and the United States new 200 mile territorial fishing limit to the actions of member nations of OPEC, the international oil cartel, according to Charles Dunn, a government instructor at Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis and state chairer for the convention The high school students attended regional "training conferences at various locations around the state earlier this year to prepare them for the model United Nations meeting A drawing was held to determine rpnrpcu^ntatmn nf rniintriPQ —...€v al— Effective note skills class set for Thursday A workshop examining note taking skills will be held by the Center tor Sell-Development Thursday from 7 to 9 a m in the EMU, room to be posted The workshop will cover effec tive note-taking formats, taking notes in different situations and writing objective questions from notes Alex Bobo and Jan Vaughan of the center will teach participants what to write in notes and how to take them Students should pre register for the workshop by cal linn Multi-cultural dinner set The Foreign Student Friendship Foundation is sponsoring a spring dinner lor international students and Friendship Families in the Eugene Springbok! area Friday in the South Eugeno High School cafeteria The potiuck dinner, which features loods (rom different countries prepared by students and Friendship Families, begins at 6 30 p m It will be preceded by a 6 p m social hour A short program and presentation ol awards to foreign students for outstanding achiovomont and ma|or contributions to international un derstanding will bo given The evening s activities are open to all international students and the public at no charge, but families who attond should bnng a potiuck dish Students wire have national costumes are encouraged to wear them Further information can be obtained by calling tho University Inter national Student Services Office, 686-3206 Harvey Fox’s 13th 6 Patterson SPRING SALE Hiking Bods LOW A SCOUT — This year $62.50 On sale $44.95 LOW A ALPSPITZ — This year $74.50 now only $51.95 (These models 1 \ear old) Harvey Fox’s In line with the finest name in backpacking, we are one of this areas largest contributors to the SAVE THE WHALES CAMPAIGN. THE NORTH FACE! 342-7021 13th 6 Patterson r \ Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Eme'aid is published Monday through Friday e* cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Publishing Co Inc at the University ol Oregon Eugene Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ot the University with ottices on the third tioor o< the Erb Memorial Union The Oregon Daily Emerald •> a Colieqe Press Service Err^rald subscnpions are $7 pi News and Editorial Display Adverting and Business Oassitied Advertising Production Managing Editor Asst Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Ed<tcx Assi Graphic’s^ Editor Editorial Page Editor member ot Associated Press and term and S?0 per year 686-6511 686 3712 686-4343 686-4381 Greg Wasson Wally Benson Martha m-s Lora Cuyfcendaii Perry GasMI Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson V. Sports Editor Asst Sports Editor Entertainment Editor*. Wire Editor Associate Editors Department and Schools Features Local Politics State Politics Community Slate System and Student Services ASUO Environment Night Editor Marv Ffordbeck Kim Sfxr Bob Wrtbb Peter Duryea Paul Waldschmidt lorn Wotte *J -v Gallo Becky Young M. Healtie* Mi Me ,gh,n Lon Peleisoi. Brenda Tabor I (j wti.te Swift Jerril Nilson Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Kate Seigat Can (try,till Darlene Core Ted Johnston Tax returns mandatory The University s financial aids office has announced that dopen dent students applying tor financial aid must now supply a copy ol thotr parents income tax returns lor the previous year, in addition to other financial information It isn t because we ve been getting a lot of ineligible students receiving linanaal aid said Ed Vignoul. director ol the financial aids office It's to help the paronts in ttieir eftorls to supply up to-date financial information Although we re the last university in Oregon, to my knowledge to require copies ot tho tax roturns it isrit such an unusual requirement California lor example, has required copies ol tax roturns tor years, he added Independent studonts applying tor financial aid also wilt be requirod to submit copies of their most recent tax roturns Film features war aircraft The Ghost Squadron a 58 minute color movie depicting rostored World War It combat aircraft will bo shown three times in the Eugene area Thursday No admission will be chargod I Murray Vaughan ol Lebanon colonel in tho Contodorato Air Force1 (CAF) will present tho movie and be available to answer questions at 3 p m in the ROTC Building at the University and fi 30 p m in the Flight Technology Building at Mahlon Sweet Field The presentation is part ol an effort to preserve tho World War It aircraft many of which are on display at Rebel Field in Harlingen Texas, by the CAF The CAF origmatod to acquire a collection of tho WWII aircraft, develop display facilities lor tho planes and provide maintenance to keep the aircratt in (lying condition Auditions begin tonight Auditions for Peter Stiafter s Equus are scheduled tor 7 30 to night in the Arena Theatre Villard Hall Director Faber DeChame indi cates the following roles will be available male |uvonile (age 15-16), male adults females (ages 20-45) and actor /dancers (either sex) Equus is scheduled for June 24, opening the 1977 Carnival Theatre season Other shows to be offered include Funny Girl, Rain maker and And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little RG reporter to speak Jerry Uhrhammer ot tho Eugeno Register-Guard will speak on his experiences as a member ot the Investigative Ropoders and Editor Team which investigated the political corruption and mob infiltration in Arizona Ihursday. April 21 at the Rubicon Society meeting In his talk, Uhrhammer will emphasize the tie between Arizona s political establishment and organized crime Rubicon Society meetings are at noon at the Quarterdeck Restaurant, 2855 Willamette St briefs Mt.FTlNCS ( C*ay I'nnplo . AH „1IW, tt, h lonigfH ftl tho Mark* 454 Will,martin SJ fo, busmat* mooting foNowad by informal l4jl/irKJ Ih«. alliancaaimaiocf»at«.iM .umoaphoro wt*.!,,., Support iv# and nurturtng lot Imibianb gay man 4f»i cHh®fi *»•** community Intmastod p*,-.,*-*. ar« irvilorl to attarid r ho Jnwiaii Sudani Union wii m«w«t *t h jo p m rhijfuduy m lha Komona Cnm«, u 14 Kincaid m ,(>f * <J*bnofing and planning niuvixi lor tuuin University Woman in Transition «ni have >ln fust gnnoralmootingat 7 3Q tonightnthef MU roomto be posted Tho Women s Sluan, Sludeni Union mil „«,« M 4 J0 <>m M‘V « Hoorn Vh PLC lo i»icuu mt, puipni., aim tuluro Inin mtod pn.vjn... to attend LECTURES John l. i«besl>ind psychology professor at UGI A ^ii speak | ndoganous Mw Iiwiimhh ot lam Inhibition al 1 pm today m Room ifrfi SKanh His pm-xjrrtalifxi is sponsored hy lhi> t>mi «>gy and psychology departments Wayra. Some* Iron Pofflanr! Male Uruvei.ny mil *0e'* "" C'““ '»"'•»»' A" al ^ ill „ May rioran 237 (jilt,eh Hm loclum . pnaanMnn t,y e,„ anlhrr>(x>lofjy department KalNnon Shannon a lilm produce, «,M„ anrt iriwntirn nl lln Manorial I .In lv„,„] „| l,ai,.,l„ *,» •>(*>«*< on Wumori m FMm Airy Real I'rugtesS ’ a> t?30 pm Thursday m Morin ?!6 G*>ert H#r presentation it sponsored by the sociology JepOftmom s Cantor lor the Soaalogcai Study «»» MlbCIl LANFOUS Unvemty itiKie>«r> gnuy on tter National Stu 'W>nl f ai.twnge program neit ynv are asked to pick up packet* In Room ?(B* I MU I <Xlay to Itw ikradbne tor submitting tape* tr* the •nrvonfi annual Willamette Valley t <A I estival »• lem Mur) pert one who piny lrn<Jit«>nal mu*»* *u<h as blue* oM tun try original loth and bluoomsS can rmttrnit a tape n Suite I Ml I For mora intntma lion cal b**i 4373 A mm twduled showing ut two Moira oust 0«Y thoviaa will be shown in Studio C ol the Intfnx tnm.ii Marti a Center ol tr» bbr ary torngtit Nigtit ar*t I "U wtll be shown at A .10 p m An Act ol f aith at / 1 *> P m Tho movie*. are sponsored by tie Jewish Stu dent IJrMori/Htllel The Unrtol tor ASUO Prowler* Support < will meet at / 30 tonqht in the I MU room l«> I"' pmlert 1 opt lo» dtscuasian will be the Mmlegy 0t (jutting a responsible student voice m th* ASUO Urn University s sailing dub will meet al H 30 torngtit m Room 11 *» Gar linger Applications tor Kwanuis the Sophomore boriO* ary are available until,May fiiin.Roojn t«>4H Oregon f ot/noti information contiK.1 Judi Stans bury t>tt»>S:»8?