YOU’VE SEEN THE MOVIE, NOW READ THE BOOK. "JESUS OF NAZARETH” EASY TO UNDERSTAND BIBLES WED N» SOAY AND THURSDAY AT THE FOl l OWING LOCATIONS EMU CHAPMAN MALL. 1J*« AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. PLC BOOKSTORE '■ponanrv'J by Operation C«mpu« and < -a AiKam a 4 Zl THE SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS THE MOVIE FINDHORN A t (jnmunffy »» Scotland coopwaUnQ wit»' \tm tn <**jy a««1 O* A BENEFIT FOR CITIZENS AGAINST TOXIC SPRAYS tl IDSc»nc« WortMMday 7pm and • p m OIOSS ?0 1 HOLOCAUST DAY MOVIES NIGHT AND FOG 6:30 p.m. ACT OF FAITH 7:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 STUDIO C, AUDIO VISUAL CENTER » >m to too public iponiwMl by JowUh Studonl Union 420 I MU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ERNIE GEHR <Jl too moat nulod ol too Now wv« ol contom Jxnory Mmmafc#f* M.s omptoMi* •» on otructu'tfi I'mfTva Ifvnl lorm which focu&m on tho proaoni roaMy m ou» oocwty Ho w»ti txi tor tunny and thowmg hw him* including winning SERENE VELOCITY .in won a-. fMony oHvh* vkiw •« o* yol unfOtod Ho wil at too ft* towing tuner.. «[D. 4-20 6:30-8 p. U. 4-21 6:30-8 p. FRI. 4-22 7-10 p. 180 PLC All tocUjroo and film* aro FREE and opon lo tho 01062 22 E E E ENTERTAINMENT THE CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE CRUSADERS AND JOAN ARMATRADING MONDAY, MAY 2 8:30 p.m. Mac Court $4 so U of O Modems $*. general and reserved IkAoIs (MU Mem Desk and I vin ytKKly n Records 01018 2 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rales scentc trails. no guktes WEEKDAYS EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations Windgale Farms «W678» IKStfn WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 In The EMU Ballroom THE MOVIE TOMMY SOUND PROVIDED BY THE SUN SHOP 6 8 15. 1030 pm $1 ASUO STATE AFFAIRS 01039 20 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 28S7 WMamstta 344 0816 Happy Mourn Monday and Wednesday 9 30 to 10 30 fndriy 46pm MICHEL08 ON TAP t.ntarlainmani lour nights a wwr* 13660 Tin EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE SOUTH AFRICAN “BLACK 77” THEATRE PROJECT Hocantty arrived from Johannesburg South Afrwa 9m ongnal and talented group 0< lour young South African ado>t mail fxi pe> tormng thee play SURVIVAL, j rompma lion ol rrwn# theatre tong and dance TUESOAV APRIL 26 EMU BALLROOM 8 pm U u 0IO students U SO Non student* Ticaets available at EMU Main De* 00981 ftp THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vcicafcel Mnto acou*l*al guitar Monday Saturday 9 12 1492? M H UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATS PRESENT REEFER MADNESS PLUS THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS JACK NICHOLSON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 21 72 7 and 9 30 pm CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SECOND FLOOR 10th and 0*v« 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY FIRST FtXif Nl SHOWINGS BY TWO INNOVA TIVE FII MMAKf RS FASSBINDER S FOX AND HIS FRIENDS Tt*> iti tonout -s >plict1 tn.< non sonsational me-vie otKiut honoM »ual s 10 tx» shown « Ihis coun l»y D«v«JD*nby NY Times PLUS , -ihcwl liims t>v WERNER HERZOG .( i.-HOf d CASPAR MAUSER ' PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FANATICS AND LAST WORDS COMPLETE PROGRAM SHOWTIMES 7 an<1 9 40 pm 01068 21 1 r THE ANANOA MARGA SOCIETY HHLStNIS DISNEY S ANIMATED CLASSIC ALICE IN WONDERLAND Come join Alice as she |Ourney s through Lewis Cairoil s famous fantasy and political same Starring the Cheshire Cat. the Mad Halter Tweodle Dumand TweedloDee the White Rabid and many more1 ALSO THE RELUCTANT DRAGON Another animated masterpiece by Disney tt»s one features a poetry reading Dragon ami an over the-hill knight who have to fig uro out how to avowl a battle neither ol them Saturday. April 23 150 Geology 7 and 9 p m 01083 22 The EMU Cultural Forum presents ELECTRONIC WINDOWS A VIDEO SHOW ED MELNIK Mr Melnik will present two evening shows at 8 p m May 2 and 3, and two afternoon open environ moots on May 2 and 3 from 2 6 p m All pertoi will be m the Forum Room EMU All poi loimances are Free 01052 sb BERTOLT BRECHT’S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN POCKET PLAYHOUSE VILLARD HALL APRIL 22. 23. 27-30. MAY 4-7 S3 SO rmrv*<J Mai* UO students half-price with ID Call 686-4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073 6 CINEMA UNIDO PRESENTS Emile de Antonio's POINT OF ORDER Sal ft Sun Apnl 23 ft 24 7 ft 930 177 Lawrence Hall S1 422 i-1 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSO AY KFMY 98ft Midnite Movie THIS WEEK A BOY AND HIS DOG An R-rated »alher kinky tale ol survival Hugo Award Winner Beal Science Fiction Film of the Year BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 01068 22 MOMEFR1ED TRUCKSTOP Tonitfil STEPHEN COHEN on 14th between Hi (yard and Alder 01087 2C PERSONAL TED STEVE. PAUL. GREG Once is not enough Good lime* can always happen agam L R J D 4 2( WHY LIVE with the embarrassment ot ugly unwanted laaa hair ’ See my ad m the yellow pages Electrology By Marian 687 9181 809 MWH U of O CRISIS CENTER is open every night from 5 pm lo 8 a m lo help you with any problem Strictly confidential 686-4488 14546 VA FREE PEANUTS, huge cokes and big sandwiches are in this yoar at BIGGIES SUB CITY Next to tht Mayflower Theatre Open to 11 p m 00960 M W f The University is a community — let s communicate BARTEL for ASUO PRESIDENT Pd Bartel ASUO President Support Group 4 2< IT IS WRITTEN: I qual opportunity does not dis cnminate Call Affirmative Action 686-3177. to ac as your advocate 01090 st PI PHI'S are always nice to wake up lo Thanks lo the wake-up breakfast The Sigma Chi s 4 2( ABDUL — From one member to another HAPP> BIRTHDAY MAD DOG' Love Merce 4 2( MARK G. — Thank-You for. ng so special anc I m sorry (?) Love Chris C 4 2( TO THE SAWED-OFF squirt oIKKG I have beer trying to learn the answer to the question but. I neet youi help lo figure it all out' How about tonight Piggy 4 21 OH SAE'S — The AX s love you flanks *ot Satui day nite. n was GREAT partying with you' 4 2i KELLEY BAKER — You Beast' Why didn t you le me7 Congratulations' Love BMAC 4 2' 22 OFFICIAL U OF O CENTEN NIAL BANNERS To be auctioned Thursday and Friday EMU Mam Lobby, mam terrace Noon to 4 30 pm Higher the bid. bigger lire banner (Minimum bid $10) Sponsored by JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL ELECT STAR TORSET PRESIDENT DAVID BECKWITH Vice-President SENIOR CLASS Paid by Torset and Beckwith Committee 4 20 DID YOU REORDER A 1976 OREGANA^ Thw shipment has arrived and books may be picked up at M-111 n the EMU Copies are still available at $11 each For more information call 606-4305 Don t forget May 30 is the Iasi day to order your copy of fie 1977 Oregana' 01090 22 TO K A THE BEST PRODUCTION EDITOR we know Happy 22nd from the Oregana freakies you know and love — J N CW AM JI.KC MS MC.MWetai 01094 20 NANCY D Of KKG: Congratulations on that item on the 3rd finger of your left hand DareM's no dummy' Love. LOG and SAS 4.20 A TOAST TO TINGLE II. 73-74 Tingle Towers Reunion at the Bavarian Tavern on Wednesday night April 27th Sloat and the Boys will be there' 4 20 HER DEEP BLUE EYES Tickle my fancy l d sure like to go out agan With fiat woman named Nancy Saturday s Traveler 4 20 VOTE JAN CHAMBERLIN SUAB Position 92 Journalism and Speech Pa>d by Chamberlin 4 26 SAE S— Long time no see Lootung forward to a good function tonight Let s stomp and shout And turn ths party out' Love The Gamma Phi s 4:20 Get Mad As Hetl Vote JEFF WARREN FOR 1FC paid by Warren Committee 420 TODD GRASLE HAPPY 22. you handsome devil 4 20 VOTE ENTHUSIASM INTO OFFICE ELECT GEOFF WAGNER lor JUNIOR CLASS PRESIDENT Paid GeoW Wagner tor Junior Class Presi dent Committee 01076 20 SIGMA PHI EPSILON — the Kappa Stampede is ready to let loose tonne" 4 20 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 7 Units O Negative i Unit A Positive 8 Units A Negative 1 Unit AB Positive 1 Unit Call 484 9111 for an appaitment CINDY. The girl scout cookies that attacked you don't show You look great1 A fneod 4 20 YOU’VE SEEN THE MOVIE, NOW READ THE BOOK. “JESUS OF NAZARETH” EASY TO UNDERSTAND BIBLES WED NESDAY AND THURSDAY AT THE FOL LOWING LOCATIONS EMU. CHAPMAN HALL. !3th AND UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. PLC. BOOKSTORE Sponsored by Operation Campus and Campus Advance 421 WHITE PANTS —Now that you veiomed the elites of the J-world will you ever remember your little friends of the past9 Congrats and you bnng the cookies. I'M have the Oly — Refugee from the sports desk 4 20 JIM G. — I hear you really know how to use your stick IH see you at the lacrosse game 2pm Satur day — A Fan 4 20 THE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM NOBODY BE LIEVES! Total nutrition no cherrscals or drugs Drink milkshakes and eat regular foods Substan tial weight and inch loss Come and learn about how you can lose weight and feef good while you do it Free milkshake party Thursday Apnl 21.7pm Boynton Lounge For more info call Patti 485-9419 Room 411 or ext 5327 4 20 DISCRIMINATION VICTIMIZES YOUNG OR OLD. woman or man black or white student or faculty Do you have a problem9 Can Affirmative Action, 686 3177 01091 sb GTFs from Wisconsin and U of O talk about untom nation KVAL TV Wednesday 12 15 pm KLCC radio. Thursday 5 45 p.m 4 20 BRING THIS AD FOR A 20% DISCOUNT on your next purchase of fabric through Apnl 30 QUILT PATCH 1473 Oak Street 01069 21 SUSAN — THE BACKDOOR has a 50c a shol Tequila Night on Wednesdays now See you there this Wednesday Brad 01055 20 Pd ELECT PAUL BARTEL ASUO President NO STRINGS ATTACHED BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT SUPPORT GROUP 422 CHRISTIAN DISCUSSION GROUP called Cam pus Advance meets tws Thursday, 1 p m EMU, to discuss Transcendental Meditation Information 346-1674 4:21 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES, MEETINGS PICNICS, DANCES etc S75 and up 89^3913 02885ttn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential reformation and free preg nancy test Call 687 8661 I4286tfn 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted tor the following areas: •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS • VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC interested applicants should obtan appfcca ' ton forms from Surte 2 of the EMU Appfaca tons deadline is 5 pm Fnday April 22 Non-salaried positons 0090722 LOST YOUR ZIP? Get your zippers fixed at Siegmund s Cleaners. 821 East 13th Ave 0073922 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ARE ON SALE THIS WEEK Apnl 18-22 m the EMU 422 PLEASE HELP US FIGHT the fluonOe battle We need money and workers 688-7679 345 3776 4 22 THE YWCA'S DOVES EYE has a good selection ol cards tor Mother s Day May 8 Don t forget her 1414 Kincaid Monday through Friday 10am to 4 pm 0107720 For New Beginrtngs Vole Bartel Fo» EMU Tavern Vole Bartel For Open Education Vole Bartel For Student Activism Vole Bartel For University Tenant Urwon Vote Bartel For Innovation in ASUO Vole Bade) VOTE BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Pd Bartel ASUO P reader* Support Group 4 27 GTF UNIONISM AT WISCONSIN TA s from Wis consjn (ell the truth Thursday 3 pm Condon 204 4 20 CAROL. LESLIE. AND JUOL This weekend meant more to me than you will ever know — Thanks' Love. Molly 4 19 ANNOUNCING MAX'S MASTERS CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT Pnzes and tin tor a# Slop by or call Max s Tavern 550 East 18th 485-9246 4.22 ATTENTION BUSINESS STUDENTS Opportunities to* summer work for students tn management and marketing Receive college cre dit High paying — out of this area Apply in person Tuesday Apnl 19 6 30pm Room 319 Allen Wednesday Apnl 20 ip m Room 121A Law 3 30 pm Room 125 Law 6 30 pm Room 319 Allen 4 20 EARN LTD FAST PASS lor 3 5 hours of survey wo>k on Thursday Apnl 28 Phone LTD offices. 687-5581 between 8am and 5pm tor details 01082 22 THIS WEEK AT MAX S Free Pretzels Wednesday 7pm to 2 a m Pitcher Sale (75c Pilchers) Friday 4 to 6 p m liNt>laser Playoff coverage (Wednesday and Friday) Biuegrass Music — (Higbwater Stnng Band) Saturday 9 pm to 2 am 422 Veteran s Use your tutonal benefits For more ^formation call 686 3232 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft x 5 ft 5 ft * 10 ft. 10 ft x 10 ft and larger 344-2710 Wesl 111h and Bertelsen Road 02918ltn NEED MONEY? The ASUO needs people lo put mailing labels on voters guides Thursday morning, Apnl 2Is! $2 35 per hour Apply at Suite 4 or call tne Elections Board at ext 3724 01061 20