fLASSIFIEPS 686-4343 (For sale continued from Page 17) RECYCLED-GUARAMTEED refngerators ranges washers, dryers ECOLOGY APPLIANCES 769 Monroe Street 687-1990 14016 W FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 0098C MWF THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments stereos photo equipment etc Buy sell and trade 00697 MWF BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center m the basement of the old EMU 01085 27 HASKELL OFFICE desk 30 >nCh x 60 inch six drawers including tile drawer Like new $225 747-4296 4 20 Why are twrkenstock rearers such enthusiastic supporters1 Come on up and hnd Out for yoursetf Open noon Id 6 p m Tuesday through Saturday birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th 687-0065 01049 22 KARATE, TAI-CHI. KUNG-FU. JUDO suppl.es sold at EUGENE MARTIAL ARTS SUPPLY 2003 FrankIm 342-7756 0105021 GOOD CONDITION GENERAL ELECTRIC stereo system with two speakers and record player $100 or best after Contact 686-0817 after 5 p m 4 20 GENTLEWOMAN Introducing sun dresses youM love aH summer long 1639 East 19T Open M W F 10-8 Tu Th Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5 345-9555 01075 22 INSTRUMENTS GUILO STARFlRE II. sen*-hollow Body etectrc guitar hard she# case S25C 344-0035 4 20 33 1 3% OFF on ary new gixtar m out store when purchased wrth its case at the regular price Now through April 22 at Music City. 40th 4 Donald 00910 20 SOUND SYSTEMS PHILIPS 212 ELECTRONIC TURNTABLE with GradoF3- cartridge Immaculate condmon St35 484-1264 4 21 PANASONIC 4-channel main* 8-track car stereo $25 speakers also make orter E venmgs 7pm 485-2043 4 25 WANTED REEL-TO-REEL ape deck Sony Teec etc Gary Rooerts 686-5179 keep trying 4 21 FOR SALE — Marantz 2215 recetver — ArNent Loudspeakers — Phifcpe TurntaDie (serm-auto) an tor $500 Almost NEW — caB 686-3580 Ask for Brett 4 20 SUN SHOP Records- St er eoe- Serv i c e 860 East 13th 484-1488 01066 tin HfTACHt RECEIVER. 25 WPG 22 inch speakers Garrard Turntable excellent condition $250 343-3250 4 22 NEED MONEY FOR SCHOOL Must sell Pioneer Turntable $75 Yamaha tape deck New $396 sell $200 Sot-monfis-otd 344-7123 420 PLANTSCARPENS DO YOUR PLANTS a favor this Spring, re-pot them n Steve s Sal Mr* — Si 25 per gefton — the finest money can buy ano our plants prwe rt At RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 46S-61S3 01023ab f RAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted apemtng wheels and looms, superbly engineered reasonably priced, m stock Yams, books on crafts 13653Hn PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUOtO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011 M.W.F POOKS/SUPPLIES 40,000 USED BOOKS atI selling at vy or less of pubftrfied price Teatbooks. Ci« Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAIRLY BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 14447*n SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3.30 at 13th and Unlvaraity Bring your cans bottles, cardboard and aluminum BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Addtional information Call SURVIVAL CENTER Ext 4356 14754 W TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPING IN MY HOME IBM Correcting Selectnc First accurate Mrs Johnson 689-3915 4 22 TYPING IBMCorrect»>gSelectnc Pica elite Fast reasonable Close to campus 687-9168 5 6 THESES. Dissertations Long Papers Correct r>g Selectnc Graduate approved Pick up-delivery Sandy 343-9391 00682 tfn TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE Reasonable ■ales Close to campus 344 7689 00664 MUW PROFESSIONAL TYPIST IBM Correcting Selec nc Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 14501 tin TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE BM Selec nc Graduate School approved /All pcfc up and leaver Cali Carole at 688 3983 or >88 3627 2710 tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Legal manuscripts research stat References Daytime only Linda Nathan 343-8334 4 21 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA i Blow-out ol adjust! Manual $1? Elect nc $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pic*-up Delivery Call 342 2022 day T>r night Won* Guaranteed — References 029196 CK? STUFF OSSKjNAL 160 E «rvb4*jns K¥»f ^ Spademan bind 9s plus Kastmgef boots we M Package Deal nly 2 years old Great Skis Make offer 44-0153 4 22 OUTDOOR GEAR BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU 01086 27 rwo 60 centimeter Choumard ice Axes Shorter lew ckmbtng harness 33 inch plus waist $10 lew Wood X-country skis war 215 cm $25 wze 10PA S— $15 Jeff 886-1950 34 3 4019 4 22 BICYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy Sell Trade 585 Blair 34^5362 00899 UW COLLINS CYCLES 60 E 11th St 342 4878 Authorised dealers tor Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Servce and repair tor ail makes F eeturng a wide variety of accessories Michetm tires and lubes 14620hn RICHARD’S Bike Shop See the Brand New TAKARA S Full Service on ALL Bikes 2495 Hifyard 345 0477 rARS/CYCLES 1970 MUSTANG FASTBACK — m good sh*xj 302 V-0. AM FM $1060 Of trade for 4 cylinder motorcycle 342 6989 4 21 1975 HONDA — cb500 with wmd|ammer very dean 342-4736 Must see to appreciate 4 20 1953 GREEN WILLY'S JEEP 1959 Ford V-0 en gine wine* Skip 606-4061 4 20 1972 TRIUMPH GT-0. Runs beautifully May want to paint, so selling (or less $2500 or offer 344-6153 421 NEED A CHEAP RtO€? $295 or Less RAJ Motors 1380 W 7th 342 7339 14646 tfn 1969 VOLKSWAGON, new engine Beet offer Come by Boogie Blues at 342 Wesi 8th 0104120 1906 VW BUS. Rebuilt 67 motor and dutch Caseette/radio. rackats $900 or trade of good road bike Call 343-2976 4 20 AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engme and Sana mission rebuilding and pads for Votkswagens 342-3952 12070 tfn UNIVERSITY TEXACO 1888 Franklin $5 oft on tune-op or any repair over $35 with U ol O I D card 343-1015 4 22 M A B SWIFT SHOP 747 5805 4 cylinder maintenance and ropier Swedish cars are out specialty CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTlNo THERE1 Special serve# locales CHEAPEST lar-ts T .• o»ed to your specific travel pi S< Write Last well PO Bo* 3104 Eugene 97403 6 t LOW COST TRIPS 'o ports and visage*. r ihe South Pacific Free catalogue Goodman » Good Travel Tours Dept OR. 5332 College Aye Oak land CA 94618 4 20.22 27 29 WANTED_ WOMAN ANOOOG seek place to I've Ai m,. , situation will do Needed try May Isl Susan 686 54 74 4 26 WANTED USED PORTABLE otectnc typewriter m working condition Cali 686-6424 4 22 HELP WANTED VOLUNTEER TO HELP supervisor of after \r nod child care program hours 2 30-5 30 pm Cal 687-3362 tor more information (Mrs Coons) 0106 6 21 NEED MONEY? The ASUO r»e«da people lo pu! mating lapels on voters guide# Thursday mormnq April 21si $2 35 per hour Apply af Sort# 4 or can iho Elecions Board ar e*i 3724 01060 20 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS MANY sub«w1s tor experiments n judgement and decexx) making this week $3 for tkghffy over one hour Call or *, it you cfcdn l participale *n one ol Our e^renments m March this year 485 2400 from 9 am 5 pm 01067 22 Applications am now available lor the position of 1977-78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have knowledge ol nowspnper journalism and of the University of Oregon Term of office is June 8 1977 Ihrough June 5 1978 Monthly salary ol $393 75 begvu May 1 1977 Edtor must be enrobed at teesi 6 credit hours 3 of 4 terms while holding office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned lo Tara Gryc 300 EMU betore 6pm Apnl ?? 1977 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Worrier* minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply 4 22 CAMP COUNSELORS FOR / week resided Youth camp June 26 August 1 3 Unit counselor, unit leaders assistant camp director cooks Send resume to Director Camp Arrowhead Columbia River Get Scout Council 1406 SW 14th Portland Ore 97201 4 20 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted Ea penence helpful Pad or full time 1868 Franklin BNd 4 20 DISH-WASHER NEEDED, must be available 11 lo 5 30 p m 3 days a week and alternate Saturdays Minimum wage 801 East ' 3th between 9 30 and 11 01072 20 $5 FOR LESS THAN two hours part idpaticri m our eapenmenl Two sessions, one week aped payment after you complete both GaM 686 5519 Wednesday ONLY or see Ihe buMetin board on 1 si floor Siraub 01074 20 POLLWORKERS NEEDED lor the ASUO Elec tons Apnl 27 and 28 and May 4 and 5 $2 35 per hour Interested persons should oome lo an or gam zational meeting m the EMU THIS FRIDAY, April 22 at 3 30 pm Ftoom lo be announced The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 01096 22 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK wrth ihe handicapped Peed Buck Center Must be ebgibte for work study or can receive practicum creckf through ESCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk at 345-8506 02916 sb WOULD-BE EDITORS: chance lo edil a monthly magazine 1977-78 school year Thirty hours a month Possible vwxk-study'stipend and/or class crecSt Applications at OSPIRG Local Board Office Suite 3 EMU 01054 sb LISTENING SKILLS COORDINATOR needed 10-15 hours/week Previous experience in design mg and implementing instructional program, pref erably ai communrty college level $3 73 per hour See Rita. 207 Emerald Hall 01084 27 THE ASUO COURSE GUIDE needs capable self rekant people to sell advertemg Your pay is a 20% commission on what you seM Gal exerted Make some money Come to Suite 4. EMU and apply Appkcaton deadline m Apnl 25 The ASUO e art equal opportunity employer, men women and mmonties are encouraged lo apply For information caN 686-3724 01089 26 PARTTME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience noI necessary We will tram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9655 12035t1n WORK STUDY TYPIST Tap p«y mmiowwah ng conditions Please apply now Footnotes room 15 EMU 01048 20 HOOMMATES WE NEED A FEMALE ROOMMATE lo# « tool badfoom house on Lincoln Slraei I hi* '«nt t* $54 <?5 plus uldittos and fn» house a i*k « Wr ar« looking to» vegauwan hovwnokars hopafu«y tf taste IOf OUldOOf activities Wo share meals and housework Iwo man and on* wow kvo tt*a»o now Can 345 5686and ask tew Nancy of fiar, 4 ?0 ROOMMATE WANTED FOR HOUSE *• «• t campus Avaiialda May 1st .M3-A3 it 343 8311 4 27 ROOMMATE WANTED- . bedroom due**. • • pot* s9*1 a! 295 East ?9th altar A pm weekend* $96 50 plus 4 U ATTRACTIVE. NEAT MALE needs ’ " 4<*d cooking teciktim $80 plus uttkho* Call 9 a m 9 pm leave message «8‘>3/50 Scott 4 21 FEMALE NEEDED NOW and f • share house math 3 Others $65 plus utilities 345 9779 4 2X3 ROOMMATE WANTED Maki <w female pnvale loft and entrance $75 ptus uliklws 343 5916 and Pc* 4 /0 SHARE NEW HOUSE WITH TWO •!• m 1 blocks south ol campus $90 par month plus utilities Call John or Michael. 34 4 7840 evenings 4 25 PERSON TO SHARE LARGE 1 tied- ' three blocks If on' campus Non smoker John 484 9781 4 22 FOR RENT CAMPUS Mift and P«H*r*>' i aiga 4-berk house $390 with ’■> bttemtnl Phone SUBLET —* Ur«<jo«- on* bwVooff apartment kr« placet no deposit block from L*mpu* QUADS $90 Available non* No »ease Ubklw* paid Laundry and parking availably 1160 Aider 405 0291 or 484 0604 14 327 ff TWO BEDROOM HOUSE CLOSE .. \ r. S235 Leave »wm* and number /NiEanl 1 W< 4?0 LARGE NICE 2 BEDROOM near downtown campui F •replace c arpolmg ap pkartcnw Co/y* $?40 405 7564 OO4S0ttn LARGE ONE BEDROOM •tpe/lmer 1 nu4d hcnjfic $16$ month $82 50 deposit Nrrwty rederomied Two bad room a part man! $180 month $00 d« poet Both unfurrwahari 30clay agroamont Nri dog* or r.taldren StudmU preferred CM 344 ts*u evenmgorstopby l715tkghSl Apartmani l 4 22 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT un Aldar and 17th $210 mortb Available June 12 144 8797 4 22 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER ANO FALL On* and two bedroom turnrahad ^tart manta naar U olO All have water and garbage service furmatwwl Soma have heat 01061 tin CAMPUS QUADS $96 $ 1 15 Utrirtie* peal Air conditionng and pnvaia bathe 1810 Harris 686 2470 14453 ffr Quads. 751 East 18th Carpal drape* air conditioning Private re tngorator each umt Slutted chaa desk Plenty ol hot water laundry rooms each floor parking avail atria Private bath Bad end table $115per month $75 deposit $5 non refundable 345 1272 14828 Ifr T OST U FOUND_ LOST AN SR-51-1 calculator in room 123 Sc 1. alter 1030 am on April 15 (Fndeyi Please art 345-4864 rf found Rewsrd 4 22 FOUND MEN S 10 speed bike white 26 inch Call 342-6007 attar 6 lo identity 4 28 CHVft9HE§ MCC Metropolitan Community Church A Christian Church reaching the gay community Al meetings open Woratsp 7pm 3000 Ferry St Wednesday Bible Study Information 345-2402 7464696 or PO Bo* 3076. Eugene. 97403 14B70W MARKET BASKET OOOO PRICES ON BEER, meats pizzas and more MUer s Grocery. 1065 E 20th Open 10-10 Sunday Thursday 10-11 Friday Saturday 14303 MWF For AM Your Frutl and VegetNeeds JUST PROOOCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570 MWF IT OOP U PRINK CAFE GLENWOOD. 3756 Franldtn. 7-3 p m BREAKFAST SPECIAL S5v Fanciful omelets and special teas 14225 80 TMf NIC I CRf AM PARLOR I Maturin') old fathionad natural ic« era am tenet or wt) with honey nr sugar tin/ou yogurt Italian ica« non dairy it® r ream pastries uifteeo anti loan Now featuring homemade aoupfc salmi* and iuuhIwh he*. Open Daily noon to midnight 374 Blair Acroaa from George a Garage 14541 MWI MICK If 5 DELICATESSEN toott T«»t iWh lugane* own New vom Do* ' utimlt meats i hoMtaea lanOwMjio* groceries (M iw.n iliw'oro Catering weddnga arid o« Or. taaoiK Monday Saturtlay 144/Umwt TMf CRFPIRY For a untque luncheon dr mat Omelet* and crt tw> deOgrus I'repea Dowell Garden Vegetable* 770 f aftt Tllh 347 8340 7 am 10 p m 14480 MW» ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND QROCtRY Spring mill barbeijoe pork tenyaki chtcAen tempura W< <sid vegetable CnrrdMfialion [*ot«* ft 50 We at I apt taod Stamp* tor groceries BAMBOO PAVILLION 1775 ALDER Monday Friday, 11 7 30 Saturday 17 7 30 00587 MWI GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder NOW YOU CAN BUY QRANOi A IN BUL K! f «mVi bom our baker GOL Of N OMAHOl A and COCONUT ALMOND GRANOLA Crunthy >iofa »ut ami natural (mad* «4th honey Mop m at the GOLDEN TEMPI I * « YOGURT — FRESH FROZEN TTw umpi at 9* mm umsI Al Puma a Atao senary) Ararat Food* MJUp »nd f»« Opart from 1 1 8 8 75 E «*i 13«h 01080 27 Honey s Cafe-, Introduces Breakfast Ju*i u% lor urnekrfloo suth 4» Out Mot mug Fiesta SuniMm. m Create Your Own Tr* pant aMarr, ere yummy end Owl oatmeal to ttUN '.ixjuxl Owi homemade soup wndwicft** salads and amcxANe* tor lunr h wilt entce you to com* bac* lor man At m^it m feature Tempore Iteh vegetable* WJ other taste Litre musk: nightly WoefciJeyt flam « pi" Wwlia'dtUim 9 p m Closed Tuesday* 875 leal t»h MJ-OMU 0098722 ALLEN BROS COFFEE Mr antlers m gourmet tufleoa butt, .n« chocolates 2465 Mttyard Si f ugenii 344 0271 00998 79 TINO’S , DELIVERS • OUR 73 DELICIOUS VARtETKS OF PIZZA Pf»ng hoi Righi Id your doc* And now w* have two delivery iruO* lo give you faster service Celt 34? 8111 Now open until 1 • m Monday lo Saturday Midnight on Sunday 00829 tin OOOO TIMES AT PIZZA AUREltO El 09 Giant Pi tin Tuesday* tree movies y> Pf«-e on bar items with regular pis/a Sun Thurs utter 9 30 p m ?9Pi arid WRamette 14507 MM EVENTS SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS ERNEST CALLENBACH DISCUSSING HIS NOVEL ECOTOPIA FRIDAY 7:30 p.m FREE IS7 EMU 01050 22 ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN 8TUOENT8 PRESENT AFRICA DAY CELEBRATIONS Speaker. Dinner and Cultural Show April 24 7 p m EMU UaMroom Adnwawon $2 50 students S3 (janaral Tkkuto Mam desk and at I he door Sponsored by the FSO 01005 22