Chilean program canceled "Women of Chile Speak Out" program scheduled for Tuesday afternoon has been canceled due to difficulties in flight arrangements. The two former members of Salvador Allende's Popular Unity govern ment were unable to depart from Europe in time to make appearances on the West Coast. Asia liberation talk slated Malcolm Caldwell, an expert on Asian politics and economics, will present a free public talk today at 3:30 p.m in the EMU. room to be posted. Caldwell will speak on "The Liberation of Asia, World Trade and the Prospects for the West." Caldwell will also meet informally at 7:30 p.m. with anyone interested in Third World issues at the Amazon Community Center at 24th Avenue and Patterson Street OSPIRG plans projects Is the legislation to protect endangered plants and animals really just hollow rhetoric? Tom Geise, OSPIRG staff scientist, will explain how to investigate those agencies designated to protect endangered species at 1 p.m. today in the EMU. room to be posted Another project to be discussed involves testimony to present to the Environmental Quality Commission hearing May 21 regarding re duction of water quality standards as a result of the drought Students interested in checking state agancies to see if they are complying with paper recycling regulations should also attend this meeting. Apartheid protestors meet The Southern African Support Committee will hold an open meet ing tonight at 7:30 in the EMU, room to be posted. Strategy for the continuing fight against University stock holdings in corporations with investments in South Africa will be planned Activities for this week's Afncan Week will also be discussed A demonstration is planned for Fnday afternoon which will begin at the EMU and end at the downtown offices of Merrill Lynch and tbe Federal Building Mernll Lynch sells the South Afncan gold com. the Krugerrand The investment firm's sales of the coin have been a target of other arti-apartheid protests in Eugene. Members of the Support Committee said last Fnday's demonstra tion at the Placement Office against IBM recruiters and the two-hour occupation of Chancellor R E. Lieuallen s office will also be reviewed and discussed. SHARE THE RDE WITH US ON WEEKENDS, HOLDAYS, ANYTIME. When you want to take a break, why fly? Grey hound II save you more. No lie So say hello to a good buy Go Greyhound You can leave when you like Travel comfortably with friendly people And arrive refreshed, and on time Best of all, you II save a good buck So next time, say hello to a good buy Go Greyhound GREYHOUND SERVICE TO ONE- ROUND- YOU CAN YOU CAN WAY TRIP LEAVE ARRIVE SEATTLE 17.35 33.00 11:20 6:35 pm MEDECRD 9.35 17.80 5:00 pm 8:55 pm K-FALLS 9.35 1 7.80 8:00 pm 11:45 pm PORTLAND 6.95 13.25 11:20 am 1:30 pm SALEM 4.30 8.20 2:40 pm 4:00 pm Ask your agent about additional departures and return trips Robert Roper 987 Pearl 344-6265 SAY HELLO TO A GOOD BUY GO GREYHOUND. GTF to settle election plans Final plans for the upcoming Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTF) union election will be one ot the topics at a general member' ship meeting of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF) today at 3:30 p m in the EMU, room to be posted Two visiting GTF s from Wis consin will be introduced at the meeting — Bob Ginsburg, presi dent of the Wisconsin Teaching Assistants' Association and David Newby, vice-president of the Wis consin Federation of Teachers Other important items of busi ness include discussion of possi ble resolutions to the Oregon Federation of Teachers (OFT) convention in June and the candi dacy of Roger Auerbach, who is running for OFT president Center gets $$$ The information and grievance center received $800 at Friday's Incidental Fee Committee hear ing, not the amount reported in Monday's Emerald LECTURES Malcolm Caldwel an export on Asian pdrtxi and economics m* speak on The Liberation of Asia World Trade and tho Prospects fix the West at 3 30 p m today n the E MU room to be peeled He also will meet nformalty at 7 30 torsght with persons inter eat ad in Third World issues at the Amazon Comrmrwty Center ?4th Avenue and Pat !arson Street Caldwell teaches at fie School of Oriental and Afncan Studes University of London His lecture is sponsored by the Urwerwty s soaology political science, history and A& Platt told Hawes wi» apeak on Planning and Pc* tc» n Oragon and ttw proposer] amendments to Senate BMI 100 (ORS 107) April 1»h at 7 30 to mght in 210 Lawrence Hall The (AaouMton « bemg praaenfed by the I >e partmeni of Urban and Regional Planning MISCELLANEOUS Noel Harrington a graduate sludert in knguei tics. Wil present ttw» Ingmstict department t> cofto quum at 3 30 p m today in Room 1$9 Straub An appkcahon workshop lor students applying to dental school thift summor is scherkrted lor ft p m today in Room 341 (Hbmil Apftecatarrw tor K««nu> the w(#wtH*e hoow ary %(i mt( mr it, cut at Mi fwough May t, « Hoorn 104B Oiofon * •«««( if irTtnoi m -rftenng two aorkohcpa 't»% 'n." T*oi »'T.j«*iai-* I Ikatdteg 1<* or«j Term Im^hhj ii w hortnied H* ! k< *J >t H tel he too ‘Jit by l or- a *«rer*t and Non* Me*nng|ra< two Unvwwty graduate stodertfa Mote to Survive at 9>e Ur>won»4y irf Oregon >% ttw title ijI the aer oral wottukhop what: bogre W ode war lay and i.nntmuM tor *ti aiwtv It oak rryarrarw goal wttiny limn menagemer* < Un» rotyn negotiation* inter per anna l iijnvnjar Mini and tiiMfi iai iteinim Mi* f Maiw> or*! ( Hga f a»»n two IJnrverwfy %tu*te<*« Ml !«« h the work *«*< «r**ch « acheduted k* 3 30pm lo 3 pm Ptere^tlrobun a rwrjured Baft MXkahrjpe tel t taken aa perl erf the (Mum er*en*«*i at 19/6 aafl tra prnwrfcx) at 0 tcrwyhl »> 10/ l ewrorv e The %htm ^yanaured try the Outdo** Program cove** a *i Vrf» m»w» taka tip tram ReedK**i Ora to ( aatp**t Moi'v The rco/to g>ea through V>e Gear mUm the Rockies Teton oral Vebuwakirw Natiivioi Rarti* ttw M«K*mI Aerator Hans and New t ngtand Two Ifchm entnnrao) trip leader a will an awe r rjunatiina on tie Uha antanriw trorf and eyelet ou* a ho* the akda praaarrfaUon The t»niwr*ra>rjn w open tree trf charge to tie Applications are now available for the position of 1977-78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the Univ»r sity of Oregon. Term of office is June 8, 1977 through June 5, 1978 Monthly salary of $393 75 begins May 1, 1977. Editor must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours, 8 of 4 terms while holding office. Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week. Applications are available in Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to Tina Gryc, 300 EMU before 5 p.m. April 22, 1977 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Emp loyer. Women, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply Oregon Daily Emerald l The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubhshad Monday through Friday e* cept during e«am weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Publishing Co Inc at the University ot Oregon. Eugene Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ot the University with offices on ttie third floor ot ttie Erb Memorial Onion The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member ul Associated Press and College Pie'.'. Service E merald subscriptions are $7 pi New*, and Editorial Display Advertising and Bus vies'. Classified Advertising Production Editor Managing Editor Asst Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Asst Graphics Editor Eddonai Page Eddor term and $20 per year 666 *>f>11 686 371? 686 4343 686-4381 Greg Wasson Wally Benson Martha Bliss Lora Cuyhendall Perry Gaskill Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson V. Sports Editor Ami Sports Fditor Entertainment Editors Wire F dilor Associate Editors Department and Schoota I natures Local Politics State Politics Community System and Student Jinn ASUO Environment Night f rtitik Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Arcounlant Marv F jordbeefc Kim Sptr Unto Went) Peter Ouryea f‘aul WaklschrnKjt Tom Wolte Nm-* Cello Becky Young Maiv BMtt P. iv*. • Tom inckaon I teethe* McCtenaghan Lon Peterson Brenda Tabor E Ci Wti.le Swift Crwis Norman Kate F»eigal Cart Bryant Darlene Gore I ed Johnston