Rust calls for wiser use of county’s resources By GABY NORRIS Ot the Emerald "We must scale down our life styles," Lane County Commis sioner Jerry Rust told an EMU ter race audience ot about 200 Mon day "I'm angry at anyone who's into ripping off the environment lor a short-term profit The commissioner called for a wiser and more labor-intensive use of Lano County s resources, which he said are limited "Our resource base consists of trees, sand and gravel and ag ricultural land, said Rust, "and we need to save every bit of that land " Rust said he felt ripped off" by the City ot Eugenes recent an nexation of 390 acres of what he tormed "prime bottom land Ac cording to Rust, the annexation was rushed through the city coun cil and boundary commission without any consultation with the county commissioners. Rust said zoning laws and citi zen involvement in the updating of the 1990 Plan are the two most effective means to secure an ade quate land supply in Lane County. But he warned that planners have not yet established the county's carrying capacity (the maximum population an area will support) Rust also called for changes in agriculture and forestry practices "Our agricultural system is based on increasing amounts of foreign oil, Canadian phosphates and cheap labor. Rust said, "and the only one of those resources that is really renewable is labor " The commissioner supported a ■'labor-intensive situation" in Oregon forests He said the ban ning of herbicides used to control hardwoods could create more lobs through the cleannq of brush tutors (Continued from Page 8) The Center tor Sell Development otters workshops and tutonng services with a spe cial counselor tor athletes Its ser vices are tor students meeting special cultural or economic re quirements ESCAPE also otters a chance for undergraduates to earn academic credit, usually tor tutor ing high school or grade school students ESCAPE is an ASUO program ot community involve ment It is located in 327 EMU, x4351 If you really want to know your subject matter well, you should teach it,’ suggests Ames n Ptwlo by Kurt Krase Jerry Rust addressed students on the EMU terrace Monday to help kick oft the University 's observance of Earth Week Rust said because Lane County's resources were limited to begin with, more labor intensive uses to develop them will have to be found ana narawoods species by hand Besides," Rust said, "the forest isn't out there just tor Doug las Fir, but for other things too. To play God and come in in a helicop ter with massive applications of herbicide is wrong on its face We have to assume herbicides are guilty until proven innocent" Rust admitted that the county's ban on herbicides to control road side brush would mean higher costs, but added that jobs could be created to clear the brush by hand On other Issues. Rust said he supports making the French Pete area a wilderness preserve, ad ding that he doesn t want to see forests filled with genetically "hyped up” super trees. On field burning. Rust advo cated smoke management — the current practice — but cautioned that it be done correctly, warning against burning too late in the summer when new grass growing through the stubble creates even more smoke than if the stubble is burned earlier in the summer. SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS THE MOVIE FINDHORN A community m Scotland toopetateig **rifh tn*i oco*oyy and n»m* of nature A BENEFIT FOR CITIZENS AGAINST TOXIC SPRAYS SI 123 Science Wed need ay 7pm and 9pm 01056 20 HOLOCAUST DAY MOVIES NIGHT AND FOG )6:30 p.m. ACT OF FAITH 7:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 STUDIO C, AUDIO VISUAL CENTER Free to the public, sponsored by Jewrtah Student Union 4 20 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ERNIE GEHR On* of tha moat naiad of ft* New wave of content (xxary filmmakers Hts emphasis it on structural ctn#ma that form which focusaa on the present lanao reality m out society tin will he lecturing and showing ha films including hi* award winmny "SERENE VELOCITY'' as wall ns many others, some as of yet untitled He wiH appear el the following time* WED. 4-20 6:30-8 p.m. THU. 4-21 6:30-8 p.m. FRI. 4-22 7-10 p.m. 180 PLC AN lecture* and Aims ere FREE and open to the Pub,te 0106? 22 ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 In The EMU Ballroom THE MOVIE TOMMY SOUND PROVIDEO BY THE SUN SHOP 6 8 '8 in80pm $i ASUO STATE AFFAIRS 01030 20 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE SOUTH AFRICAN “BLACK ’77” THEATRE PROJECT Recentty arrived from Johannesburg South Africa 9us ongnal and talented group at lour young South Alncan adore wait be per forming thou play SURVIVAL. ' a combine lion ot mime theatre song and dance TUESOAV, APRIL 28 EMU BALLROOM 8 p m S3 U ol O Students $4 50 Nor atudentt Tickets available at EMU Mam Desk 009B1 sb CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SECONO FLOOR 10th and Otve 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSOAV FIRST EUGENE SHOWINGS BY TWO INNOVA TIVf FILMMAKERS FASSBINDERS FOX AND HIS FRIENDS The Isl serious implicit bul non sensational movie about homosexuals to be shown n this coun try David Denby, N Y Trim PLUS ? short films by WERNER HERZOG (creator ol CASPAR HAUSER ) PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FANATICS AND LAST WORDS COMPLETE PROGRAM SHOWTIMES ? and 9 40 p m 01068 21 BUOU DREAM PRSENTS LA STRADA FREDERICO FELLINI, 1956 180 PIC tonight 8 pm SI 25 or Soasun bcket 01071 19 BERTOLT BRECHT’S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN POCKET PLAYHOUSE VILLARD HALL APRIL 22. 23. 27-30. MAY *-7 S3 50 raaarvad Mats UO students halt-price with ID Can 686-4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073:6 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 266/ Wrftarnotle 344-0816 Happy Hour* Monday and Wednesday 9 30 to 40 X. Fnday 4-6 p m MICHEL 08 ON TAP Entertainment lour njfhts a we<* __13688 tin HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scersc I rads, no giades WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS. WEEKENDS !elophone lor Reservations Wmdgate Farms. 9®’67®® 1345ttn THE CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE CRUSADERS AND JOAN ARMATRADING MONDAY, MAY 2 8:30 p.m. Mac Court V4 50 U ot O students $6 gonerai and reserved Tickets EMU Man Desk and Everybody s Records 010162 THE BAVARIAN 444 Easl 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday. 9-12 14922M-H PERSONAL BRING THIS AD FOR A 20% DISCOUNT on your next purchase ol fabric through April X QUILT PATCH 1473 Oak Street 0106921 SUSAN - THE BACKDOOR has a 50c a shot Tequila Night on Wednesdays now See you there this Wednesday Brad 01055 20 THE YWCA S DOVES EYE has a good selection ol cards lor Mother's Day. May 8 Don t forget her 1414 Kincaid. Monday through Friday 10am to 4 pm 01077 20 HIGH PAYING SUMMER JOB. Out ol Eugene area Long hours Indudes students with BKAcal background Apply in person today 6 30p m Room 319 Alen 4 19 CHRISTIAN DISCUSSION GROUP called Cam pus Advance meets tws Thursday. 1 p m EMU. to discuss Transcendental Meditation Information 346 1674 4 21 Pd ELECT PAUL BARTEL ASUO President NO STRINGS ATTACHED BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT SUPPORT GROUP 422 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 5 Units. O Negative 1 Unit, A Positive 6 Units. A Negative 2 Units, B Positive 1 Unit. AB Posrttve 1 Unit Call 484-9111 for an appoirYment Veterans Use your tutor at benefits For more ntormaton cal 606-323? TO THE GUY WHO STOLE MY WALLET from tocher 284. on 4/14 I have a POSITIVE I D on you Mail or otherwise return the we let and I wil not pioeeoute 4 19 GET MAO AS HELL JEFF WARREN for FC Pato by Warren Committee 4 19 BECKY — Today is our day remember the parade n Lexington Mass 7 Happy 4 years it s been great Love David 4 19 THE V»OA BARN — Now taking reservations tor spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS DANCES etc $75 and up 896-3913 02885Ifn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential nformaton and tree preg nancy test Call 68 7 8661 142B6ttn 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted for the foMowIng areas: •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS •VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC Interested appbcarts should oPtan applied twn forms from Suite ? of the EMU Appbca tuns deadbne is 5 pm Friday. April 22 Non-salaried positions 00907:22 LOST YOUR ZIP? Get your zippers fixed at Siegmund s Cleaners. 821 East 13th Ave 00739:22 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ARE ON SALE THIS WEEK Apr I 18-22 m the EMU 4 22 PLEASE HELP US FIGHT the fluoride battle We need money and workers 688 7679 345 3776 4 22 For New Bec^n rings For EMU Tavern For Open Educator For Student Activism For Urwersrty Tenant Unon For Innovation in ASUO Vote Bartel Vote Bartel Vote Bade* Vote Badet Vote Bade* Vote Bade* VOTE BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Pd Bartel ASUO Preader* Support Group 427 GTF UNIONISM AT WtSCONSfft TA s tram W.S consn tell fie truth Thursday, 3 pm Condon 20* *20 CLORAN — WE LOVE YOU The hdes were high and so were we1 Thanks Boyn ton — You realty know how to party Qndy. Anne Jan PatTy 4 19 CAROL. LESLIE. A NO JUOI, This weekend meant more to me than you wilt ever know — Thanks' Love. Molly 4 19 ANNOUNCING MAX'S MASTERS CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT Prizes and lor al Step by or call Max s Tavern 550 East 18th 485-9246 4 22 SWEETIE: hugs are always here and always LOL too Love your P 4 19 ATTENTION BUSINESS STUDENTS Opportunities tor summer work for students »n management and marketing Receive college cre drt Efcgh paying — out of tfis area Apply in person. Tuesday Apnt 19 6 30 p m Room 319 Alien Wednesday. Apnt 20 1pm Room 121A Law 3 30 p m Room 125 Law 6 30 p m Room 319 Aien 420 EARN LTD FAST PASS for TS hours at survey work on Thursday. Apnt 28 Phone LTD offices 687 5581 between 8 a m and 5pm tor details 0108222 THIS WEEK AT MAX'S Free Pretzels Wednesday 7 p m to 2 am. Pfcher Sale (75* Pitchers) Friday 4 to 6 pm Trabtazer Playcff coverage (Wednesday and Friday) Bluegrass kAisw: (Highwater Strmg Band) Saturday 9 p m to 2 a m 422 NEED MONEY? The ASUO needs people to put martng labels on voters giades Thursday motryna Apnl 2181 *2 3S par hour Apply al Sute * or cal ™ Elections Board al est 3724 01061 20 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS SizesSIt x 5ft. 5ft x 10ft . 10ft x 10ft . and larger. 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen ^oad 029l8lfn RUBIES, Diamonds. Sapphires. Emeralds can make anyone feel special wben worn n a hand cralted nng (And they need not be expensive ) Marc* 687 9556 4 19 KKG WALKOUTS — Dont feel too secure We will be coming for you very soon 4 19 THANX FOR THE BEACH TRIP. It was really a blast Than* for the ham Todd, pressed under glass Thank you to Captain. Sat go and Ftec And youX get yours. Honoctvck Pips Plus 4 19