Group dares corporation recruiters The South Africa Support Committee will hold a demonstra tion against the presence on cam pus ot recruiters from Interna tional Business Machines (IBM) today at 1 30 p m The multinational corporation has considerable investments in South Africa The University pro tost centers on IBM s role in prop ping up the exploitative nature ot the South Alrican economy, or ganizers say Similar challenges to corporate recruiters on campus have not re sulted in a confrontation The Support Committee hopes to dis cuss racism and apartheid in South Alrtca with the IBM person nel An attempt to confront recruit ers from Standard Oil about the same issue last term failed when the oil campany representatives learned of the protest and left campus Similarly. Weyerhaeuser recruitment interviews were can celed prior to an earlier demon stration Demonstrators should meet on the EMU Terrace at 1 30 p m be fore rallying at Susan Campbell Hall to meet the recruiters Coffee rises *but Italians keep sipping ROME (AP) — Romans sipped espresso and savored cappuc cino Thursday as they always have, heedless of consumer leaders calls to forego Italy's favorite coffee dnnks for one day to protest high prices We are selling as much coffee as any day, declared a coffee shop owner on Via della Con ciliazione near St Peter s square, ochomg the sentiment of a string of Rome s downtown cafes Despite a month-long build-up the one-day boycott, it ap ^^eared to be a victory of ingrained habit over organized con sumerism, still a weak movement in Italy The city s largest daily news paper, II Messaggero, asked Ro mans to skip their cappuccino and espresso demitasse lor a full day April 14 to demonstrate to the speculators that continuing high prices will not go without reac tion " Espresso is a strong coffee made by forcing steam through ground coffee beans. Cappuccino is espresso with milk supporieu uy iidiy b &man National Consumers Union. II Messaggero also appealed to cot tee shops and grocers not to serve or sell coftee. Devoting a full page to its campaign, the paper said cottee drinkers should try such al ternatives as hot chocolate or 'aromatic herbs." But. by cup, can or bag. cottee was readily available Thursday — lor as much as $5 a pound, triple what it was less than two years ago Only a tew of the city's 6,000 coftee bars displayed signs printed by the newspaper urging Romans "Don't drink coffee at my place. Strike of consumers against speculation." Said one cate owner in the quaint and teeming Trastevere quarter: "If you want espresso. rtmuirio it Don’t miss IVlr SOUND ON NOW! 3 TDK Audua C-90 blank cassette tapes PLUS CASSETTE hmiv A^CO CARRYINGCASE ONLY $^^68 8 ©YAMAHA ADVENT Compare SERVICE Compare SELECTION Compare PRICE 692 $ “Judge this music system by what you don’t hear! ” What you hear from this Yomaho Advent music system is all music What you don t hear is distortion You see while other manufacturers built more power into their components Yomaho built less distortion in to theirs For example the Yamaha CR 400 receiver in this system has lower distortion than any other com parably priced receiver Yet the CR 400 has plenty of power to drive the Advent speakers The Advent speakers were designed to compete flat-out with the most expensive speakers available at a fraction of the cost And Yomaho s new YP 450 turntable delivers quiet smooth belt-drive performance Altogether this music system is on extraordinary volue for it s price Stop by and listen for yourself1 This system features YAMAHA CR 400 AM FM stereo receiver YAMAHA YP 450 Belt drive turntable SUPEX SMS 100 38 cortndge ADVENT utility y 2 way speaker system Only $25.91 per month for 30 months Down payment $70 00 Finance charge $155 30 Deferred payment price $847 30 Totol of payments $777 30 Annual percentage rate 18 05°o * On opproved credit iV •3 TAKE HOME A NEW MUSIC SYSTEM TODAY! 'Qjl USE OUR 90 DAY CASH OPTION PLAN!* tEToati mi OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 PM EUGENE OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 DIVISION OF DAY S TV. INC EUGENE 50 W BROADWAY 485-1262 CORVALLIS 922 NW KINGS BLVD 752-5601