Honors in hiding, closeted in secrecy Newsbreak — The Honors Col lege has revolted from the Univer sity and declared itself a separate world. With cries of "we re better than you guys the Honors Col lege students barricaded them sekres today in the basement of Unfriendly Hall with piles of boring books. It is unknown what the stu dents are doing there, however, it is rumored they are holding numerous seminars. We’ll teach them while they’re gone Newsbreak — In a recent statement, Northwest Interview College Pres Bird announced classes will from now on be held only during vacation. When the one student who turned out to protest Bird s prop osal pointed out no one would be here during vacation. Bird replied so what. Bird said classes will be accel A Typewriter Warmed In Hell By JOCK HATFIELD Of the Emerald erated to fit the one and three week Christmas and spring vaca tion periods Students won t have any trouble handling the accelera tion since they won't be here, said Bird. - Under the vacation system stu dents will be required to register for 60,000 units Because of the Universitys increased efficiency under the system, student fees will be quadrupled Bird is quick to point out the Va cation System's advantages. Un limited classes will be offered ac cording to Bird. 'Sure, as long as there's no one here to take them, 7717 well give you extra courses in Biology, CSPA, librarianship whatever!" Bird declared en thusiastically. Another advantage, according to Bird, would be a decrease in registration costs. "Right now the University spends several million dollars each quarter bribing stu dents to register under our anti quated system, said Bird If stu dents aren t here, it won t cost us anything' A vote on the vacation system will be held dunng vacation As long as they aren t here," com mented Bird, I firmly believe in letting students have the final say Journalists ready for fight and famine The journalism ma|or has been underestimated of late Sure jour nalism students have zero chance of getting employed Sure if we get employed the pay is negative Sure we don t even begin to think about this because we can t get into journalism classes What of it? RENT A SPRING DAY ON THE MILLRACE For off-Millrace rentals call 686-4386. The Canoe Shack located across Franklin Blvd. on the Millrace is open Fri 4pn-dusk Sat 12am-dusk Sun 12am-dusk Philosophy majors spew dust Political science majors worry about law school Philosophy ma jors act weird But the journalism ma|or is out there lighting corrup tion, blasting lies and raking muck In short, saving the world I call that contnbution, and who but a journalism major can do it? Forget about the public relations majors, the advertising majors and other rabble I'm talking about the newspaper journalists, the good guys. Ot course, one might point out that if unemployed we good guys are going to have a hard time ot it, but that's what we like chat lengo Long hours, sleepless nights, the strong pull of a glisten mg truth on the line ahhh1 Now it has been mentioned there are more journalism stu denis in school than journalistic |Obs in the enlire galaxy Arc we phased? Of course not We re spond with a defiant HA, HA1 You see, we journalists have IDEALS We are mankinds only hope, and WE will not shirk the challenge $120 ca Lovers’ Concerto A perfcit expression of the harmony expliu in marriage »s the Ixaury of matching wedding rinp Skcie s knows this .1111i always provides the jstrfrc f ring for the young University couples Our Valley River store is open evenings and weekends