Quad*. 791 EmI 19th Carpel, drape* air conditioning Private re tmjnrator ear h unit Muftnd chair deafc Plenty ol Ik* water laundry room* ear h floor parking avail .•trie Private trath had er*d table S11 9 per month. $79 depoait >9 non-refundable 349 127? 14878 tin l A HOE ONI BEDROOM niurlnwit in old haute $189 month $87 90 depowt Newfy roder.orator] Too trad room apartment $180 month $00 d« l*r*t IV»ti unfunded 30-day agreement No dogaorchAdren Student* prater red <-e« 344 8488 evening or «t(£> by 1 719 High St Apadmert 3 4 19 SUBLET FOR HUMMER I umathed 7 bedroom Drehweatier c>*j*r*al pet» po<* Nice 1799 M.I1 #70 344 0193 4 19 TWO BEOROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Acroe* from dorma month of Apnl tree $196 484 7849 4 19 FEMALE OPE NINO COCO CO-OP $330 Spnng ■ juador Nn e atmoephere f »tra* 486 9888 Sti*r try as» for '.lm y 4 f 9 CAMPUS QUAD* $99^119 UMrtte* paid Arr corwMonng and pnvata bath* 1810 Harrta 888 2470 14493 tf n T OST V FOUND_ FOUND NEAR ' 7lh end Hilyard aet ct heya if' loeirwr cate Cell )44 9TXM 4 15 ENGRAVED BRACELET lound m a woman a re alroom ¥1 pncea Cat 7?6 1306 00W1 19 Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast *■ " ■ aneiettn*. noth aft our Morning Fail* lunahiiw, o* Ciaala Your Own The panr nMn are yummy and our (*tfmnai Our homemade toup aandwu he* •wed* and amoothwa Uy lunch wit MKa you to come Pact lor more At we feature Tempura flah i vegetable* .*•«rl Other 'ant* defcghl* Uva mu arc nightly Wen*, day* 11 am ') pc Ooaori Tueadeya 675 Eaal 1 3th 343 0646 00967 15 POCKET DELI •.rlada Mo»i» (.honm Sandw«chot Dented*. Homo made soup breeds The famod Ongmel Hulk pocket aendiMch We deliver and taler Open Item lo6pm ?445 Hilyard 344 61 71 00924 10 [ UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES Of PIZZA Piping hoi Right to your door And now we have two delivery truck* to give you faster service Call 342 8111 Now open until 1 a rn Monday lo Saturday Midnight on Sunday 00628 tin CAFE QLENWOOO. 3758 Franklin, 7 3 p m BREAKFAST SPECIAL — 85* Fanciful OUMMi and special leas «4225 Hr THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring ok1 fashioned natural ice cream sweetened with honey or sugar fro/on yogurt Italian ices non dairy ice cream (Nislnes coffees and leas Now featuring homemade soups salads and sandwiches Open Dally noon to midnight. 325 Blair Acroes from George s Oarage 14541 MWF ALLEN BROS COFFEE Roasters of gourmet coffee* bulk teas chocolates 2465 Hilyard St Eugene 344 0221 00986 29 MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1809 East 19th Eugene* own New York Deli Salads, meals cheeses, sandwiches, groceries picnics, dinners Catering weddings end all oc caeans Monday-Saturday 14479 mwf THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner Omelets and other delights Crepes, Desserts Garden Vegetables 770 East 11tti 342-8340 7 am 10 pm 14480 MWF 3RIENTAL CAFETERIA ANfJ GROCERY Spring rJI* tjti'tjnijuo iKXk tanyaki chtcfcan tampura h«h "'l Combination pint in. Si 50 Wn ite. "M loot! Dump* lor groceriaa IAMBOO PAVILUON 1275 ALDER Monday-Frlday. 11-7 30 Saturday. 12-7:30 00667 MWF POITRAS Faalonng fraah fro/*n yogurt Barbacuad Sandwicha* Marl mg at $1 45 3PEM 11 to 6 p.m 875 Eaat13tfi 00950 1 5 EVENTS HOLOCAUST DAY LECTURE REFLECTIONS ON THE HOLOCAUST RABBI ZALMAN SCHACHTER EMU ROOM TO BE POSTED, 12:30 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 15 SPONSORED BY JEWISH STUDENT UNION MIL L£ l 4 15 AUTO RALLYE TONIGHT fpm first car out Kdpm Mmrt »i the Bc#ierrs* larking lot behmd the Oak way Mail Sponsored by Vus Cotrus 4 15 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS FREDERICK WISEMAN A strikingly litoral minded documentary frtmmaka* WISEMAN w»n be presenting hi atotd tan MEAT, an well m* (kscustMOg technique stylo and content al fa* Wmfc It you hftvo always wondwed how a documen Uify filmmaker can achieve such open mmtJorj ««wi ol such emotionally packed •.objects ths is a ctiance to taxi e systerr»/a ion ol violence presented >n a method fiat shows both the process and fie eipenence of the methodicaJ nature d the slaughter house N a a satiric footnote to some tamihar genre* Midi as the Western and the Thnl ier An opportursty to see thi« film and turn ckscuss its implications with the filmmaker APRIL 19 EMU BALLROOM FREE 7 pm 01047 19 UNIVERSITY WORSHIP A weekly Ecumenical Folk Rock Worship Celebration Sponsored by Campuft Christian Mirsstry Sundays 11 a m at the Wesley Center 1236 Kincaid tugono (north ol the U O Bookstore I EVERYONE IS WELCOME! 00603 15 IT NTERT A1NMEWT CINEMA UNIDO PRESENTS VITTORIO de SICA’S A BRIEF VACATION Saturday and Sunday April 16 and 1 7 and 9 30 p m 177 Lawrence $ 1 01037 15 MARILYN CHAMBERS IN INSIDE MARILYN CHAMBERS RATED X SATURDAY APRIL 16 180 PLC 3. 5 pm $1 00 7 9 pm $1 50 T C onterpnsea 4 15 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP Tough! BILL MERCER Saturday a m EMMY FOX P M MITCH LIES Evening DOS UQUIDOS Sunday a m SHANTI OM PM DAVID of LISO on 14th between Hilyard and Alder 01044 15 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS WOODY ALLEN IN LOVE AND DEATH Woody it at the peak of his htfarwus lorm al insanity in (hit great satire on trie s two greatest mysteries love and death Woody spool* Tolstoy Dostoyevsky. Ingmar Bergman, and anyone else who ever tried to say something VERY PROFOUND about the human condition When asked how he became such a wonderful lover Woody modestly repkea. I practice a lot when I m Saturday. AprM 16 SI 150 Geology 7 and 9 p m 01017 15 AN EVENING OF JEWISH MUSIC AND HASIDIC TALES (with Rabbi Zalman Schachter and Art Yitzhak) Saturday April 16. 8 30 p m TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL 2560 Portland St $2 50 01051 15 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY KFMY 98 please submit your tape to Suite II. Cultural Forum office by April 15 For more information call 606-4373 and ask tor Sue 00812:15 SPRING!! NEW BEGINNINGS Start guitar, bass, or piano lessons John Sharkey. 344-5530 00975 15 COME ANO LISTEN TO DOWN HOME Biuegrass with PICKIN' DELIGHT this Saturday at Max strom 9 p m -2 am 4 15 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and tree preg nancy test Call 68 7 0661 14286ttn DISTRESSED BY PERPLEXING COURSES? THE CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall. 686-3232 free tutorial service offers personal attention and experienced guidance m all areas 00984 15 DANCE THERAPY GROUPS begmrvng again April 9 For nformatcn caH 344 48624 15 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES MEETINGS PICNICS. DANCES etc $75 and up 896-3913 02885tfn Veterans Use your tutorial benefits For more nformation call 606 3232 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted for the fo*owing areas: •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS •VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC interested appfccarts should ototan applica tion forms from Suite 2 of the EMU Appiica tons deadline is 5 p m Fnday April 22 Non-saianed pos»t»ns 00907 22 TAA-OAAAAAA! They re here Jethro TiA concert pctures Contact Tom at 485-2415 after 6 for more information 4 15 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft * 5 ft . 5 ft * 10 ft 10 ft * 10 ft and larger 344 2710 West 11th and Berteisen Road 02918 Ifn HELP IS HERE' We have tutors to help you gam a foothokJ m these classes before >t s too late Econ 201 202 375 Geog id 105 201 202 Geology Physics Bo Wntng and all languages Come see us at the Learning Resources Center 268 Condon or can 686-3226 00997 15 RICE BALL, it s simp*© and true i love you French Op 4 15 EVER WANTED TO BE IN A BAND? Come be part of the show at Max s Old-Fashioned Smg-A Long teatumg Still O earning Monday April 18 9-12 p m 4 18 AMERICA S SEX QUEEN. Maniyn Chambers n her newest movie Saturday 3 5.7 and 9pm 180 PLC 415 ALPHA PHI SISTERS — This wee* has been worth waiting tor THANKS for the memories Loe Tern Mar^e Jar*e. Chns Lisa and Sunny 4 13 THE WHALES NEED YOUR TALENT tt you are an artist poet or musician that would take to give your energy to the Whale Movement there i snow a way As a pad o< the Whale Festival m May we are organizing aH you talented *olks into an afternoon of mus< poetry and art Please cal Jim or Peter at ext 4356 VERY SOON 01036 15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY O'SHIT Have a good one. Mo 4.15 FREE PEANUTS, huge cokes a nd b*g sandwiches are m Pus year at BIGGIES SUB CITY Next to the Mayflower Theatre Open to 11 pm 00980 M.W.F WORK STUDY — S3 50an hour — this Fnday and Saturday only Call CCDC 686-4384 tor details 01045 15 O SHIT Congrats on no longer being a teenage maggot One more year logo T S 4 15 TO THE WOMEN I had the pleasure of talk ing to Wednesday in the EMU Defore chemistry quiz What s your name’ Borgi 4 15 RUBIES. Diamonds Sapphires. Emeralds can make anyone feel special when worn m a hand crafted nng (And they need not be expensive ) Mardi 687 9556 4 19 THE EMERALD SOFTBALL TEAM missed the IM deadline but the desire to play goes on It your team would like to play us pretentious clods call the O D E A D Carl at 686-3712 The ODE is an Equal Opportunrty softball team Mens womens or co-ed teams are encouraged to apply 4 18 KAPPA SIG S — Jose Cuervo will warm your mouths and the Gamma Phi s will warm your hearts — Looking forward to a great Saturday Night Get keyed' The Gamma Phi s 4 15 DU’S — it was a great House Warm mg' Let's do it again Love, the Gamma Phi s 4 15 SIGMA CHI'S — the Mai Tais were great and so were you' Thanks tor a great evening — Love. The Gamma Phi s 4 15 LITTLE RUNNING GIDGET — Happy Birthday God you re cute' Love, the Quartet 4 15 (Personals continue on Page 20)