CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rales are 10* per word Tie first day copy is admitted and 0* per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word mrnum All ads must be paid for m advance Tfw Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertisng insertion It your ad appears incorrectly call 686-4343 before 1 pm lot correction m the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser whrch lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color religion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE fTOR SALE LET BEST BEST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO 632 Blair 343-0222 00570*" 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR, good condition $75 Many healthy house plants Wanted Samoyed 345-0011 4 15 THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY BONG COMPANY High qualty products for modem smokers No 16 Warehouse Plaza 1125 Bailey Hill Rd 01022 19 33 1 3 OFT on any new guftar xi our store when purchased with its case at the regular price Now through April 15 Sick s Music City. 40lh & Donald 00910 14 WHITE STAG WET SUIT — medium complete with gun. knife $150 688-62C1 after 5 30 p m 4 10 KARATE. TAI-CHI. KUNG-FU. JUDO Sold at EUGENE MARTIAL ARTS SUP PLY 2003 Franklin 342-7756 The only store catering to Budo equipment n the area 01034 14 CLAY POTS AND SAUCERS Alt sizes THE NDOOR GARDEN 1412 Pearl 342-2735 00421 15 WHITES COIN MASTER METAL DETECTOR m A-1 shape $175 Cal 343-2975 4 15 MUST SELL: Silver plaled. Bondy (Me $75. elec inc typewriter $50 weddng dress size 10 witi hat $65 leaiher-iook furimed coat size 9 $30 Can 345-2333 as* for Jackie or leave message 4 15 NEW PAPERBACKS IN: HITE REPORT THE DEEP KINFLICKS and LONELY LADY ARISTOTLE'S 4* Oakway Mall 0102020 GENTLEWOMAN Fme woman s clothing from sensible to sensa tional New arrivals' 1639 E 19th Open M W F 1043 Tu. Th. Sat 10-6. Son 1-5 00906 8 EXCELLENT QUEEN MATTRESS, box spring 2 years old $60 evenings 344-0552 day ext 3967 4 15 NILUS-LECLERC Artisat IV 36 rich loom Warp mg board Shuttles Used once $300 343-1181 4 10 SHAKLEE CLEANING PROOUCTS SALE! 30% decount Basic-H Baec-l At-ease 687-0175. will dekver 4:22 BEGGERS CLOTH — good cokx selections and natural 60 inches wide $1 75 a yard Many other new fabrics Andrea s 2441 Hilyard 345-1324 00976 15 BIKINI S: READY-MADE or custom itted $9 75 and up Come in and see our great selection Andreas. 2441 Hilyard 345-1324 00977 15 CARAGE SALES GIANT MOVING SALE: Grotamp plants books clothes, furniture double beds, flute. Mexican art and weavings sports equipment, camera gear The Saturday and Sunday. 433 Lncoln St 4 15 INSTRUCTION WORKSHOPS OPENINGS! EMU Crafl Center is happy to announce openings, r\ several workshops Jewelry woodworking, quill mg, spinning, ceramics beginning and inter meckate photography calligraphy, drawng and srikscreen Regeter now'Craft Center, ground floor EMU Ext 4381 for more ntormahon 01006 14 YOGA AND MEDITATION FOR WOMEN THURSDAYS APRIL 14-MAY 26 7-8 30 p.m. For information call K R I 486-1837 00951 14 GUTTAR INSTRUCTION. AN styles, all ages Be gsirang thru professional levels Experienced and reasonable Larry 344-7133 4 15 INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES beaming April 6 and 7 For nformalon call 344 4862 4 15 DANCE TECHNIQUE AND IMPROVISATION CLASSES. Begmrxng Monday Apnt 10 from 7 30 to 9 p m For information call 344-486? 4 15 INSTRUMENTS GUILD STARFIRE II. senx-hoiow body electric gmtar hard shell case $250 344-0035 4 20 PROFESSIONAL DRUMS. GRETSCH-LUDWIG. 5 drums, cases 4 Ziidiian cymbals Musi sell 342-4574 4 15 SOUND SYSTEMS DVM STEREO AND AM-FM and 8 track separal mg speakers $75 Also Panasorxc AM-FM Tmer $25 343-6949 4 15 BOMAN 8-TRACK CAR STEREO PLAYER WITH AM-FM MPX radio Original $165 math 2 speakers $85 Can 344-0138 and ask for Galen 4 15 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs experience Fnendly Rates' Timothy Inkers — 342-7539 4 18 PLANTS/CARPENS DO YOUR PLANTS a favor this Spring re-pol them m Sieve s Soil Mix — $ 1 25 per galon — the finest money can buy and our plants prove it At RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Peer1 485-6153 01023 15 f*R AFTS/ HOBBIES THE WHALES NEED YOUR TALENT ff you are an artel poet or mus*oan that would like to pve your energy to the Whale Movement there is now a way As pari of the Whale Festival m May we are organizing all you talented folks into an afternoon o< music poetry and an Please contact Jen or Peter at ext 4366 VERY SOON 01035 14 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 Weal Seventh Hand crafted spmnmg wheels and looms superbly engineered reasonably priced, m slock Yarns, books on crafts 13853 itn CRAFT CENTER OFFERS OPEN STUDIO FACILITIES and workshops jewelry ceramics photography. woodworking silkscreen quilting sp^mng drawing calligraphy Stop by the ground floor EMU or call ext 4361 lor more information 01106 15 BLACK SMITHING WORKSHOP April 14 15 16 9 30a m -4 30p m $22 EMU Craft Center ground floor EMU ext 4361 lor information 01107 14 PHOTOGRAPHY 35mm Hanimax Camera 50mm 135mm lens strobe light-battery recharger $160 — Bob 686-1068 - 345-6777 4 15 GAF ST1000 Super 8 movie camera 1110 1 zoom fade m-fade oui slow motion single frame $145 342-2301 4 14 POOKS/SUPPLIES THE SECONO HANO BOOK MAN We pay the highest pnces m town for your quality used books 101 W 7th 342 2002 Monday-Saturday 10 am-5 30 pm 14075 M.H.F 20.000 USED BOOKS all selling at V, or less of published price Textbooks. Off Ncrtes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT A NO SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 14447 tfn TYPING EXPERIENCED SECRETARY tor typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 02914 14 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Setec trie Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 _14601 tfn tHESES, Dissertations. Long Papers Correclng Selectric Graduate approved Pick up-de»ivery Sandy. 343-9391 00682tfn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IBM Setec tnc Graduate School approved Will prek up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627 2710.tfn LEGAL BRIEFS, resumes long papers Correct ing Selectric Carol. 68 7-2486 Pick-up and delivery 4 18 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA (Blow-out oil. adjust; Manual $12 Electric $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick up/Delivery Cal 342-2022 day dr m^t Work Guaranteed — References 02919:6 SPORTING COOPS KAYAK CLASSES, wgn-up at RIVERS WEST Whitewater accessories bfe vests, helmets, wet suits, largest selection of kayak* in Oregon 2415 Hilyard phone 606-9120 Open evennga 6-9p.m , MWF 4 15 OUTDOOR GEAR DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KITS OUTDOOR CLOTHING ANO EQUIPMENT We carry our own line o! user designed and tested Kits lor vests, jackets esnd and rain gear steeping bags and more Also available lor your creative sewing needs are fabrics Polar guard and acces sones Limited custom-made*, available 2449 Hilyard <641252 11-6 Monday Thursday 117 Friday 11-5 Saturday 00451 t.h.f BRAND NEW SKI EQUIPMENT: Rossignol Ska wifi Soiomanbindings $77 Also Rerchle Men s ski boots si/e medium $57 738 East 10th. number 4b H1CYCLES PEUGEOT PX10 with fenders 2 sets wheels (Lie no 703755) $200 Mens Saniu with tenders hgh1 (Lie no 608879) $75 Maureen 886 5311 mornngs only 4 18 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E 11th Si 342 4878 Authorised dealers tor Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecen# Servee and repair tor all makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories Michehn tires and tubes 14620 Tin rARSCYCLES 1970 VOLKSWAGEN BUG. rebun engeie clean, radials AM FM stereo cassette $ti?5 687-0941 4 15 1969 VOLKSWAGON. new engine Best otter Come by Boogie Blues at 342 West 8th 01041 20 1966 VW BUS Rebuilt 67 motor and clutch Cassene-radio rarkais $900 or trade of good rued bike Call 343 2976 4 20 1972 TRIUMPH GT-6 Runs beautifully May want to pamt so selling for less $2500 or ode' 344 6153 <21 MUST SELL 1970 Datsun 510 Automate b7000 miles great ape $1,060 343 4264 4 14 1975 OATSUN B210 Two door Sedan Radials stereo great condition Otter 686-244 7 4 15 1972 GREMUN — e*cellenl condition rebuilt transmission good mileage $1150 or otter 90 7 2895 4 1b 1970 MUSTANG FASTBACK. new clutch 3-speed V-8 AM FM $1650 342 6969 4 15 1976 VOLVO 2440L MUST SELL - 4 speed overdnve sunroof a* condiftonng AM FM low miles $6 895 689-6466 4 15 1972 VEGA GT 4 speed $800 715 E 16»h 4 14 1975 YAMAHA 690cc Fxcelient Best offer 1975 Honda CB 125 $325 715 E 16lh 4 14 1971 HONDA 360 leavng must sen immediately $425 otter extras 485-8207 4 14 1967 WILLY'S WAGON 2300 miles on rebuilt en gino Excellent condition except minor transmit Sion work Four extra mounted snow tires $1500 Call Alex alter 5 p m 485 1418 4 18 1972 OATSUN PICK-UP TRUCK, good condition Dtue book 686 6290 4 15 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less RAJ Motors 13B0W 7th 342 7339 14646 Bn AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmisaion rebuik*ng and pads lor Volks wage ns 342 3952 12070 Bn M A B SWIFT SHOP 747 5805 4-cyimde* maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14806 Hr, CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 Weal 8th 3457785 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special servee locates CHEAPEST lares T«,i ored to your specific travel plans Wnle l as swell PO Box 3104 Eugene 97403 6 1 WANTED_ WANTED USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER good condition only 687-0718 4 15 NEED SOMEONE to share nde lo/lrom Albany darfy, 484-1051 Leave 7 a m . return 6 p m 4 15 HELP WANTED CAMP DIRECTORS WANTED Expenence in camp administration staff supervision, camp pro gramming and ability to relate to elementary or junior high students Must be 21 years or older to drive LEADERS ALSO WANTED for backpacks caravans, day camps and etc Must be 17 years or older Apply to Scott Howard at the Eugene family YMCA, 2055 Patterson 344-6261 00973 14 686-4343 NEEDED AN EXPERIENCED FRENCH TUTOR for 1st-3rd year and literature courses From I 5 lo 20 hours par week at $3 50 at' hour preferably work study Apply at Cantor for Sa»f Dev«**>'»»«"I 207 Emerald Mall 686 3232 01042 20 CAMP COUNSEL OHS i oh Youth camp June 26 August 13 Unit counselors unn loaders aasntant camp dirartor cooks Sand resume to Director Camp Arrowhead Columbia River C.irl Seoul Council 1405 SW 14th Portland 1 ■ INEXPERIENCED PRODUCTION LINE WORKER WANTED Parmananl swing shift hours Musi have record of dependably and own transport anon Starts al $2 30>hour 895 44.J7 ahoi 3 30pm 415 HELP WANTED THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM NEEDS people who would be interested .r. working to help with the UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW May 16-19 For more information contact Martha Boeisch. Suite 2 EMU e*t 4373 02982 15 EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDIT by helping slu dents w«h language arts and Merature Inqcjre at ESCAPE regulation table EMU lobby or 327 EMU 606-4161 01003 14 WORK STUDY WORK WITH CMH.DRE N at the U of O Chrtd Cara and Development Centmi Please cal tor an appontmert 686 4 364 00920 15 THE UNIVERSTTV IS SEEKING men who eesjr. al east 200 *>s and women 150 t>s to participate >n a Mil'll control research study I art* -rtcipant eati be ntarvwwed and aaked to 8H out two queeton naira* They wtl receive JtOlor the t v» hour nimly The study is INVESTIGATIVE and NO TRIAT MENT will be uttered Complete anonymity •* aa sured If mleresied call Df Morganatern 686 4904 Thursday 4 7pm Monday Wedne* day Friday 10am 1 pm 00993 14 KITCHEN HELP NEEDED to tossh Spring lorm Alpha Omacron Pi 344-1769 01005 15 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK <*ith the ham*. acpwrt P*a/' Buck Center Must be ekgdrfe lor «'«k study or can receive praclicum credit through I S( .APE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk al 346*8506 0291 h »b SUBJECTS NEEDEO FOB PSYCHOLOGY EX PER1MENTS S$ or expeftmeriaJ crerkf 'the new bullet*' board n front of Ihe ptyrrvxoyy of*. r 1st floor Straub 00M7 15 Appt«:<«•<.r.*» are now available for ffx> po*tH*' <• 1977 78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have hntMvted^? of 'vwtodpor fOornakvn and of the Unrversity of Oregon Term rjf office is Juna 8 1 97 7 through Juno 5 »978 Monthly salary of J393 75 Da^ns May 1 1977 Ed lor mutt be anrofled at Muaai 6 credit boors 3 of 4 terms while hokkng office Poarton requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35 40 hours par wee*. Applications are available in Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to ln« Gryc 300 EMU before 5 p m April?? 19/,’ The Oregon Daily Emerald it an E qua< Opporturwfy Affirmative Action E mpkryer Woman minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply a 77 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT UNION applications for ned year 1 president are turn acceded Job descrtptorw and apphcattona are available in the Native Student Office E MU 1 A Applicatioas to be turned m to NASU by April Setf nominator* allowed Women &x3 mmonte\ are encouraged 10 apply 00098 t5 HOUSE BOYS OR GIRLS NEEOEO to fansb Spring term Alpha Ormcron Pi 344 1/69 _01005 15 A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IS AVAILABLE THIS TERM — learn new techniques *1 helpng eiemen lary and secondary Students with their readng shills while earning upper Cl credit Contact Mary or Denise about Ihn Advanced Training Workshop at the ESCAPE registration tats* >r> if* EMU Lobby or the terrace or call 686 4351 01000 15 DO YOU ENJOY working in Children » Theatre7 Westmoreland Elementary School needs your help as a teacher assistant in a pedorrrsng ads class lor kindergarten Ihrou^ sixth grade Interested ' Con tact ESCAPE m the EMU l obby or 3?7 EMU ext 4351_ 01001 14 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience riot necessary Wu will tram Car essential Kirby Company 484«« 1*001* EARN CREDIT BY WORKING witti and heiptng an older person in 1 he area tuough F r.erxJshtp witti the Elderly 1-5 CSPA credits availiXjte Placemei4s include visitation of lonely oklerty in nur eng homes rer.retitonal work with seniors or senior ttlvocacy »trou^\ 1 he Gray Panthers Students sign up ai Escape table EMU lobby 00968 15 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP 3rd and 4th grade children on a one to one basis in reedir^j / a third/fourfh grade classroom at Meadowlark Elementary School needs your extra energy The teacher is wiling to help you with materials and developing your own ideas tor the children In t crested 7 Contact ESCAPE in the t MU I obby or 3?7 EMU ext 4351 0100? 14 EXPMENMO PERSON NEEOEO to work nplemenl your comas wok ' For graded crartil Call or John before April 1 ft ml 4495 CXJ996 tft ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED in houaa nan' campus yard fireplace $68 347 611/0 4 »ft SHARE NICELY FURNISHED l bedroom fujuse Yard fireplace marftr aatraa $90 .344 6667 4 14 TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED, four bedroom house Close to campus fireplace $8 / ftO 34ft ?(X)9 4 16 PERSON TO SHARE LARGE i>ooae Mocks front uempu* Non smoAer John 46 4 9/81 4 1ft NEAT RESPONSIBLE HOUSEMATE earned Own turn.died room Peaceful area $100 pei month ot .kites included 666 4 35ft Km«. ait 4639 ex John eat 4ft 10 4 1ft QUIET WOMAN NEEDS mom m> u. . arnpu* under $/ft leave manage for Pally 6697/80 4 16 ROOMMATE NTEDEO share two bwln.xr- dup lei $100 pe» monft V> utiktwn I (rata* from crenpue 686 494' /48-4831 Gordon 4 if) FEMALE VEQE'TARIAN roommate nearkn) '■» plea»ar>< oldar house Non entoaor and no pets $56 7ft plus ufcktaes 34ft 566ft 4 70 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX 400 Creel !>.«■ Roommate k> share eapenses e»ir. two mw. 14 i 11 r«0 eve*urge 4 14 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE 7 lied. • furrsohed a(iarlmertf r lose k. campus pon u worker dryer J43ft/1ft FOR RENT LAHQf NICE 2 BEDROOM -ra. downtown campus F noplace < a.paling g|i phantom Cory* S.'40 485 2564 oO«56 tr> CALL M3 MI7 Near UalO One bedroom fu'r«tf>ed heal w»ite* arxl qarhaga Mfv(« lumepard A** a rte soan ft30 01(0.11*. TWO BEDROOM MOOSE CLOSE to (Jibuti 1236 Laove name andnumber 768 t sal i» 4 SIX BLOCKS FROM MAC COURT Fumarad room futtp»r««r] wall to wall« erpet and panebng povaia refrigerate* ilViwMiai wotf>«* and dry* $106 utih'wn pax) Appfy 747 IVUi 4 1*. TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT one block from cimput Availabia Jurta 16 Ca> 687 8891 4 14 TWO BEOROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Across from dorms month of Apni free $196 484 2649 4 «5 Ouada 751 Eaal 18th ^ * , Carpal drapes air conditioning fngerakrr unn Stuffed ch»r desk Plenty ' htf wain* laundry room* each floor parking avail «b*e Private ball, Bed and table $ 11 Spar mono $76 deposit $6 non refundable 345-1272 CAMPUS QUADS $9S $115 uieties pied Air condHionng and pnvala baths 1810 Harrta 686-2470 14453 ffn LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment m o4d house $ IAS month $87 SO deposit Newly radar orated Taro bedroom apartment 1.180 month $90 da poet Buti unfumitfied 30-day agreement Nr hara Extras 485 9668 Stop by ask lor Stacy 4 ,s QUADS $90 Available now No leaaa required Laundry and parking availabia 485 0291 or 484 0804 LARGE QUAD W block from campua Ufililias paid $90 485 8859 140 73 ffn CAMPUS: I4lh and Patterson Either la/ge H bed room $810. or duplex downstairs 4 bedrooms $410 upstairs 2 bedrooms $200 Phono 484 9663 421 IJMtiet paxl 1380 Alder 14327 ttn