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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1977)
3 OVERNIGHT Cm NO MINIMUM COPIES UNBOUND KINKOS 11X8 Aider 344*7894 Also in Corvallis j . oakw342-5351 Oakway Mall ENDING TUES. Weekday 7:30-9:30 Sat.-Sun.-1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 GEORGE SEGAL "'***?, hi, JANE FONDA nanl;3?iii;ii:>;f.'lF':Mjli._ STARTING WED. April 20th FOR THE FIRST TIME... THE VAST. SPECTACULAR DRAMA THAT CHANGED THE WORLD! MOUNTAIN TRAIL SERVICE Personalized' Maps and Narratives **t Western Areas tor hikers, bikers ami natra lists. For FREE brochure write MTS. Box 31. Superior. Mt .'>R.s7.’ t MESSENGER Of GOD HELD OVER Weekdays & Sat. 7:15-9:30 Sun. Only 5-7:15-9:30 J&uMh' G>uAine, NOW SHOWING ENDING TUES Weekdays A Sat. 7:30-9:15 Sun. Only 5:30-7:30-9:15 “Le Magnifique' makes “King of Hearts" look like a minor footnote to a major filmmaker's career! — John Hartl. Seattle Times PHILIPPE DE BROCA'S Martinique ENGLISH SUBTITLES jEfifi-PfUBEimonDC JPCQUELine SISSET the funniest NEW COMEDY OF THE YEAR.” V«monStoll UMTlOPMf S*> PAUL NEWMAII a george roy mill am Co-starnng miCHAEI ONTKEAN • LINDSAY CROUSE • JENNIFER WARREN • JERRY HOUSER and STROTHER FTiARTIN • Wlitten by NANCY DOWD • Edited by DEDf ALLEN ITlusic Supervision by ELfTlER BERNSTEIN • Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL Produced by ROBERT 1 WUNSCH and STEPHEN FRIEDTT1AN (tOUnS4’’r wuNyMperj(X/Tr>.RESTRICTED cc certain language mAY be too strong for children STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 15 fTfe McDonald 1 Show Times Mon—Sat. 7:15 & 9:20 ) Sunday 12:45, 2:45, 4:55, 7 p.m. & 9:20 All my children By GLENN OZONEWOOD Ot the Emerald I was just noticing the other day that Phoebe hadnt been showing herself much lately Well, this week she came back in force Seems Phoebe called the ski lodge where Brook and Dan spent the week-end and found out they stayed in the same room. Tuesday the happy cou ple were studying for a music class they take at the U, when they were both overcome by an urge to make-out It was inno cent enough of course (Dan has too much respect to try anything funny), but it was more than Phoebe could take and she rudely interrupted them After Dan made a hasty exit Phoebe preceded to confront Brook, with her shameful ac tions in the mountains, and Brook explained how it had been no big deal Really Aunt Phoebe, you don t have lo worry about Dan It looked like the case was closed, but as Brook left the room headed lor bed Phoebe picked up Brook s purse and called after her to come get it Brook didn t hear and as Phoebe litter! it up the contents spilled out on to the door Curs mg herself for being so clumsy Phoebe started to put every thing back in the purse only to discover a container ot birth control pills Wednesday. Phoebe called Kate Martin and made an ap pointment to see her and talk about the conduct ol Darnel Kmmcott The poor schmuck He s going to gel hung tor pleasure he never had On another tronl, Phoebe was back at work on Donna Beck She found out by talking to Benny that Chuck was -.till seeing Donna, and when her conversation with Chuck ended by him bolting from the room mad as hell, she sent Benny to pick up Donna and bring her to the mansion Donna was studying tor her equivalency test, but agreed to go .liter Benny said it had something to do with the Doc. What it had to do with Phoebe ottering Donna money to clear out ot Pine Val ley It wont work Mrs Tyler You can t buy me oft, I like it here Oh really You never ■oomed to have any hesitation about selling yourself before Geez Phoebe, mats hitting low Anyway, the whole tncr* dent ended with Donna throw ing Phoebe s stinking money in her face and storming oil hopefully to pass her test It was an eventful week tor Frank Grant too He finally got Carolyn to come to his house lor dinner and alter some smooth maneuvering talked her into staying tor the night Things wero looking pretty rosy but then the phone rang It was Nancy wanting to talk about the divorce Obviously Frank w.isn t interested in talk irv.) to Nancy right then, but she wouldn t give up He started getting upset and then |ust keeled over, gasping for air We still don t know what's wrong with him. but he s in the hospital now waiting and watching But at least he II have a new lover waiting tor him when he gets out though Performers sought for met11 Summer Showcase, a series ol noon performances on ihe E.. jc-r ■ Downtown mall from June to August, needs people willing to pn- .mi one-hour performances Musicians, mimes, magicians, jugglers puppeteers dancers and other performers who can carry a one-hour performance are invitei: ’ contact Vivienne Friendly at City Hall II, 858 Pearl St . 687-5353 NIKE HEADQUARTERS ATHLETIC APPAREL'SPECIALISTS SALE SUEDE CORTEZ navy blue lor logging, leisure wear 19.95 10th & Olive — downtown in the Atrium; Mon-Sat 10-6 \ Mingus plays at Pearl St. Charles Mingus. ^*i: virtuoso is bringing his quintet to perform 2 shows this Sunday at the Peart Street Station Mingus is a major figure in jazz who began by playing the classi cal cello in grade school The bass proved to be more profitable for a high school student stepping into 'in- musical ranks and since then^ he has also played the piano uni the trumpet ^ Today his compositions have been performed by dance com panies and solicited for films With over fifty albums to his credit, Min gus has received many honors in cluding Downbeat Magazine Man of the Year 1964; Ellington Medal from Yale University, 1974 and the Newport Jazz Festival 1976 Hall of Fame Tickets are $6 in advance, a vailable at the Station and Everybody s Records or $6 50 at the door Showtimes are 7 and 10 pm 1 LAW SCHOOL INTERVIEWS Counselors are available daily at the UNIVERSITY OF SAN FERNANDO VALLEY COLLEGE OF LAW to offer guidance and career planning Call or write US1-V, 8353 Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda, California 91343 Tel 21 3-894-5711 The College of Law offers a full-time 3 year day program as well as part-time day and evening programs. The school is fully accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California °