Harp trio performs Sunday By JANE LEHMAN 01 iho Emerald In some areas ol the United States the harp and harp music are quite unusual But anywhere in the work! a harp trio is rare However, the Eugene commun ity will bo given an opportunity to hear just such an ensemble on Sunday The University Harp Trio will perform at the Central Lu tlioran Church, 18th Ave and Pot ter Street, beginning at 8 p m The trio consists ol Arlene Wil liams and Teresa Webor, ad vanced students ot harp at the University and Helen Ritas a graduate ot the University s music school Under the direction ol Sally Maxwell, adiunct prolossor ot harp at the University, the trio has been working together since October in preparation tor tourirxj in Oregon The program lor the Eugene concert includes two diverse and interesting compositions ar ranged tor three harps, La Cathedrale Engloutie by Claude Debussy and Fraicheur by Car los Salzedo Debussy is known as the Father 0< Irnpresswrssm and conveys that legacy in his composition, the title ol which translates to The Sub merged Cathedral He uses de vices such as parallelism swal lowed tones, tree rhythms and whole tone scales to call lorth the •cient Breton legend ol the Sun n City ol Vs According to the tain this engulled cathedral lies accursed beneath the ocean and - lowly emerges trom the depths only when the weather is clear Bells ring pnests chant; Ihen Iho vision quietly disappears, leav ing the surface calm and unruf fled Breezes is the English trans lation of the Salzedo piece The composer utilizes some rather unorthodox techniques to extract a weather tantasy trom the in struments employing the fing ernails and the little finger, which is not normally used in harp play ing First a gentle breeze is heard rustling leaves in the tree tops Then, through a gradual crescen do. a half-hearted storm is con jured up Hail falls, but soon sub sides into a light, whispering rain, the merest trace of a breeze and. finally, one small raindrop The throe harpists possess ex tensive backgrounds in harp studies and performance Addi tonally, each is the recipient of the Huth Lorraine Close Award, a scholarship conferred by the Uni versity Williams has studied harp for the past 11 yoars. She has per formed with the Portland Junior Symphony and the Walla Walla Symphony Presently she is the principal harpist with the Eugene Symphony Weber began her study of the harp at the age of 6 and has con tinued her work here at the Uni versity In Eugene, she has played with the University Orchestra and Sinfonietta, the Eugene Sym phony and the Eugene Choral Society Rifas has devoted 11 years lo harp studies She received a bachelors of arts in music from Reed College in 1974 and a mas ters of music in harp performance Starlighters play in Beall The Starlighters. a community jazz instrumental group with a big band sound, will perform in Beall Concert Hall at 7 30 p m Friday The group, directed by Caleb Standater. has been a stan dard part ol the music scene in Eugene tor the last 16 years The Starlighters have performed at many local establishments in the past, including a performance with Bob Hope during his Eugene ap pearance several years ago Hie Friday performance of the Starlighters is sponsored by the American Federation ol Musician s Musicians Performance Trust Fund Admission is free Live on Stage from New York City National Touring Company Sunday, April 24, 6:00 p m South Eugene High School All Seats Reserved $6 00, $5 00, $3 00 (under 12) Tickets Available at Meier & Frank, Carl Greve Jewelers, The Cloak Room (28th & Oak), EMU/Main Desk/U of O from this University in 1976. She has played with the Oakland Youth Orchestra, Portland Junior Symphony, Salem Symphony and the Eugene Symphony, as well as giving many solo performances in the Northwest She has also par ticipated in many premiere per formances of works by such com posers as Edmund Soule. Peter Child and Robed Hughes As overseer of the group. Maxwell is often frustrated by the lack of recognition the artists re ceive It does get me down when local people don t realize what we ve got here A harp trio is rare anywhere and these girls are all advanced harpists, they have played together for a long time and perform a high caliber of mus ical literature, says Maxwell The Eugene Chapter of the Amencan Harp Society is spon soring the Sunday evening con ced to benefit their Harp in the Public Schools program. This year, the Society has given de monstrations of the instrument in many of the areas elementary schools Eventually, the Society hopes to raise enough money to pur chase a Troubador harp to incor porate into their school tours The $1 conced admission charge will go toward financing this project 1111 4vr 1 flits Htlf s 4 SHI III S i. («« <««■>»« i « m iiio SASfcnMtR CiflO The Dandy. Denim trousers ($28) and Jaunty Vest ($17 95) sizes 5-15 Plaid blouse by Sweet Baby Jane (17 00) S ML Ik