Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1977)
Local photographers selected for exhibit Photographs by 47 Eugene-area photographers make up a special exhibition, which will be running through April 23. at two downtown businesses. The show. Photography in Eugene, 1977, is the second annual exhibit put together by the Museum of Art in an attempt to recognize the finest quality of photographic work being done in this area. A total of 72 photographs were selected to be shown from over 300 entries and will be shown at Rubensteins, 115 W 8th and Coffee, Tea, or Stereo, 411 E Broadway Each store, which has donated its space for the exhibit, will be open dunng their normal business hours for exhibition viewing The variety and originality of the work in the show helps establish Eugene as a center of creative photography in the state This project is jointly sponsored by a grant from the Oregon Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency created by an act of Congress, 1965. by a grant from the City of Eugene, Room Tax Committee, and by private donations. OSU opens “A Woman and her Art” Judy Chicago, the noted Ameri can artist, will present her program "A Woman and her Art at Oregon State University at 7 30 p m. on April 18 in the Memorial Union Ballroom Chicago, whose work has been exhibited widely, will cover the struggle she and other women face in the art world Her program will be illustrated by a slide show of her paintings and sculpture This program is free and open to the public. under 21 join us from 11-; START GOING PLACES IN THE NAVY As an officer in the U S Savy. you will have a unique opportunity to {tain cxperi enee as a leader in the dynamic world ol ships at sea. 19 weeks of Officer Candidate School prepares you lor lour years ol meeting daily challenges and facing the responsi bilities ol command at sea. Start at about $10,500 and increase to about $17,000 in lour years I he Navy has alot to offer It's not for everyone, but it may be right lor you. ( iiiiit/t l the Nr/' i Oil net /Vogra/in Representative Be someone special. In the Navy. See the Navy Officer Information Team on Campus April 11-15 EMU Annex Century Room Art festival opens with documentaries A festival of Arts, featuring a mini documentary film festival and a Shaker worship service, will be held on the University campus Wednesday through next Sunday Because of the limited space in this week s issue of Surface and Symbol, we will list here only those events occunng on Wed nesday. April 13 Look in next Thursday's entertainment section for a more in-depth view of the Festival as well as a complete list mg of the scheduled events On Wednesday the films The Documentary Film — Form. They Lived Happily Ever After TV Sale, and Propaganda Mes sage will be shown at 3 30 p m in 107 Lawrence That evening at 8 p m , Roger Blais will lecture on Film as a So cial Force, The National Film Board of Canada, in 150 Geol ogy The film Grierson pro duced by Blais, will also be shown It deals with the life and contribu tions of John Grierson to the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and to the development of the documentary film Blais was director of the French Production of the NFB from 1953 to 1956 and has had a wide vanety of experience at the board ranging from the production of animated films to his present duties in the Information and Promotion Divi sion In 1967, he served in the capacity of Audio Visual Coor dinator lor the Canadian Corpora tion for Expo 67 and was re sponsible for the establishment of an audio visual and cinematog raphical policy for that event His film crodils include many award winning titles such as "It s Fun to Sing. L Homme dans la tour and "Terra Nova Portland has a Pub Crawl’ Portland Opera s Special Events Council will present its Third Annual Put) Crawl on April 21. from 4 30 p m until 1 a m Over 30 taverns will participate including Old Main. Elephant & Castle. Gooso Hollow. Silver Moon Sopwith Camel, and many more DART buses will be mov ing between tho Buffalo Gap and Cheerful Tortoise taverns, while chartered school buses will trans port busloads of friends to tho other taverns from 6pm until midnight Cost of the tickets are $8. or $10 with two additional scnpts. and in cludes one sandwich with two pitchers of boor or two glasses of wine Food will be served until 11 30 p m a The Third Annual Pub Crawl is M benefit for the Portland Opera As sociation Tickets (and T-shirts) are available through the par ticipating taverns after April 1st Tickets are also available through the Portland Opera office. Meier and Frank downtown and Washington Square and Lip mans Chinese celebrate culture There are one hundred and one umversdies and colleges in the Republic ol China The school system and curricula are much the same as those of the United States In fact 265 American students are currently enrolled in these colleges in pursuit of tire study of Chinese history, literature and art while another 500 concentrate in the study of the Chinese language 4 In the spring of 1975 and 1976 two Chinese student Goodwill Missions visited more than a hundred American college campuses The fact that they were so well received prompted 126 collego students to apply for this year s Mission And after a screening of talents. 28 were selected to form two groups One of these groups will appear here tomorrow night at8p m in the Robinson Theatre The program will include various traditional dances, including the feather-fan dance, the flag danco and several drum dances, a Kung-Fu demonstration, as well as one on the Chinese art of self-defence, and several musical pieces such as Taiwan folk songs, Mountain folks songs and popular tunes The event, sponsored by the University s Chinese Student Associ ation, is free of charge However, a ticket must be obtained from the EMU Main Desk in order to see the performance Cuxuri^THffttrps w NASTY A\ HADITS' Starts FRIDAY Heavenly Hash, ll sihe Watergate story, piously camped up in a Philadelphia minnary.“ — Re# R»ed vogu« GUNDA JACKSON Ml l INA Ml KfOURI GTRAl DINE PAG! .ANDY DENNIS ANNI JACKSON | ANNI Ml AKA SUSAN Pf. NHAl IGON NASTY HADITS ,rO*r. |PGj <0®. fJSfiJI Plus “MASH” HABITS 6 TO & 10:05 MASH 8:10