Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1977, Page 5, Image 5

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    Carter cuts Liddy’s sentence
Carter commuted the 20-year
prison sentence of Watergate
burglary mastermind G. Gordon
Liddy to eight years on Tuesday,
“in the interests of equity and fair
Thus, the 46-year-old Liddy will
be eligible for parole on July 9
after having served a total of 50
months. Thirty-two months of that
time counts toward his main sen
tence; the other 18 months were
for refusing to testify before the
Watergate grand jury.
“I’m grateful to the President for
commuting my sentence and bring
ing it into line with the sentences
-World at a glance-\
From Associated Press reports
Drought aid to include loans
WASHINGTON — A package of drought aid to help distres
sed farmers, including emergency loans to cover crop losses,
was announced Tuesday by Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland.
The emergency loans are available to qualified farmers and
ranchers, includi ig fish farmers, in all counties designated for
emergency relief. The loans are being handled by the
department’s Farmers Home Administration.
Bergland also announced that new applications for federal
crop insurance are being taken again on 1977 crops.
Cosmetic labeling required
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
says that all labels attached to cosmetics after Friday must list the
products’ ingredients.
The announcement Tuesday climaxes a two-year legal battle
with the cosmetic industry over FDA demands that people have
the right to read what they are putting on their bodies.
The FDA published regulations in May 1975, requiring that all
cosmetic and toiletry products be labeled with their ingredients.
Modified saccharin ban eyed
NEW YORK — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is
considering modifying its proposed ban on the artificial sweetener
saccharin to allow its sale as a nonprescription drug while
eliminating it as a food additive, CBS News reported Tuesday.
Quoting FDA sources, CBS said packages of the sweetener
would carry the warning that it may cause cancer. The packages
also would say that use of the substance should be limited to
treatment of obesity or diabetes or use in dietary management.
Peltier lawyer hits FBI reports
FARGO, N.D. —The defense in the Leonard Peltier murder
trial alleged in U.S. District Court Monday that the FBI “manufac
tured evidence” to tighten its case. “The government’s effort in
finding four separate people who related similar stories they said
they heard about the shootings...will prove a consequential
fact that the FBI manufactured evidence here,” defense lawyer
Elliot Taikeff argued.
Sasquatch sighting claimed
EATONVILLE, Wash. — Spring has sprung, and so have the
Sasquatch tracks.
A Seattle newspaper reports more mysterious foot prin s
have been found in a forest eight miles from the spot where a Fort
Lewis soldier maintains he sighted a sasquatch 18 days ago.
The footprints appear to have been made by a creature eight
feet tall, taking eight-foot seven-inch strides on feet 16 inches
long the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said in Tuesday’s editions.
US sends Zaire more aid
tsiiMbnAbA, zaire (A!') —
Moroccan troops sent to help
repel an invasion from Angola
were digging in Tuesday around
the mining center of Kolwezi, as
the United States announced it
was increasing aid to Zaire’s em
battled pro-Western government.
Government and diplomatic
sources said the 1,500 Moroc
cans, who arrived in southern
Shaba province over the
weekend, were taking advantage
of a week-long lull in the fighting to
consolidate supply lines.
In Washington, the Carter ad
ministration said it was stepping
up aid to the government of Pres.
Mobutu Sese Seko, giving it a total
of about $13 million in “nonlethal
assistance,” including a cargo
At the White House, there was
no elaboration on the considera
tions that led to the decision.
However, spokesman Rex
Granum said: “We do not see the
situation as an East-West con
The State Department said it
turned down a request for
emergency military help, but was
sending a G130 cargo plane worth
$9 million and other aid including
radio equipment and spare parts
for airplanes and vehicles.
A State Department spokes
man said Carter’s announcement
came as the Soviet Union said it
felt it was “inadmissible for any
external forces to interfere in the
internal struggle in Zaire.”
In Kinshasa, diplomatic sources
said six high-ranking Egyptian
military officers arrived over the
weekend to discuss aid for the
Mobutu government.
Dept, pushes for police women
Justice Department is watching
dozens of police departments to
guarantee that women get an
equal chance to pack a pistol,
walk a beat and win promotion.
Through lawsuits and threats to
cut off federal crime-fighting
money, the department is prod
ding police chiefs to hire more
women and assign them to jobs
traditionally reserved for men.
In interviews Tuesday, depart
ment officials discussed their ef
forts to enforce laws banning sex
discrimination in police employ
Some police officials, particu
larly those in charge of the South
Carolina Highway Patrol and the
Philadelphia Police Department,
have balked, federal sources say.
Others, however, have become
convinced that women can handle
police work as well as men.
received by Mitchell, Haldeman,
Ehrlichman, and Hunt,” Liddy told
his lawyer, Peter Maroulis.
A prison official said that after
Liddy was informed of the commu
tation, “he was smiling and look
ing better than I’ve seen him. He
told me, ’Now I’ve got what the
rest of them have got,”' apparently
a reference to the shortened sen
tences of the others. ‘
Liddy’s wife had just ended a
visit with her husband at the Al
lenwood, Pa., minimum security
institution and heard about the
commutation on the radio while
driving home.
“She told me, Thank God,”’
Maroulis said.
Once Liddy is released, all the
participants in the June 17, 1972 ,
burglary at Democratic party
headquarters in the Watergate of
fice building will be free.
E. Howard Hunt, Liddy’s
lieutenant in the botched burglary,
was released Feb. 24 after serv
ing 32 months and now is on the
lecture circuit. James McCord, the
burglary squad’s electronics man,
served four months and moved to
Colorado. The foot soldiers in
Watergate, four Cubans from
Miami, served slightly more than
one year each and recently re
ceived $200,000 from Richard
Nixon’s re-election committee as
settlement for being duped.
But John Ehrlichman, the
second-ranking Nixon aide con
victed of covering up the Water
gate affair, is serving a minimum
two and a half year sentence in
Soviets, US
talk SALT
Carter conferred Tuesday with
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dob
rynin in an effort to resume dis
cussions on a treaty limiting nuc
lear weapons.
The 40-minute session at the
White House was heid against a
backdrop of a dispute over appar
ent Russian violations of new
American fishing regulations. But
U.S. officials said this was only
“touched on” and that the con
centration was on arms.
“Good meeting,” Dobrynin told
reporters after the session. He
then rolled the window of his wait
ing black limousine and instructed
his driver to proceed.
On the U.S. side, a brief state
ment issued by White House
press aides said that there had
been “a constructive and useful
discussion of U.S.-Soviet rela
tions, which included strategic
arms limitation.”
Attending the session, Carter s
first with Dobrynin since the
breakdown in weapons negotia
tions, were Secretary of State
Cyrus Vance, national security
adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and
Robert Hunter of the National
Security Council staff, who took
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