ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY Spring rolls, barbeque pork, teriyaki chicken, tempura, fish and vegetable Combination plates $1.50. We ac cept food stamps for groceries BAMBOO PAVILUON 1275 ALDER Monday-Friday, 11-7:30 Saturday, 12-7:30 00667:MWF MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th. Eugene s own New York Deli Salads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches, grocenes. picnics, dinners. Catering — weddings and all oc casions Monday-Saturday 14479:mwf Middle Eastern Night Wednesday April 13th. Exclusively featuring mid dle eastern cuisine. Dinner at 5:30. Homefried Truckstop, 1414 Alder. 01032:13 RAINBOW CANNED FOODS 14th and Main, Springfield Open Monday-Saturday. Large selection of institu tional containers at bargain prices. Call 726-1306. 00923:19 POCKET DELI Salads. Meats, Cheeses, Sandwiches. Desserts, Home-made soup, breads The famed Original Hulk pocket sandwich. We deliver and cater. Open 11 a m. to 8 p.m. 2445 Hilyard, 344-5171. __00924.18 ALLEN BROS. COFFEE Roasters of gourmet coffees, bulk teas, chocolates. 2465 Hilyard St., Eugene 344-0221 00988:29 Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Join us for omelettes such as our Morning Fiesta, Sunshine, or Create Your Own. The pancakes are yummy and our oatmeal is slow cooked. Our homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and smoothies for lunch will entice you to come back for more. At night, we feature Tempura fish or vegetables and other taste delights. Live music nightly. Weekdays 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays 675 East 13th 343-0846 00967:13 GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AURELIO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, free movies 1/2 Price on bar items with regular pizza Sun.-Thurs. after 9:30 p.m. 29th and Willamette 14507 :M-H POITRA’S Featunng fresh frozen yogurt Barbecued Sandwiches starting at $1.45 OPEN 11 to 8 p.m. 875 East 13th 00959:15 CAFE GLENWOOD, 3758 Franklin, 7-3 p.m. BREAKFAST SPECIAL — 85<2 Fanciful omelets and special teas 14225:tfn ENTERTAINMENT CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive. 687-0733 TONIGHT THROUGH SUNDAY THE FOUR MARX BROS. AT THEIR WILDEST! COCONUTS PLUS MEL BROOKS HILARIOUS THE 12 CHAIRS SHOWTIMES Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: COCONUTS—8 p.m.; CHAIRS—9:40 p.m. Friday and Saturday: COCONUTS — 7 and 10:20 p.m. CHAIRS — 8:45 Reduced adm. matinees Sat. & Sun. at 2 t_01004:14 “FRODO LIVES” In a dance, multi-media musical this Satur day with JOSE BROWN at The Community Center for the Performing Arts. 8th & Lin coln. 8 p.m., $2. 01108:15 Campus YWCA presents THE MARX BROTHERS IN A DAY AT THE RACES Friday, April 15 177 Lawrence 7 & 9 p m. $1 01105:15 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS WOODY ALLEN IN LOVE AND DEATH Woody is at the peak of Ns hilarious form of insanity in this great satire on life's two greatest mysteries: love and death. Woody spoofs Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky. Ingmar Bergman, and anyone else who ever tried to say something VERY PROFOUND about the human condition. When asked how he became such a wonderful lover. Woody modestly replies, “I practice a lot when I'm alone. Saturday, April 16 $1 150 Geology 7 and 9 p.m. 01017:15 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK ROBERT ALTM AN’S Nashville THE DAMNDEST THING YOU EVER SAW BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY All Seats Only 980 MAYFLOWER THEATER 11th & Oak 01024:15 EMU Cultural Forum presents FREDERICK WISEMAN S HOSPITAL The people under the knife are the lucky ones in HOSPITAL, Frederick Wiseman's horrifically beautiful study of life in a met ropolitan center of succor and mercy. Their agonies are operable. For the others the moral is clear. Do not be poor in this land of untold riches: if you are poor, do not be sick. SUNDAY APRIL 17 8 p.m. 180 PLC S1 The University Film Society and the EMU Cultural Forum present CRONICA Dl UN AMORE MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S first fea ture film STORY OF A LOVE AFFAIR, tells the story of a Milanese industrialist who hires a private detective to investigate into the past of his young wile Both wntten and directed by ANTONIONI this film offers sus pense. as wen as insight into ANTONIONI'S style Friday, April 15 8 p.m. 180 PLC $1 01021:15 TENNESSEE WILLIAM'S MA^ERPIECE A STRF NAM^N VcSIRE i-A Ed Chambers APi* fjVTRE 104 Villard 16 8 pm. UO Student tickets FREE 02980:15 NUCLEAR SAFETY AND SATIRE The Community Center for the Performing Arts Presents “THE LOON’S RAGE” THURSDAY. 8 p.m. THE NEW WOW HALL. 8th & UNCOLN TICKETS S2, SI .75 STUDENTS/SENIORS ^ ^ BUNDLES OF BULL AND A BUCKET TOO! The Pad. See page three 01103:13 FRIDAY AND SUNDAY, APRIL 15 AND 17 150 GEOLOGY SPIRITUAL UNION PRESENTS CHAC CHAC is a magical film journey into a sepa rate reality. Strongly reminiscent of the works of Carlos Castaneda, this beautifully photographed film plunges the viewer into the mystical world of a Mayan Indian Man of Knowledge" The story concerns a group of Mayan villa gers who desperately need rain to save them from a ferocious drought. When they appeal to a strange Holy Man (who lives as a hermit in the forest), he takes them on a mysterious journey of porifieation, which is designed to help win the favor of Chac. the Mayan God of Rain. "... there is a timeless quality to the work that makes it one of the most fascinating of recent films. -- Filmex 7 and 9 p.m. $1 01018:15 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP Tonight GREG FIELDS on 14th between Hilyard and Alder 01019:13 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate F^rms, 998-6789. 13451fn THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday. 9-12 14922:M-H BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10:30, Friday — 4-6 p.m. MICHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week. 13688:tfn PERSONAL SPRING!! NEW BEGINNINGS Start guitar, bass, or piano lessons. John Sharkey, 344-5530. 00975:15 COME AND LISTEN TO DOWN HOME Bluegrass with PICKIN’ DELIGHT this Saturday at Max's from 9 p.m.-2 a m. 4:15 LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT The intent of the course is to improve com munication skills by examining the relation ships among speaking and writing, listening and reading. The class will study purposes and levels of communication then apply the concepts learned. Class meets Tuesday Thursday. 11:30-12:30. Three credits. En roll now at CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00953:14 INDIVIDUAL CARAN D’ACHE crayons and pen cils are in at Great Northwest Art Supply Co., 720 E. 13th. 00970:13 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and free preg nancy test. Call 687-8651. 14286:tfn READING CLASS Increase your comprehen sion, flexibility, rate, and efficiency in Specialized Reading Course, Cl 199. The three credit class offers you approaches to difficult reading as well as approaches to different kinds of college reading: sciences, literature and social sci ences. A few openings exist in the class. Register now at Center For Self-Development 206 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00932:13 DISTRESSED BY PERPLEXING COURSES? THE CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall. 686-3232 free tutorial service offers: personal attention and experienced guidance in all areas 00984:15 DANCE THERAPY GROUPS beginning again April 9. For information call 344-4852 4:15 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARJIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS, DANCES, etc. $75 and up. 896-3913. 02885:tfn Veteran s Use your tutorial benefits For more information call 686-3232 PRETZEL NIGHT THIS WEDNESDAY at Max's! Free pretzels from 7 p.m -2 a m. 4:13 ANY ONE WHO SUBSCRIBED to San Francisco Chronicle. LA Times or any newspaper distributed by Alpnn Distributing Co. and did not receive the full subscription or the cash balance call Buffy Cereske at 686-5191. 4:14 MAYLINE PARALLEL BARS are in at Great Northwest Art Supply Co.. 720 East 13th.00968:13 HELP IS HERE! We have tutors to help you gain a foothold in these classes before it s too late: Econ. 201.202. 375; Geog. 101, 105, 201.202: Geology. Physics. Bio .Writing and all languages. Come see us at the Learning Resources Center. 268 Condon or call 686-3226. 00997:15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Small established local retail business for sale. Very small investment, high profit mar gin. Perfect opportunity for student with flex ible hours. Call 343-3886 after 5 p.m 4:13 ASUO SPRING ELECTION 1977 Registered students interested in running for an ASUO position have until 5 p.m .'Wednesday, April 13th to file for the following salaried positions: *ASUO President Incidental Fee Committee (1 position) EMU Board (3 positions) 'Student University Affairs Board (Check in the ASUO office as to which constituencies are open.) Positions are also open on the OSPIRG Board of Directors. Sophomore, junior and senior class pres ident. vice-president and secretary/treasurer will aiso be elected Filing petitions are available at the ASUO office in Suite 4 of the EMU. For more information, call x3724. 00966:13 VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT COURSE Improve your vocabulary by developing ap proaches effective for you. Several aspects of language will be considered: word deri vations, roots, prefixes, meanings, metaphors and mistakes. Skills will be de veloped m grammar, spelling, short- and long-term memory, and the use of language tools such as the dictionary and thesaurus. Register now. 3 credits. MWF 9.30 CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 206 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00941:13 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING audition tapes for the Seventh Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival to be held May 19. 20 and 21 If you play any kind of traditional music, (including Dixieland, gospel. Bluegrass. Old Timey. Original Folk, etc.) please submit your tape to Suite II. Cultural Forum office by April 15. For more information call 686-4373 and ask for Sue. 00812:15 GREAT NORTHWEST ART SUPPLY COMPANY is open til 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, til 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 12-5 Sunday. 720 East 13th, 2 blocks from campus. 00969:13 PHI THETA HONORARY members Important meeting Wednesday night 6 p.m. Alpha Chi Omega house. Need everyone s support! Call 686-4088 for Nancy if you can't be there. 4:13 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5ft. x5ft., 5ft. x 10ft.. 10ft. x 10ft.. and larger. 344-2710. West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918Tfn INFORMATION about SUMMER JOBS Representatives from private and municipal sec tions of the community will meet with students Wednesday. April 13. in room 101 Erb Memorial Union, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Students should pre register on April 11 and 12. at 207 Emerald Hall. A mini-workshop presentation will review basic tech niques and strategies for landing a summer job. The session is sponsored by: CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00994:13 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted for the following areas: •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS •VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC interested applicants should obtain applica tion forms from Suite 2 of the EMU Applica tions deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. April 22. Non-salaried positions. 00907:22 TAA-DAAAAAA! They’re here: Jethro Tull concert pictures Contact Tom at 485-2415 after 6 for more information 4:15 FREE PEANUTS, huge cokes and big sandw«ches are in this year at BIGGIES SUB CITY. Next to the Mayflower Theatre Open to 11 p.m.00960:M,W,F SUNNY, HOME IS WHERE we are loved just for what we are and not for what we have or do. Hang in there, Cutie. I'm thinking of you. A Phi love. Molly. 4:12 GEORGIE — You ve got it but remember today is the last day to file in Suite 4. EMU. Billy. 00992:13 LUKE: Still looking for a place to go this weekend? Try the IVCF Conference on the COAST. It's only $17' Give me a ring if you want to join the fun! x6309. Paul. 4:13 REGGAE, YOU HAVE A HAPPY Birthday and it will make my heart soar like a hawk. Sissy 4:13 ALPHA^HI INITIATES. Hope you recovered from your swim. Good luck the rest of the week (you may need it!). Looking forward to the show Alpha Phi Love. 4:13 LAW/CSPA MAJORS! represent your consti tuency on the University Senate and the General Faculty. Run for Student University Affairs Board Position #1. Filing deadline TODAY, at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU. Do it! 01025:13 DISCRIMINATION VICTIMIZES YOUNG OR OLD, woman or man, black or white, student or faculty. Do you have a problem? Call Affirmative Action, 686-3177 00799:13 WHY LIVE with the embarrassment of ugly, unwanted facial hair? See my ad in the yellow pages. Electrology By Marian 687-9181 889:MWH U of O CRISIS CENTER is open every night from 5 p.m. to 8 a m. to help you with any problem Strictly confidential, 686-4488. 14546:W NEWLY CREATED OSPIRG POSITIONS UP FOR ELECTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO FILL THESE OPENINGS: -CONSUMER AFFAIRS -TREASURER -HUMAN RIGHTS -OFFICE MANAGER -MEDIA -INTERNAL AFFAIRS -ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES -COMMUNITY OUTREACH Work with other students in the public interest. Stop by the OSPIRG office, Suite 3, EMU. 00972:13 JOURNALISM/SPEECH MAJORS!! Represent your constituency on the University Senate and the General Faculty. Run for student University Affairs Board Position #2. Filing deadline TODAY at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU. Do it!! 01026:13 PHOTON: Happy Birthday, brother We all love you. Friends. 4:13 DAN RABIN — still wanna play around in the dark room? George 686-6527 4:14 AH SUZETTE, SUZETTE. Quand Est ton anmver saire? Je sais que tu es taureau. Je Paire que c est Le 13 Mai! 4:13 HEALTH, P.E. AND RECREATION MAJORS!! Represent your academic constituency on the Uni versity Senate and General Faculty. Run for posi tion #7 on the Student University Affairs Board. Filing deadline is TODAY at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU. Do it!! 01027:13 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 6 Units; O Negative 2 Units. A Positive 5 Units; A Negative 1 Unit; B Positive 1 Unit; AB Positive 1 Unit; AB Negative 1 Unit Call 484-9111 for an appointment. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday. Dear Lauris Happy Birthday from "Morris. 4:13 SILENT ADMIRER: Don't know who you are, but am interested. SHERYLYN BAAY 4:13 CHRIS C, keep your spirits up. you only have one moredaytogo. Smile, the sun is shining. M.G. 4:13 TO PAUL, SAM, STAN, STACEY, DAN, BRIAN and all of 6th floor U.I I know who you are — do you know who I am? B.S. 4:13 PHYSICS, General Science. Math, Geology and Chemistry majors!! Represent your constituency on the University Senate and the General Faculty. Run for Student University Affairs Board position #9 Filing deadline TODAY at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU Doit!! 01028:13 THE RIGHT OF ALL, in every class, is freedom from discnmmation. For advice, consult Affirmative Action. 686-3177. 00808:13 SOCIOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY MAJORS!! Represent your constituency on the University Se nate and the General Faculty. Run for position #16 on the Student University Affairs Board. Filing deadline TODAY at 5p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU. Do itn 01031:13 GAMMA PHI’S, Mai Tai's and Sigma Chi's — Small great Combo! Tonight, Aloha. 4:13 BUNDLES OF BULL AND A BUCKET TOO! The Pad See page three. 01104:13 ART Education history. Fine and Applied Arts Ma jors!! Represent your constituency on the Univer sity Senate and the General Faculty. Run for posi tion #11 on the Student University Affairs Board. Filing deadline TODAY at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU Doit!! 01029:13 Bappy Hirthday. it's VICKIE GILLILAND’S day of daze. Children at tri balla bounca wish you were wnting this instead of us. 4:13 WHEN OFTEN IS HEARD a discouraging word which discriminates, denigrates or despairs, call Affirmative Action. 686-3177. for advice and coun sel. 00607:13 LIBERAL ARTS, INTERDISCIPLINARY AND Unclassified majors!! Represent your constituency on the University Senate and the General Faculty. Run for position #15 on the Student University Affairs Board. Filing deadline is TODAY at 5 p.m. in Suite 4 of the EMU Do it!! 01030:13 ALPHA TAHOE OMEGA May 20. 21. 22 GET WET! 4:13 D