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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1977)
CLASSIFIEDS (Instruction continued from Page 17) DANCE TECHNIQUE AND IMPROVISATION CLASSES. Beginning Monday. April 10 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. For information call 344-4862. 4:15 YOGA AND MEDITATION FOR WOMEN THURSDAYS APRIL 14-MAY 26 7-8:30 p.m. For information call K.R.I.. 485-1837 00951:14 GUITAR INSTRUCTION. All styles, all ages Be ginning thru professional levels. Experienced and reasonable Larry 344-7133. 4:15 INSTRUMENTS GUILD STARFIRE II, semi-hollow body electric guitar, hard shell case. $250. 344-0035. 4:20 NEW SILVER-PLATED FLUTES — $85 with case. Limited offer, postpaid in Oregon. BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive St., Eugene, 97401 00974:MUW SOUND SYSTEMS MUST SELL: Sony TC-30 Car cassette. Great Sha'^e! Paid $179, asking $110. Also Motorola A'vt-FM Car radio, $35 with speakers. 342-7538, I*.-*. 4:13 BSR 310 TURNTABLE. New needle Excellent condition. Used one year. Call 689-7143 after 6 p.m. 4:13 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! ‘Timothy tinkers — ^42-7539 4:18 New at the SUN SHOP Complete service department. Fast and reasonable Records — Stereos — Service SUN SHOP 860 East 13th St. 484-1488 00929:13 PLANTS/GARPENS DO YOUR PLANTS a lav or this Spring, re-pot them in Steve's Soil Mix — $1.25 per gallon — the finest money can buy and our plants prove it. At RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 485-8153 01023:15 f?RAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yarns, books on crafts. 13853:tfn CRAFT CENTER OFFERS OPEN STUDIO^ FACILITIES and workshops: jewelry, ceramics, photography, woodworking, silkscreen. quitting, spinning, drawing, calligraphy Stop by the ground floor EMU or call ext. 4361 for more information 01106:15 BLACKSMTHING WORKSHOP Apnl 14. 15, 16 9:30 a.m.-4:30p.m. $22. EMU Craft Center, ground floor EMU. ext. 4361 for information. 01107:14 PHOTOGRAPHY 35mm Hanimax Camera 50mm, 135mm lens strobe light-battery recharger $160 — Bob 686-1068 — 345-6777 4:15 35mm PENTAX, 200mm TAKUMAR. 50mm TAKUMAR. 2X SOLIGOR and case 485-1012 after 5 p.m. 00999:13 I----— DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011:M,W.F ROOKS/SUPPLIES 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vi or less of published price. Textbooks, Cliff fJotes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 144471fn SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3:30 at 13th and University Bring your cans, bottles, cardboard and aluminum BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Call SURVIVAL CENTER, Ext. 4356. 14754:W TYPING_ EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved. Carolyn Sherrefl. 344-7231 02914 14 I WILL DO your typing. Fast, neat and accurate service. CaH 345- 5993 4 13 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved. Near campus. 344-0759. 14501 tfn THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers. Correcting Selectric, Graduate approved. Pick-up-oeiivery. Sandy, 343-9391. 00682:tfn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric. Graduate School approved. Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfn LEGAL BRIEFS, resumes, long papers, Correct ing Selectric. Carol. 687-2486. Pick-up and delivery. ' 41g TYPING — RUSH OROERS DONE. Reasonable rates Close to campus. 344-7689 00564 MUW JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWi.. fER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA. (Blow-out, oil, adjust) Manual.$12 Electric.$14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery Can 342-2022 day'or night Work Guaranteed — References 02919.6 SPORTING COOPS KAYAK CLASSES, sign-up at RIVERS WEST Whitewater accessories, life vests, helmets, wet suits, largest selection of kayaks in Oregon 2415 Hilyard, phone 686-9120. Open evenings 6-9 p.m., MWF 4:15 HICYCLES WHITE MERCIER 10-SPEED (French), 531 frame, alloy parts: 2 years old—22 lbs. New $290 — Now $190, 342-3518. (Lie. no.802218) 4:13 USED BIKES From Second Nature ... Buy, Sell. Trade. 585 Blair. 343-5362 00899:UW COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories. Michelin tires and tubes. 14620:tfn f* ARS/CY CLES MUST SELL 1970 Datsun 510. Automatic. 57.000 miles, great shape. $1,050. 343-4264. 4:14 1975 DATSUN B210. Two door Sedan. Radials, stereo, great condition. Offer 686-2447 4:15 1972 GREMLIN — excellent condition, rebuilt transmission, good mileage. $1150 or offer. 937-2895. 4:15 1970 MUSTANG FASTBACK, new clutch. 3-speed. V-8. AM/FM. $1,650. 342-6969. 4:15 1976 VOLVO 244DL. MUST SELL — 4-speed, overdrive, sunroof, air conditioning. AM/FM. low miles $6,895. 689-6466. 4:15 1972 VEGA GT 4-speed. $800. 715 E. 16th. 4:14 1975 YAMAHA 650cc. Excellent. Best offer. 1975 Honda CB 125, $325. 715 E. 16th. 4:14 1971 HONDA 350. Leaving, must sell immediately $425 offer, extras. 485-8207. 4:14 1964 IMPALA, 2 door. 283 V-8. Has nice body but needs transmission work. Has new tires. $275 or offer. 687-0424 evenings. 4:13 1957 WILLY’S WAGON. 2300 miles on rebuilt en gine Excellent condition except minor transmis sion work. Four extra mounted snow tires. $1500. Call Alex after 5 p.m. 485-1418. 4:18 1972 DATSUN PICK-UP TRUCK, good condition, blue book. 686-6290. 4:15 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R & J Motors 1380 W. 7th 342-7339 14545:tfn ftUTO REPAIR THE PHOENIX GARAGE Engine rebuilding and maintenance for Volkswagons and Porsches. By appointment 247 South 2nd Street, Springfield 726-8811 02978:sb J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts tor Volkswagens 342-3952 12070:tfn M « B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty _ 14806:tfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST tares Tail ored to your specific travel plans. Wnte: Lasswell. P O. Box 3104. Eugene. 97403. 6:1 WANTED_ WANTED: USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER good condition only. 687-0718. 4:15 NEED SOMEONE to share ride to/from Albany daily. 484-1051. Leave 7 a.m., return 6 p.m. 4:15 1FELP WANTED INEXPERIENCED PRODUCTION LINE WORKER WANTED. Permanent swing shift hours. Must have record of dependability and own transportation. Starts at $2.30/hour. 895-4437 after 3:30 p.m. 4:15 HELP WANTED THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM NEEDS people who would be interested in working to help with the UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW May 16-19. For more information, contact Martha Boersch, Suite 2 EMU, ext. 4373. 02982:15 EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDIT by helping stu dents with language arts and literature Inquire at ESCAPE registration table, EMU Lobby or 327 EMU —686-4351. 01003:14 WORK/STUDY, WORK WITH CHILDREN at the U of O Child Care and Development Center. Please call for an appointment: 686-4384. 00920:15 THE UNIVERSITY IS SEEKING men who weigh at least 200 lbs. and women 150lbs. to participate in a weight control research study. Each participant will be interviewed and asked to fill out two question naires. They will receive $10for the 1 Vi hour study The study is INVESTIGATIVE and NO TREAT MENT will be offered. Complete anonymity is as sured. If interested, call Dr. Morganstern, 686-4904, Thursday 4-7 p.m., Monday, Wednes day. Friday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 00993:14 YOUTH WORKER: YMCA, Albany. $600 per month plus benefits. Coordinate volunteer program and assist girls sports program. Part-time May; full time beginning June. CETA eligibility includes low income level and 15 weeks unemployment. 3311 So. Pacific Blvd. 97321. 01008:13 JUVENILE JUSTICE DIRECTOR: YMCA Albany. $788 per month plus benefits. Direct counseling and advocacy program, using mini-bikes, for 10-14 year olds, B.S. counseling, related field, or experi ence. Part-time in May; full-time beginning June. CETA eligibility includes low-income level and 15 weeks unemployment. 3311 So. Pacific Blvd. 97321. 01007:13 CAMP DIRECTORS WANTED. Experience in camp administration staff supervision, camp pro gramming and ability to relate to elementary or junior high students. Must be 21 years or older to drive. LEADERS ALSO WANTED for backpacks, caravans, day camps and etc. Must be 17 years or older. Apply to Scott Howard at the Eugene family YMCA, 2055 Patterson. 344-6251. 00973:14 KITCHEN HELP NEEDED to finish Spring term. Alpha Omacron Pi. 344-1769. 01005:15 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK with the handicapped Pearl Buck Center. Must be eligible for work study or can receive practicum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education. Call Laura Krenk at 345-8506 02916 :sb SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR PSYCHOLOGY EX PERIMENTS: $$ or experimental credit. See the new bulletin board in front of the psychology office. 1st floor. Straub. 00687:15 Applications are now available for the position of 1977-78 OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITOR Applicants should have knowledge of newspaper journalism and of the University of Oregon. Term of office is June 8. 1977 through June 5. 1978. Monthly salary of $393.75 begins May 1, 1977. Editor must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours, 3 of 4 terms while holding office. Position requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35-40 hours per week Applications are available in Oregon Daily Emerald offices and must be returned to Tina Gryc. 300 EMU before 5 p.m. April 22, 1977. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply. 4-22 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT UNION — applications for next year's president are now being accepted Job descriptions and applications are available in the Native Student Office—EMU 15-A. Applications to be turned in to NASU by April 29. Self-nominations allowed. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 00896:15 HOUSEBOYS OR GIRLS NEEDED to finish Spring term. Alpha Omicron Pi. 344-1769. 01005:15 A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IS AVAILABLE THIS TERM — learn new techniques in helping elemen tary and secondary students with their reading skills while earning upper Cl credit. Contact Mary or Denise about this Advanced Training Workshop at the ESCAPE registration table in the EMU Lobby or the terrace or call 686-4351. _01000:15 DO YOU ENJOY working in Children's Theatre? Westmoreland Elementary School needs your help as a teacher assistant in a performing arts class for kindergarten through sixth grade. Interested? Con tact ESCAPE in the EMU Lobby or 327 EMU, ext. 4351. 01001:14 686-4343 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company. 484-9555. 12035:ttn EARN CREDrr BY WORKING with and helping an older person in the area through Friendship with the Elderly. 1-5 CSPA credits available. Placements include visitation of lonely elderly in nursing homes, recreational work with seniors or senior advocacy through the Gray Panthers. Students sign up at Escape table. EMU Lobby 00958:15 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP 3rd and 4th grade children on a one to one basis in reading? A third/fourth grade classroom at Meadowlark Elementary School needs your extra energy. The teacher is willing to help you with materials and developing your own ideas for the children. In terested? Contact ESCAPE in the EMU Lobby or 327 EMU, ext. 4351. 01002:14 EXPERIENCED PERSON NEEDED to work nights and Saturdays. Must know page layout and com posing and operation of Comp IV. Contact Sylvia. Springfield News. 746-1671. 00995:14 WEEKEND LIVE-IN attendant needed for quad raplegic woman in quiet home Friday evening to Sunday noon. Call weekday mornings, 343-3718 4:15 CUP NEWSPAPER ARTICLES — get $1 to $5 each. Details, send 251 and stamped self addressed envelope to: B. Kennedy, 1265-C Del Rey, Pasadena, CA. 91107. 4:13 RESEARCH GROUP NEEDS work-study students to aid in analyzing family interaction data. Tedious work but pleasant conditions. $3 an hour to start. No experience necessary. Contact Martha. Oregon Social Learning CenteV. 485-2711. 4:15 EARN 2-4 CREDITS tutoring in your favorite subject area. Tutors still needed in lower division Sociology, Pol. Sci. 321. Psych. 215, Lit. 104, English as a Second Language, Gen. and Elem. Chem and Math 106,201,202. Drop by the Learn ing Resources Center. 268 Condon or call 686-3226. 00998:15 BIO MAJORS! Would you like an opportunity to add valuable practical e <pe ance in an original research project to suppler jr,i your course work? For graded credit. Call Rick or John before April 15. ext 4495. 00996:15 ROOMMATES QUIET WOMAN NEEDS room close to campus, under $75 Leave message for Patty, 689-2780. 4:18 ROOMMATE NEEDED - share two bedroom dup lex, $100 per month. V2 utilities, 2-3 miles from campus. 686-4941, 746-4831; Gordon. 4:19 FEMALE VEGETARIAN roommate needed for pleasant older house. Non-smoker and no pets. $56.25 plus utilities. 345-5665. 4-20 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX, 400 Crest Dnve. Roommate to share expenses with two males. 343-3160 evenings. 4:14 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE 2 bedroom furnished apartment close to campus, pool, sauna, washer-dryer. 343-5715. 4:15 H*OR RENT LARGE, NICE, 2-BEDROOM near downtown/campus. Fireplace, carpeting, ap pliances. Cozy! $240. 485-2564 . 00458:tfn CALL 343-9917 Near U of O One bedroom furnished apartment, heat, water and garbage service furnished. Availa ble soon. $130. 01033:15 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, CLOSE to campus. $235 Leave name and number 758 East 19th. 4:20 SIX BLOCKS FROM MAC COURT. Furnished room, just painted, wall to wall carpet and paneling, private refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer. $105, utilities paid. Apply 747-1538. 4:15 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Across from dorms, month of April free, $195, 482-2649. 4:15 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment in old house $165 month. $87.50 deposit. Newly redecorated Two bedroom apartment $180 month. $90 de posit. Both unfurnished. 30-day agreement. No pets or children. Students preferred. Call 344-8466 evening or stop by 1715 High St , Apartment 3.4:15 SUBLET FOR SUMMER: Furnished 2 bedroom Dishwasher, disposal, patio, pool. Nice. 1255 Mill #20.344-0153 4:15 LARGE, FURNISHED STUDIO, near campus $120. Call 344-8941, after 4 p.m. 01010dfn ROOMMATES TO SHARE three bedroom house near town and campus Quiet. Comfy. 345-4282 4:14 AVAILABLE JUNE let. Furnished two-bedroom. One block from campus. 345-6003. 4:14 DORM CONTRACT, University Inn. Available now. Contact Neal at ext. 4287. 4:13 FEMALE OPENING COED CO-OP. $330 Spring quarter. Nice atmosphere. Extras. 4859668 Stop by, ask for Stacy. 4:15 QUADS $90 Available now. No lease required. Utilities paid. Laundry and parking available. 1360 Alder. 485-0291 or 484-0804 14327.1fn LARGE QUAD W block from campus. Utilities paid. $90. 4858859. 14073:tfn CAMPUS: 14th and Patterson Either large 8 bed room. $610, or duplex, downstairs 4 bedrooms $410. upstairs 2 bedrooms $200. Phone 484-9663 4:21 Quads, 751 East 16th Carpet, drapes, air conditioning. Private re frigerator each unit. Stuffed chair, desk. Plenty of hot water, laundry rooms each floor, parking avail able. Private bath. Bed. end table. $115 per month, $75 deposit, $5 non-refundable 345-1272. 14828:tfn CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and pnvate baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 14453:tfn PETS WANT TO GIVE AWAY a very lovely neutered, female. Blue Point Siamese for price of ad 342-7538. 4:13 ONE YEAR OLD MALE black Scotty-Poodle mix. All shots. Housebroken, loving-gentle disposition Reasonable to good home. 686-0672. 4:13 FREE MALE DOG, 1 Vi years, black, part Lab. shots, training, playful; plus doghouse. Call 746-6955. 4:13 T-OST U FOUND FOUND: Woman's watch in Allen Hall. Call ext. 3738. 4:14 FOUND: EASTER SUNDAY, green down jacket Call 345-4744 and identify by contents of pocket or location. After 6 p.m. 4:13 FOUND: Female dog. Husky mix. 31 st and Hilyard. Red leather collar. 484-0657. 4:13 LOST: LADY-WATCH “LIP” Saturday. March 19. between Duffys and Atrium. 344-3106. Isabelle. 4:13 rHILP CARE INTELLIGENT, FUN-LOVING WOMAN wants to provide excellent care for your children. Experi enced. Terry. 343-0225. 4:13 CHURCHES MCC Metropolitan Community Church: A Christian Church reaching the gay community. Ail meetings open. Worship 7 p.m., 3800 Ferry St. Wednesday Bible Study. Information 345-2462, 746-4698 or RIO. Box 3076, Eugene. 97403. 14870:W MARKET BASKET For All Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570:MWF GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more. Miller's Grocery. 1065 E. 20th. Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday. 10-11 Friday-Saturday. 14303:MWF UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 686-4911 Tillamook cheese on sale.$1.39 a lb. 00971:15 TTOOP & PRINK THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt. Italian ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastries, coffees and teas Now featuring homemade soups, salads and sandwiches Open Daily noon to midnight, 325 Blair Across from George's Garage 14541 :MWF THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner. Omelets and other delights. Crepes. Desserts. Garden Vegetables. 770 E. 11th. 342-8340. 7a.m.-10p.m. 14480.MWF Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Join us for omelettes such as our Morning Fiesta, Sunshine, or Create Your Own. The pancakes are yummy and our oatmeal is slow cooked. Our homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and smoothies for lunch will entice you to come back for more At night, we feature Tempura fish or vegetables and other taste delights Live music nightly. Weekdays 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays (The Emerald incorrectly printed our closed day.) 675 East 13th 343-0846 00967:14 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot. Right to your door And now we have two delivery trunks to give you faster service. Call 342-8111. Now open until 1 a m. Monday to Saturday; Midnight on Sunday. 00628:tfn