an accessory... i We don’t.” We consider a tape deck an important part of your music system. A quality tape deck fills that void which records and FM alone may leave. Also, aside from helping you save your records from wear and tear, you can create special tapes for parties, dances or for those quiet, mellow-listening times. In addition, the compact size of cassettes make library storage easy. Advent corporation started the cassette revolution with their famous model 201 stereo cassette deck which featured the fir st built-in Dolby noise reduction system. Now, other companies, such as Nakamichi, have continued the cassette revolution by taking cassette decks to the ultimate with state-of-the-art, professional cassette machines. Thus, the combined, high performance and convenience of cassettes have made tape decks an integral part of any music system. See what enjoyment cassettes can add to your music system during Toad Hall Hi-Fi's Spring Sound Sale! Model 550 portable cassette 5500 Model 500 $>100 2 head cassette deck HV/V/ 600 2 head cassette deck 5500 Model 250 portable cassette 5275 Model 350 portable cassette 5350 Nakamichi When cassette decks first appeared most everybody laughed and dismissed the notion that cassettes would ever perform to high fidelity standards. Now, years later, Nakamichi displays cassette decks which not only reach high-fidelity standards but dare to challenge open reel performance! The famous Nakamichi 1000 Tri-Tracer, 3 head cassette system was an achievement of such significance that it created a virtual revolution in cassette recording. Now, Nakamichi engineers have created an en tire series of affordable cassette machines for every use. Designed for home, por table, or your car, Nakamichi cassette machines are destined to become the stan dard by which all others will be judged. i Model 630 L stereo FM turner pre-amplifier * $600 i $300 $320 Model 420, 410 stereo amp & pre amplifier Model 610B stereo pre-amplifier *570 Model 620 stereo amplifier $600 Nakamichi hasn't stopped however with just sophisticated cassette tape equipment. Now Nakamichi continues the revolution with state-of-the-art electronics! Beginning with the Recording Director Series, Nakamichi offers complete component equipment in separate tuner, amplifier, and preamplifier which will fit into and upgrade any music system. Put them all together and one has a creation recording center with capabilities found only on the most elaborate professional studio equip ment! For people who would like a separate amplifier/pre-amplifier combination but shy away because of the high prices, there's Nakomichi's newest addition: The Nakamichi 410 and 420 system. tape machine that made cassettes what they are.” Advent 201A Cassette Deck The Advent 201 was the first recorder that made cassettes a totally satisfying hi-fi recor ding medium. It started a whole new industry. The new 201A will keep the business humming. It of fers, among other things, a radically new tapehead (made of Sendust alloy) that combines performance and durability as never before. It has the Dolby System, of course, and the right provisions for chromium dioxide tape. And its useful frequency range, low distor tion, and quiet background for recordings are un surpassed by any cassette deck at any price. The biggest thing, though, is that its performance — unlike that of many machines — isn't just something you get in theory under "ideal conditions. The 201A makes it easy (and easily /epeatable) to make superb recordings. Makes it easier, in fact, than any kind of price of tape machine, we know of. So don’t settle for something less, especially if it costs more than the 201 A s $399.95. Come hear why the Advent 201A is the logical successor to the machine that started it all. ADVENT COMPARE SERVICE COMPARE SELECTION COMPARE PRICE $39995 maxell Special Tshirt offer! Buy a dozen Maxell UDXLI or UDXLII C-90 blank cassettes and get your Maxell T shirt! UDXLI C 90 UDXLII C 90 °-$442Mch