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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1977)
FOUND: EASTER SUNDAY, green down jacket. Cal 345-4744 and identify by contents of pocket or location. After 6 pm. 413 FOUND: Female dog, Husky mix. 31st and Hilyard. Red leather collar. 484-0657. 4:13 LOST — Men s silver Caravell Watch. Tuesday night in area between Gerlinger Library and Stu dent Union. Reward. Larry 609-7301 4:12 FOUND: WATCH, in front of EMU Fishbowl. Call 686-4344 days, 343-3242 evenings and identify. 4:12 LOST: LAOY-WATCH “UP" Saturday, March 19, between Duffy's and Atrium 344-3106 Isabelle. 4:13 MARKET BASKET UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 686-4911 Tillamook cheese on sale .$1.39 a lb. 00971:15 1TOOP & PRINK RAINBOW CANNED FOODS 14th and Main, Springfield Open Monday-Saturday. Large selection of institu oonal oonssinecs al bargain prices. Cal 726-1306 _ 00923:19 POCKET DELI Salads, Meats, Cheeses, Sandwiches. Desserts, Home-made soup, breads. The famed Original Hulk pocket sandwich. We deliver and cater. Open 11 a m. to 8 p.m. 2445 Hilyard, 344-5171. ’ 00924:18 ALLEN BROS. COFFEE Roasters of gourmet coffees, bulk teas, chocolates. 2465 Hilyard St., Eugene 344-0221 00988:29 Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Join us for omelettes such as our Morning Fiesta Sunshine, or Create Your Own. The pancakes are yummy and our oatmeal is slow cooked. Our homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and smoothies for lunch will entice you to come back for more. At night, we feature Tempura fish or vegetables and other taste delights. Live music nightly. Weekdays 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays. 675 East 13th 343-0846 00967:13 GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, free movies V2 Price on bar items wilh regular pizza Sun.-Thurs. after 9:30 p.m. 29th and Willamette 14507:M-H POITRAS Featuring fresh frozen yogurt. Barbecued Sandwiches starting at $1.45 OPEN 11 to 8 p.m. 875 East 13th 00959:15 1 LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Reg. *4.70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON a!! You Can Eat. V2 Liter of WINE or a Pitcher of BEER or a Pitcher of SOFT DRINK of your choice. Sausage & Meatballs excluded on re-order 8:30 to 11 p.m. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W. 1st 4*4-1919 13976:T,H ENTERTAINMENT TENNESSEE WILLIAM’S MASTERPIECE A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Directed by Ed Chambers ARENA THEATRE 104 Villard April 14, 15, 16 8 p m UO Student tickets FREE 02960:15 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 3444)816 Happy Hours: Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10 30, Friday — 4-6 p m MICHELOe ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week 13688ifn BIJOU DREAM PRESENTS THE RED DESERT Antonioni, 1964 8 P m. tonight 180 PLC $125 or Season ticket 01009:12 n_ The Cultural Forum MONDAY, MAY 2 8:30 p.m. CRUSADERS AND JOAN ARMATRADMG $4.50UJO students, $6 general and reserved. Tickets, main desk and Everybody's Records 01011:2 HOMEFHED TRUCKSTOP Toni^it: ST ARSHINE on 14th between Hityard and Alder 01015:12 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive. 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU APRIL 12 INGRID BERGMAN HUMPHREY BOGART CASABLANCA PLUS MARLENE DIETRICH — GARY COOPER MOROCCO CASABLANCA at 8 p.m. MOROCCO at 9:50 p.m. Reduced admission matinee Sat. & Sun. at 2 00927:12 MARILYN CHAMBERS IN BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR SATURDAY APRIL 16 180 PLC 3. 5 pm $1.00 7. 9 pm $1.50 T C enterprises 4:15 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 14922:M-H HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate Farms, 998-6789 13451fn CAFE GLENWOOO, 3758 Franklin, 7-3 p.m. BREAKFAST SPECIAL — 85? Fanciful omelets and special teas. 142251fn PERSONAL 40 YEAR OLD MALE would like to meet warm attractive athletic lady 21-35. Future open. Jack 485-0370 4:12 SPRING!! NEW BEGINNINGS Start guitar, bass, or piano lessons. John Sharkey, 344-5530. 00975:15 LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT The htent of the course is to improve com munication skills by examining the relation ships among speaking and writing, listening and rearing The class will study purposes and levels of communication tien apply the concepts learned. Class meets Tuesday Thursday. 11:30-12:30. Three credits. En roll now at CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00953:14 INDIVIDUAL CARAN D'ACHE crayons and pen cils are in at Great Northwest Art Supply Co . 720E. 1381. 00970:13 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and free preg nancy test Call 687-8661. 142B6Jfn READING CLASS Increase your comprahen aion, flexibility, rale, and efficiency in Spedaized Reading Course, Cl 199. The three credit class offers you approaches to difficult reading as wel as approaches to different kinds of college reading: sciences, literature and social sci ences. A few openings exist in the class. Register now at Center For Seif-Development 206 Emerald Hail 666-3232 00932:13 ASUO SPRING ELECTION 1977 Registered students interested in running for an ASUO position have until 5 p.m. Wednesday. April 13th to file lor the following salaried positions: •ASUO President •Incidental Fee Committee (1 position) •EMU Board (3 positions) •Student University Affairs Board (Check in the ASUO office as to which constituencies are open.) Positions are also open on the OSPIRG Board of Directors. Sophomore, junior and senior class pres ident. vice-president and secretary/treasurer wil also be elected. Filingpetit tons are available at the ASUO office in Suite 4 ol the EMU. For more information, can X3724. 00966:13 SUNNY, LOVE CAN MAKE the most ordinary house an extraortfnary home. Have a good week. Little Sis. A Phi lore, Molly. 4:12 COME AND LISTEN TO DOWN HOME Bluegrass with PICK W DELIGHT this Saturday at Max's from 9 p.m-2 a.m. 4:15 >EMU SPRING LOST AND FOUND SALE 8:30 am.-4:30 p.m. TODAY EMU room to be posted 01012:12 ANY ONE WHO SUBSCRIBED to San Francisco Chronicle. LA Times or any newspaper distributed by Alptin Distributing Co. and dkl not receive the full subscription or the cash balance call Buffy Cereske at 686-5191. 4:14 GRANDMA JANSKY is 23!!! This mayuficemly well-preserved specimen of the Baby Boom win be on exhibit in Lawrence or Gibed from 8 a m.-5 p m today. 4:12 HAVE YOU BEEN dying to "plant one on" Farrah Fawcett? Her identical twin, Jan is available for any and an lip action today only! Women and mi nocities are encouraged to try. 4:12 SILAS: I heard Clark Pi mock is speaking at the IVCF Conference on "Radical Discipteship" this weekend! Give me a can if you want to go—x6309 Paul 4:12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Small established local retail business for sale. Very small investment, high profit mar gin. Perfect opportunity for student with flex ible hours. Can 343-3886 after 5 p.m. 4'13 DANCE THERAPY GROUPS beginning again April 9. For information call 344-4862.4:15 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES, MEETINGS, PICNICS, DANCES, etc. $75 and up. 896-3913. 028851fn IF YOU’RE CURIOUS UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATS will be meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 12th, 4 p.m. Room to be Posted in EMU 00991 3 HELP IS HERE! We have tutors to help you gain a foothold in these classes before it s too late: Econ 201,202,375; Geog. 101,105,201.202; Geology, Physics. Bio., Writing and all languages. Come see us at the Learning Resources Center, 268 Condon or call 686-3226. 00997 1 5 Veterans Use your tutorial benefits For more information call 686-3232 VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT COURSE Improve your vocabulary by developing ap proaches effective for you. Several aspects of language will be considered: word deri vations. roots, prefixes, meanings, metaphors and mistakes. Skills will be de veloped in grammar, spelling, shod- and long-term memory, and the use of language tools such as the dictionary and thesaurus. Register now. 3 credits MWF 9:30 CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 206 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00941:13 MAYUNE PARALLEL BARS are in at Great Northwest Ad Supply Co , 720 East 13th.00968:13 "nMOTHY: Did you realize for only $17 you can spend a weekend at the coast at an IVCF Con ference? For more information, cal x6309. 4:8 ERIC WAYNE UNDSEY How does it feet to be 10 years old!!! Happy Birthday from the distance runners and John, Eari, Diana and Vinny. . 4:12 TAA-OAAAAAA! They're here: Jethro Tul conceri pictures. Contact Tom at 485-2415 after 6 for more hformalion. 4:15 1977-78 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS Applications are now being accepted for the fottawing areas: •CONTEMPORARY ISSUES •FILMS AND LITERATURE •POPULAR CONCERTS •VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS •HERITAGE MUSIC Interested applicants should obtain applica tion forms from Suite 2 of the EMU. Applica tions deadline is 5 pm. Friday. April 22. Non-salaried positions. 00907:22 1990 Plan (Continued from Page 8) Development Commission (LCDC) deals with urbanization and re quires local governments to establish urban growth boundaries to sepa rate rural land from that which is to be developed for urban use. Posner also asked MAP AC to leave agricultural lands intact, estab lish guidelines for public transit goals and investigate housing and energy conservation needs for the updated 1990 plan. Other citizens testified in favor of growth. One suggested a corridor of growth and development from Eugene to Junction City along Highway 99. Another suggested constructing all new housing developments on hilltops and ridges to save valuable agricultural lands along the river bottoms. I d love to see more Data Generals try to locate in Eugene,” said George Boehnke of the Boehnke Printing Co. of Eugene. “They’re less polluting than my industry. We need more areas zoned to accommo date industrial development. “We can’t expect more investment in the area without making it easy for industry to locate here,” he added. “Cincinnati laid out the carpet for Data General, but Eugene put up barriers.” On the other side of the urban sprawl fence is the Southern Wil lamette Ornithological Club (SWOC), a Eugene-based organization de voted to the study of birds and the hobby of birding. “As the population increases in our metropolitan region and as de velopment pressures grow, valuable natural areas are consumed,” SWOC member Claire Watson wrote MAPAC. “Our organization be lieves that wildlife, vegetation and wildlife habitat all have a place in an urban setting. These related elements add greatly to the livability of our community.” Urban sprawl, open space, urban service boundaries and wildlife habitat are all topics easy to avoid during a spring of rainless nights. But the Eugene of 1990 is on the drawing boards; its colors are undecided. Counselors to visit University students will have an opportunity to discuss their college experiences at the annual High School-University Articulation Confer ence for Oregon high school personnel, Wednesday, April 13, at the EMU. According to program director and associate dean of student ad ministration services, Vernon Barkhurst, 50 to 55 schools are expected to attend the day-long meeting designed to encourage good relation ships between area schools and the Unversity. The conference will familiarize high school counselors and ad ministrators with new developments at the University, administrative procedures, admission, registration, changes in costs, financial aid and the various academic programs. Administrators will also interview former students now attending the University to gain feedback about their first-year experiences. The conference will begin at 8:45 a.m. in the EMU ballroom. Ad ministrative and academic programs will be discussed at morning ses sions. Pres. William Boyd will speak at a noon luncheon, and interviews with students will run from 1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. Barkhurst said schools registered for the conference are mainly from Western Oregon, and several delegations from each school are expected to attend. Last month, the University hosted a similar conference with Lane Community College administrators and students. LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 6 Units; O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 5 Units; AB Positive 2 Units. Call 484-9111 for an appointment. SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft. x 5 ft., 5ft. x 10ft„ 10ft. x 10ft., and larger. 344-2710. West 11th and Bertelsen Road. 02918 tfn SOCIOLOGY FACULTY-UNDERGRADS SPRING GET-TOGETHER Cider, Donuts. New Requirements April 12, 3:30, 204 Condon 4:12 GREAT NORTHWEST ART SUPPLY COMPANY is open til 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, til 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 12-5 Sunday. 720 East 13#i, 2 blocks from campus. 00969:13 GAMMA PHrS Roses are red Violets are blue. We re looking forward To functioning with you. The D.U.'s. 4:12 BILLY — I'H run this Spring if I have your support. Georgie 00961:12 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING audition tapes for the Seventh Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival to be held May 19,20 and 21. If you play any kind of traditional music, (including Dixieland, gospel. Bluegrass. Old Timey, Ongpnal Folk, etc.) please submit your tape to Suite II, Cultural Forum office by April 15. For more information call 686-4373 and ask for Sue. 00812:15 EGGSPERT EGG SMASHER and THE EGG STHEME EGGOTIST — Thanks for two wonderfuly wet evenings of sheer eggjoyment. Egghead. 4:12 AUNTE EM IN 311 DeCou Thank you for the T-shirt! Love, your niece, Dorothy. 4:12 PRETZEL NIGHT THIS WEDNESDAY at Max's! Free pretzels from 7 p.m.-2 a m. 4:13 DISTRESSED BY PERPLEXING COURSES? THE CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall, 686-3232 free tutorial service offers: personal attention and experienced guidance in all areas 00984:15 CHOCOLATE BUNNIES have cold hands ■ and hot legs (knowwhatlmean) 4:12 UNO'S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA piprng hot. Right to your door. And now we have two delivery trucks to gve you faster service. Call 342-8111. Nov open until 1 a m Monday to Satur day: Midnight on Sunday. 00628Hn CM OS AND ALPHA CHTS Tfwiks tar showing our retyonal a good time XOXOXO, MEN OF CHI PSI. 4:12 PHI THFTA HONORARY members. Important meeting Wednesday night 6 p m Aiffta Chi Omega house Need everyone s support! Call 686-4088 for Nancy if you can't be there. 4:13 FREE PEANUTS, huge ookes and big sandwiches are m this year at BIGGIES SUB CITY. Next to the May flower Theatre. Open to 11 p m 00980:sb INFORMATION about SUMMER JOBS Representatives from private and municipal sec tions ol the community wil meet with students Wednesday. April 13, in room 101 Erb Memorial Union, from 3:30 to 5 p m Students should pre register on April 11 and 12, at 207 Emerald Hall A mrvworkshop presentation will review basic tech niques and strategies lor iandng a summer job. The session is sponsored by: CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00994:13