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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1977)
IFC begins tedious task of spending $$$ By JOCK HATFIELD Of the Emerald The Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) spent over $33,000 of stu dent money Thursday night. In a tedious five-hour meeting the IFC reviewed the budgets for next year of five programs: ES CAPE, The Student Bar Associa tion, Native American Student Union, Music Steering Committee and National Student Exchange, item by item. Because of declining enrollment the committee set out to keep expenditures to a minimum, according to committee chairer Gary Feldman. However the only budget to ac tually decrease was that of the Na tive American Student Union. ESCAPE received a budget of $15,663 for salaries, administra r tive expenses and programs, up slightly from the $15,608 it re ceived last year. Twenty-eight students and faculty members turned out in support of ESCAPE’S proposed budget. “I’m tired of coming here every year and pleading for money,” said Judy Coffey, faculty adviser and outspoken member of the ESCAPE group. “I'm going to be leaving next year and I want to leave behind a sound structure.” A proposed program-director in-training salary of $400 was voted down, as was a proposed 400 per cent increase in travel ex penses, but for the most part the budget ESCAPE proposed was approved. The ESCAPE group left after their hearing, and for the remain der of the programs there was only one spectator in the au ditorium, which seats 100. The Student Bar Association received a budget of $9,501, up from $8,114 last year. Five hundred dollars of the increase was approved for the training of a law school placement adviser. Student Bar salaries were de creased by $200 in the new budget. The Native American Student Union- was forced to wait over an hour past its scheduled hearing time, and then received the only budget cut of the night, down from $6,300 to $6,142. The most con troversial cut came in travel ex-' penses, which were cut from $200 to $100. “We need this money to go out and recruit,” pleaded NASU director Bobby Conners. “Look at the record. See how few 7 Cultural funds granted Friday By PETER LEIBIK Of the Emerald The Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) continued final budget hear ings Friday night, setting the 1977-78 budgets for seven pro grams, including a $52,750 alloca tion to the Cultural Forum. The University Theatre, recrea tional folk dancing, Repertory Dancers, SEARCH, the recrea tional and intramural program, Survival Center and Cultural Forum received funding. None of the programs received signifi cantly more than their current budgets and several programs re ceived slightly less. Cultural Forum adviser Ned Shafer told the IFC that with costs rising, the $52,750 request, an in crease of $3,500 over the current budget, was not out of line if the Forum is to continue to program the kind of events it sponsored this year. IFC member Doug Benson proposed that the Forum be funded $50,450 based on EMU Board recommendations. Benson suggested the Forum pay its way to a greater extent. The amend ment failed 4-3. Shafer said asking the Forum to be more self-subsidizing would be a tragedy. IFC chairer Gary Feld man agreed. He said the Forum would be unable to maintain a var ied program if its budget was cut. CAN BEWITCH (MESMERIZE) LOVED ONES. OTHERS TO YOUR BIDDING WRITE REQUESTS: DONATIONS APPRECIATED. JAMIL P.O. BOX 10154, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE ANYTIME: 342-2210 484-2441 V IFC Vice-chairer Paul Bartel said the community lacks cultural resources and added the Forum acts as a drawing card for pros pective students. The IFC approved the original $52,750 request 5-2. Steve Her locker and Dave Tyler voted against the motion. Shafer said the Cultural Forum would have been better off re questing more money. “We'll be walking a fine line as is," he said. But he added, “We can certainly live with it.” In other action, the IFC unanim ously approveda $12,000 request from the University Theatre, an in crease of $2,424 from the present budget. The money will serve as a ticket subsidy to allow students to see theater at cheaper rates. SEARCH received $8,684, a reduction of nearly $300 from the current budget. SEARCH, how ever, had requested a reduction. The Repertory Dancers re ceived $3,175 — no change from the present budget. The Univer sity provides the Repertory Dan cers with a double matching grant for every IFC dollar. The recreational and intramural program received $1,982, $862 less than requested. The P.E. de partment is in the process of com bining men’s and women’s in tramurals. The IFC formerly fi nanced both women’s and co-ed intramurals. The P,E. department paid for the men’s program. The IFC will now only fund the co-ed program. Benson suggested the P.E. de partment pay for the co-ed prog ram too, but his motion for zero funding died without a second. Bartel said the reduced figure reflects the elimination of the women’s program from IFC financing. Survival Center received $8,291, $76 less than its present total budget, including supple mental requests. Recreational folk dancing re ceived $1,374, an increase of $74 over the present budget. Director Elly Knapp had requested $1,500 but the IFC unanimously decided not to raise the director's $250 salary. (See related stories on page 8.) CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 E. 13th St. (upstairs) 343-2832 Serving the Most Popular Northern Chinese Dishes Nightly from 5 p.m. Gourmet Delights • Individually Prepared Chef’s Suggestion: BEAN CURD SZECHUAN STYLE • $3.45 Tofu cooked in special hot sauce, real Chinese Dish (Hot or Regular). Native Americans have graduated from this University.” One committee member ex plained his reasons for supporting the cut. “It says here (in the NASU budget proposal) that Indians possess rights to two-thirds of the United States mineral resources — why don’t they use some of this money to support your recruiting.” Feldman said he was “dis appointed” in the committee’s 3-4 decision to make the cut. Between hearings the committee attempted to break the monotony of item by item budqet discussions with jokes and banter. The student committee members prepared for the hearing with as much as 28 hours of studying. The Music Steering Committee received a budget of $2,250, up from the $1,750 it received last year. The $500 budget raise will be used for an Opera Workshop, which the committee believes will be a recruiting asset for the music school. Some $1,500 of the budget will be used to hire enter tainers to perform at the Univer sity. The National Student Ex change received a budget of $217.94, up from $120 last year, but considerably down from the requested $1,005 budget. The program was placed under the jurisdiction of the International Education Center, and will be al lowed to use its facilities. The meeting stretched and yawned from 7 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. It was one of several hearings that will eventually allocate $1.3 mill ion in student funds. Tuesday, April 26, 1977 EMU Ballroom — 8:00 p.m. U of O Students $3.00 Non-Students $4.50 Tickets Available at the EMU Main Desk. Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum