ASUO, LCC schedules tentative bus to Salem The ASUO and Lane Community College have tentatively scheduled a bus to carry supporters of the child care bill to Salem Monday. Bob Nagler, ASUO assistant, says there is a slight possibility that the trip will be rescheduled for Tuesday. Job Hunt (Continued from Page 15) most interviewers never see emp loyes again, the Substitution Technique has achieved wide recognition in the past few years. This course is also recommended for students who flunk Attitude 201, or who have accidently picked up too much skill in their field. Job Applications 123a is offered for those who spell words such as “capabal” “entelligent” “tallent ted” and “sincereley.” This class is a prerequisite to Attitude 201. Finals at our school take place in the real world. Students start off interviewing for jobs as bus boys, and finish by applying for jobs as corporate executives, lawyers and doctors. Why didn’t someone think of this sooner, you might well ask. Instead, be glad we thought of it at all. When the only real science has yet to be explored, the student cannot afford to waste time on biology, medicine and the like. What is the Right Attitude? How does one discover whether a coat and tie clash? These are the ques tions students at Northwest Inter view college will answer — the only truly important questions in life. Train steams by The “Royal Hudson,” a steam-powered locomotive on a goodwill tour from British Columbia is visiting the Eugene Southern Pacific depot today from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. A bag pipe band and traveling railroad exhibits accompanied the engine from Canada. y Nick Gallo CLASSIFIEDS (Continued from Page 19) VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT COURSE Improve your vocabulary by oeveloping ap proaches effective for you Several aspects of language will be considered: word deri vations. roots, prefixes, meanings, metaphors and mistakes. Skills will be de veloped in grammar, spelling, short- and long-term memory, and the use of language tools such as the dictionary and thesaurus. Register now. 3 credits. MWF 9:30 CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 206 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00941:13 RANDY — Congratulations — We're glad you made it! Delta love, your T-big sis. Sally. 4 8 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and free preg nancy test. Call 687-8651. 142861fn U OF O STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE is av ailable Spring term from Oregon Hall cashiers through April 8. Spring term cost is only $21.80. 00874.8 ITAUAN STALUON M.T.I. — Many thanks, so special. I love it. xoxo Wholesome Nun. 4:8 SPRING SORORITY RUSH Discover the unique and rewarding qualities of sorority living. Sign up NOW for SPRING RUSH at the PanheHenic Office, Suite 3, EMU. Registration deadline: April 8th. 02915:8 SIG-EPS — Thanks for the fantastic function — we had a great time. Chi-O's 4:8 LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT The intent of the course is to improve com munication skills by examining the relation ships among speaking and writing, listening and reading. The class will study purposes and levels of communication then apply the concepts learned. Class meets Tuesday Thursday. 11:30-12:30. Three credits. En roll now at CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00953:14 INDIVIDUAL CARAN D ACHE crayons and pen cils are in at Great Northwest Art Supply Co.. 720E 13th. 00970:13 READING CLASS Increase your comprehen sk>n. flexibility, rate, and efficiency in Specialized Reading Course, Cl 199. The three credit class offers you approaches to difficult reading as well as approaches to different kinds of college reading: sciences, literature and social sci ences. A few openings exist in the class. Register now at Center For Self-Development 206 Emerald Hall 686-3232 00932:13 UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot. Right to your door. And now we have two delivery trucks to give you faster service. Call 342-8111 Now open until 1 a.m. Monday to Satur day: Midnight on Sunday. 00628:tfn FELLER (TWEEZY)— I take it back, facial h .,r can be beautiful. Happy Birthday! Love. Mariam and her electric needle. 4:8 BARNA3US: Meet you at the coast for the IVCF Conference. April 15-17 Registration ends today! Call x6309 or drop by the booktable in the EMU. Don't be late! Paul 4:8 MAYLINE PARALLEL BARS are in at Great Northwest Art Supply Co . 720 East 13th 00968:13 DAVID PARR — Happy Birthday to you, when ever it Is this month. Love, Redhead. 4:8 IF YOU’RE CURIOUS UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATS will be meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 12th, 4 p.m. Room to be Posted in EMU 00991 -3 HEATHER LEE DERBY, It's weally twue Happy Birthday Hotstuff! Benny and Blelb. 4:8 ASUO SPRING ELECTION 1977 Registered stude-tts interested in running for an ASUO posi'inr nave until 5 p.m. Wednesday. Apnl 13th to file for the following salaried positions: ASUO President ■Incidental Fee Committee (1 position) *EMU Board (3 positions) •Student University Affairs Board (Check in the ASUO office as to which constituencies are open ) Positions are also open on the OSPIRG Board of Directors. Sophomore, junior and senior class pres ident. vice-president and secretary/treasurer will also be elected. Filing petitions are available at the ASUO office in Suite 4 of the EMU. For more information, call x3724 . 00966:13 TIMOTHY: Did you realize for only $17 you can spend a weekend at the coast at an IVCF Con ference? For more information, call x6309 4:8 SOCIOLOGY FACULTY-UNDERGRADS SPRING GET-TOGETHER Cider, Donuts, New Requirements April 12, 3:30, 204 Condon 4:12 CHOCOLATE BUNNIES have more fun! The In trepid Fools. 4:8 FOR EASTER GIVING: beautiful, fresh flower bouquets, $2.50. at RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 485-8153 00990:8 The Eugene Women’s Symposium presents Songmaker-Singer-Activist Friday, April 8 EMU Ballroom WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING audition tapes for the Seventh Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival to be held May 19. 20 and 21. If you play any kind of traditional music (including Dixieland, gospel Bluegrass. Old Timey. Original Folk, etc.) please submit your tape to Suite II. Cultural Forum office by April 15 For more information call 686-4373 and ask for Sue 00812:15 LINDA MERCER — Congrats! Love. Big Sis Lisa. 4:8 LUKE: Still looking for a place to go this weekend? Try the IVCF Conference on the COAST. It's only $17! Give me a ring if you want to join the fun! x6309. Paul. 4 8 GREAT NORTHWEST ART SUPPLY COMPANY is open til 9 ,*>.m. Monday through Thursday, til 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 12-5 Sunday 720 East 13th. 2 blocks from campus 00969:13 GINNY — Congratulations on making it through initiation. Alpha Chi love. Patty. 4:8 FREE PEANUTS, huge cokes and big sandwiches are in this year only at BIGGIES SUB CITY Next to the Mayflower Theatre. Open to 11 p.m 00982:sb SILAS: I heard Clark Pinnock is speaking at the IVCF Conference on "Radical Discipleship this weekend! Give me a call if you want to go — x6309 Paul 4:8 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 4 Units; O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 8 Units; A Negative 3 Units Call 484-9111 for an appointment. DISTRESSED BY PERPLEXING COURSES? THE CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald Hall. 686-3232 free tutorial service offers: personal attention and experienced guidance in all areas 00964:15 VOTE APRIL 19 LYNN MOORE FOT L.C.C. Lynn Moore for L.C.C committee Rosemary Shrode, 35300 Camp Creek Rd. OVERNIGHT NO MINIMUM UNBOUND 3c COPIES KINKOS 1128 Alder 344-7894 Also in Corvallis CAN BEWITCH (MESMKHIZE) LOVED ONES. OTHERSTO YOUR BIDDING WRITE REQUESTS: DONATIONS APPRECIATED. JAMIL P O BOX 10154. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE ANYTIME: 342-2210 484-2441 V J