I^PJnUU 1368 Bay Street Old Town Florence Mon-Sat 10-6 Enjoy a Bicycle Trip This Summer Enjoy the Oregon Coast Specializing in: Thorn Proof Tubes * Good Tires * Chaim Lube * Good Bike Lights * Inexpensive Bike Repairs * Good New & Used Bikes For Sale K *s! oak wav 342-5351 Oakway Mall Show Time 7:30-9:30 “Fun with Dick and Jane’ j#1 WACO TWIN CINEMA 1 344-3661 13th Of1 Franklin Blvd Hurry, Ending Soon Show Time 7:15-9:30 m G>uMtv Gyu&ttte, Show Time-Shampoo 7:15 Taxi 9:15 “Taxi Driver” Also “Shampoo” Spring Photo Specials! 8/12 Exposure Color Film Developing & Printing reg. $3.39 $2.39 Photo by Perry Gaskill Eggstremely talented artist hatches faces Inspired by the season, hard-boiled Emerald assistant graphics editor Steve Sand strom decided to come out of his shell and create these de corated Easter eggs eggspe cially for Emerald readers. Steve describes himself as “basically over easy” and perhaps that’s why he had such a hard time getting the eggs to boil without cracking. He did manage to salvage half a dozen, though, and with the help of his felt pen turned them into caricatures of campus and national personalities — Mallard Drake of Duck Soup fame, Groucho Marx, Univer sity Pres. William Boyd, and ASUO Pres. Jan Oliver. The tradition of decorating Easter eggs began during the Middle Ages, say Easter egg authorities, when the Crusad ers brought the practice home w.th them from the Middle East. Early Christians adopted the egg as a symbol of resur rection; before that the egg represented new life and fertil ity in pagan beliefs. Nowadays, people still deco rate eggs using a wide variety of techniques ranging from the “pysanky" designed-by Ukra nian craftsmen by painting in tricate designs in wax to those created with the help of ‘Mister Paas" 36-cent package of dyes and twirly tops. And if you're in the mood to eggsperiment — try decorating eggs with seeds and grain, se quins, ribbon or pressed leaves and flowers. Masking tape or wax can be used to make stencil effects. Felt pens will produce intricate and color ful designs — but watch out for smudging. And when you're ail through, use the leftovers for potato salad or egg salad sand wiches. Eggcentric and eggscep tional. DUFFY’S PITCHER SALE Friday 4-6:00 Live music by SCANDAL (no cover) Friday and Saturday 9-2:00 SC^kND^kL ($1.00 cover) Beat the Bruins! x . ■*'' 13th and Alder