CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10* per word the first day copy is admitted and 8« per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change. There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannor be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day’s issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE 1TOR SALE COMICS. UNDERGROUND, POSTERS. Near campus at Fantasy Shop, 667 E. 13th 345-2568. 00453:13 THREE-SPEED, ten-speed bicycles, 21 inch T V Come after 4 p.m. 2140 Harris, #7. (Lie. no.404429, 503845). 4:4 The birkenstock family has been designing and making shoes for over 2 centuries (Since 1774) Come up and try on a pair. birkenstock 136 East 11th 687-0065 00448:8 BLOND LYLE GUITAR and hard shell case Eight years old but in excellent condition $180. Call 342-7812 4:4 UKE NEW CLASS 5 down vest. Originally $25. asking $15. Paul 344-8212 evenings. 3:31 JUST ARRIVED — chamois shirt seconds for men and women Also hiking shorts, slightly irregular MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W. Broadway on the Mall 686-2332 00471:8 FOR SALE: HP-25 programmable calculator with everything $125. Call 484-2104 soon! 4:5 BASKETS FROM ALL OVER the world For your walls, your plants, your papers — whatever THE INDOOR GARDEN 1412 Pearl 342-2735 00420:sb FOR SALE: Swivel rocking chair and twin-size bed. Make offer. 687-8456. 4:1 GENTLEWOMAN Fine woman s clothing from sensible to sensa tional. Opening April 1st! 1639 E. 19th. Open 10-9 p.m. daily, Monday-Saturday, Sunday 1-5. 02879:31 KARATE. KUNG-FU, JUDO SUPPLIES AND MORE AT EUGENE MARTIAL ARTS SUPPLY 2003 Franklin 342-7756 Open weekdays, 1 to 6 p.m. 00614:5 NEW SUMMER PRINTS JUST ARRIVED. $2 a yard. At Andrea s, 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324.00466:1 MIDLAND 23 CHANNEL C.B. model no.13-862, $40, excellent condition, phone 687-2248 (Ron). 4:1 DANCEWARE AND THEATRICAL SUPPLIES BACKSTAGE 878 Pearl Street 686-2671 00461:1 SALE! NEW SHIPMENT of cotton scarves just ar rived. Normally $2.50. Now just $2 each. At Andrea s. 2441 Hityard, 345-1324. 00467:1 CACTUS 60 cents and up THE INDOOR GARDEN 1412 Peart 342-2735 00418:sb LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. A large 10 pound bag ot shredded foam — $11.50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 00570.1fn EXTRA FIRM DOUBLE MATTRESS, bo* spring and frame. Good condition $50 342-4135 evenings 4:1 APRIL FOOL'S SALE! We've gone crazy—selling refurbished color consoles, some with new picture tubes: $150-$250 B/W portables, sharp: $35-$50 PLUS — We've acquired stock from a dealer now out of business Car AM/FMs, AMs, FMs, stereos. 8 tracks, cassettes: AR, AR-Bowman, CarTape JIL. All new at (istress prices, like—AM/FM 8-track w-dash: $61.80. Speakers, antennae, installation available, Hours 9-5:30. March 31. April 1 and 2 al Pine's High Fidelity, 865 Conger, #5.687-0659.4:1 GOOSE DOWN BAG — $55.10-Speed bike. $80 Lie. no.20648. 344-8807, afternoons. 4:1 NOW CARRYING a complete line of mysteries Dashiell Harnett to Gregory MacDonald. Aristotles’ Books $8 Oakway Mall, 687-0485 00876:4 OARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Many giveaways and bargains. Now thro Saturday. 1668 Ferry, Apartment 7.3:30 INSTRUCTION Spring Art Classes Maude I. Kerns Art Center Registration .March 28th through April 2nd. 9-5. Many openings still available. Ceramics, photo graphy. textiles, jewelry, graphic design, painting, drawing, stained glass, print making, calligraphy, children's classes. Classes run April 4 to June 10. 15th and Villard Streets 345-1126 00441:1 STUDY CLASSICAL GUITAR with Ray Mitchell at Wilson s Music House. 342-2816. 3:31 SOUND SYSTEMS TREAT YOUR RECORDS RIGHT. Miracord 50 H changer with Shure V-15 II (improved) cartridge $90. 343-0270 after 5 p.m. 4:6 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! Timothy Tinkers — 342-7539 4:11 CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yarns, books on crafts. 13853:tfn PHOTOGRAPHY BELL & HOWELL 500 watt manual slide projector and trays. $25. 344-3249 or 342-4135. 4:1 35mm DURST ENLARGER, componon lens. Nikor tank, print dryer, trays, miscellaneous 485-0640, David. 4:1 POOKS/SUPPLIES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the highest prices in town for your quality, used books. 101 W. 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 14075:M,H,F 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vi or less of published price. Textbooks, Cliff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447;tfri TYPING JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA. (Blow-out, oil. adjust) Manual.S’2 Electric. SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery CaH 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References 02919:6 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs. IBM Correcting Selectric. Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell, 344-7231. 02914:14 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved Near campus. 344-0759. 14501:tfn THESES, Dissertations, Long Papers, Correcting Selectric. Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery. Sandy, 343-9391. 00682:tfn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric. Graduate School approved Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfn SKI STUFF NORDIC A BANANA BOOTS. Size 9 mens Excel lent condition Call Bill 344-8344 Asking $65.3:31 HENKE SKI BOOTS. Fits mens size 8Vi, womens 9. 687-8679. $40 or offer 4:1 X-C SKI RENTALS Now available. Fischer Step or Trak No-wax. $6 per day, $9 weekend. SUGAR PINE RIDGE 877 E. 13th 345-5584 00445:1 OUTDOOR GEAR DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KITS OUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vests, jackets, wind and rain gear, sleeping bags and more. Also available for your creative sewing needs are fabrics. Polarguard and acces sories Limited custom-mades available 2449 Hilyard 484-1252 11-6 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11-5 Saturday 00451d,h,f LIGHTWEIGHT STELLA 10-speed. (Lie. no. 423122). $100. Mandolin, $70. Larry 689-7301.4:1 BLUE MEN’S 26-inch 10-speed ASUKI Gran Sport Fenders. $65. 342-3274. (Lie. 401289.) 4:4 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes. 14620:tfn ARS/CY CLES 1967 PORSCHE 912, gold paint, AM/FM, excellent condition. $5395 or best offer 686-0671. 4:1 1972 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER, 4x4 PTO wench, roil bar, auxiliary tank, must sell. 343-1800. 3:31 1970 VOLKSWAGON Bug. Oiginal owner, AMFM stereo cassette. Clean. Radials. Rebuilt engine $1,250. 687-0941. 4:4 1974 FIAT 128 sedan 2-door. 15,600 miles. AM/FM cassette. $2,200, best offer, 342-7404 4:1 ’74 VEGA ESTATE WAGON. 4-speed. 30,000 miles. Superior condition, good mpg. $2,050. 687-8340. 4:1 '64 VOLKSWAGEN BUG. Excellent condition, newly rebuilt engine, AM/FM radio, new seat cov ers, sun roof. $800. 485-1120, 343-3744, Laura. 3:31 1970 VOLKSWAGQN BUG. Beautiful condition. Selling because recently acquired company car $1195 344-0609 4:6 1964 VOLKSWAGON CONVERTIBLE. Good condition. Runs well. $700 or best offer. 686-6581 4:1 1964 VW BUG. Runs well. New battery, tires 343-3807 leave message for Lionel. 4:4 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R S J Motors 1380 W. 7th 342-7339 14645:tfn AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens. 342-3952 12070:tfn M & B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14808:tfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service. 1938 West 8th 345-7785 WANTED_ CREATIVE ENGLISH WRITER to assist in a pro ject and can type. Call: 687-8663. 4:1 WANTED: USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, good condition. Call Trevor, ext. 4315 or 485-9291. 207A Carson Hall. 3:31 SUMMER PLACE WANTED. Nice, furnished house or apartment for young married couple. Both are lawyers, responsible. July 1 to September 1. Call John. 344-7840, evenings. 4:6 HELP WANTED PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company. 484-9555 12035ttn 2 WORK STUDY students as secretarial assistants to friendly group in Psychology Clime; varied work. Approximately 15-20 hours weekly $2 95 per hour. Call Karen or Jennifer at 686-5050. 02884:31 WORK STUDY STUDENTS NEEDED. ESCAPE needs people interested in working on several in teresting research projects Learn how to do inter viewing, conduct surveys and run evaluation studies. We can use all levels of expertise, from interested novices to people with good back grounds in computer science and/or research methodology. For further information contact Susannah at 344-7504 or 327 EMU. Deadline April 6 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 00428:5 EXTRA BUCKS You can earn them this term. Part-time, your own hours, with the Observer's subscription campaign. Hourly wage plus commission. 687-0376. Ask for Steve Collier. 00863:1 ESCAPE NEEDS SECONDARY COOR DINATORS, get valuable experience, join ES CAPE 327 EMU (686-4351). 00433:1 VACATION IN SUNNY Suite 4 this spring. Work study position at ASUO Legislative Resource Center—a challenging job that requires an interest in legislative issues. Pay is $3.36 per hour. Apply by Monday, 4/4 — 5 p.m. in Suite 4, EMU. 00422:4 ESCAPE THIS SPRING INTO THE OUTDOORS! Lead recreational activities such as cooking, baseball, stained glass or whatever your talent — Earn upper division CSPA credit! Call 686-4351 or come to ESCAPE'S registration tables. 00427:1 BABY SITTER NEEDED FOR 13 month old 20 hours per week, $1.75 per hour. Must have car and like kids. 4:6 COOK NEEDED at Campbell Club, a co-ed co-op with 40 members. Dinner only. 6 days a week. $330 month. Call 485-9668, ask for Lang or Amy. 4:4 THE BUSINESS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM offers the following placements for Spring quarter. The student will receive upper-division college credit, Cl or CSPA, for their work at a ratio of 3 hours per credit. The placements are: -Two placements are available with Campbell Company Spring term. Two students will work to gether on a market study of residential properties in the immediate University area. The investigation will involve interface with the Court house, owners and tenants. Fifteen hours per week and a back ground in the general area is requested. -A two term placement is available in the Purchas ing Department at Weyerhaeuser Company. The placement is for the Spring and Summer terms or Spring and Fall terms. The intern would become familiar with the wood products store room and regional purchasing department. Applicants should be mechanically inclined. Twenty hours a week and a two term commitment are required. -A placement with Pape Brothers Inc. (caterpillar, heavy equipment sales), conducting a market sur vey of industrial truck engines. Twenty hours a week is required. Students shall be working directly with upper level management. Positions have been so developed in order to provide students with a valuable practical and educational experience. All University of Oregon students are eligible to apply. Final selection will be made by the place ment supervisors in each business. A resume (cover letter optional) should be turned in to the. ESCAPE office, Room 327 EMU, by noon Monday. April 4th. The resume should specify which place ment is being applied for. For more information call the Business Internship Program at 686-3240. The Program office is located at 1555 Agate Street. 00446:1 GOOD PAY FUN WORK Work-study child care work for week of April 4-9. $2.50 per hour. Care for small children during hours of Women's Symposium. Ten positions available. Contact either work-study office in Oregon Hall or ASUO in Suite 4, Ext. 3724. 00450:1 ‘CAREER OPPORTUNITY’ The Whistler Restaurant is now accepting applica tions for employment from those individuals moti vated toward a career in the restaurant business. Applications for food preparation, dining room ser vice, and lounge personnel will be available Mon day through Friday between the hours of 8 a m.-12 noon: and 1 -5 p.m. Applications may be obtained at 1073 Highway 101 North, Florence. 02917:11 THE EMERALD NEEDS HELP. (So what’s new you say.) But really, there are openings for a sports editor and a local politics editor. Interested people should apply in the Emerald Offices (3rd floor EMU) by Monday. April 4,5 p.m. We re an equal opportun ity employer, women, minorities, and the hand icapped are encouraged to apply 4:4 EARN 2-4 CREDITS TUTORING. Tutors needed for most levels in Acctg, Bio, Chem. Econ. ESL, Fin. Geog, Geol, Hist, J 250, Languages. Math, Mgt. Mkting, Physics, QM, Sociol, Stats, and Writing. Gain valuable experience. Sign up now. Learning Resources Center. 268 Condon Hall. Ext. 3226. 00868:8 SAILING INSTRUCTORS: Experienced Instruc tors needed for 4 hour lab sessions, for Beginning Sailing Labs. Meet once a week, either 8:3012:30 or 12:304:30. 2 P.E. credits or $25. Contact Mike Davis, 133 ESL.. 686-4108. 3:31 THE INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE needs two work/study typists to help with the 1977-78 ASUO Budget. Come by Suite 5 or call 686-3720. An Affirmative Action Employer. 00873:31 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK with the handicapped Pearl Buck Center. Must be eligible for work study or can receive practicum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education. Call Laura Krenk at 345-8506. 02916:sb ESCAPE NEEDS FIELD COORDINATORS *Work with students and school personnel “Gain leadership experience *Learn communication and group dynamic skills 'Graded credits available *See us at the recruitment tables inthe EMU lobby or at 327 EMU (686-4351) ESCAPE THIS SPRING 00432:1 i cm rcurLc mccucu to xuror in iramaDie men tally retarded classroom at Condon School. One to one teaching with 8-10 year olds. Interesting! Great experience! Contact ESCAPE at 327 EMU (688-4351). 00434:1 HELP survey student opinion on possible change to semesters. SUAB is hiring a research assistant. $3.39!hour, work/study. Apply Suite 4, EMU SUAB is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 00462:5 A 6th GRADER at Mt Vernon Elementary, bright in math and science is in need of a tutor to help take him beyond the basics of elementary school cur riculum. computer available. You can help if you have 3 hours a week to spare, credits given Con tact ESCAPE at 327 EMU (686-4351). 00437:1 FREE ASSOCIATIONS, Psych, department news letter needs creative writing talent. Contact Cathy. SUAB, Suite 4 EMU, ext. 3728. Psych majors pre ferred. but anyone welcome. 00464:4 EARN PRACTICUM CREDIT and COACH BASEBALL in a Youth Program. Would you like to coach in a youth baseball program? The Eugene Sports Program is now recruiting volunteer coaches for Spring basebaH/softball and needs your help. This can provide a valuable experience for you. Work with kids from 3rd to 9th grade Upper division credit can be earned through the ESCAPE prog ram. Call the Eugene Sports Program, -342-7261. 00865:31 INTERESTED IN LEARNING interviewing survey skills? ESCAPE needs people to help work on sev eral interesting research projects. Earn upper divi sion credit while applying research skills. We can use all levels of expertise, from interested novices to people with strong backgrounds in com puter science and/or research methodology. For further information, contact Susannah at 344-7504 or 327 EMU. 686-4351. 00431:1 POOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE, non-smoker, apartment near campus, pool, sauna, own room, furnished. Call 343-5715. 4:6 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED, own room in three bedroom house on Cityview. large yard, fireplace, washer, stereo. $80 per month. First and last. Call 345-7085. 4:1 TWO ROOMMATES wanted 4-bedroom house, south hills. $62.50/month plus utilities. 345-1235. 4:1 $90 PER MONTH, good house and fireplace 10 minutes walk. Call 343-7667 after 6 p.m. 3:31 FEMALE WANTED to share nicely furnished 3-bedroom. $100 plus utilities. No pets. 344-6682. 3:31 LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share furnished house with two others. Fireplace. $90 including utilities. 343-9014. 4:1 QUIET PERSON needed to share three bedroom, older house with fireplace. Own room and half bath. $95. bills paid. No pets or smokers. 342-1524. 4:1 WILL SHARE HOUSE with tolerant non-smoker Two blocks from campus. John, 484-9781. 4:1 NEAT, SMOKELESS WOMAN seeks woman now to share older, quaint. 2 bedroom house, garden, bus, bike, fireplace, 342-2364, Martha. 4:1 PEACE AND QUIET for nonsmoker mature, female preferred — share 3-bedroom with 2 bath house. $85 plus utilities. 687-8683. 4:1 ROOMMATE WANTED in house, male or female Rent and utilities, $98. Nice place. 2815 Ferry St.. 342-3274. 4:4 1TOR RENT FURNISH ED STUDIO. $ 120 per month. 1 Vz blocks from campus Private bath and balcony. Share kitchen with one other. Electricity paid. 484-0424 4:1 ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE LARGE house with sun decks and large back yard. $81.25 monthly rent. 344-3674. 4:1 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY!!! Two bedroom, semi-furnished apartment, $180 per month. 2279 Augusta. 686-5291. MUST RENT SOON 4:1 TWO 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished, $155 and $160 Pool, carpets, drapes, appliances. 740 E. 15th. #1. 484-2054. 00447:4 2-BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, $180 per month. 2189 Augusta. Call 9-5 for appointment: 484-9782. No pets 4:1 AVAILABLE APRIL 1st: large 2-bedroom town house, furnished. For more information call 687-1288 evenings. 686-8343 afternoons, or stop by 1805 Garden Avenue, no.8 4:1 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Two-bedroom fur nished apartment, south Eugene $135. Utilities included 485-2494 or 345-4572. 4:1 LARGE, NICE, 2-BEDROOM near downtown/campus. Fireplace, carpeting, ap pliances. Cozy! $240. 485-2564. 00458:tfn LUXURIOUS NEW 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Beautiful country setting. Close to campus Must see. $315. 485-2564 00459:tfn CO-OPERATIVE LIVING AVAILABLE, including room and board for only $117 per month. Call 686-4435 or 686-4125 for more information. 00429:8 TWO BLOCKS FROM U of O Library 2 studio ($136 each) and 1 one bedroom ($148) apart ments. Interior court, quiet. 750 East 14th 345-5448. 4:1 FURNISHED STUDIO. $130. Available 342-8348 3:31 ROOMMATE WANTED — Female — To share house on 2 acres, with greenhouse, garage, base ment. $90. 687-2486. 4:4 QUAD. NO LEASE REQUIRED. Unique design Close to campus 343-1477. 00872:tfn UNFURNISHED 2, 3 and 4 bedroom townhouses No pets. Call between 9 and 5 tor appointment: 484-9782. 00860:4 Grantree Furniture Rental Quality Furniture — 3 rooms as low as $21.75 — Monthly rentals — 10% Student discount 115 Lawrence 343-7717 00834:4 Quads, 751 East 16th Carpet, drapes, air conditioning. Private re frigerator each unit Stufted chair, desk. Plenty of hot water, laundry rooms each floor, parking avail able. Private bath. Bed, end table, $115 per month. $53 deposit. 345-1272. 14828.ifn LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH, ALL UTILITIES PAID Furnished. 1h block from campus. OSPIRG agree ment used. Laundry facilities and parking available $110 per month. $50 refundable deposit. 738 East 16th. 687-0143 or 687-1190. 00745:tfn