CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PUCE YOUR CUSSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 1Od per word the first day copy is admitted and 81 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change. There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannor be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day's issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE fTOR SALE DOWN SLEEPING BAG For Sale — Excellent condition. $60. Call 344-9498. 3:14 ONE-HALF PRICE ODDS AND ENDS SALE. ASSORTMENT OF MANV ONE OF A KIND ITEMS. Oddballs, floor samples, leftovers. TERRIFIC VALUES BUT MOSTLY SINGLE ITEMS Occasional tables, pole lamps, table lamps, dinette chairs, prints, love seats, mattresses, box springs, many others. BRENNER’S FURNITURE 151 West 8th, Eugene 345-4451 00847:14 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11.50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 0057Ortfn 1974 YAMAHA 500 Dohl Streetbike. 5000 Miles. Windjammer III faring, luggage rack with backrest Excellent condition $995. 686-6168. 3:29 KARATE, KUNG-FU, JUDO SUPPLIES and more at EUGENE MARTIAL ARTS SUPPLY 2003 Franklin 342-7756 Open weekdays, 1 lo 6 p.m. 00614:14 ELECTROPHONIC QUADROPHONIC stereo — tape deck system $125. Will bargain. Dan Black 343-0400. 3:14 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT: Spring. Moving to Tasmania. Must sell soon. Bruce 686-6170. 3:29 LOOKING FOR A CHEAP PLACE to live Spnng term? Buy my dorm contract. Free case of Millers. 484-2473. 3:14 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES ON CAMPUS DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11th 3'2-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 14509 l.w.f THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy, sell and trade. 00697:m,w,f CALCULATOR, Tl SR-51-U, 2 months old. Bar gain! $50, plus ad cost. Steve 686-3006/345-1797. 3:14 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT for sale Guaran teed space at the Inn. Call 686-6237 or 344-1310. 3:14 INSTRUMENTS GUILD STARFIRE II, Electric, semi-hollow body guitar Grower pegs. 344-0035. 3:14 ROUND SYSTEMS ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed! 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! Timothy Tinkers — 485-1920 f»RAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yarns, books on crafts. 13853bn PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011:m,w,f ROOKS/SUPPLIES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the highest prices in town for your quality, used books. 101 W. 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 14075:M,H,F 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vz or less of published price. Textbooks, Cliff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn SERVICES CHAPMAN PAINTING SERVICE. Interior or ex terior. Excellent references. Call Michael, 935-7605. After 5 p.m. 3:14 TYPING TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates. Close to campus. 344-7689. 00564:MUW PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved. Near campus. 344-0759.•14501 :tfn JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Compare my prices B.O.A. (Blow-out, oil, adiustl Manual.$10 Electric.$12 Free Pick-up/Delivery Call 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References 3:11 THESES, Dissertations, Long Papers, Correcting Selectric, Graduate approved. Pick-up-delivery. Sandy, 343-9391. 00682If n TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric. Graduate School approved. Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfn SKI STUFF GET READY FOR VACATION. The snow is here. Hansen Exhibitions fits Size 7-9. $100. 343-9756. 3:14 MEN’S HEINKE RED HOT SKI BOOTS. Size 9-9Vz, $25. Dan Black 343-0400. 3:14 RECREATION CHARLIE'S TOO 525 East 13th 12 to 12 Pinball-Foosball Pool Tables-Video Games Also. Charlie's Pool 2645 Willamette 11 a m. to 1 a m. All Week! 14461:sb RICYCLES COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes. 146201fn TO SELL:''76 Takara Pro Tour. 4-months-old. Ex cellent condition. $125 or best offer. Call 484-2517 leave message or ask for Mike. (Lie. #803101). 3:14 rARS/CYCLES 1965 VW BUS with 67 rebuilt motor and clutch. Cassette/radio. $900. Call 343-2976. 3:14 PUT SOMETHING EXCITING between your legs! '71 350 Honda CB. Fairing, good tunning condition. See at 18th and University. Asking $450. Walt at 687-2972, 4-6 p.m. 3:14 '64 VOLKSWAGEN BUG. Excellent condition, newly rebuilt engine, AM/FM radio, new seat cov ers, sun roof. $800. 485-1120, 343-3744, Laura. 3:31 90cc SUZUKI, low mileage, good shape, street leaal. almost never trail riddan, $200. Pat 688-4885.. 3:14 1969 DATSUN WAGON. Radials, good engine, battery. Needs body work, repairs. $525. 345-4529, 3:14 PEUGEOT 403, '60 Wagon (rebuilt), '67 sedan (re cent valve job, sun roof). 747-6619. 3:14 1975 NOVA, EXCELLENT condition, new tires 25,000 miles, $2900, call 484-9275 after 6 p.m.3:30 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R & J Motors 1380 W. 7th 342-7339 14545.1fn AUTO REPAIR 4 & 6 Automotive Specializing in the repair and maintenance of 4 & 6 cylinder water cooled vehicles. Foreignand domes tic. 1401 Willamette 342-3254 00715:14 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens. 342-3952 120701fn M & B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14808dfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIAUST Complete maintenance and repair service. 1938 West 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION NEED RIDE TO BAY AREA 16th or 17th. Share usual. Tim — 342-6807 after 6 p.m. 3:14 RIDE NEEDED TO PORTLAND, Wednesday, March 16, after 12 p.m. Contact Wendy ext. 5372 or 485-9302. 3:14 HELP WANTED POLL YOUR PEERS, research assistant needed for SUAB. Conduct survey on semester system and other projects. Work/study $3.39 an hour. Apply Suite 4, EMU. SUAB is an equal opportunity emp loyer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. 00816:14 PART-TIME JOB — good pay — notetakers wanted in Arh, Anth, Bio., Chem, Econ, Geol., Hst., Psy., Phy., P.S., Soc. and Business. APPLY NOW — Room 15, EMU. 00777:14 OVERSEAS JOBS — summer/year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information—Write: International Job Center, Dept. OD, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704. 3:29 WORK STUDY positions at the FOOD-OP General Store clerking and stocking shelves No expenence necessary. Must fill positions for next quarter. Con tact Deni 686-4314, or drop by Suite 5, EMU. Affir mative Action employer. 00746:14 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company. 484-9555. 12035If n SENIORS — MARKETING AGENCY dealing in insurance and investments has openings in new management program. Successful candidates, after six months training and sales experience, manage own branch. For interview, 687-8156. 00846:30 WORK-STUDY HANDY PERSON. 15-20 hours weekly for group home near campus. $3 per hour. Phone 485-1270. 00838:14 THE BUSINESS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM has a placement for credit open Spring and Summer (or Fall) -quarters with Weyerhaeuser Company. The placement will be a training program using the Wood Products Storeroom and the Regional Pur chasing Department. 20 hours a week and a two term commitment is required. Applicants should be mechanically inclined. Resumes should be submit ted by Friday March 18, to the ESCAPE office 327 EMU. For more information call the Business In ternship Program at 686-3240. 0C643:14 WORK STUDY POSITION, responsible for sanitiz ing EMU Childcare Center, Monday through Friday. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Additional hours are negotiable. Apply in person to Edd Casio, EMU Childcare Center (after 10:30). 00845:14 ESCAPE IS NOW hiring two research assistants for Spring term. They must be work study. Come by 327 EMU or call 686-4351. ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer. Men, women, and minorities are encouraged to apply. 00842:14 SKILL TUTOR TO WORK with retarded women in grooming skills etc Experience required. 15-20 hours per week. Rotate early morning, evening and weekend shifts. $3 per hour. Work-study preferred. Near campus. Call 485-1270. 00837:14 CHILD CARE Monday through Friday evenings, 6-10 p.m. work study position. MUST HAVE ONE YEAR OF EXPERIENCE in pre-school group situa tions. Apply in person, with resume. Contact Edd Casto EMU Child Care Center (after 10:30). 00844:14 CAN YOU TYPE? ESCAPE is seeking a work study typist for Spring term. Come work in a friendly atmosphere. Come by 327 EMU or call 686-4351 ESCAPE is -1 equal opportunity employer. Men, women, and minorities are- encouraged to apply. 00641:14 ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share beauti ful house in South Eugene. 2 bedrooms and study. Available April 1. 344-9230. 3:14 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED, 3 blocks from campus. $70/month. Call 343-2838. 3:14 NEW, FURNISHED apartment. 1 Block from cam pus. Rent $75/month. Call 343-1035. 3:14 SHARE HOUSE NEAR WOODS with instructor, student. 10 minutes from campus. $85 plus. 484-0645. 3:14 ROOMMATE NEEDED — two bedroom town house. Many extras. Non-smoker, no pets, $90 a month, plus deposit. Vi utilities. 686-1315 3:14 NUTRITIONALLY-MINDED ROOMMATE WANTED, own room, westside, furnished apart ment, dishwasher. Call Vicki, 686-2998. 3:30 ROOMMATE WANTED. Own room in spacious two bedroom duplex. $80 plus 'h electricity. Availa ble April 1. Non-smokers, please. 345-7339. 3:14 OWN ROOM. 4 bedroom. Beautiful house near woods. 2 miles south. $95 plus EWEB. 343-4202. 3:14 NON-SMOKER, OVER 21, responsible, male pre ferred. share mellow three bedroom house with your basic laid-back U of Ozone junior. Washer/drier. Opens March 20, $75 month, plus Vt utilities. 687-0418, Mike. 3:14 WOMEN ROOMMATES WANTED: One room to rent; one to sublet spring quarter. Large old house close to campus — quiet, private, $67.50 345-4529. 3:14 FEMALE ROOMIE TO SHARE two bedroom apartment, 1 block from campus. $90 per month plus utilities. 343-9190. 3:29 SHARE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. Own room, non-smoker Rent $115, plus uiLties, and deposit $50. 1548 Lincoln, evenings 7-9 p.m. or leave note anytime for David. 3:14 FEMALE — OWN ROOM, nice house. $90/month. 505 East 17th, 342-8687. Available March 15th. 3:14 WANTED — THIRD HOUSEMATE. Mature — non-smoker. Own room, old west Eugene house. By interview. 342-6812 evenings. 3:14 TTOR RENT FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Two blocks from campus, pool, balcony, large kitchen, storage room. $155. 342-8577. 3:14 HOUSE FOR RENT: $180/month; two bedrooms; fenced yard, washer and dryer, at Fox Hollow and Amazon. Call 345-2265. 3:14 NICE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 5 blocks from campus. $210/mo nth plus deposit, utilities not included. Lease to August 31. 687-2164. 3:14 1-BEDROOM, furnished apartment. Compact but spotless. Very Close. $150. To see: 1515 Hilyard #28, 1-5 p.m., or 484-9922, Monday-Friday, 9-5. Lease to August 31. 00829:14 NICE BIG 216 bedroom apartment. Across the street from school. Partly furnished, dishwasher, garbage disposal, all utilities paid. $255/month. 343-3001. 3:14 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment. Two blocks from campus. $185. No pets. 689-1081. $140 summer. 3:14 CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 144531fn HUGE 8 bedroom, Vi basement. Neat, $610, 14th and Patterson. 484-9663. 3:14 QUADS $90 Available now. No lease required. Utilities paid. Laundry and parking available. 1360 Alder 485-0291 or 484-0804. 14327:tfn LARGE QUAD Vi block from campus. Utilities paid. $90. 485-8859. 140731fn Quads, 751 East 16th Carpet, drapes, air conditioning. Private re frigerator each unit. Stuffed chair, desk. Plenty of hot water, laundry rooms each floor, parking avail able. Private bath. Bed, end fade, $115 per month, $53 deposit. 345-1272. 14828dfn LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH, ALL UTILITIES PAID Furnished, Vi block from campus. OSPIRG agree ment used. Laundry facilities and parking available $110 per month. $50 refundable deposit. 738 East 16th. 687-0143 or 687-1190. 00745Ifn SUBLET 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. April-August. $210per month. Pool, fireplace, shag rug. 1255 Mill Street. Call 687-8456. 3:14 TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, furnished, two baths, pool, sauna, carport, three blocks campus, available March 17. $200. 342-7937. 3:14 PRIVATE, 2-BDRM. APT., close to campus. $175.00/month — $87 50 deposit. 30-day agree ment. No dogs or children. Call 344-8466. 3:14 I.OST U FOUND FOUND ON CAMPUS, female gold and black dog, medium height, short hair. Maybe German Shepherd/Terrier mix. Call 686-6380. 3:14 FOUND ON CAMPUS: Black cat with pink collar and bell. Phone ext. 3032. 3:1 GRAY, SOFT-BACK NOTEBOOK, important ad dresses, travel data for writer. Left in Union Building phone booth — REWARD. Call or leave Rose Motel Office. 3:29 CHILD CARE EMU CHILDCARE CENTER Open evenings 6884345 — Info, and reservations no. 13774:814 MARKET BASKET GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more. Millers Grocery, 1065 E. 20lh Open 1310 Sunday-Thursday, 1311 Friday-Saturday. 14303:MWF For All Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 3485393 14570:MWF UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 6884911 Special prices during final week. AH produce and cut cheeses — 15% off while they last. Closing noon, March 16. Re-opening March 30. 00635:14 FOOD & PRINK GOOD TKZS AT PIZZA AUREUO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, free movies Vi Price on bar items with regular pizza Sun.-Thurs. after 9:30 p.m. 29th and Willamette 14507:M-H CAFE GLENWOOD, 3758 Franklin, 7-3 p.m. BREAKFAST SPECIAL — 85« Fanciful omelets and special teas. 14225:tfn NEW DAY NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT Excellent vegetarian food at reasonable prices. Open for lunch and dinner. Daily specials & soups. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday 136 East 11th Street 485-0412 IN SCARBOROUGH FAIRE 14314 WH ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY Spring rolls, barbeque pork, teriyaki chicken, tem pura, fish and vegetable. Combination plates $1.50. We accept food stamps for groceries BAMBOO PAVILUON 1275 ALDER Monday-Friday, 11-7:30 Saturday, 12-7:30 00667:14 DINE WITH US and choose from an exten sive menu of authentic Chinese cuisine daily from 5-10 p.m. Luncheon specials served Monday-Saturday as well as custom brewed coffees and fine herbal, black and blended teas until 5 p.m. CHINA BLUE 879 East 13th Avenue 343-2832 3:29 MICKIE S DEUCATESSEN 1609 East 19th. Eugene's own New York Deli. Salads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches, groceries, picnics, dinners. Catering — weddings and all oc casions. Monday-Saturday. 14479:mwf THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner. Omelets and other delights. Crepes, Desserts, Garden Vegetables. 770 East 11th, 342-8340. 7 a m.-10 p.m. 14480:MWF THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt, Italian ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastries, coffees and teas. Now featuring homemade soups, salads and sandwiches. Open Daily noon to midnight, 325 Blair Across from George's Garage 14541:MWF EVENTS SPRING 1977 JPN407 JAPANESE LITERATURE AND CINEMA April 5 — 'Shindo ISLAND (1961) 12 — Kurosawa RED BEARD (1965) 19 — *lmai NIGHT DRUM (1958) 26 — Hani BWANA TOSHI (1965) May 3 — •Oshima BOV (1969) 10 — *Ozu THERE WAS A FATHER (1942) 17 — Tesbigahara FACE OF ANOTHER (1966) 24 — 'Shinoda ASSASSINATION (1964) 31 — ‘Hani HE AND SHE (1963) •Coordinated wilt) HST408 MARRIAGE AND SEX ROLES IN JAPAN No admission charge. Limited to enrolled students 00824:29 ENTERTAINMENT THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 14922W-H CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10!h and Olive, 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU WEDNESDAY EMILE ZOLA'S classic book of love and jealousy, "THE HUMAN BEAST," inter preted by two of cinema's masters. GABIN-SIGNORET-RENOIR’S LA BETE HUMAINE ANO FRITZ LANG'S HUMAN DESIRE SHOWTIMES: RUMAINE-7:30; DESIRE-910 Eugene Film Society members admitted free, please show your card at the door. 00848:14 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP EVENINGS Tuesday: CLIFFORD Wednesday: BREAD a BUTTER Thursday: SUSAN ARROW Friday: MIKE FORD on 14th between Hilyard and Alder 00850:14 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10:30, Friday — 4-6 p.m. MICHEL06 ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week. 13688ifn CONCERT — DANCE ARROYO Plus REFAEL EUGENE HOTEL 8 P.M. — FRIDAY MARCH 18 3:14