Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 14, 1977, Page 11, Image 11

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    (Paid Advert semen )
Since early last summer, the ASUO
has been working hard in preparation for
the txtrrent session of the Oregon Legisia -
tore. The Legislature makes decisions
that are important oath respect to our
condition as students and as dtaens m
the greater community; and since the
Legislature meets only six months out of
every two pears, student activity has been
ASUO. With the session less than two
months old. we want toreach allstudents
at the University of Oregon with this
newsletter to inform you of the status of
issues which are of concern to all of us. In
addition, we would like to describe some
opportunities for you to have an impact
on the decisions being made by the
Oregon Legislature.
The ASUO s activities regarding the
Oregon Legislature are designed to serve
two purposes. First, we are active up in
Salem following progress and trying to
influence decisions made on a number of
issues of importance to students as stu
dents in highereducation. The ASUO, in
cooperation with students from other
schools around the state through the
Oregon StudentLobby, has presented to
the Legislature a number of bills which
me designed to advance the student in
terest. You will find in this newsletter a
description of thestudent legisiatiue prog
ram, covering such important issues as
tuition, financial aids, and disclosure of
faculty evaluation data.
The second goal of the ASUO with
regard to die Oregon Legislature is to
facilitate die involvement of students on
issues which are of general social interest,
and not confined to the strict definition of
student issues mentioned above. To ac
compiish this goal, we have created a
Legislative Resource Center (LRC)
which is fully staffed and complete with
justabout every type of legislative mater
ictl that is necessary for aperson to be able
to stay on top of what's going onupatthe
State Capitol. The LRC is described
elsewhere hi this newletter.
in -order to be successful, <each of
these activities requires the direct in
volvement of significant number of stu
dents. if we are going to be able to ade
quately explain our bills to the Legislature
and show that a dire need existsfor their
enactment, then me need to have sig
nificant numbers of students help our
tabbying efforts by mating informed let
ters to legtiiakars, and by accompanying
us up to the State Capitol for persona!
visits with them, Lnnrderto have an im
pact on all b&s. and not only those bills
which arebemgexpressiy pursued by the
ASUO, you can come down to Suite 4
and find out mhatsenucesareooaalabiein
our Legislative Resource Center.
We hope that you mill be interested
enough in what's going on up at the
Legislature to read this newsletter and
take steps to become informed about the
progress bang made on student legisla
tion. Because ofthe cost, we are only able
to do a limited number of campus-wide
maiiouts to inform students ofouriegisla
tive program. We ore, however, sending
out a twice-monthly newsletter to any
person who requests it. If you would like
toreceux this newsletter, or if you would
like to volunteer m helping us pursue our
issues up at the Legislature, simpiy fill out
the form which is provided on Page 3 of
this newsletter (if you haven’t done so
already). Thank you foryour interest. We
hope to have your assistance in making
the student legislative program as suc
cessful as possible.
Jan Oliver
ASH JO President
Mark Cogan
Vice President
for HjpMTTS
Linda Chapman
Administrative Assistant,
Legislative Affairs
Jim Bemau
Mark Cogan
ASUO Vice President for State Affairs
Suite 4 EMU 666-3724
Linda Chapman
ASUO Administrative Assistant for State Affairs
Suite 4 EMU 686-3724
Jim Bemau
Suite 4 EMU 686-3724
Legislative Resource Center
Kdi Osborn. Jeff Liss, Jim Dowhower
Suite 4 EMU 686-3724
Oregon Student Lobby
Kirby Garret; Executive Director. Dan Gamer;
Administrative Asst.
526 N.E. Cottage St
Salem. Oregon 97301. 378-4966
Jan Oliver
ASUO President OSL member
Suite 4 EMU 686-3724
Some suggestions -for a personal student
lobbying effort:
&• Familiarize yourself with student issues.
They are summarized on pages 2 and 3
of this guide.
3L* Determine committee location of bills
on “capitol gains" chart page 3.
3* Write or call legislators on appropriate
committees. ASUO can authorize stu
dents to make toll-free calls to Salem for
ASUO lobbying efforts. Salem addresses
and phone numbers of key legislators are
listed in the Legislative Directory.
4* Contact individuals involved with the
student lobby effort listed in the Student
Lobby Directory to check further prog
ress of legislation and to coordinate your
work that is already being done.
S« Use the Legislative Resource Center for
your research.