Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Chorus to present concert
The popular Innsbruck Chamber Chorus, the only permanent small
choir in the Willamette Valley, will give another in its series of free
University Art Museum concerts on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in the Throne
Recent concerts by the group include Renaissance masses at the
Newman Center and at a local Carmelite monastery, and a memorable
concert of Christmas music in the art museum last winter.
Composed of graduate students in music and related fields, the
unusual ensemble, who perform a capella and without a conductor,
prefer to concentrate on music of the Renaissance and 20th century.
Sunday’s program will include selections from Josquin des Pres and
Orlando di Lasso, two Flemish composers of the middle Renaissance,
and of Francis Poulenc, a modern French composer.
Date changes
for sports dinner
to honor patrons
The date of the annual Found
ers’ Day Banquet for physical
educators and athletics suppor
ters has been changed to March
30. Earl Zeigler, one of the speak
ers at the forthcoming national
convention for health, physical
education and recreation
specialists, will deliver the Found
ers’ Day address.
Tickets are on sale for $6 and
$1 at the main office, Gerlinger
Annex. The banquet will be at the
Black Angus Restaurant, with
dinner served at 6:30 p.m.
Emerald faces
net challengers
A volleyball match between the
Multnomah Athletic Club of Port
land and the Emerald AA men’s
team is scheduled for March 12 at
North Eugene High School begin
ning at 7:30 p.m.
—----• • • q|
OMEA test draws 3,750
More than 3,750 high school musicians will arrive on the campus to
participate in the Oregon Music Educators Association District IV Festi
val Friday and Saturday.
The contest brings together bands, orchestras and choirs from the
Willamette Valley area between Albany and Cottage Grove. Fifty
schools will be represented in the competition.
Author relates pre-history
Luther Cressman has spent more than four decades studying a
chapter in the Northwest’s past which is unfamiliar even to many his
The self-trained archaeologist and founder of the University’s De
partment of Anthropology and Museum of Natural History has compiled
a “prehistory” of far-western North America, to be published this
month by the University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
The book, entitled “Prehistory of the Far West,” traces ancient
people and cultures in the area between about 13,000 years ago and
the arrival of white explorers and settlers in the early part of the 19th
KWAX airs Verdi opera
Verdi’s opera “La Forza del Destino”, the fifteenth broadcast of the
current Texaco-Metropolitan Opera season, can be heard over station
KWAX-FM, 91.1, on Saturday, starting at 11 a.m.
Singing principal roles will be soprano Leontyne Price as Lepnora,
tenor Placido Domingo as Don Alvar, baritone Cornell NacNeil in the
role of Don Carlo and bass Martti Talveia as Padre Guardiano. James
Levine will conduct.
Last year,the storyof their
early years won llEmmys.
Now, see them in
their White House years.
One of the most celebrated events on television last year was
the story of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in their early
years. Now, Jane Alexander and Edward Herrmann continue
their portrayals of the Roosevelts in “Eleanor and Franklin:
The White House Years.” Don’t miss it.
‘Eleanor and Franklin:The White House\fears’
Sunday, March 13,8 PM. on KEZI-TV-Channel 9.
Brought to you by
Oregon Daily Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex
cept during exam weeks and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emeiald
Publishing Co., Inc., at the Universrty of Oregon. Eugene, Ore. 97403.
The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University
with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union.
The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and
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Persons interested in attending the seminar.
The Mind Can Do Anything." in Portland Saturday
and Sunday may sign up for ride pooling in the Psi
Studies Interdisciplinary Center, Suite 1, EMU.
The University s Counseling Center is now form
ing a single parents' group for spring term. The
nature of the group will be determined by the needs
of the participants. Size will be limited to 10. Meet
ing time will be 10:30a m. to noon Thursdays or 2 to
3:30 p.m. Fridays Contact the center, x3227. to
arrange pre-interviews This is not a research pro
University Worship, a weekly ecumenical folk
rock worship service, will be held Sunday at 11 a m.
at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St. (north of the
Bookstore) Everyone is welcome
A female graduate student in counseling is or
ganizing a group for overweight women spring term
to teach methods of weight control using behavioral
methods and rational-emotive counseling. The
group is open to both students and non-students
Contact Jesse Ledgerwood, 343-4650 or
686-5501. for more information and interview ar
The Emerald's briefs column is open to anyone
wishing to make announcement of meetings, lec
tures and miscellaneous events. Briefs are run only
once and are subject to space limitations. They
should be typed, triple-spaced in a 65-unit margin
Include all pertinent information, especially thedate
you want it run. Also, include a name and phone
number in case we have questions. Events with
donations or admission charges will not be consi
dered for the briefs column.
All items must be turned in by 2 p.m. the day
before publication at the Emerald office. Room 300.
Now comes
Miller time
3355 E Amazon
5-8 PM
7 02.