ROOMIE THREE BEDROOM, lurnished apart man! naar Sacrad Maori $240 484-1057 00789 9 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, lurnished, tv, Mocks from campus fireplace dock pod $200 a month Available tor Spring term Call 344 8556 00 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartmant Two Mocks trom campus $185 No pals 689 1081 $140 summer 3 14 SUBLET LARQE ONE BEDROOM apartment naar campu available March 24 $144 687 9038 311 FURNISHED STUDIO APARTMENT Two Mocks lo campus Swimming pool $135 Call lor Ap pomtmant 343 3826 3 11 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Available Aprs 1 Dahwaaher. deck pod $?10per monti 1255 Mil SI 485-0960 3 11 BLACKSTONE MANOR Two bedroom, lur rushed Available April 1 inquire 1750 Alder #21 3 10 TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, two basis pool sauna carport three blocks campus available March 17 $200 342- 7037 fuinrmed 3 0 LARGE STUOIO APARTMENT, Sunny nwimrrsng pool, cloee lo campus $»35 343-3134 3 10 CAMPUS OUADS $06/$ 11S Utilities pant Aw condition ng and private baths 1010 Harris 60*2470 14463 tfn LARGE PRIVATE ROOM Homs privilege* $60 Board available 305 Fa a 19lh 344-3990 3 9 QUIET QUADS — non-dorm atmosphere $97 60 or $00 on 6 month lease Private hath 563 East 10lh 343 9377 or 720 3751 3 9 UNFURNISHEO. ONE BEDROOM STUDIO Brand new Carpal 4 blocks from campus $210 a month 2 adults No pots or children 346 3413 00706 11 HUGE • bedroom ’ > basement Neat $610. Mr and Patterson 404 9663 3 14 QUADS $90 Avertable near No lease required UWHtes paid Laundry and parking available 1360 Alder 485 0291 or 404 0004 14j27 tfn ROOM AND SHARED LIVING, cknmg kitchen Women orty Comfortable older house one block off campus Ubktiee tumqhed $05 a month Phorw Ckck 343-3330 344 5642 3 9 LARGE QUAD W block from campua Utilitiea paid $90 485-8869 14073 tin TWO A NO FOUR badioom toarnhouaea availabla immackalafy No par* Can batwaan 9 a m and S p m 484 9782 00708 11 Ouada. 751 Eaat l«h Carpal drapaa an condworitng Private ra ingeralor aacb uml Skilled chan. daafc Plenty (4 hca xator laundry rocma aacb floor parking avail able Pnvata barb Bad and labia $1 IS per month »3dapoak 345 1272 14828 Hn LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH, ALL UT«.fT*8 PAJO furniahad. Vi Mock from campua OSPIRG agree mamuaad l aundry lacikkan and parting availabla $110 pm month 550 leTundabie deposit 738 Eaat 16th 687 0143 or 687 1190 00745 tin T OST B FOUND LOST MANS OULOVA ACCUTRON wrist watch Call 688 2967 before 5 p m or folum k> EMU loaf and lound REWARD 3 9 LOST RED SPIRAL NOTEBOOK at EMU r.opymachmc March 8, Please return lo EMU Loel and Found 3 9 FOUNO: EXCELLENTLY BEHAVED small Get man Shepard Found 2 weeks ago Call I-757-013S (Corvellra) 3 9 REWARO! Gold and Abotonsrmg Loatal Tullcon carl Call Tom 345 790? or 342 3129 3 9 FOUNO LEATHER POUCH with small amount ol money and bike key m Ironl ol EMU Come by Emerald Office 3 9 EMU CHILDCARE CENTER Open evenings 688 4345 — Into and reservations no 13774 3 14 CHURCHES MCC Metropolitan Community Church A Christian Church reaching the gay community All meetings open Worship 7pm 3B00 Ferry Si Wednesday Bible Study Information 345-246? 74^4698 or P O Bon 3076. Eugene, 97403 14870 W For All Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just Thai 742 Easl 24th 343-5393 1457QMWF UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 888-4911 Western Family frozen orange |uice 12o/ 36e 32 0/ — 86v 00768 10 GOOD PRICES ON BEER. moot. piwas and more Miller s Grocery 1065 E 20#i Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday, 10-11 Friday Saturday 14303 MWF IT OOP U PRINK THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old lashioned nalurai ice cream sweetened w h honey or sugar. Iro/en yogurt. Iiaban ices non-dairy ice ere cm pastnes. cofteea and teas Now lealurtng homemade soups, salads and sandwiches Open Oatty noon to midnight. 325 Blair Across from George's Garage 14541 MWF MICKIE 8 DELICATESSEN 1609 Easl 19*i Eugene s own New York Oe* Salads meals cheeses sandwiches groceries picnics dinners Cslerng workings and a* oc casone Monday SsSucday 14479 mw* THE CREPERV For a unique luncheon, dnnar Ometols and other defcgtts Crepes. Oasseds. Garden Vagal shies 770 Easl 1’lh 342-8340 7 am-10 pm 14480 MWF CAPE QLENWOOO. 3758 Franklin 7-3 p m BREAKFAST SPECIAL - SS< Fanciful omsMIt and special Isas 14225 «n THE BEANERY Fres codes* roasted si our shop Herbal and Mack teas chocolate* and Sherman agar sites ALLEN BROS COFFEE 2465 Htyard Sheet 344-0221 00725 10 f 1 LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Every TutMiy and Thursday «eg *4 70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON •I You Can Eal. vy Liter of WINE or a Pilcher d BEER or a Pilcher ol SOET DRINK dl your rfwice Sausage 0 Meatballs esetuded on re-order 0:30 IO 11 p m TUESOAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W 1st 484-1519 13978 M-H GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AURELIO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays tree movies vy Price on bar 4erm with regular pizza Sun Thurs attm 9 30pm 299) and Willamette 14507 M-H events SURVIVAL CENTER Presents TOM BENDER Edrtor ol RAIN Magazine Discussing ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES and APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY FREE TODAY! EMU Forum Room, 12:30 p.m 00813 9 THE FACULTY COMMITTEE ON Minority Disadvantaged Programs win make a pro vernation ot its recommendations lonigts at 7 p m m tf»: EMU Room to be posted 00790 9 EUGENE GROWTH SEMINAR 7 P.M. MARCH 11 EUGENE HOTEL — $5 DONATION Benefit for the Center for Whotsbc Brrth Info Call Jude Hart 345-3405 3 11 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS MARGARET SLOAN FOUNDING EDITOR MS MAGAZINE SPEAKING ON: RACISM & SEXISM IN AMERICA MARCH 10. ROOM 167 EMU 2 p.m. FREE 00724 10 ENTERTAINMENT C.C.P.A. PRESENTS ROSALIE SORRELLS AND BRYAN BOWERS THURSDAY MARCH 10 Two shows al 7 and 10 pm S3 advance S3 50 at tie door WOW Hat. 8th and Lincoln 00793 10 Friday, March 11 177 Lawrence SPIRITUAL UNION PRESENTS I LOVE YOU, ALICE B. TOKLAS Paler Se*er> stars as a strain, upb^il lawyer who dacovars Alice B ToWas Brow ne reape. and <*ves headlong mlo tie hip sub-ciAtura One ol Sellars lunneat Mms INs come dekght a Ml ol good-natured pot shots al the values ol strain sooely and Ihe counterculture alike 7 and 9 p m S1 0081 1:11 HOMEFRIEO TRUCK STOP Torvill BILL MERCER on 14th between Hityard and Alder 00794 9 THE ANAOA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS THE LOST HORIZON (ORKMNAL VERSION) This famous classic film takes us vno the world at Shangri-La. a Himalayan paradise where no one grows old where spmtual and mater al happness abound and vrfiere no one has to write term papers or take finals Starring Ronald Cotman. wifi Sam Jaftee as the High Lama Saturday. March 12 190 PLC 7 and 9 15 p m $1 00795:11 THREE NIGHTS Thurs.-Frl.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY KFMY 980 Midnite Movies THIS WEEK Diana Ross IS BILLIE HOLIDAY IN LADY SINGS THE BLUES BEST SEATMG ON THURSOAY All Seats Only 980 MAYFLOWER THEATER 11th A ALDER 00009 11 UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATS PRESENTS A STAR-STUDDED CARTOON FILM FESTIVAL FEATURING DAFFY DUCK TWEETY BIRD FOGHORN LEGHORN MR. MAGOO BUGS BUNNY POPEYE OLIVE OYL BRUTUS PINK PANTHER SUNDAY MARCH 13 180 PLC 4,6,8,10 p.i.. 50i children under 12 $1 adults 00765 11 CINEMA 7 atrium BUILDING. SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive 687 0733 TONIGHT THROUGH SUNDAY AN ALFRED HITCHCOCK DOUBLE FEATURE Ingnd Bergman — Gregory Peck SPELLBOUND The maddea love thai ever possessed a woman With sets by SALVADORE DALI PLUS The suspensetul se» mystery MARNIE ShowlimeB SPELLBOUND 730. MARNIE 9 30 p m Reduced admiseon matinee Sat & Sun at 2 p m 00814:10 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY EUGENE THEATRE COMPANY’S SLOW DANCE ON THE KILLING GROUND W O W HaH (Eugene 8 new Off-Broadway Theatre) Student Rush S2 as the door 291 West 0th. 8 :30 p m 00796 11 ACME BUOU PRESENTS FRENZY ALFRED HITCHCOCK 180 PLC 8 p m $1 25 or Season Tcket 00797 9 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustcal guitar Monday-Saturday. 9-12 14922 M-H JAZZ OSCAR WILLIAMS Trumpet wifi James Brourn. Ray Charles. Santana. Blood-Sweat-Tears Kenton etc AND UNWERSITY OF OREGON Award-wmnrtg JAZZ LAB BAND I THURSDAY. MARCH 10 8pm Beall Hat. School of Mus*c $2 general Si students 3:10 MEL BROOKS’ THE PRODUCERS Friday. Marsh 11th 7 and 8 p.m $1 180 PLC GPA and MCC 00898 11 ENCORE AND MU PC PRESENTS LEON REDBONE With LORI MORfTZ Thursday March 10 7 and 9 30 p m O S U. Memorial Union Ballroom Tickets — S3 50 Available at O S U Student Ac tivities Center 00759 10 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS GEORGE BENSON APR*, let Mac Arthur Court 8:30 p.m. U of O Students S5 General Pubic $6 Reserved $6 Day ol Show S6 50 Tickets available at tie EMU Mass Desk and Everybody s Records 00783 sb BLACK FORESr TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours Monday and Wednesday — 9:301o 10 30 Fnday — 4-6 p m MICHEL 08 ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week. 13688 tin WED., MARCH 9 JAMES DEAN REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE Plus Cartoon 6,8,10 p m $1 150 Geology ASUO STATE AFFAIRS 00747 9 PERSONAL MIRROR. MIRROR ON THE WALL Who is the finest swimmer of aH Why it is monster, of course French Tinkler 3 9 WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING audition tapes K the Seventh Annual Willamette Valley Folic Festival to be held May 19. 20 and 21 It you play any kind ol traditional music, (including Dixieland, gospel. Bluegrass. Old Timey, Original Folk, etc ) Please submit your tapelo Suite II. Cultural Forum office by Apnl 15 For more ntormetion call 686-4373 and ask for Sue 00812:15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTY EYKAMP — Hope th» one s »w best evert Love. Wits 3:9 KILLER. COBBERS. DR. J., TIGER, P.D., TYRONE. UNSWELL. Thanks for the period evening Saturday We had a great time! J F , D L . Q.N.. C.H., K B . T P.. J.J 38 SPECIAL CHARMS TO our Pi Phi locked os Sue. Pat. Jon. Genet , Jant, Cka Thanks for helpeig men the IM coed B-baf tourney' Sea you Ionite at 10 The Pi Phis 38 LAW STUDENT DESIRES to meal wed get to KNOW attractve and rrtettgen! female Cad Milan 345-2325 3:10 BONGO BUNS: Wahoo! Max t B open HI 230 now So we can stay out later and get stupider Meet me there Love. Sick 007018 PART-TIME JOB — good pay — notetakers wanted m Arh. Anti. Bio Chem, Econ, Ged. Hat. Psy. Phy, P S., Soe. and Busatess. APPLY NOW — Room 15. EMU 00778ab LOW COST AUTO MSURANCE 747-0668 or 687 2259 Ask for Jim Pack 13792A4WF HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL! But n toe wrong places’ - - - ■ Have * removed safety Phone 687 9181 ask tor Marian speciakst r. Electrotogy 00774 MWH U of O CntSB CENTER is open every raght from 5 pm to8 a.m to help you wito any problem Ssric»y confidential 686-4488 14546W LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK Tne Btoodmobife win De at Pacific Northwest Bek today from 9 30 to 12:30 DONORS NEEDED A Positive 2 Units. A Negative 2 Urals: O Positive 5 Urals O Negative 2 Units and AB Postove 1 Ural Call 484-9111 for an appanfment DISCRIMINATION VICTIMIZES YOUNG OR OLD, woman or mar black ca «rfnte student or faculty Do you have a problem’ Call Affirmative Action. 686-3177 00799:sb IT IS WRITTEN: Equal opportunity does not dis cnrranate Ca» Aftrmative AcSon. 686-3177. to act as your advocate 00600 9 JOHN, HAPPY 19th Birthday' Hope it s good BLIMP we* her for you SJJ 3 9 MULTIPLE COEQUAL LI EE partnership - toe aF temative to the nuclear farraty Why and how’ Wrte Family Enterprise Boa 1302 Florence. 97439 3 10 INTERESTED IN FRATERM1CS? Find out about Sprang Informal RUSH' at lunch on Thursday. March 10 00810 9 STUDENTS SUBJECTED to racist aid sexist class content have an advoc*e in toe Affirmative Action Office Call 686-3177 tor nformaton 00801:9 M.G. PARE-BOOV. just wanted to ten you that you re a tot of fun and make me smile Good luck with your Review today Tom*o 3:9 HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM SPILLUM H»v# an iwctomt #20 •mmeciatety not sooner VETERANS Contact the V A Tutonai Oftee about you benefits For info call 686-3232 00730:Sb PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and tree preg nancy lest CNI687-8661 142B61tn SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL. STORAGE UNIT RENTALS 6X10 10X10 and larger 24 hour access C-tore it yourself and save Call State Realty 686-1973. 10600ttn HAVE A TRAVEL PROBLEM that you cannot soh'e' Educational Ftghts has tor 7 years, been hetpaig people in the academe commuuty get to Europe and the rest of the world at minimum cost, with manmunttexibAty. and mnimum hassle Can us. ton-tree, at 800-223-5569 4 1 UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot Right to your door And now we have two delivery trucks to gve you taster service Call 342-8111 Now open until! am Monday 10 Satur day Midm^it on Sunday 00628 Itn DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Contact Cw at 686-6282 tor further information 3 11 WHOEVER YOU ARE, THANK YOU from hve Michigan women You bought our tickets to Santa Ana, Catt from downtown L A on January 1.1977 Thanks, you re a doll' it you see ha contact tie Emerald 39 TAKE A KITE BREAK with your tavorte Mylar Dragon Red blue or hot pnk Ready to tty Loops (tves streaks E«ce*ent tor coast annds Was $8 now $7 Kaes and Other Delights Akmm, 10th and Okve 345 4856 00781 11