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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1977)
CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK (JO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 1 (X p*.r word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum All ads must be paid for m advance The Emerald can nor be rasponsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad apoears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1pm for correction in the next day's issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that di sen mm ate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age CALI 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE 1TOR SALE TAKE $20 tor my dorm contact, available im mediately Phone Steve at 4630. or leave message 3:7 GIBSON 175 GUITAR, hollow body, electric Hum bucking pickup. Sunburst 4 years old. in exceiler* condition $400 Hammond M-100 Organ with a 125 Leslie No bench, needs re«ni*hing. runsgood asking $400 Call 928-1716 3:7 LOOKING FOR A CHEAP PLACE 10 live Spring term? Buy my dorm contract Free case of Millers 484-2473 3 14 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT FOR SALE Spring term Call Greg at 686-6050 3:8 GRL'S DORM CONTRACT. Will pay you $20 dol lars 686-6322 Ask for Michelle 3:7 SELL 6 month old stereo, with 8-track tape krmt atne and AM FM radio $100 10-speed bike $50 6865538 9 a m -5 p.m 3 7 DORMITORY CONTRACT SPRING TERM only Contact Cars a at 344-3545 3 11 LARGE SELECTION OF NEW PAPERBACKS. posters and plaques ARISTOTLE'S #8 Oekwey Mall 687-0485 00636 7 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag ot shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO 632 Biar 343-0222 00570fn FRESH ROASTED COFFEES ON CAMPUS DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 14509M.W.F THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, phcao equipment etc Buy sell and trade 00697 MWF DORM CONTRACT — Carson Cheap rates Spring term Suzanne. Room 403 C Ext 4325 3 8 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT — Sprng Term 686-6156 Private bath and maid service 3:8 LARGE SELECTION OF HANDMADE IM PORTED clothing at least 25% off Andreas 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324 00771 11 THE NOPPY!! Countless tiny nodules exerase and massage your feet Yellow, red or blue $8 95 Designers and makers ol shoes for two centuries birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th Avenue 687-006S 00767 11 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT — Spring term 686-6111. Pnvate bath and maid service 3:8 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT — Sprng term 686-6194 Private bath and maid service 3 8 WELL CARED FOR 1975 Toyota Corolla station wagon Luggage rack, factory air. radio. Excellent condition Chech Blue Book price, then make offer 6860416 3:8 MUST SELL: 2 portable typewriters car air con ditioner. sweatsuit, worn twice ($14). ALL ITEMS EXCELLENT CONDITION! Call 746-2453 3 8 SALE Prints, some designer sample Now only $1 75 per yard (reg $2 per yard) Wool Sale $2 25 per yard Only one more week Andreas 2441 Hilyard, 346132400772 11 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE call 686-4324 Ask for Pam Please leave message 3 7 DORM CONTRACT, SPRING term Call Dave Room 104. 6866524 or ext. 5320 3.7 INSTRUCTION INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES — Monday and Wednesday evenings. 7 369 p m Call 344-4862 for information 3.11 DANCE THERAPY GROUPS beginning March 5 Private sessions also by appointment. Call 344-4862. 3:11 INSTRUMENTS GIBSON S.G. SPECIAL and 1960-330 $225. $315 Fender Bassmantop, $130. Princeton Rev $150. J.B.L. (2*12) Bottom $125. 1966 Telecaster $265 Mitch 343-2438 3 7 jROUNP SYSTEMS J.I.L. Mm I 8-track car stereo $40 Three months old. Like new Call 686-0437 3 7 B.I.C. 980TURNTABLE, walnut Base tinted dust cover Shure-U-15-lll cartridge Paid $310, Sell $185 Dave Bean-Oaroe 313. 485-9661 3 8 rRAFTS/HOBBIFS SERENITY WEAVERS 111 Waal Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms superbly engineered, reasonably pnced in stock Yams, books on crafts 13853 tin PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDK) RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011 M.W.F ROOKS/SUPPLIES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the hi(Jieat prices n town for your quality used books 101 W 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saftjrday 10a.m-5:30pm 14075M H .F 20.000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vy or less of published price Textbooks, Cuff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 14447 tin SEKYICKt PRENATAL WALKING ANO BREATHING SPONSORED BY THE CENTER FOR WHOLIS TIC BIRTH RELAXING STIMULATING AND FREE. CALL LINDA 343-0709 3 7 TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Setae trie Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 14501 tin TYPING WANTED — Manuscripts term papers etc Fast — Accurate — Reasonable IBM Selec tnc Phone 344-5856 evenings 3 9 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Compere my prices B O A. (Blow-out, oil. adlusti Manual S10 Electric $12 Free Pick-upIDelivery Call 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References 3:11 iHESES, Dissertations. Long Papers Correctng Selectnc Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery Sandy 343-9391 00682:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Dual Pitch Correct ing Selectnc II Graduate School approved 342-7036 2 8 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Quick and Accurate Immediate openngs Near campus 344-6092 days 344-4837 evenings 3 3,7,8 TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates Close to campus 344-7689 00564 MUW TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IBM Selec tnc Graduate School approved Will pick up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627 2710tfn RECREATION CHARLIE S TOO 525 East 13th 12 to 12 Pmball-Fooeball Pool Tables - Video Games Also, Charke s Pool 2646 VWIamette 11 a.m to 1 a m. All Week' VtICYCLES 14461 SD NATIONAL RAND MEN S three speeds (Lie #B02033) with lenders Good condition $40 342-7404 3 7 GITANE TEN-SPEED, #70158 womens with baskets, fenders, excellent condition $95 342-7404 3 7 COLLINS CYCI.ES 60 E 1 lift St 342-4878 Authorized dealers lor Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Servce and repair for all makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes 14620 tin MOTOBECANE SUPER MIRAGE 10X, quick re lease lock $175 new 3'/2 months old $125 or offer Call 3430663 after 5 p m Lie #3393361 3:7 MO-PED-BIKE -never used- costs $500 new now $200 See at 1069 Hilyard. Saturday 10 a m, to 6 p m Sunday noon to 4 p m 2:10 fARS/CYCLES NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R & J Motors 1380 W. 7th 342-7339 14645 tfn TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1974. Excellent condition Ski rack 8-track AM/FM French blue Best otler 343-6300 37 1964 COMET that has run trouble-tree 22 MPG $225 firm Can 344-2661 3 10 66 SUAB SONNETT Excellent mechanical condi tion $2,100. best otter 747-5805 Ask tor Miles 00749 9 AUTO REPAIR 4 & 6 Automotive Specializing in the repair and maintenance ot 4 & 6 cylinder water cpoled vehicles Foreign and domes tc 1401 Willamette 342-3254 00715 14 MSB SWIFT SHOP 747-5605 4-cytinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14806 tin J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 71h Custom engine and transmission rebuildng and parts tor Votkswagens 342-3952 12070 tin CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION NEEO A RIDE to Bay area March 15th or 16th Share expenses Thanx-Peggy 748-2453 3 9 TO FAIRBANKS, 10-15 April, very lamAar with Alcan, will share gas etc Steve 686-0027 3 8 WABXEB_ NEED CASH? I need a 10-speed bike Cell Rod after 6 p.m 746-1497 3:7 WILL SUBLET AND TAKE good caie o' your apartment /house spring term Kathy 686 44.39 666-1284 3 8 UCENSEO (U.S.C.O.) Skipper lor San Juan Is land* cruise March 19-26 11 interested can 343-6608 3 8 HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS — summer year-round Europe S America Australia. Asia, etc All fields S500-J1200 monthly Expenses paid Sightseeing Free information — Write IntemaPonel Job Cent*-' Dept OD Box 4490 Berkeley CA 94704 3 29 READING DIAGNOSTICIAN — Prefer Education or Special Education Graduate Student DeBusk practicum helpful Develop and implement indi vidualized tulorng program Must have work-study funds through- Sprrtg Term Learning Resources Center 268 Condon Ext 3226 00751 11 GAIN SKILLS IN EDTHNG. graphics layout and production ESCAPE « seeking an editor lor its newsletter This position offers upper-division cre dit and tie chance to gam valuable expenence and apply your skills Applications are available m the ESCAPE office — 327 EMU For more information call 686-4351 ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer Men, women, and minorities are en couraged to apply 00752 9 WORK STUDY positions at the FOOD-OP General Store clerking and stocking shelves Noexpenence necessary Must ti« positons tor next quarter Con tact Deni 686-4314 or drop by Suite 5, EMU Affir motive Action employer 00746 14 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE expenence not necessary We will train Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035 tin THE BUSINESS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM has a position for credit open Spring quarter, with the campus branch of the Oregon Bank The intern will be doing a market study of drawing business to the bank Reeumes should be submitted on or before Wednesday March 9. to the ESCAPE office 327 EMU For more information call the Business In ternship Program at 686-3240 00753 9 FEMALE RESIDENT ASSISTANT position open Spnng term 1977 Salary approximately room and board Apply at Housing Office Carson Hal' by Wednesday March 9, 1977 00773 9 LIGHTING MANAGER position opening in the EMU beginning Spu ing term 1977 The number of hours work per week will depend on the number of events scheduled which require special lighting, paid on a per/hour basis Applications and further information may be obtained m the EMU Administ ration Offices M101 Deadline for applications March 9. 1977 The EMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer 00726 7 POSITION OPEN on the ASUO Elections Board Board members are responsible for managing im partial and efficient elections for the ASUO twice a year Applicants should realize this position re quires a heavy time committment throughout the election process Board members must be innova tive. responsible decisive, efficient, tactful and energetic Applications may be picked up and re turned to the ASUO office m Suite 4 of the EMU Filing deadline is 5 p.m Friday. March 11th The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 00764 11 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS many subjects for experiments in judgment and decision making this week $3 for slightly over one hour Call 485-2400 from 9-5 00769 11 HAVE YOU SUFFERED an unnecessary rent in crease? The Off-Campus Housing Office would like to know We ve written legislation that will forbid arbitrary rent increases and need YOUR HELP to assure its passage Come to Suite 3 or call 686-3731 00775 11 ROOMMATES NON-SMOKER, OVER 21, studious lemale pm I erred, to share 3 bedroom house with fireplaai covered parking, 607-6683 3 7 OUIET COUNTRY TOWNHOUSE. Own room 12 blocks from campus $7& month 987-8565 3 7 FEMALE. SPRING TERM, own room new home Fireplace, dishwasher, 17th and Hilyard 484 1867 3 11 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share apartment Spring term Furnished 3 docks west ot campus $72 50 and electnoty 485-2304 3 8 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bed room apartment $90 per monti 3 blocks tram campus 485-1938 3 8 NON-SMOKING VEGETARIAN wanted to share house, yard, near campus large bedroom private bath $100 per month, utilities included 345-2822 3 " MALE HOUSEMATE, NON-SMOKER, graduate quiet Unfurnished 2 bedroom with one olher $115 ten. plus deposit and utilities 1548 Lincoln bet ween 7 and 9pm « leave a note 3 7 NON-SMOKER. OVER 21. reeponeOe male pro faned share mellow three bedroom house with your basic laid-back U ot Oiona |unior Washer drer Opens March 20. $75month plus' 1 utilities 687-0418, Mike 3 14 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Available March 18 $60 rent per monr Ca« 344-9496 3 8 SHARE HOUSE NEAR WOODS with Sluders, sv structor 10 mirvlee from campus non-smoker graduate prelerred $85 plus utilities 484 0646 3 11 ROOMMATE WANTED. Male Clean responsible non-smokng Own room two blocks Irom campus $85 per month plus electrcSy 3445658 3 7 SEEKING NEW FEMALE ROOMMATE to share two bedroom house on hiltside near Hendricks $142 50 plus uMees Hal decks mop study mew Call Frank at 686 2318 or drive by 2295 Floral Mill 3 10 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE beautifully re stored old two bedroom house Furnished with an tiques 7 blocks to campus Available md-March 1430 Pearl 343-4102 3 7 VTOR RENT ROOM AND SHARED LIVING, dmmg. kitchen Women onty Comtonabi# older haute one Nock oft campus UhkPae tumahed $85amor»n Phone Dick 343-3336 344-5542 3 9 LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH. ALL UTILITIES PAID Furnished. W block from cemput OSPIRG agree memuaed Laundry facilities and parkngavailawe $110 per month $50 refundable depotit 738 East 16th 687-0143 or 687-1190 00745 tfn NICE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. Hr block* from library Fireplace dishwasher pool 344-4542 3 8 QUIET OUAOS — non-dorm atmoephere $97 50 or $80 on 6 month lease Private bath 553 Eas: 18th 343-9377 or 726 3751 3 9 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ■ • -.r e<! dose to campus $175 per month $87 50 deposii 30-day agreemem No dogs or children Students preferred Call 344-8466 3 7 FEMALE ROOMMATE OVER 25 lo share 3 bed room house $55 per monfi Nice living space 343-2904 3 8 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM STUOIO Brand-new Carpel 4 blocks from campus $210 a month 2 adults No pets or children 345-3413 00766 11 MODERN 3-bedroom townhouae available m mediately Quiel country selling, landscaped i 5 miles from campus $230 month 2273 Augusta 484 9782 8-5 pm 3 8 HUGE 8 bedroom. v2 basement Neal $610, 14th and Patlerson 484 9663 3 14 QUADS $90 Available now No lease required Utilities paid Laundry and parking available 1360 Alder 485-0291 or 484 0604 14327 tfn ONE BEDROOM IN OLDER BUILDING Nice but small $150 monSi, first and last-no deposit Break on first month - Spring term See at 441 Easl 13th, #3 evenings 3:7 CAMPUS OUAOS $95:5115 Utilities paid Air condrtionlng and private baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 14453 tin LARGE QUAD V» block from campus. Utilities paid $90 485-8859 14073tfn Quads, 751 East 16th Carpel, drapes, air conditioning. Private re frigerator each unit Stuffed chair, desk Plenty of hoi wafer, laundry rooms each floor, parking avail able Pnvatebath Bed end fable. $115 per month. $53 deposit 345-1272 14828 tin TWO AND FOUR bedroom townhouses available immediaiely No pals Call between 9am and 5 pm, 484-9782 00708 11 MOOERN FURNISHED STUOIO APARTMENT. 1Vj blocks from campus $140 per month, utilities paid. Call 342-8093 3:7 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. $155 per month 18th and Alder #6 Close to Campus 3 8 T OST U FOUND LOST; Detective style plaid hat PLEASE call 746-8661 Marginal or ratufn lo losl and found REWARD 38 LOCKER ROOM THIEF — Plaaaa turn mpacfc wtr> wallet. keep money Notebook* essential 3 7 FOUND, woman a gold walcn. by William* Bakery Call 343 9043 ask lor Doug 3 8 LOST CHOKE CHAIN wtin Ihree taga Lana County Providence II found plaaaa raturn ic 1345 Ferry Si *9 3 7 REWARO — loet HP- 67 Calculator m ISO Science Wednesday Fab 23 Can 6864801 3 7 rWILP CARE EMU CHILDCARE CENTER Open evening* 686-4345 — Info and reservations no 13774 3-14 MARKET BASKET UNIVERSITY FOOO-OP 1535 Agate 6864911 Waalam Family froien orange |uca 12 01 — 36c 32 0/ 66c 00768 10 For All Your Fru4 and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE la Juet Thai 742 Eaat 24th 343-5393 14570MWF QOOO PRICES ON BEER, meats pula* and mors Mi'ler a Grocery 1066 E 20m Open 10-10 Sunday-Thuraday. 1611 Friday Saturday 14300MWF FOOD a PRINK CAFE GLENWOOO, 3758 Franklin. 7-3 p m BREAKFAST SPECIAL — 65c Fanctlul omeieia and apecial leas 14225 tin THE BEANERY Fmeat coffees roasted m our shop Herbal and Mack leas chocolates and Sherman cigar an as ALLEN BROS COFFEE 2465 HSyard Street 344-0221 00725 10 THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featumg o*d fashioned natural ice aeam sweetened with honey or sugar fro/an yogurt llakan ices non-dairy ice cream pastries coflees and teas Now teaturng homemade soups, salads and sandwiches Open Dally noon to midnight. 325 Blair Across from George a Garage 14541 MVVT GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AURELIO Si Off Grant Puia Tuesdays free movies i j Price on bar items with regular ;>'//*! Sun -Thurs after 9 30 p m 29fi and Willamette 14507 M H NEW DAY NATURAL FOOO RESTAURANT Escellent vegetarian food at reasonable prices Open lor lunch and dinner Daily specials A soups 11 a m -6 p m Monday Saturday 136 East 11 th Street 485-0412 IN SCARBOROUGH FAIRE 14314 M H LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Ev«ry Tuesday and Thursday Rag $4 70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON s# You Can Eat Vj Liter of WINE o» a Pitcher of BEER or a Piichei of SOFT DRINK of your choice Sausage & Meat bulls excluded on fe-order 8 30 lo 11 p.m. TUESOAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W 1st 484-1919 13976 M-H MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th Eugene s own New York Deli Salads meats cheeses sandwiches, groceries picnics dinners Catering — weddings and all oc casions Monday Saturday 14479mwf THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner Omelets and other despite Crepes, Desserts. Garden Vegetables 770 East 11th 342-8340 7 am-10pm 14480 MWF EVENTS EUGENE GROWTH SEMINAR 7 P.M. MARCH 11 EUGENE HOTEL - 85 DONATION Benefit for the Center for Wholistic Birth Into Call Jude Hart 346-3405 311