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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1977)
Herpes control successful despite no cure In last week's "from the Doctor" column. Dr. Copperman provided Emerald readers with an in formative, in-depth discussion of genital herpes, ve nereal disease he termed "the new epidemic." As he noted, there is no cure for this viral disease — once you contract herpes, it's yours for life. Still herpes sufferers among you are probably asking, "But isn't there ANYTHING I can do?" A number of doctors say yes — that although there is no cure for herpes, it is possible to control the body fly KATHY CRAFT Of the Emerald disease, at least somewhat. Physicians report suc cess with a variety of techniques for preventing, treat ing and managing genital herpes. Many are so sim pie you can easily apply them yourself But it is important to remember that few therapeutic measures have been tested under con trolled situations and their effectiveness is therefore difficult to evaluate. The fact that herpes outbreaks appear related to the psychological state of the pa tient adds to this confusion, for it is possible the success of any specific measure is due to a placebo effect. Nevertheless, if you suffer from herpes and want to guard against relapses as well as the potential dangers of the disease, these facts and suggestions demand your attention. 1. Avoid physical and emotional fatigue. If you already have herpes, that's perhaps the best way to steer clear of recurrences. Remember to maintain your body in a state of good health via proper diet, sufficient rest and For many, the fastest route to a relapse is an overworked week of skipping meals and sleep. 2. Avoid excessive heat. "The role of heat in triggering the virus connot be overstressed," accord ing to Dr Marcus Conant, a dermatologist at the Uni versity of California Medical Center in San Francisco. If you're prone to relapses, it's probably best to avoid hot baths, sunburn and the like. Because body temp erature generally rises at ovulation, Conant explains women with herpes may benefit from taking low doses of aspirin 72 hours before and after ovulation (about day 14 in a regular menstrual cycle.) 3. Avoid friction and irritation in the genital area. The friction of sexual intercourse itself may lead to a relapse, as many report outbreaks soon after sexual relations. If that’s true for you, Conant suggests a liberal application of Vaseline before intercourse. And don’t wear tight clothing. 4. Leam to recognize warning signals that signal an oncoming attack. Begin treatment then rather than waiting for those painful, itching blisters. 5. Once symptoms actually appear, physicians advise a variety of treatment techniques. Among them: taking aspirin, applying compresses of cold milk and using preparations such as Blistex or corn starch on the affected area. If those methods don't help, see your doctor; physicians occassionally emp loy stronger topical treatments or prescribe pain kill ers if you pain is severe. 6. Nutritionally-minded herpes sufferers will want to know that Adelle Davis recommended taking large doses of vitamin A, vitamin C and pantothenic acid both to guard against recurrences and to speed recovery. 7. Because certain studies indicate cervical cancer is more common among women with herpes, women with the disease (or those who have sexual relations with an infected man,) need to see their doctors every six months for a Pap smear. Re member, cervical cancer is curable if detected early. From the Doctor: metnoos are lar saier man ariving a car, and if approached from the proper frame of mind can be far more enjoyable Unfortunately, the stigma as sociated with sexual matters has created an atmosphere of fear and distaste about contraception. This often creates serious prob lems that might easily have been avoided with relaxed but thorough education. If you will, for a minute, please place yourself in the position of your great-grandmother She may well have had no effective options available to her other than absti nence or childbirth Her life may have been one succession of preg nancy ana cniidDirtn after another Intercourse may well have been terrifying to her for this reason The toll on her body s resources was severe, and childbirth itself with its high incidence of bleeding, infections, and high maternal and infant death rates, was a frighten ing period and there was no effec tive way of preventing pregnancy and having intercourse Contrast those times, not far removed from the present, with your current status. You can choose, with an effectiveness of greater than one unwanted preg nancy in a 1000 woman years, when you wish to have inter (Continued course without pregnancy. This gives you the freedom to build a life of your own choosing, as much as anyone can in this far-from-perfect world. To obtain these tremendous benefits you must take some risks but these risks are infinitesimal compared to the previous risks. Almost all the trauma that you went through can be avoided by women on this campus if they will take the time to become educated in a relaxed but thorough manner That was the primary reason for creating the Family Planning Clinic in Area D. Had you been property instructed about the real risks of the pill you may not have discontinued them the first time Public sale of dentures passes first test SALEM (AP) — A bill to allow false teeth manufacturers to self dentures directly to the public was approved Thursday by the House Committee on Aging. The action followed a month of consideration and several lengthy hearings during which dentists opposed the measure as opening the way for fraud and defective work. Under current law, only licensed dentists can fit or sell false teeth Dentunsts, or dental mechanics as they would be cal led in the legislation, now work on contract for the dentists. Senior citizens have supported the measure as a way to reduce dental costs. The vote to send the bill on to it the Joint Ways and Means Com mittee was 4 to 2. Voting for it were Reps. Bob Marx. D-Monmouth, Max Rijken. D-Newport. Gretchen Kafoury, D-Portland, and Curt Woiler, D-Silverton. Dissenting were Reps. Jack Duff, R-Adams, and Cecil John son, R-Grants Pass. Rep. Mary Burrows, R-Eugene, was absent. r ODE Photo Contest sponsored by the UofO Bookstore “Quality of Life in Eugene.” $50.00 Gift Certificate 1st Prize 2nd Prize 125 00 Gift Certificate Winning entries will be published in the March 14th Edition of the Emerald. Deadline for all entries is March 9. For rules, entry blanks and additional information, Drop by the U of O Bookstore Pen Counter. ^ ___j from Page 14) If you had learned about using foam along with the diaphragm you wouldn’t have had to fear preg nancy while retying on it. If you had known the higher risks and the true efficacy of the IUD, you might not have chosen it, and if you had, you might have used foam with it and not gotten pregnant. This information is given in a complete and relaxed fasnion with the instruction tail ored to your fears, desires and questions I guess my point is that, al though definitely far from perfect, contraceptives do more to create the kind of environment and soci ety where women can realize their full potential as human beings f than any other single external fac tor. In the Family Planning Clinic at the Student Health Center we do our utmost to teach you how to use contraceptives as safely as is humanly possible. Please come see us before you have the kind of experiences that our eloquent cor respondent did. They can be av oided. P S. The relation between gall stones and birth control pills was discovered fairly recently and needs much further study. You may expect modifications yearly as our knowledge is refined. Dr. Terry Copperman, Copyright 1977 1 Fashion Representative Wanted GREEN/ASSOQATES ADVERTISING, INC March, 1977 We have been retained by an Oregon based fashion company with national distribution to help promote a new fashion line. The University of Oregon has been selected as a test market for these fine contemporary denim and leather fashions. If the program is successful here, it will be taken to other colleges throughout the country. We are seeking a Fashion Representative for the University of Oregon as well as a Fashion Advisory Board to help us name the line, interpret fashion trends, judge our advertising and marketing plans, and, in general, act in an advisory capacity. We are asking those students who are in terested in either or both of these func tions to pick up an application at the Panhellenic Office, Suite 3, EMU, or at the Student Employment Office, Room 260, Oregon Hall. This opportunity is open co all students, male and female, Greeks and independents. Beverly D. Green President