Says progress will be slow Prof sees ‘faint hope’ for women’s rights "What men have been doing and still are doing to women is even more oppressive than what whites have done to blacks," a dis tinguished visiting law and history professor tokf a group in the EMU Ballroom Tuesday night. "There is now faint hope for change but like with all liberation struggles, it will involve both peaceful and violent measures,” said David Daube, a German bom professor who holds degrees from the universities of Gottingen, Cambndge and Oxford Daube's visit Tuesday was sponsored by the University s re ligious studies department "I grew up as a male chauvinist and didn't even know it,” Daube told the group. He says his attitude changed when he became a visit ing professor of political science at Berkeley in 1964. “I decided then that the only group more oppressed than women is children," said the pro fessor Daube said discrimination against women is an old story and he quoted Biblical passages to show the slow changes in at titudes that have taken place dur ing the last several thousand years. From a familiar parable from the Gospel according to St. John, Daube illustrated the point. "A woman was caught in the act of committing adultery and tradi tional law said she should be stoned. But Christ intervened on By TOM WOLFE Of the Emerald behalf of the potential victim, say ing "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.” The professor claimed the in tervention was really an attack on discrimination against women. No where in the story was the woman's presumed partner dis cussed because of the traditional double standard, said Daube Daube said the more recent Bi blical interpretations are generally more favorable to woman. “But there is absolutely nothing on this earth that cannot be proved by Scripture,” he noted. Daube said much present-day discrimination is based on the traditional Jewish belief that “it is a duty to marry and have children” and the Christian belief that "it is better to have no sex, but if you do it must be to have children.” This duty to procreate has gen erally been assumed to rest with the man, Daube said, and as a result, women have been ex pected to remain reticent espe cially during sexual relations. Only now with the advent of birth control have women had freedom from utter suppression, Daube commented. “In the past they were either pregnant or nursing a child and hence kept in dependence. Naturally this bred out the charac teristics which would help that kind of woman." Daube said. Without this change in circums tance, Daube said, it would be natural for women to remain sub missive to their oppressors. NEW DAY NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT E seeder* vegetarian lood al reasonable prices Open tor Kjfnfi and rennor Daily specials A soups 11 im fipm Monday'Saturday 136 East 11Hi Sir (tat 485-041? IN SCARBOROUGH FAIRE 14314 MH LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Rag *4 70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON al You Can Eal W Last al WINE or a Pilcher c* BEER or a Pilcher 01 SOFT DRINK cl your chocs Sausage & MaNtuAs excluded on re-order 130 to 11 p m tuesoav and Thursday SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W let 4S4-1S1S 13076 M H OOOO TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO SI on Grant Pizza Tuesdays, tree movies Yy Price on bar items with regular puza Sun Thurs alter 9 30 pm 790i and Whsmerte 14507M-H EZBBX2 MAURICIO MAZON A WELL KNOWN HISTORIAN JOSE ANTONIO BURICAGA ONE OF THE FINEST POETS IN CM1CANO LATIN ARTS LYDIA SANCHEZ ANO JAMES PEREZ WILL BE LECTURING ON DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF CISCANO LIFE ON FEBRUARY 24, 1977 FROM 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. IN THE EMU DAO S ROOM ALL FREE ADMISSION 00651:2 DR. SHELDON DEAL Author of NEW LIFE THROUGH NUTRITION WIN give a LECTURE and a WORKSHOP on current research on diet and how to determtne individual nutritional requirements LECTURE—Thurs Feb 74, 7 to 9 p m $3 WORKSHOP—Fri Feb 25, 9 to 12 em . *15 LOCATION—Eugene Hotel, 222 E Broadway into: Call Krl 485-1837 00622 24 pres£^s CHARLES -,job/as ®r>Ow,0W sam« c*p«, ^9 «£»ut r»Vn and emu beer GARDEN E»EE 00633 24 FEATURING MT^andir 10 «eowri EigEBTAlN^I: "-■^ssassas THt I THE ^TCHVT°^“*^^nJ^C>aXJrn •szjSS:^^ 0OS32 2S F'om »» cou(Jf^®HOW*« “»"SS5”„‘2S,'S« WOMAN ■=s£Hs£»r£ &*-zsz2rjzz.-s; ZE^SVSXi 00837 24 HO“c«WEO trucks top H his brother Sherlock. Srg Hotmas (who is leafcxis ot Sherlock s lame) takes on Prdes sor Monarlty in a battling and hianous case "A ctterming slapstick oomedy — hi* of af ' eel on and generous feelings lor the gene I s havng tun with Wilder has surrounded Nmeelt wi*i great comic actors and gives Ham an the opportunity to perform — N Y Times Saturday, February 26 ISO Geology 7 and • pm. $1 00*4025 COMING TO THE ROBMSON THEATRE DANCE ’77 Presented annually by UO Department ot Dance Reserved teals. $4. $3 UO Skidents Vi price Tlcbats: 606-4191 0061124 DANCE TO MAGPIE Friday. Feb 25 9 p.m. $2 w o w He*. 8th and Lincoln 00670:25 PERSONAL PAINTER NEEDED FOR BASKETBALL Court and Shuffteboard game ONLY expenenced pain ters need apply Call 686-6548 or 926-8694 2 28 FREE TAX RETURN ASSISTANCE FMp and advice in filing out tax returns. Presenta tion BAP Accounting Fraternity 10 a m -1:30 p m Monday thru Friday EMU Lobby 14224 2-28 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FFMENO AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and tree pre gnancy test Call 687-8651 142866.. VETERANS The VA provides hinds tor tutonaf assistance For more into caii 656-3232 005043b SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS 5X10 10X10 and larger. 24 hour access Store i! yoursell and save Call Stale Realty 686-1973 10600.Hn GAYS-BIS. Reach out Contact others Jon m In quae FORUM. Box 129. Selden. N Y 11784 3:1 RAPE TEAM WORKSHOP Feb. 24 7:30-9:30 p m. At Lincoln Community School 650 W 12th Many topics to be discussed Free and open to public 224 SIDEWALK ARTIST NEEDED Soon' Ca* Sue at ext 4373 00656 38 IS ANYONE INTERESTED in gating together a Lam Jazz Band7 If so please contact MECHA in Room 333 EMU 0066025 WET T-SHIRT NIGHT, the Backdoor. Wednesday. March and $30 Fast prize $20 Second prize $10 Ttwd prize Call 342-6943 lor details 006523 BOOGIE ON DOWN TO BIGGIES SUB CRY Home d the Super Bggie 7888 1 tth Street. Next to Mayflower Theatre 235 JOIN THE GREEK UFE. Sgn up for Soronty Spring Formal Rush (April 27-May 3) at Panhetterac Office. Scale 3. EMU 0061535 CHRISTIAN DISCUSSION group called Cwnpus Advance meets on Thursday 3 p m EMU We would like you to come Information 345-1674334 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 OEUCtOUS V ARCHES OF PIZZA Piping hot ffcght to your door And now we have two dekvery trucks to gwe you taster serves. Ca* 344-2453 00628 Hn JANET AND JANET Oinking was great Dancing was bailer You two were the beat Let's get together Thanks lor toe HD Norm and Casey 234 TO WHOEVER WANTS to buy my dorm contact You cant Laura ext 5354. 34 P S.—My heart ready does torob tor you. Looking forward to Friday — Z 234 DEAR PAL; Dark woods and Thynad glands sal the scene Act one shat commence - Destruction Unarmed 234 WANT $275? Tn-deka Schotanstxp appkcauons are due Monday. Fab 28 n toe financial Aid Office 235 QUATRABUNKa quartos* - Happy Arvever sary Love, your B F 234 "THE D" a 21' Hope you have a whoppei goad btohday. and dan? take any wooden sand doNws. U>va, "The D D O." 224 BIRTHDAYS AND UCLA gam** make SHERYL sleepy Try to slay awake tong enough tor a game ot BINGO at OuRys SO and MO 224 MSS #1% A Mac Court stranger ol sorts would be done pleasured to make your acquakitancahood* 234 FIVE BACHELORS LIVMG on country estate want to meet tony ladies for goodtime 485-0370. 2 25.3.4 BONGO BUNS; Wahool Max s is opan M 2 30 now So we can stay out Later and get stupider Meet me toere Love. Skck. 00862 24 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CAN HELP YOU get your act togetoer Do t today by seeng the Chnsban Science Campus Counselor between 1 and 4 n toe EMU 00666 24 UNWANTED Han can be removed satofy Phone 687-9181 Etodrotogy by Merton. 00644MWH THETAS WHATS NEWT IH be wattong Love. THE PAW 234 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK DONORS NEEDED A Positive 3 Units. A Negative I Unit O Positive 4 Units O Negative 2 Units. B Positive 1 Unit; AB Positive 1 Unit Ca* 484-9111 lor an appointment HELP Anyone weanng a bright orange hat call Gene 747-5505 alter 5 p.m. Need help with identification 2:28 OREGON 64, UCLA 55 See replay today at 12:30 (lunch). Burgers and toes still $1 PADOOCK TAVERN 3338 W. Amazon 0064235