Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 13, 1976, Page 8, Image 8

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    Vancouver hosts symposium on humanity...
In an eight-day marathon, likened in
scope and Dlace to the UN conference on
Habitat, the World Symposium on Human
ity unfolded in Vancouver, B.C. last week.
Magnetizing psychologists, liberals,
spiritualists, artists and communicators
from all over North America, it drew a small
portion of its 1,000 registration limit from the
Willamette Valley. At least 35 persons from
Oregon were registered participants, and
Stories by
Of the Emerald
more might have attended had not the $100
fee and freezing temperatures persuaded
others to remain at home.
Overflowing the second floor of the Hyatt
Regency Hotel in downtown Vancouver, a
■ I ■ I ■■■■!■■ ■■■■■ I
symbiotic human stew of over a thousand
distinct flavors simmered and gurgled,
reappearing at each session for a new
speaker to stir the pot.
The symposium showcased twelve
"global minds": Buckminster Fuller, Pir
Vlayat Khan, Theodore Roszak, Michio
Kishi, David Spangler, Yogi Bhajan,
Stephen Gaskin, Lister Sinclair, Swami
Kriyananda, Ken Keyes, Rolling Thunder,
and Dr. Bernard Jensen
And if you don't recognize all of them,
neither did the paying participants. But the
word was out and the spirit of adventure
prevailed as demand mounted for extra
workshop tickets — selling at $9 apiece. In
the beginning was the word as nobody
wanted to miss it.
Donald Stowman, a University sopho
more in political science, was there taking it
in. “I came here to look for an alternative to
the ultimate doom,” he said. "This is it."
Plugging in, this ODE correspondent
became part of a 100 odd "international'
media corps. Although most, like myself,
preferred to stay low level, the symposium
was billed as a New Age media event and it
wasn t long before everyone was interview
ing the speakers and the speakers were
interviewing each other, and.
Interlinking the multi level continuity of it
all, organizers offered an expenmental "in
terlogue” system Terminals with cassette
recorders and video screens were located
in the main hall Promoted as a "nerve
center to catalyze a unified conscious
ness,” the screens were mostly in demand
for mundane messages on rides and hous
Opening day, elements of the stew
began to boil over the lack of women
speakers on the menu of "humanity A
special women's meeting was called, which
turned into a general feedback critique
much to the frustration of the woman who
called it. Exploding in rage, she thundered,
"I want to talk to the women and the women
only!” and then burst into tears.
Consoled by hugs from those around her
and calls of "We re here" from others, she
cried and hugged and smiled Meanwhile, a
female symposium coordinator, seeing
the "ladies" gathered, raised a plea for
typists to do speech transcripts.
“Get the men," hollered a woman in the
"We need fast typists," answered the
By mid-week, when I left, there were as
yet, no typed transcripts available, although
tapes of the talks were being sold as fast as
they could be copied
Shonna Husbands of Eugene coordi
nated a tape-purchasing pool among par
ticipants from the Willamette Valley Caro
(Continued on Page 13)
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...in which gurus greet New Age
A hint of dawn is rumored in the
air. Like the "Twilight Bark" that
saved Disney s 101 Dalmations,
word passes mouth to ear and on
into the night, this time that Dawn
is coming; a new dawn In fact, the
Dawn of a New Age
Like most rumors, the source is
hard to trace Old and New Left
rhetoric, 60s turmoil, frustration
and hopes for regeneration are
but microscopic particles of the
new, larger concept. It is not only
an American phenomena, but it's
surfacing around the globe
Everywhere one goes — in book
stores and theaters, in San Fran
cisco, New York, Amsterdam,
even South Africa, there are peop
ple talking of a New Age con
sciousness, with reverence and
What is it? Is there something
really happening?
The World Symposium on Hu
manity in Vancouver, B C , last
week was billed as a New Age
event Most of the speakers talked
in New Age terminology and were
familiar with its concepts.
David Spangler, known for his
work with the Find horn community
in Scotland, a group of mystic
gardeners who are amazing sci
entists with their growth results,
offers a definition of the New Age
It used to mean an era that
would begin when man experi
enced an event, says Spangler It
was thought the event would
come outside of man, either catac
lysmic, spiritual or technological,
and it would involve great drama.
However, a new definition is
emerging, which may be a sig
(Continued on Page 13)
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