Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1976, Page 2, Image 2

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    ...el al_
Polish history talk today
Prof. Paul Knoll of the University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, will give a lecture on The University of Cracow as a Late
Medieval Studium. today at 3:30 p.m., roofn to be posted
Knoll is a foremost authonty in the field of medieval studies and one
of the best Amencan specialists in the history of medieval Poland In
addition to numerous articles on Polish and East European history he is
the author of a major book. The Rise of the Polish Monarchy. Piast
Poland in East Central Europe. 1320-1370, His present lecture is
connected with his recent work on cultural history of Polish and Bohe
mian lands in the Middle Ages. The American Philosophical Society
recently published his study "Learning in Late Piast Poland
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The Bookstore will
Buy Back Texts
for Winter Term
through Dec. 31.
Texts that will be used during winter term can be sold back
to the Bookstore for Vi of the discounted price of a new copy.
Other titles listed in used bookdealer’s catalogs will also be
Buy Back Counter
Uof O Bookstore
13th at Kincaid
Indian women
to hold potluck
The Amencan Indian Women s
Club will hold a fund-raising pot
luck and bake sale 6 p.m Friday at
the Longhouse, 1606 Columbia
St. While admission to the potluck
itself is free, donations are sought
for the bake sale
The recently formed club will
announce new officers at the pot
luck and will explain the
organization s goals. Help is also
requested in setting up the pot
Awards to aid
study in France
The French government has
announced the availability of
scholarships for doctoral students
to study in France during the
1977-78 academic year Because
of the Oregon Study Center in
France, usually at least one
applicant from the state receives a
scholar ship
Candidates must hold a
master s degree and have regis
tered for a PhD. program by the
time of the award, and must have
good working knowledge of
French. Priority will be given to po
tential French teachers.
Scholarships are from mid
October to mid-June and offer a
monthly allowance of 1,000
Francs (about $200). Deadline for
applications is Dec 15. Forms are
available at the romance lan
guages department, 101 Friendly
Career guidance given
by Academic Advising
II you have ever wondered what
you’ll do with your college
degree . you're not alone
“It's taken us a year to find out
what we re offering and why we re
offering it," says Dan Gaither of
the Academic Advising Office
The office helps University stu
dents decide on a major or just find
out what kind of job possibilities
are available to them with degrees
in classics, philosophy and a van
ety of other fields.
Academic Advising, is now
campaigning to get students who
don t know what jobs they can get
with their degrees, to come in and
find out.
The office recently asked pro
fessors and departments to sup
ply information regarding job op
portunities in different areas so
the staff can work more efficiently
with those students who have un
declared majors and who are
somewhat discouraged by the job
Gaither admits that students
who are not in a professional
school may have a rough time get
GTF’s meet at 4
The time of the graduate teach
ing fellow's meeting mentioned in
Thursday's Emerald was in error
The GTF s will meet today at 4
p.m. in the EMU, room to be
ting the practical experience many
times needed to get that first job
"The word professional lends it
self to a more immediate consid
eration, he says
He says academic advising is
trying to help students decide
which route to take — the profes
sional or the academic — and
firmly believes "graduating from
college with experience can be
Cliff Lewis, who also works in
the office, says "jobs are limited,
therefore students need more
practical experience
Gaither and Lewis believe that
practicums definitely help the stu
dent gam experience for job open
ings. and there are many prac
ticums students don t even realize
exist Gaither says academic ad
vising is willing to inform students
of them.
The campaign is "pulling to
gether a lot of different things on
campus," according to Gaither,
and hopefully, responses from in
structors and information from
departments will increase the
staff's ability to give the student
a fair perspective of his job field
Often students are disap
pointed because their degree
limits them in the job field, and
Gaither says students ask why
the University didn t tell them
Academic Advising is trying to
curb that problem He concludes
We re cleaning house, trying to
direct students to experience
The monthly luncheon meetng & the FacuBy
AFT *n»i be held from noon to 1 3Cp rr. today in the
EMU Ail nterested faculty members are welcome
OSPiRG s iocai board win meet today at 4 3C
p m m r»e EMU room to be posted
The Food-Op s board ot directors wib meet at 4
p m today *n Suite 5. EMU An members are asked
to attend
Phi Ch» Theta wrll meet at 4 30 pm today in
Room 268 Gilbert Goes! speaker will be Don
McCarty from He Careei Plan ring and Placement
Audilons lor placemen! >n ballet and modem
dance classes lor mnnler lorm will be held a! 4 30
Wednesday in Rooms 353 and 354. Gorimgei
University c4 Massuchu setts students on ire Na
tonal Student Eichange Program who are return
ing to Arm erst in January should go to Room 2CB
EMU and pick up pre-regtstralon materials The
deadline s Tuesday
Wu Wundortunder (1966). a We* Gar man Mm
<*rec»ed by Kurt Hoffman art bo shown ai 4 and 8
pm today ift Room 177 Lawrence Sot tn a
cabaret fche frame tr»* Mm.na Mm »• m Gorman
w»th Engfcah subtitles Open to tho public wiViout
A behavioral biology seq*rmt titled Tho Visual
System a* a Founor Anaty/or •»« bo presented by
Russell Do Volos from UC Borfrotey at 4 p m today
m Room 33B Gitoort Mia protortai.on <s sponsorod
by tho boigoy and psychology dap art moots For
more information call i4$G2
Daily Hot Sandwich Specials
at the
EMU Cafeteria Grill
Monday—Re uben
Tuesday—Monte Carlo
Wednesday—Farmer’s Brunch
Thursday—Patty Melt
Reuben Sandwich Friday— Fishwich
Oregon Daily Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubished Monday through Friday
except dunng exam week* and vacations The paper is pub*shed by
the Oregon Daily Emerald Put*sung Co Inc at the L nr ©*s.ty of
Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403
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