...ct ai Variety sparks benefit program A -rusca sOTcur- rf azz. tafe-aariMf amr *5 2*acr «r ‘OsjairnBi a*c ** £g C« ®nap ’ wz Star** ~ iiBk^sr COLLINS CYCLE SHOP PEUGEOT A08 $135 RALEIGHS 10\ off CENTURION ^ SPORT $99.95 We Offer •A wide selection of bikes, parts, and accessories •Good prices for quality products •A lot of helpful hints and accurate information •Intelligent informed, and courteous staff •Excellent repair shop 60 East Utli COLLLVS CYCLE 342 *878 ^WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWV CATS slates fund-raising everts Cttzert* Against Twit, %*•/* (CATS; wAI B* NArtwg two torkFraserg wwl» to1* n*to f*w days A bake tel* w» be MU at to* xv«**i Bookatore b*mm 11 am *r*M pm today A Fn*rto* of to* For*** Celebration w* tm presented Vda, ar toe wcwr Hal. 8to and UncrAn Straat. and e* faator* a Mar# dance -.uacfcw. MWrandr ThabanaW *«.to bagn* at •**».. etfce pre cede: by a buNal at 7 pm Ticket* are *2 * toe door: 16 mm mduie toaueto and CATS membership Child-care «** ba provided The purpoaett toe btotaaala and banai« (a lo ra»aa *#id» tor toe legal For ~cr* r*p»matoto «ma CATS, Rt 2 B» ntont of toe oonterences to mcrease awareness at toe need tor arc value at smmrrang tor toe handcapped and to prowde addAonet safe n nwaanq or mprovng such programs Regseaaon aM take place Satorday from 8 30 to 9 am at MAto eerce Haf on the OSU campus The conference fee e £2 tor norv suoeres. |1 tor stodents For more totormaAon contact John Dtna assasant professor of physcai education. 202 Womens Butting. Oregon Urawersey brief* Opening next Thursday For two weekends only. The first Eugene production of the award-winning musical. Book and Lyncs by Alan Jay Lerner author of My Fair Lady. Music by Burton Lane composer of Fmian s Rambow. ft s funny ft smgs and dances. And it feels itke failing tn love Opening May 27 28 29 30 June 3 4 5 6 Curtain at 8 30 Dinner served at 7 Tickets from $3 00 Optional dinner $6 96 Reservations cal* 344-1461 - . _ --- --wwMWMiw jlM MJI >114 IM M III! • -- — •••••••••••*