^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS€rn€rald sssssssssssssssssss Complete Ice Cream Party Items for All Occasions BASKIN ROBBINS ICE CREAM Milk Shakes 1365 Villard St. 495 Coburg Rd. 484-1031 342-3462 EMU Breezeway Tones 31 Delirious Flavors The Steelmakers plus Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People Friday FREE! May 11 7 P.M. 138 Gil OUSEggRECORD I Super Sale Onl % RECORDS OUR FIFTH YEAR HALF PRICE DAYS OPEN Mm • Sat 10:JO la M MAY 22 and 23 SAT AND SUN. ...lllllllimiHIIIIIHIIHIII --- Invite the bunch ... Mix a great, big bucket full of Open House Puneli! Serves 32... tastes like a super cocktail! Greatest drink ever invented! Mix a batch in advance, add ice and 7UP at the last minute...serve the crowd right out of the bucket! Smooth 'n delicious. Wow! Recipe One fifth Southern Comfort 3 quarts 7UP 6 oz fresh lemon juice One 6-oz can frozen orange juice One 6-oz can frozen lemonade Chill ingredients Mix in bucket, adding 7UPIast Add a few drops red food coloring (optional): stir lightly Add ice. orange, lemon slices Looks and tastes greati V You know it's got to be good. . when it's made with Southern Comfort* SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION, 100 PROOF IIOUFUR. ST LOUIS MO 6313? Pons 19 -A Timber use subject of talk By ARDEN SNYDER Of the Emerald Speaking on America’s future timber growth and management, John Busterud from the President's Council on Environ mental Quality (CEQ) said by the year 2,020, timber use will have increased 119 per cent. The de mand will exceed the supply, he told a University group Wednes day afternoon. Busterud defines the recent awareness of environment being part of the traditional, industrial role as the "new industry,” one that makes expenditures and is accountable to the environment. He admits environmental in terests often conflict with economic gain. Concerning the use of her bicides, Busterud says he realizes the dangers of some such as 2.4- D, and he would not support their use. He was a contributor to the defense department’s ban of Agent Orange (which contained 2.4- D) in Vietnam. In looking at the forests from an economic perspective, Busterud, an economics major at the Uni versity in 1943, labels old-growth forests as "negative growth," and not as profitable as the "high yield" new-growth forests He en courages the use of private lands for timber growth. In predicting the dangers and benefits of current timber prac tices, Busterud agrees that most environmental impact statements are inadequate in their guidelines on timber management, and their research is scanty. He calls them "an exercise in repetition,” and accuses them of not being specific enough. Busterud remarked on attempt ing clear-cut legislation, ‘‘We should crawl before we walk." He approves of the Humphrey Bill, which will place management of the forests in government hands and which opposes the 25-acre clear-cut limit proposed in the Randolph Bill. witness light and life LET PRISM LIGHT YOUR WAY THROUGH THE DARKNESS May 21. 22. 23 EMU Ballroom 1070221 MUSEUM OF ART PRESENTS I AM CURIOUS, YELLOW RATED X Friday. May 21 130 Science 7.9. and 11 p.m $1 10331 21 tC fefedLi < V.Arfe or Custom Fit ^9.75and up M Why do you watch ALL MY CHILDREN? Researchers at the UO would hke to find out what makes the daytime serial ALL MY CHILDREN so popular among female and male viewers To participate in tins viewer survey, send your name and address to ALL MY CHILDREN Survey. Speech De partment. University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 or call 343 1997 anytime this week 1637 21 ODE ODE ELECT DAVE TYLER I.RC. ENDORSED BY-3rtl place IFC candidate Owe* Wifc ns ENDORSED BY-The Emerald To combat the IFCs and the incumbents lack ot initiative and innovation TYLER PROPOSES ' Re-inatate the appeals procedure 'Make abstentions Illegal They repre-«nt a failure of responsibility ’Develop program enterea Make ASUO Program and IFC mtor mation abatable by development of a stu dent Whole Earth Catalog ol programs and services to be ckstrtaited m the tall VOTE DAVE TYLER TO I.F.C. an assertive voice tor a change WANT MORE INFORMATION'' CONTACT TYLER AT 485-9056 |Paid Consumers lor Tyler) 1624 MWF LIMITED EDITION! front back UNIVERSITY of OREGON'S Commemorative TOO Year CENTENNIAL MEDAL is now available at NORTHWEST NUMISMATICS We have been authorized by the University of Oregon Centennial Commemorative Committee to be the exclusive distributor for these silver commemorative medals. Struck in bronze and sterling silver (gold on special request) Bronze ... s4.95 Silver .925 ... s14.9510 10 >10 and larger 24-hour acoea# Store it yourself and save Call Stale Realty, 6861973 10600 tin WE RE HERE" RONALD REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT Lane County Headquarters 266 West Bfh 746-7692 1789 24 DON’T CALIFORNICATE OREGON VOTE FOR FRANK CHURCH FOR PRESIDENT Paid tor by M«-> Meyer Church lor President 873 WWamette 686 8876 1648 25 SOMETHING SPECIAL: Garden Iresh spring bou quels Irom Ramyday Cactus $2 every Fndey Sunday 13B1 Peart 486-8153 10343 sb GAY YOUTH GROWING ALTERNATIVE YOUTH (GAYouth) it an organization lor Vie be nefit of. and open to alt n forested people under the age ol 23 Meetngs are held Mon day evenings el 7 30 For more information and meeting toeaton* can Carol (343-8130) or Chris (746 6755) 10494 6 7 WEDDING INVITATIONS ^St^6onu,ie^v‘,w‘p',OM •»*£ HAMILTON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies lot stained glass at feasonade pnces Good select on oI glass m slock now 4th & High 485-6660 13563 Cl WF JIM DAVIS Our educatonal consumer advocate Endorsed by tie Oregon Da*y Emerald Paid tor by Davis 1779:21 Tonight! Dine in o beoutiful new Italian restaurant Tonight enjoy o new restouront that glows with old worfd charm and hospitality. Choose your favorite pasta with rich sauces, or specialties such as veal scotlopini olo morsolo steak .Florentine scompr or chicken tettrizini. Pizza or colzone too. and LaCucmo has o varied list of domestic ond ItoHon wines. Reservations recommended for pomes of six or more 726 1844 311 1 Gocewoy St Off I-5 at Deltlme Exit • i