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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1976)
Sexual inequality - does anybody care? Discrimination reports spark little interest By PHIL WALDSTEIN Of the Emerald Is the University report on sex discrimination a white-wash? Maybe yes, maybe no. As of Tuesday afternoon only four peo ple had bothered to try to find out. Reports to the University Title Nine Task Force from academic departments showing an enroll ment discrepancy by sex, and re ports from service and administra tive departments have been on display at the Affirmative Action Office, 465 Oregon Hall, since May 10. They will remain there through next Monday. Joanne Carlson, chairer of the task force and assistant dean of the University's graduate school, wants people to look at the reports and tell the task force, either in writing or in five-minute oral pre sentations at a May 25 work ses sion, whether the reports tell the whole story on sex discrimination. She wants to know if the reports are "in any way inaccurate, in adequate or incomplete." Anyone can check out a file of reports from the row of green fol ders prominently displayed in the Affirmative Action Office. Persons can use the quiet of the adjacent room to take notes and write out comments. Carlson says comments need not be signed but she would like to know whether the statement is from a student, faculty or staff member, or an interested citizen. Persons wanting to talk at the work session scheduled for Tues day, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., should call Ext. 5136 for an appointment. Written comments are due May 28. So far, Carlson has received no calls or written comments or calls for appointments. The task force is doing a little better on public input from their athletic preference survey. Carl son sent out 1,600 questionnaires to students on May 5. By Tuesday she had received 164 completed surveys. "I hope we get at least half of them back,” she said. Title Nine of the 1972 education amendments requires a federally assisted educational institution to provide equal athletic programs and facilities according to stu dents’ interests and abilities. The questionnaire is designed to de termine students' interests. It lists a page of what looks like every G-rated physical activity imaginable and asks students to list nine of them and tell the task force whether the sport should be classed under intercollegiate ath letics, intramural competition, Club Sports or general recreation. Employe scholarships open for many uses A new fund for University classified employes to further their educa tion does not require that the classes be related to their present job. First announcements about the new fund indicated that the pur pose was to assist employes who wish to “further their career develop ment." "Some people have perceived that to mean that the education has to be related to your present job," says Stoddard Malarkey, chairer of the campus second century drive. “Your career is whatever you per ceive it to be; it doesn't have to have anything to do with your job." The endowed fund to provide tuition, fees and books for classified employes is one of the special funds to which faculty and staff may contribute during the Second Century Drive. Recipients will be chosen by a representative committee of classified employes at the University. 20CU& announces an Undergraduate Art Show May 24-27 in Room 167 EMU PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, PRINTS (photography not included) All artists are limited to 3 pieces ★ all works must be delivered to Room 167 EMU between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Monday, May 24, 1976. (This is a non-juried show) NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: MEDIUM: NUMBER PIECES: It further asks whether students think teams should be composed of one sex or both, or whether selection should be based on abil ity. The task force then asks stu dents to list activities that for some reason are not available to them and to give the reason. Possible answers are “too expensive,” “fi nancial aid not available,” “facilities or equipment are unav ailable or inadequate,” "coaching is unavailable or inadequate,” “it is not offered at the competitive level I want (such as intercol legiate, intramural, etc.)” and “it is not offered at my level of skill.” Finally it asks which competitive classes should be emphasized by the University, whether students think scholarships should be awarded and, if so, whether on the basis of athletic skill, academic ability or financial need. Carlson says the present athle tic opportunities are extensive, but there may exist a bloc of students who want something not offered. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare is enforc ing sexual equality laws and has required the University to submit a self-evaluation to it by July 21. The task force is preparing that report. Will that report be accurate or will it be called a white-wash? Some constructive written com ments or verbal presentations to the task force may decide. 2370 W. 11th 30th & Hilyard Eugene Cottage Grove Oakridge TOOTHPASTE l with Fkxjride 4 oz. tube U.S.D.A. Choice Bone-In ROUND STEAK 97c lb. Y • • • • • • • JjJf • • • • • : SUM-N-TRIM • 1/2 Gallon assorted Flavors : 78'. I Red & White SOUPS • Chicken noodle, Chicken with rice, Cream • of Chicken, Cream of Mushroom, Tomato, • Vegetable or Turkey noodle, 10V2 oz. tin 5/89' Grocery dessert Del Monte Tomato CATSUP Carnation Instant Non-Fat dry milk ASsoneajunyB°» SCOTTOWELS Lays 3 oz Pkg 6/*1 32 oz. 20 qt. P*9 69‘ 99 *3 47' 57' POTATO CHIPS— Lady Scott Facial 9/ftQC TISSUE 3551 200 01 L] Scott Luncheon A/M NAPKINS **>•» court PW ' Blue Mountain. Chicle0 dinnet. &irg« gfind 01 Beet n' chicken PET FOOD 15 oz. tin 4/*1 Red & White _ MARGARINE 1 ib cubes 4/99' *** soil V pretty _ bathroom tissue 03c . A ,rtii nack Assorted 4 roll pack Del Monte Tomato JUICE 46 oz. tin 49c Meat: Oregon Grown LEG OF LAMB lb. $*|57 Produce: California Sweet CORN 7/*1 Butter, Romaine, Green or Red Leaf LETTUCE 5 bunches^1 Frozen Foods: Rav-R-Pac 10 oz. com, peas, spinach, peas & carrots, chopped broccoli or 12 oz. squash VEGETABLES 5/*1 Variety: Eskimo 20 inch portable FAN *13" 2-speed control Thin n' Light