Voyd gives go-ahead to student plans University Pres. NuBon Voyd said a fiat "yes to an student proposals before him t»s year in a surprising reversal of his previous stands Voyd said yes to student gover ‘ nance of McArthur Court, the ' EMU inducing Suite 4 and voiced ■\ thp^angtzp (£Ujij0tnt Imported Clothing ■Tt * -«3 They sweat and sew— We rake in the dough the Yangtze Clipjotnt in the Sleeze Hotel J an emphatic "Si” to proposals to indude students in the promotion and tenure process and professor evaluation. Voyd also sand yes to minority representatives who had re quested reopening of cultural cen ters. Responding to questions from a stunned audtenoe. Voyd said his decision was part of a new "posi tive stance toward student efforts at co-govemance “After all," he said smiting, students constitute a huge major ity here and thee fees keep the place running. Without you kid dies we wouldn't have a univer sity ' Reports out of Salem irxficated the State Bored of Higher Intellig ence was caught by surprise also. The Bored has scheduled an emergency meeting to consider the consequences of Voyd s ac tion. Guide evaluates lecture rooms A consumer s guide to college classrooms wifl be ready tor stu dents fall term, aecordrig to stu dent government officials. "This guide represents a real victory for student interests, said ASUO administrative assistant Bemau Crat The guide wil con tain evaluations of many campus lecture halts, rating such qualities as lighting, ventilation and design The ASUO government has asked physical plant workers to evaluate the classrooms and has characterized toe 35 per cent re turn of the evaluations as phenomenal. Looking for a bummer this summer? Find it at Oregon1 !f you think Soc 20' was a crac during the winter; try taking it in a hot. stuffy room four days m a row each wee* with the sun s^eam . n reminding you o‘ hov. ~*ce it wo; o oe •, ■- ,r. mass and hitch to the beach. Add to. that the fact that ail your friends will be gone and you ve got a bummer that will make that lousy summer {Ob that you turned down at Dad s factory look like a goddamn vacation (PutCcVUll %Vt€r€*K Academic turned mystic Bella Ram Dass will be on campus today to discuss his adaptation of acupuncture as a remedy for unwanted facial hair. Ram Dass was a successful Ivy League professor before he “dropped 0(1?' following his experiments with alkapakadrazine, a highly hallucinogenic drug derived from graphite. Hearst dons black clogs (AP)—Patty Hearst, wearing a pleated white-on-white chenille jumper with crimson contrast stitching around the powder-puff sleeves and a smart chartreuse scarf lending a tasteful contrast to her black leather clogs and off-white hose, turned state's evidence today. Miss Hearst. looking pale and thin but attractive enough to make her forcible rape by Wiliam Wolfe and Donald De Freese seem entirely justiable. named three co-conspirators this morning. The heiress, her lip trembling but remaining dry-eyed in a remarkable dis play at courage for a woman, continued to proclaim her in nocence. The still-shapely ex-co-ed, who rebuked her former lover Stephen Weed after her cap ture even though he is a straight-shooting guy who never should have gotten hooked up with the little tramp in the first place, was returned to her tail cell after the question ing. The convicted felon, whose sexual exploits are common knowledge with us guys down here at the AP and wouldn’t we like to be in that cell with her if you catch my drift, was reported to be resting comfortably V* *v Oregon Daily Immorald Brad 'to bad Lamtory Greg lostn Waeaon Lora CuykendaN Slav* Dodge Kara Sergei Roee Urraa Charhe Bruca Prerttor (MradEdtor ArtMralor Procrastnator The Oregon Dety Immorald a pubhahed annually (tea cange) array wthu Mao year* •n a row), m a amat room m Watt Glenwood Scraped togatrar from era aahea of (he El (emerald, if** year a taaua a lut of w«ty <*m hard-mtang aatre. and a lot of tunga mat