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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1976)
I CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 *\ CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UP BOOKSTORE STONPCOUNia The rates are 10“ per word the first day copy is admitted and 8' per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible lor more than one day s incorrect advertismq insertion If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p m for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adiusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that descnmrnate on the basis of race, color religion sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1 P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION j FOR SALE ) STATION WAGON TOP CARRIER 42" x 72". Seldom Used- $25. 343-8707. 1738:19 ROYAL-PORTABLE MANUAL typewriter $30 343-4497. or 560 East 14th. Apt 8 Momngs. 174121 BED: STEEL TUBE frame, single, comfortable. $20 Catf Ann. 344-9067. 1743:19 TWO TIMBERS SEASON TICKETS. 9 games. $54 1059 East 25th Street 1748:19 _ COUCH FOR SALE-beaubful $15. skis, book shelves etc. 687-2667 1726:19 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 67SOHV* Musical instruments stereos, photo equipment, etc., etc., etc. 12€82:mwf KOSS Pro-4AA headphones. 20 foot extension cord. $25. 1250 watt heater-$15. Call Steve 687-042* 1596:17 SLEEPING BAGS BACKPACKS Equipment for cfimbing and backpack ng at tie Outdoor Resource Center in the EMU basement. We've got sleeping bags, backpacks, ice axes, boots, dotting and ail kinds of other good skiff Come in and see. 10733.28 REFRIGERATOR, STOVE, CHAIRS, vacuum, springs, carpel 1375 East 22nd. 6 to 7:30 p.m. 343-8906. 1678:20 EPI PHONE GUITAR with case-Ure new $80 6 harness weaving toom open heddies. 20 inches wide-$12S. Also Leclerc tapestry loom, $25. 484-0612. 1694:20 REFLECTOR TELESCOPE-4 Vz inch main mirror. 300k magnification $75. Call 747-6275. 166320 STEREO: KLH RECEIVER, turntable speakers-$115.10-speed Bianchi Strada 23"-$75. Bike Racing Shoes: Detto Pietro, size 910 A. m., 43ltatarv$15. Waterbed: HodelQueen, Chemelex Heater. Frame-$90. TV: Portable Cok>r-$75. "Bean Bag" chair. Jumbo-$40. House Plants-$3-25 Telephone Answering Units (2)-$40 each. Call 484-0448 1669:19 OVATION LEGEND ACOUSTIC GUfTAR, three months old, $675 retail, $400 firm With case 485-0931. 1659:20 MAKE YOUR OWN tables from Oak Whiskey Bar rel Heads. 42 and 52 Gallon Oak Whiskey Barrels. $19.95 and up New Nail Kegs. $6 95 Phone 485-8633 1164 West 2nd Avenue 1359:19 BIKINI'S-$9.75 and up! Ready-made or custom fit with different size top trom bottom if necessary In the fabric of your choice Andrea s 2441 Hilyard. 133436/7 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. Buy factory direct poly-foam cut to any size or shape BEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blair 343-0222 12057:tfn CLEAN LOCAL FLEECES Curved back carders two new spinning wheels from New Zealand to see and try out. EUGENE FIBER 1157 High 3430651 10565:1 DOUBLE BED, Serta posture with metal frame $40 or offer. 343-1456 15342 RECYCLED DEPENDABLE Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers ECOLOGY APPLIANCES 769 Monroe 687-1990 13466sb [ GARAGE SALES j RUMMAGE RACK. 9 to 8. May 20. Church of Re surrection. 3925 Hilyard Household goods, furni ture,, miscellaneous Halfpnce sale after 6. 1559:14 c SOUND SYSTEMS ) TEAC REEL TO REEL automatic reverse A-4010S tape deck. 687-0424 1640:19 PAIR OF BIC Speakers $60 Cal 484-1366 ask for John. 1525:1 S * V ENTERPRISES AUTO STEREO 865 Conger. 484-0325 Call us for your auto stereo needs Wholesale merchandise and prices. _ 10708:7 COMPLETE SYSTEM, Philips turntable Grade cartridge. Electrophone receiver with 8-track play record deck, four Reakstic speakers. $250 Ext. 4983 Let it ring Ask for Dave Camp 1628:19 ONE PAIR CS-88 Pioneer Speakers A-1 condi tion. $55 each. Call 687-1840-Larry. 1674:19 1983 FENDER $100 or best Oder, must sett. 2177 Jefferson after 5 p.m 1706:20 ( CRAFTS j HOBBIES ) SKIRT PATTERNS and kits now at Oult Patch 1473 Oak 1072120 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seven ti Lacier c looms in stock Yams, bocks on crafts 12239tfn REPLACE THOSE THUMBTACKS. HAVE FUN AND SAVE MONEY BY CREATING YOUR OWN FRAME. Frame it yourself and save! Private Framing lessons, tools and space Custom and ready made frames and prints at: FRAME SHOP A NO GALLERY MIDGLEYS MILL 4th and Hi^i 687-2531 weekdays 10-5:30 Saturday 10-4 I358ifn f PHOTOGRAPHY FOR SALE: 35mm Letca CL Excellent condition Extremely small, light. $300 firm 345-4529 171221 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER offering 8x10 of you doing your thing-lennis, bfcyig. music, shooting pool, whale ver-$5 Nancy 343-0782 evenings. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1520:24 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 12011 tin 1 BOOKS & SUPPLIES ) 20,000 USED BOOKS all se*ng V4 or less of pub lished price Textoooks, Ciff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMH.Y BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036tfn (SECRETARIAL 1 SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPING-EDITING Carbon ribbon typewriters, including IBM Execu tive Prompt service 345-7851. 10554 sb | TTPIE6 ; PROFESSIONAL TYPING ASSOCIATES. Correcting Selectric II. Editing Job rated fees Joyce 343-9708, Lenore 342-7036 1742:4 TYPING: TERM PAPERS, EXAMS. Job resumes, etc. 344-1828. 1139:526 EXPERIENCED TYPIST. THREE blocks from campus. Correcting Selectric. 344-0759.13290:tf TYPING DESIRED. NINE YEARS gen eral typing experience. Excellent, IBM 342-7597 1311:^ JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL B O A (Blow-out, oH, adjust) Manual.$7 Electric.$9 Free Pick-up/dekvery Call 342-2022 day or night work guaranteed 162328 RALPH AND LYNNE TYPING Fast, accurate Close to campus 40« page 344-6714 1558:19 TYPING TERM PAPERS, theses, dissertations, IBM Selectric 344-1691, Graduate Approved 13569: MU WH IBM CORRECTING SELECTRIC II. Elite and Pica. Graduate school approved. 343-5124 12997:MUW ( SKI STUFF ) HART KINGS, 200cm, with Tyrdia Bindings. $90 Size 13 San Marco Boots. $30 Ext. 4983. let it ring Ask for Dave Camp. 1629:19 1 OUTDOOR BEAR j WE SELL NEOPRENE, shock cord, cement, for making spray skirts paddting vesta. Outdoor Pur suits School, open noon to 6. 1290 Oak (above Hawkeyes), 344-6525 10735:21 CHOUINARD ICE AXES On sale this Wednesday and Thursday only at the Outdoor Resource Center in the EMU. Priced from $38. 10734:20 BICYCLES MEN'S 18” GI1ANE 10-speed Excellent condi tion. Lie. no. 705372 Can 484-1786 after 5 pm. 1654 19 SALE! At Raleighs-10% oft Centunan Sport-$99 95 Peugeot A0.8-$13S. reg. $145 COLLINS CYCLES 342-487* 80 East 11th 13582tfn ( CABS t CYCLES )' 1982 VOLVO 1225. $425 Call 688-3686 After 6 p.m. m 1739:21 NICE ONE OWNER 68 VW Fastback from estate $950 686-3729 345-5085 1625 19.21 MINT '74 VW CONVERTIBLE. AM-FM 11.000 ac tual miles 345-5085 1626 19.21 ‘84 VW Camper, gas heeler, roof-rack, rebuilt engine Call 343-2897 1704 20 1981 COMET, 6-cytnder automate. Body excel lent, new ares Everangs. 342-6872 170520 FOR SALE: 63 Karmann Ghe Good runnng con dition Must sell ffus week Best offer 687-8809 146420 -75 BMW MC 600cc low rmes. extras $2350 or reasonable offer 484-0792 or 686-4226 Ask lor JSG 1668 24 '72 HONDA SL-350, on-off road, new Betor shocks new Goodyear Ires. 2 rdo t chrome head ers. just serviced, extras $625 886-2395 163420 '66 YAMAHA 305. $150 Ext 5329 or 485-9483 Ken or Brooke 165120 ( AUTO REPAIR j J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7*1 Custom engine and tranamssran rebuking and parts for Vofcswagens 342-3962 12070*n CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 I WANTED ) TEACHER NEEDS two bedroom house-apartment for summer term Ctoee to campus Call 344-0174 173721 BANJO UKULELE, ukulele, other smalt string in strument. Mte trailer, watch 345-8631 1724:25 ONE INEXPENSIVE LIGHTWEIGHT, SLEEPING . BAG, DOWN OR FtBERFILL. IN GOOO condition 344-1200 171121 WANT TO RENT three-bedroom house lor sum mer and possibly next school year. Must be dose to campus 345-6510 or 343-3719 171521 GOOO USED DOWN OR FtBERFILL sleeping bag Must be cheap and lightweight Rectangular rather than mummy style preferred 344-1930 1606 20 SMALL HOUSE OR one-bedroom apartment :n campus area for responsible older student and cat Lease okay Reasonable 345-4739 1644:21 AVAILABLE FOR HOUSE SITTING: Family of Four Eugene Area. July to December ChrissCan cro. MO 8 Richard Terrace. Sou*i Burlington, Vermont 05401 _1632:19 ( HELP WANTED j POSITION: ELEMENTARY TEACHER INTERN. A 12-month position as teacher intern is now avail able. Since the position depends on the availability o4 Federal Funds, it will terminate in June 1977 This position must be filled not later than June 7. 1976. Duties: Intern will distnbute traring over period as follows: 50% in school based activities, 30% in University based course work, and 20% in Community Involvement. The Intern wil by June 1977 have completed University course work necessary for Master's degree and Oregon Basic Certification (Elementary). Experience: Teacher Core Guidelines now prohibit any candidate from consideration if that person is or has been certifi cated and/or has previous teaching experience Education: Bachelor's degree. Candidates for this position must be within 30 quarter hours of complet ing academic requirements for both the Master s degree and the Basic Elementary Certificate Sal ary: $120 per week plus fringe benefits Applica tions may be obtained from Eugene Public School personnel office, 200 North Monroe. Eugene 687-3247. 1032921 WATERFRONT DIRECTOR AND BACKPACK ING SPECIALIST. Spin! Lake G»l Seoul Camp m Gifford Pinchol National Forest Sand resume Kurt Kahler. 1010 Roanoke #1-9. Bend. Oregon 382-8064 1735 21 SUBJECTS NEEDED: EARN SO to *10 50 (aver age payment $2 25) lor participation m a one hour group decision experiment Call Oregon Research Institute 484-2123 1702 24 WORK STUOY PERSON needed immedialety m congenial Biology Laboratory No experience necessary, 686-4572 171421 NEEDED MO USE BOYS TO II rush this semester and tor next tall Contact Mrs Win el at 1851 Onyx House will be open for summer houstig 1851 Onyx. 686-4353 '°7» 7 $ MONEY $ Earn *3 an hour tor the »rst week ot Waning-work from 4 to 9 nightly We provide excellent leads PLUS tnnge benefits Call Bob or Gorde 484-3038 484-3039 TELEPROMPTER OF OREGON 10726 24 INTERIOR DECORATOR NEEDED tor a new im port/export store downtown mall It you have good taste, great ideas and Sms. Call 344-3070 1718 21 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To help run speech ex penmen! Rick 344-3864 after 6 pm 188920 THE DEADLINE TO APPLY tor coortSnakx ot the Oregon Daily Emerald Summer Orientation issue has been exlended until Wednesday. May 19lh. at 5 p m The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Emp loyer. women, minorities and tie handicapped are encouraged to apply 169919 NATIVE AMERICAN STUOENT UNION s now takng appScatnns tor 1976-77 President Apply Room 14B EMU. 686-3723 NASU is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not dscnmmale on the basis ol sex. race, sexual orientation, dsaba ity or other Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 10723 24 KWAX-FM on campus anbopatas tan term open ings tor quakAed student announcers Trading av attabfe for those without turd data FCC k censes $2 20 per hour Work study OK Contact Dan Sla ter. 331 Vilard. Ext 4239 KWAX-FM is an Etyjal Opportunity Employer 1064121 PAHTT1ME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will Iran Car essential Krtry Company 484-9565 120351ln THE OREGON OAILV Emerald is looking lor someone to coordinate its summer orientation •eue The job pays $75 and appkcalens may be picked up in the Emerald office. 3rd Door EMU The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer, women and mmonues are encouraged to apply i2B31tn THE ASUO EXECUTIVE is no* accepsngappkca hone lor ASUO Comptroller $150 per month lor 12 mentis Budget management tor ASUO 20-25 hours par week, except 40 hours per week during IFC budgetng ACC 221 and 323 or equivalent experience requred Applications available m Surte 4. EMU ASUO is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not dwenmnate on tie basis of race. sex. sexual onenta&on. cksstMMy or otier Women and minorities encouraged to apply 10558 21 FEMALES. AGES 18-30: Earn $2 lor pwhopatxm nan hour long psychology expenment Please call Linda after 7 pm only at 343-8334 165020 OVERSEAS JOBS-eummer year-round Europe S America. Australia. Asia, etc All fields. S50O-S1200 monthly Expenses pay) sight-seeing Free information-write International Job Center Dept OK. Bax 4490 Berkeley. Ca 94704 1151 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF Oregon Sailing Club a now accepting applications tor summer term saAng in struction program Head instructors and teaching assistant positions need to be Med Contact Rar -ty Byrd at 345-2171 or Sieve Spnggs at 342-1881 to information 1596 20 HERE 18 AN EXCELLENT CHANCE for someone to develop a vanety of skills and lo gam useful job experience al the same lane ESCAPE is lock mg for a Division Head of Eiemenlanee This position will expand your proficiency m administration and refine your tramng and communication abilities Previous experience wi*i volunteer programs is essential and ESCAPE demands a solid commit ment to the job A background m education is desir able but not required It you want to find out more call 686-4351 or visit 327 EMU ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer Men women and minorities are encouraged lo apply 10707 21 THE POSITION OF Division Head of Community Services is now available n ESCAPE This is »ie perfect opportunity to gel valuable job experience and to develop supervision and communication skills Applicants must have experience m volun teer programs and must be willing lo make a strong commitment, if you feel that you re qualified call 686-4351 or come by 327 EMU for more informa tion ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer Men. women and minorities are encouraged to apply 1070921 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being accepted for President. Vice-President and Program Chairman for the U OF O GERONTOLOGY ASSOCIATION. President and Program positions are salaried Pick up applications at the Gerontology desk in Suite I, EMU Closing date June 1st The Gerontology As sociation is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 10839:26 (ROOMMATE WANTED; WOMAN WITH SMALL CHILD wants to share three bedroom house with same or with single per son who likes children Large fenced yard $90 plus Vi utilities Call 345-1073 after 6 p m 1747 19 SHARE HUGE THREE BEDROOM house on campus Must be meat eating, easy going, dope smoking, responsible person I 687-8494 1752 21 FEMALE. Two bedroom apartment Share with one other Cheap 16th and Patterson. Call 345-8347 1670:19 I J f FOR BEHT SUMMER SUBLET-two bedroom apartment. lur mahed. pool. dehwaMier 1255 Mill Street. #22 345-6502 174621 BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM, turn,shed apart ment. modern facilities view, across from campus Sublet lot summer Call 484-0456 now1 1740 10 SEVERAL MCE HOUSES and duplexes available Most near campus Yards, trees, decks, patios, porches (replaces, carpets appliances *225 and up 454-0745 10328 7 SUMMER: rent mobile home Wish lo make only tmal profit, want people who could care lor plants and #sh 725-7285 1728 20 SUMMER SUBLET-Nicely furnished two bedroom apertmenl Two blocks trom campus. Free cable *166 negosable 344-5716 1633 20 SUBLET. FURNISHED Two-bedroom apartment 1 block from campus Available June 15. *170-a month vy June tree 343-0795 173021 FURNISHED, TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, lor summer. 1750 Alder «26 Can 345-5116 1709 21 FOR SUBLET STARTING June 15 Two Bedroom close lo campus, dshwaeher *150 per monei 1877 Emerald no 28. 343-7870 1710 21 HOUSE WILL BE OPEN lor summer housng 1851 Onyx 685-4353 10737 7 SUMMER: LARGE FURNISHED two bedroom. *170 month End June tree 1925 Harris no 5. 3426479 171921 TIRED OF STEREO-TYPED census kvmg? One person needed lo sublet with present ardisedure student at unique Forest Village *85 and Y utames Phone 4 lo 7 pm 484-1010 Rey or FYiii 1668 21 FOR SUBLEASE: rooms m house One brock trom campus in race environment lor the summer *75 per monti plus u«kt«s (One room lor *50 per morSh! Can 344-5384 1695 3 EMERALD APARTMENTS, two bedroom FULLY turrxRied unts with DISHWASHERS Summer rates *150 *165 Fan 78 raise (wNi rane month leases) (198 (2). *216 (3) Spring term business hours weekdays 3 30-530 weekends 10-noon 1877 Emerald Street. 345-2101 10712 «n FURNUHEO ONE-BEDROOM RMrtment Single occupancy Fast and last requred (t05permonth (90/monr summer See n alter 6pm 971 Heyard #8 1680 19 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT heraNied pool fireplace Sublet starSng June 1st lor summer with option on next years lease 1255 Mil. #21 485 1042 1698 19 TAKING FALL RESERVATIONS. Large Skxkos one bedrooms near campus Discounted rates tor summer 733 E 15*i #13 1664 21 SUMMER SUBLET TWO bedroom apartment Pod. Sundeck. shag, dtfnvather. June tree 1255 Md #9 344-1965 1665 19 SUBLET 2 bedroom (umahed apartment v> Hock trom campus *125 737 E l«h *1. 342 6601 167221 WONDERFUL ROOMY ONE BEPROOM lurrwshed. carpeted apartment Near 17th and H4yard No lease 1145 343-4002 I05801*n THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED. With own washer dryer Qua), pnvala naar Sacrad Haart Available June 1 *240 343-4002 10581 «n WEST SIDE 2 BEDROOM carpeted drapes Large kitchen Unfurnished but haa range and re Irigarator Carport. No pels S220 343-4002 10582 tin FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. sublet June 14th. $120. water garbage dose phone 344-1558 altar 5 30 1835 21 OUAOS-870 Furnished air conditioned no lease. uiwtres pad quiet 430 Eaat 15di 345-1691 1647 21 SUMMER RATES Stan al $75 Imperial Apartments. 18th and Emerald Reserve lor tat 343-6052 1649 10 LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. $140 Unfurnished Available June 1 680 1081 after 5 p.m 1653 28 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Arne tree No deposit Next to campus $150 Call us ftrst. 343-9044 1627 20 $65 rents you a mobile home space m Meadow Lane Mobile Estates 5335 Mam. Springfield Ac commodations tor all size homes 747-4919 1086721 FOR SUBLEASE: Furnished, one bedroom apartment Three blocks from campus $135 per month Call 342-4281 1587 19 SUMMER SUBLET: 2 bedrooms, large, dean and sunny, modes! summer rates. VERY near campus, has all the extras Call 666 1725 1600 20 COZY ROOMS IN FUNKY older house. Vj block campus $65-$75 per month Indudes utilities See manager at 715Vi East 16th, #10 345-2022 Of IF>M Co 485-8252 10569 28 SUBLET SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apartment Pod. fireplace, dishwasher, deck 740 F. 15th #a 343-3485 , 517 19 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT available June 1 $166 Close 342-4264 1543:20 QUAD-SS6, utilities included 1827 Harris 345-1163. 10538:tfn 2 BEDROOM, FURNISHED apartment. $195 1805 Garden Ave 343-5637 13504:ltn