f CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UD BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTS The rates are 10 per word the first day copy is admitted and 8 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion It your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that descriminate on the basis of race, color, religion. sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION FOR SALE ) GROW YOUR OWN! Juana Gro Fertilizer Great tor ail houseptants Ore pound box $3 plus $1 Postage and handling. Mail to: Kenan Company P.O. Box 19184 Portend. Oregon 97219 FOR SALE-HARMAN-KARDON 330A receiver Pioneer PL-124) manual turntable. Advent large loudspeakers. 343-8943 1502.13 MAKE YOUR OWN tables from Oak Whiskey Bar rel Heads. 42 and 52 Gallon Oak Whiskev Barrels $19-95 and up New Nail Kegs. $6.95 Phone 485-8633. 1164 West 2nd Avenue 1359:19 BtKINI'S-$9.75 and up! Ready-made or custom fit veto different size top from bottom if necessary In the fabric of your choice. Andrea's 2441 Hifyard. 133436/7 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Buy factory cfirect poly-foam cut to any size or StlaPeBEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blair 343-0222 12057:ttn CLEAN LOCAL FLEECES Curved back carders two new spinning wheels from New Zealand to see and try out EUGENE FIBER 1157 High 343-0651 10565 20 BEDROOM SET-like new. 5 piece Mediterranean. Must sell $100 or best otter Phone 687-1998 after 6 p.m. weekdays 1444:14 LAKE HILLS A unique community of one acre homesites com manding dramatic views of lake, city, and moun tains. A 100 acre common shared by all residents wiH feature development of hiking trails and picnic areas. Homesites priced from $9950 to $14500 Call HELEN HOLLYER 686-2972 or ANN BJORK 686-6108 for additional information JEAN TATE REAL ESTATE, INC. 1756 Willamette 484-2022 1448:13 LADIES LEFT HANDED golf dubs and cart $35 after 6 p.m. 345-7087. 1507:18 HP 25. EXCELLENT CONDITION. Under War ranty Very little use $41 50 or offer 686-0086 1512:13 DOUBLE BEO, Serta posture with metaJ frame $40 or offer 343-1459. 15345 FLIGHT JACKET-size 48. Excellent condition. New: $60 Now $45. 688-1423 1538:13 “NEW" BIC 980 turntable with cartridge Only $150 Call 344-7339. 1540:18 FOR SALE-REFRIGERATOR-good condition $30 343-2458 1554:14 RECYCLED DEPENDABLE Refrigerators, Stoves. Washers ECOLOGY APPLIANCES 769 Mor. oe 687-1990 13466sb HP 25. EXCELLENT CONDITION. Under War ranty Very little use $125 or offer 686-0086 1512:14 ( GARAGE SALES ) AMAZON NURSERY YARD SALE. This Saturday and Sunday. 10-4; 22nd and Patterson Toys, clothes, crib, bike, MORE! 1572:14 GARAGE-PLANT SALE. RHODODENDRONS, strawberry, tomato, houseplants, sailboat. Furni ture. books, kitchen Hems. Saturday, Sunday May 15 and 16. 10 to 4. 2298 Columbia. 1527:14 [ INSTRUMEMTS FISHER FLUTE, EXCELLENT tone Good condi tion $125 Dawn 343-6409. 343-0846 1542 14 1970 GIBSON ES-175 electric/acoustic guitar with case. Super condition. $575. 344-1307. 1240:14 FLUTE FOR SALE. Ledoux student model. $90, closed hole, excellent condition 687-9047 1244 :14 WURUTZER ELECTRIC PIANO. Fender Show manAmp 2JBLD130-F speakers 1261 Alder. #9 344-0404 1573:14 OVATION GUITAR WITH 2 installed Barcas Bern, Pickups and hardshell case Excellent condition Pnce Negotiable 686-1470 Marty 1561:17 ( SOUND SYSTEMS ] LAFAYETTE LR-400 Receiver 90W $100 ADC 303AX speakers $125 pair. 746-0177 1508:i: PAIR OF SIC Speakers $60. Call 484-1366 ask toi John. 1525:1 A.R. Turntable lor sale, with M91E9 cartndge $8C or best offer 687-9047 1245:14 SONY TC 90 Portable Cassette recorder.. ARC bmlt-n mike $55 686-1807 10640:1' ( CRAFTS & HOBBIES > ASHFORD SPINNING WHEEL and accessories $85 Dawn 343-6409 or 343-0846 1547:1' SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seven »i Lecierc looms in stock Yams, books on crafts 12239:tti REPLACE THOSE THUMBTACKS. HAVE FUH AND SAVE MONEY BY CREATING YOUR OWN FRAME. Frame it yourself and save' Pnvate Framing lessons, tools and space Custom and ready made frames and pnnts at FRAME SHOP AM) GALLERY MIDGLEY S MILL 4th and Hig| . 687-2531 weekdays 10-5:30 Saturday 10 1358if { PHOTOGRAPHY PENT AX, SPIRATONE, OTHER ACCESSORIES Lots of gadgets Sin Amir. 686-0432 1550:1 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER offering 8x10 0 you doing your thing-Iennis. b*ng. music, shocxmi pool, whale ver-$5 Nancy 343-0762 evenings Satisfaction guaranteed 1520:2' DARKROOM ANO STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 1201115 200mm OLYMPUS LENS. $150 firn Ca 343-4620 eves. 344-6092. days 1499 i ( EDITING SERVICES NEED HELP WITH YOUR DISSERTATION? Professional writer with Ph D in English will edit dissertations, theses, or research papers tor s vie. grammar, punctuation, etc. Four-day service 20< a page or )0b rate Call Bob. 342-7805 1510 13 C BOOKS & SUPPLIES ) 20,000 USED BOOKS all se*ing Vi or less of pub lished pnce. Textbooks, Cliff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMLY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036:tfn ONE SET BRITANNICA'S Great Books. 54 vol umes, new condition, doth (current retail $495), $145. 345-3919. 1566:18 TYPING TYPING TERM PAPERS, theses, dissertations, IBM Selectric 344-1691. Graduats Approved 13569MTWT EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric. Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 12849 tfn TYPING: TERM PAPERS, EXAMS, Job resumes, etc 344-1828 1139:526 EXPERIENCED TYPIST. THREE blocks from campus Correcting Selectric 344-0759 13290 tl TYPING DESIRED. NINE YEARS gen eral typing expenence. Excellent. IBM. 342-7597 131 i .2C RALPH AND LYNNE TYPING Fast, accurate Close to campus 40< page 344-6714 1558:19 ( OUTDOOR GEAR J NYLON MATERIALS FOR MAKING OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT-packcloth, nylon npstop. 60/40 doth, zippers, snaps, and much morel The best in quality materials, at probably the lowest prices in Eugene! Outdoor Pursuits, open noon to 6 p m. 1290 Oak (above Hawkeyes). 344-6525 10592:sb BEDAZZLED! 1956 Olds, 74.000 mies Excellent inside and out See to appreciate Eves 401 E 32nd. Eugene 1522 14 •73 SUZUKI 750 GT. Very good condition $1400 Keiti Wiles Rm 311 485-9071 1515:13 1974 HONDA CL 360. (scrambler), excellent. $700 firm Call 345-4495, 343-4216. 1537 14 1974 HONDA MT 250. Excellent conditon Good intermediate bike Call 687-0280 or 688-6844 1546:14 1965 VW Bus, Factory camper, best otter Call between 5 6 7 p m. 687-8803 1491 14 '72 MAZDA RX-2,4-door AM-FM cassette Excel lent condition $1,400 345-3746 1042 14 75 HONDA 400-4. 3.500 miles Showroom condi tion. $1200. 342-3723. 1397 17 1967 HONDA-90 SUPER-SPORT motorcycles Cheap, dependable transportation Park free any where $115 345-1544 after six 1442 13 QUITTING BUSINESS 20% DISCOUNT On over $10,000 of accessories, parts, motorcy cles. and fixtures A.J. MOTORCYCLES 814 Hwy 99 North 688-6623 10509:14 ( AUTO REPAIR ) J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens 342-3952 12070:tfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 THIS SUMMER CANOE IN CANADA, YUKON, ALASKA! See trips listed in our summer brochure, at Outdoor Pursuits. 1290 Oak (above Hawkeves) Open noon to 6 Call and we ll mail a brochure to you. 344-6525 10599:sb ANNOUNCEMENT ... Outdoor Pursuits Now Carries QUALITY CLIMBING EQUIPMENT! Royal Robbins carabmers. Lowe harnesses, per lon and gotdlme ropes, webbing and more We speak climbing, and we would like to help you with your climbing equipment needs Open noon to S. 1290 Oak (above Hawkeyes). 344-6525 10584 sb THE CADDIS FLY AND ANGLING SHOP The Fly-Fishing person s friend 688 Olive St. 342-7005 10521 WHF ( RECREATION ) BASIC MOUNTAINEERING COURSE Evening sessions June 1 and 3. all-day session Saturday, June 5 All dmbmg equipment, transportation pro vided Fee . $22 Outdoor Pursuits, open noon to 6 1290 Oak (above Hawkeyes). 344-6525 10588 sb THIS SUMMER CLIMB MT. ROBSON IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 12.972' Mt Robson is located in »ie comer ot scenic Jasper National Park, on the border be tween British Columbia dnd Alberta Considered one ot the major peaks ol North America 8 days. July 3 thru 10 Tents, group climbing ecMpment. transportation, leadership provided Intermetkate climbing experience required Fee $105 without meals. $138 with meals Outdoor Pursuits open noon to 6 1290 Oak (above Hawkeyes) 344-6525 10591 sb BICYCLES J LADIES 26” ROSS ten-speed Recently over hauled $65 343-4434 Lie No. 771365 1531:13 MEN'S 26" continental chrome tenders, excellent condition $90 Lie no 701379 Scott. 686-6431 1466 14 .' SALE! Al Ftatexjhs-10% oil . Centurian Sport-$99.95 Peugeot AO 8-$135, rag, $145 COLLINS CYCLES 342-4878 60 East 11th 13582 tin ( CABS & CYCLES ~ CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 1966 parted con , drtion. $750 Call 344-8274 after 6 p.m 1571:14 1971 VW F ASTBACK. Pape Diagnostx: shows car excetent One owner $1,800 or trade lor van 345-9727 1578 14 SELLING MY SWEETIE. 1970 BSA 650 Perfect Not a Japanese Toy $700 lirm 344-9050 1582 17 1960 OOOGE. good tires runs great 345-4266 evenings 1557:14 4 & 6 Automotive Specializing iiln repair and maintenance of 4 A 8 cylinder water cooled vehicles Foreign and domes tic 1401 WIHametlu 342-3284 10487:14 j BIDES & BIDERS j TRAVEL TO PORTLANO OFTEN. Call anytime you're gong Share gas 343-4628 1577 14 f TRAVEL ) FOR RENT. PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico Villa. Sleeps 9 Daily maid. view, walk to town, beach Summer Special $425 per month Call 756-5210—Wnte D Brewster 955 State Street. North Bend. Oregon 97459 0898 SB i WANTED ) PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER NEEDS borrow/rent Canon EF. F-1, or FTb camera body weekend of June 18 Make Oder Rich. 342-1927 1575 14 CAMERAS ANO PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT WANTED BUY ANO SELL CENTER 878 Olive 12691 UH MOVING? NEED TO sell your home? I have buyers interested m the University area Call George Goddard. Countryman Realty, Inc Ferry Street Bridge Office Business 485-8181 Home 345-2409 1524 14 THREE CHRISTIAN WOMEN need house dose to campus nest year Joartne-686-4436 1504 14 CHEAP REFRIGERATOR, around $35 Not look mg lor frills Carl Ed 3712 1468 13 f IELP WANTED „ WORK IN THE SUN ANO HAVE FUN MIME OR HARP PLAYER GOOO HOURS ANO WAGE PHONE 485-1219 1563 14 MUSICIANS, piano bass drums to record him theme Saturday 345-5184 1564 13 MATH TUTOR NEEDED to help me wrth Math 201 WiB pay $10 an hour Call Erol. 342-3581 IMS 13 KWAX-FM on campus anticipatas fall term open ings for qualified student announcers Tranmg av ailable lor those without turd dass FCC licenses $2 20 per hour Work study OK Contact Dan Sla ter 331 ViHard. Ext 4239 KWAX-FM is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1064121 SERVICE STATION ATTENOANT For everungs and weekends Appropriately 35 hours per week Must be dean and neat Apply 12 Coburg Road 10801 13 ASSISTANT EMERGENCY MANAGER tor mat ned student housing units Begmnng June 1.1976 Must kVa in or be eligible and witting to kve at Westmoreland Housing and be on call lor emergencies every ckher weekend Pteaee call Sally Smith. U o! O Housing Office 686-4283 or 4281 by May 17 10602 14 NEED SUMMER HELP IN grocery store and toun tan Some managerial duties, also help with laun dry and reservations Please send resume ck ex penence to P O Bon 73. Cresent Lake Oregon 97425 10803 18 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST: Oregon Daily Emerald Part erne now Ihru Summer Benefits Phones and typng Applications available 301 EMU or call 686-5511 The Oregon Daily Emerald is ai Equal Opportunity Employer Women and Mnonties are encouraged to apply Call Monday through Friday between 8 am J 5pm 1488 17 IS EINSTEIN ALIVE? The Center for Self Development has a work study position available tor an individual extremely profi cient in mati. chemistry, and related areas Ext 3232. 207 Emerald 10580 13 THE ASUO EXECUTIVE is now accepting applica tions tor ASUO Comptroller *160 per month lor 12 months Budget management for ASUO 20-25 hours per week, except 40 hours per week during IFC budgeting ACC 221 and 323 or equivalent experience required Applications available m Suite 4, EMU ASUO is an Equal Opportunity Employer aid does notdiscnmmateon tie basis of race, sex sexual orientation, disability or otier Women and minorities encouraged to apply 10558:21 OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/year-round Europe. S America. Australia, Asia, etc All fields. *500-*1200monthly Expensespaid. sight-seeing Free information-write International Job Center Dept OK, Box 4490. Berkeley. Ca 94704 1151 20 THE OREGON OAILY Emerald is looking tor someone to coordinate its summer onentation issue The job pays *75 and applications may be picked up in the Emerald offioe, 3rd floor EMU The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer: women and minontes are encouraged to apply 12831fn THE EMERALD is now accepting applications for next year s and this summer s editorial staff 18 paid positions are available Applications may be picked up at Emerald offices on 3rd floor EMU and are due Friday. May 14 The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply 1287:ttn PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We unit tram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035:tfr $$ EARN MONEY $$ Spend your idle hour* earning extra income YOU Determine the hours worked YOU Determine the days worked YOU Determine your paycheck Sell Cable TV and Home Box Of lice Excellent commission Program Call tor Interview TELEPROMPTER OF OREGON 484-3036 13679 (roommate WANTEDj ONLY >96 Male roommate needed now Pool Good people Cal 686-0333 1653 14 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEOED-To share two bedroom apartment Summer and/or Fan Across the street from campus CaH 345-5354 1541 13 OWN ROOM, BEAUTIFUL OLDER HOME $57 50. 1010 High Street 344-1956 1545 14 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Furnished house $65 Rent Cal 344-3376 1500 13 ONE OH TWO rooms m house dose to campus Sauna, garden, fireplace. Male/tomaie Graduate Sludenl $65 $87 50 343-7543 or 343-2718 1469 13 SUMME R SUBLET: two bedroom apartment pool 1515 Hilyard #11,484-9604 1568 14 FURNISHED. TWO BEDROOM to sublet lor sum mer 1750 Aider #15 345-7604 1474 17 AVAILABLE JUNE-Stodo $115 maximum Lease unM September 344-1873 Jean 1461 13 SUBLET TWO BEDROOM furnished Pool dsh washer, disposal 1 V> blocks from campus Availa Me June 13 Call 345-5343 1579 17 SUMMER SUBLET. Beautiful two bedroom cam pus apartment Discount rate Negotiable 1750 Alder Apt #5 485-8280 1580 14 COZY ROOMS IN FUNKY older house ’i block campus $65-875 per month Includes ulrktres See manager at 715^ East 16th. #10 345-2022 Or I PM Co 485 8252 10569 28 LARGE, ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment $125 per monto includes utilities Cool during summer, partiaty furnished, lairty sunny Lease possible Near campus Can Stuart 343 0449 666-4951 1487 13 SUMMER SUBLET-Two Bedroom apanment Pool Sundeck shag dishwasher 1255 SAH #9 344 1966 1562 14 SUMMER SUBLET: NICE two bedroom furnished apartment 1750 Alder #3 '5M 14 SUBLET SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apartment Pool fireplace dishwasher, deck /40 E. 1W> *9 3433485 1517 19 SUMMER SUBLET, 2-bedroom apartment wrto sundeck Carpeted furnished dishwasher $150 per monto 345-0811 _15,8 14 $50 given to lake over lease lor sianmer 2 bed room apartment with evtr as $195 par month Cal 342 4550 1255 MS St 152117 SUMMER SUBLET: TWO bedroom furnished apartment 1750 Alder no 12 Rent discount Ca» 347-8055 ’523 18 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Summer subleI *125 343-1804 (alter 11 pm weekdays ) '501 14 TWO BEDROOM FURNISMEO APARTMENT avalable June 1 *166 Cloae 342 4264 154 3 20 AVAILABLE JUNE—Studio. *115 maximum Lease unti September 686-5311 1461 13 BLACKSTONE MANOB-exceptionally nee cam pus apartments Unique’ Reserve now for fall *175-5225 687088413646 6-7 MOBILE HOME SPACE .. tor rent from *65 Elaborate rec facilities Short dnve from U Of O and LCC 5335 Mam. Springfield 747-4919 Meadow Lane Mobile EstMes 10575 14 COZY ROOMS IN FUNKY older house to bloc* canpus *65-*75 per month includes utilities See manager at 715to East 16th. #10 344-2022 Or IPM Co 485-8252 1 0569 28 EARLY SUMMER RATE, roomy three bedroom furnished apartment to brock to campus Covered parking, water and garbage paid *150 per month thru September 1. 1976 *100 refundable deposit Three adults maximum Nopals See manager 715 East 161h. #10 345-2022 IPM Co 485-8252 1201 Oak Street 10570 28 QUAD-*86, Utilities included 1827 Harris hr? 10538 tin STAYING IN EUGENE THIS SUMMER? Take ad vantage ol our summer rates at Emerald Apts 1877 Emerald Street 345-2101 Two bedroom units fully furnished with dishwashers-large sundeck-close tocampus-ctoseto summer activity *150 1 0517 tin LARGE 2-bedroom apartment, no pets $150. call 689-1081 after 5 pm 1235 14 2 BEDROOM. FURNISHED apartment $195 1805 Garden Ave 343-5637 13504 tin QUADS-S85 per month No lease required, furnished, utilities included laundry, parking available Close to campus SUMMER RATES-*65 par month Make reservations now 1360 Alder SI. 4854)291, 484-0804 1056767 CALL 343-9917 Near U of O for Summer and F all One and two bedroom furnished apartments Some have heat furnished n566 tfn