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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1976)
...el al— Meeting kicks off fund drive Community leaders from busi ness, industry and the professions will be planning strategy tonight for the biggest fund-raising effort every undertaken by the Univer sity. Approximately 75 persons will be meeting at the Valley River Inn to encourage support for Oregon’s Second Century Fund, a fund-raising drive which seeks $7.5 million in private gifts to aid the University in moving into its second hundred years. The local drive is now underway and is seeking unrestricted and designated gifts for a number of campus projects. Tonight’s pro gram will include brief remarks by University Pres. William Boyd and local drive leaders will be intro duced. Concert tonight in Beall Hall Percussionist Charles Dowd will present a free solo percussion recital today at 8 p.m., in the School of Music’s Beall Concert Hall. He will be assisted by G. Bur nette Dillon, trumpet, and Janet Descutner, dance. Dowd, an assistant professor of music, is tympanist and principal percussionist with the Cabrillo Music Festival, as well as solo tympanist with the Eugene Sym phony. He has performed as a free lance percussionist with Chamber Music Northwest, the San Francisco Symphony, the Vienna Ballet Orchestra, RCA Studios (NYC), the Juilliard Or chestra and the Oakland Sym phony. He has given recitals in New York, California and Oregon. Speech slated “Collective Bargaining in Li braries” will be the subject of a guest talk by Gwendolyn Cruzat today. Cruzat, an associate pro fessor of library science at the University of Michigan, will deliver the guest address at 2:30 p.m. in Room 307, Chapman Hall. © New George Benson Breezin' $3.69 gunghop Across from the University Bookstore Registration is June 21 and File the card by May 28 to classes begin the following insure that a registration day Pick up your packet will be available for Registration Request Card. you.on registration day. The available at the Registrar s Time Schedule of Classes Office, the Summer will be available about June Session Office or in the 1 to help you plan your Summer Session Catalog. summer flight. File your flight plan for Summer Session Page 2 Equipment swap scheduled today New and used outdoor gear wil be available for purchase at the Outdoor Program’s Equipment Swap stated for 5 to 9 p.m. today in the EMU dining room. Typical items to be bartered or sold wil include kayaks, tents, packs, clothing and sleeping bags. No motorized equipment will be allowed at the swap. Persons wishing to swap or sell equipment should be at the swap location by 5 p.m. No admission is charged. There is also no fee for selling equipment. Emerald notes corrections The story concerning the student food service workers contract in Monday’s Emerald contained two errors. Half the state’s offer of a 4.5 per cent wage and benefits increase wil be given upon the signing of the contract and the other half will be effective Jan. 1, 1977. The union’s request is for 15.5 per cent, plus a six per cent cost of living raise on Jan. 1, 1977. A caption on a photograph in Monday’s story on Yogi Bhajan mis takenly identified Sewa Khalsa, a local Skh. The man standing in the center erf the larger photograph toward the bottom of the page is Yogi Bhajan. UC prof to speak on research Roger Hahn, professor of the history of science at the University at California at Berkeley, will speak on “Scientific Research as an Occupa tion in 18th Century Paris” at 3:30 p.m. today in the EMU, room to be postod. Admission is free and open to the public. Hahn's appearance is co-sponsored by the history department and the grattoate school. briefs MEETINGS A taam mealing and practice tor al women interested m nteroollagaile voBeytoal neat tad wd be held today and Wednesday at 330 pm In B-SO Gertmgar Annex The weekly luncheon meetng ol t*e Amencen Federation ol Teacher* (AFT) wW be today and every other Tuesday ot tie term from 12 30 to 130 p m in the EMU LECTURES Noel Ftude. graduate saidem m IngiaaSr I w« speak an "Piobtams in Twi Phonology" today m 330 p m in 242 Gibert Retatonslips and Mamage — Decowanng In terdependence ■ tie aub|ect ol a tali baoig gnren tie evening n 313 A*en al 8 by Wd and Tndi * Padgett o# Hogue Commoey Cottage. Grants Pass ThartafcatpooeoredtiytieSEAFtCHAilat 1 Mtng sanaa Than is no admnaam diagr For more intormalion. caH Shepherd Hoodwm. 066-1840 Pint E C G Sudamhan mm gam a apacwk/ad M an ‘Onmuton d Ywg »—i Field Gang I aqmnga khnapaers at 130 p m on Thtaaday n Room 125 & Soma ■ At 3a) Suddrahan Mi speak on 'Maaauremant n Quantum Theory" m Room 16. Scans I Both la cheat are open to tie general putdc The Woman s rtarmWain kaamainn fWRA) has acheckdad tie taom bka taoa tar Watdtasday at 4 pm Meat at tie earn ended 13th Auenue and gat ■aady to peddta to notory TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION programs lectures "How much of our full potential, full value of the heart; if found on the surface of our life is directly proportional to the condition of the human nervous system ” -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder, TM program TUESDAY MAY 11th, 12:30 and 8:00 PM, EMU information 343-8738 ADULT STUDENT HOUSING ASHLANE APTS 747-5411 all utilities. 1.2. & 3 bedroom apis Editor Ad Mgr Jtm Gregory Carl Bryant Prod Mgr Kate Setgal Accountant Ted Johnston The Oregon Dotty Emerald is pub* shed Mondey trrougT Friday durmg tad. welter and spring terms, except dung exam weeks and vacation periods During summer t ox won tv Emerald Is puMWied Tuesday duratg tie e^t-ereek term The Oegon Dotty Emerald e pub* died by tie Oregon Oaty Emerald Pubtaheig Co . Me.. M the Umveraty oI Oregon. Eugene. Oregon P7403 Ore Oregon Doty Emerald afheas ere in Me north wsig ol Me Erb Memorwl Union News edtonal phone nuntmr is 686-5611 Display adverasing k 686-3712 Ctaasrked adverting nuntoar is 686-4343 The Oregon Da* Emorokt m a member ol Associated Press and College Press Service Tuetadav. Mav II. ID7R