Local conservationists rally behind Carter By E G. WHITE-SWIFT Of the Emerald Many of Oregon's environmen tal activists are beginning to back former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter’s presidential bid. After listening to a speech by Carter’s environmental aide last weekend in Eugene, a letterhead committee of Oregon conser vationists for Carter was formed. “The purpose erf the letterhead committee," states member Maradel Gale, "is to send out in formation to concerned environ mentalists in Oregon about the candidates' environmental stands. Carter’s environmental stands are not well known in Oregon, just as Tom McCall’s pos itions were unfamiliar to Geor gians.” Some conservationists are holding back their support of Car ter in preference to Morris Udall, according to one local environ mentalist. in order to show support for his environmental voting re cord. However, other conser vationists consider Carter’s en vironmental stands to be as good as Udall’s and want to support the most probable nominee. Barring some unforeseen development, they think that person is Carter. Two recent events have swung many environmentalists into the peanut farmers' camp. A profile of candidates prepared by the Na tional League of Conservation Voters (NLCV) was published by the Sierra Club Committee on Political Education on May 1 of this year. "Perhaps Carter’s most TNs report card was prepared by the National League of Conservation Voters. Copies of the full League profiles of presidential candidates can be obtained for $2 from the CLCV, 529 Commercial St. San Francisco. CA, 94111. Local journalist wins Pulitzer (AP) — Bob Porterfield, for merly with the Springfield News, the Roseburg News Review and several Eugene area radio sta tions, is part of a news team that received a Pulitzer Prize Monday. Porterfield, 30, and two other staff members of the Anchorage Daily News received a Pulitzer Prize for preparing a 16-part series on how the Teamsters Union had spread its control of Alaskan affairs. I-TZZ-1 The Id’s SPRING LUST SALE $3.65 for the following new LP’s: Rolling Stones Steve Stills Steely Dan Ramsey Lewis Rick Wakemaa many man aam releases at aa/y 3J9 10% OFF on our 50 Best selling books including: Sheldon KoppJfyou meet the Buddah on the Read Kill Him List 1.95 NOW 1.75 Trudeau Hoooesberry Chronicles List 6.95 NOW 6.25 Schumacher^ma// is Beautiful List 2.45 NOW 2.20 Barnett-fi/afta/ Reach List 4.95 NOW 4.50 Lilly'S/nwfetfom of God List 2.25 NOW 2.00 LAMPS-17.95 Econo Lamps, all metal construction. We've seen them around town for as much as $29.95. In your choice of colors. The Id 1340 Alder on campus courageous action was his deci sion to block construction of the Sprewell Bluffs dam on the Flint River,” states the profile text. “The project was backed enthusiasti cally by all previous governors and by the state legislature. The dam would have ruined one of the most scenic rivers in the state of Georgia." The NLCV report also praises Udall. “Udall has probably done more than any other candidate to dispel industry arguments that the environment must be sacrificed in the name of energy production and economic growth. ‘Ten years before Earth Day,” continues the report, “Udall warned his more shortsighted col leagues of the urgent need for a stable population and responsible land use policies to prevent deple tion of the nation’s resources.” To convince environmentalists of Carter’s background, Carlton Neville, Carter’s environmental aide, came to Eugene last weekend. Neville, a mathematics professor at Georgia'S Kennesaw College and leader of the Georgia Audubon Society, stated, “While Georgia governor, Jimmy Carter was a friend of the environmen talists. “As governor, he supported wild rivers, land use planning, natural areas, and reorganized the department of natural re sources," Neville said. FUTURE CPA’S LEARN NOW ABOUT THE NEXT CPA EXAM PORTLAND 503 223-3384 OUR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS REPRESENT 1/3 OF USA COURSES BEGIN MAY 26 & NOV 24 THE STEREO LOFT OREGON TYPEWRITER & RECORDER CO. 30 EAST 11TH EUGENE, OREGON 342-2463 Model 102 High Fidelity Speaker Systems by Avid. Model 102 Two-Way Air Suspension High fidelity Speaker System Imprdinu' 5 ohm- nominal Power Handling C'jpat it\ 100 watt l>river C om piemen t 10” high i ompliaiue woofer w butvl rubber surround I ** dome t weeter Crossover Frequent y: 2200 H/ Control: 3 position, high h»%|tivn*\ level switch frequent v Range 35 H/ to 18 kHz - 5 dB Cabinet Dimension-. 25” x 15”x System Weight 3t> lb V\ arrantv ' t ears Spy* ial I eature l nique. user-t hangeable grille (8 i olor- available) front mounted controls fuse oxer load protec lion. Push-tvpe. quick connects THE AVID 102 RATED "BEST” BY CONSUMER REPORTS IN THEIR FEBRUARY ISSUE