1 CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE SHU* COUNT® The rales are 10- per wort) the first day copy is admitted and 8 pet word each oonsecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion It your ad appears incorrectly, can 686-4343 before 1 p m. correction in the next day s issue Errors no! the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that descnminate on the basis of race color religion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION 1 FOR SALE J BEAUTIFUL OLD, UPRIGHT in very good condi tion. $400 Nancy 342-3561. 1256:12 LARGE BEANBAG CHAIR, $25. Stereo, sewing machine, portable typewriter, each. $20 Tennis racket. $8 666-4051. Message. 1258:11 HITACHI SOLID STATE 12" TV. Months old: $55 Electric Sewing Machine: $30. Open Root sandals, women s size 8, $10. 344-9596. mornings, ext 5529. 1267:6 BIKIM'S-$S.75 and up! Ready-made or custom fit with drtferent size lop from bottom if necessary In the fabric of your choice Andrea s 2441 Hilyard, 13343:6/7 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. Buy factory direct poly-foam cut to any size or Sh8P<BEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blar 343-0222 12057Ifn SCUBA EQUIPMENT, tanks, regulator, gauges Call Part at 686-3244 or 345-0458 1225:7 QUITTING BUSINESS 20% DISCOUNT On over $10,000 of accessories, parts, motorcy cles. and fixtures. A.J. MOTORCYCLES 814 Hwy 99 North 688-6623 - 10509:7 MEN’S 10-apeed bike, good condition. $45 345-0229 Lie. No. ETF30571.F6F10922 1227:5 TAPE RECORDER Cost $60, sell lor best offer 746-6596 10497:4 ... . ~N j WSTRUMEMTS j FLUTE FOR SALE, Ledoux student model $90. closed hole, excellent condition 687-9047 1244:14 SAXOPHONE 1929 SELMER Paris E-flat Alto Beautiful condition Reasonable. 689-7802.1209:4 1961 FENDER STRATOCASTER with case Orig inal pickups. Excellent condition. $300 or best offer. Dave Ext 5323. 1231:7 1970 GIBSON ES-175 eiectnc/acoustic guitar with case. Super condition, $575. 344-1307. 1240:7 A.R. Turntable for sale, with M91E9 cartridge. $80 or best offer. 687-9047 1245:14 MARANTZ 7 speakers $200 the pair, cal Paul at 686-3244 or 345-0458. 1226:7 C CRAFTS & HOBBIES) SfcHurt.TY WEAVERS ‘ 111 West Seventh Leclerc looms in stock Yarns, books on crafts 12239:1ft, REPLACE THOSE THUMBTACKS, HAVE FUN AND SAVE MONEY BY CREATING YOUR OWN FRAME. Frame it yourself and save! Private Framing lessons, tools and space Custom and ready made frames. and prints at: FRAME SHOP AND GALLERY MIDGLEYS MILL 4th and H#i 687-2531 weekdays 10-5:30 Saturday 10-4 135651fn f PHOTOGRAPHY ) DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Peart 343-2423 12011Kn ( BOOKS & SUPPLIES ) 20.000 USEDB OOKS all selling Vi or less oIpub lished price Textbooks. ClifT Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036:tfn TYPING EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs IBM Correcting Seleclnc. Graduate approved Carolyn Sherretl. 344-7231 12849:tfn TYPING: TERM PAPERS, EXAMS, Job resumes, etc. 344-1628. 1139:5-26 EXPERIENCED TYPIST. THREE blocks from campus Correcting Selectric. 344-0759 13290:1fn JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL B.O.A. (blow-out. on. adjust) Manual.*7 Electric...$9 Free Pick-up/delivery Call 342-2022 day or mght 09936 TYPING TERM PAPERS, theses, dissertations. IBM Selectric 344-1691 Graduate Approved 13569MUVYH IBM CORRECTING SELECTRIC N. Eite and Pica Graduate school approved 343-5124. 12997A4UW ( SKI STUFF ] X-COUNTRY SKIS: Bonna 2000. 200 an. excel lent condition ABC Cable binding, cane poles, waxes. $55 or Oder 344-2109 1265 5 TWO KELTY RUCKSACKS. Never used $35 each 345-0962 Leave message. 1257:4 ( OUTDOOR 6 EAR ) BACKPACKERS: NORTH FACE Sierra Tent Excellent Condition. Call Bill at 342-7021. $100 firm 1232:5 WANTED: TWO MAN CAMPING TENT. Reasonably cheap Leave message 464-1170 1223:6 ( BICYCLES ) SALE! ' All Raleighs-10% alt Cento nan Sport-$99.9S Peugeot AO 8-$135 reg. $145 COLLINS CYCLES 342-4878 60 East 11 th 13582Un ( oust CYCLES ; 1967 KAWASAKI 350, RECENT OVER-MAUL. Runs good. $295. 344-1592. afternoons 1251:5 1986 VW CAMPER BUS. Rebuilt engne Must sell this week. Best offer Call between 5 5 7 p.m 687-8803 1259:7 CASH FOR CARS Empire Auto Sales 1502 West 7*i, 344-6031 1189:5 1973 MAZDA RX-3 wagon. Good condition 37,000 miles. $1,600.726-7885 or 747-9755 even ings or weekends 1192:4 ( AUTO REPAIR ) 4 & 6 Automotive Specializing n the repair and maintenance of 4 & 6 cylinder water cooled Vehicles Foreign and domes tic. 1401 Willamette 342-3254 10467:14 PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST: Saab. Volvo. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL-Mapr Tune-up any 4 cylinder. $37.50 including parts and labor, 1985 West 7*1, 344-2277 or DIG CARS 13165TFN J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts lor Vofkswagens 342-3952 12070*n CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service. 1938 West 8th 345-7785 ( BIDES & RIDERS ] NEEO RIDER TO ILLINOIS. Snare driving and Gas Leave 5/5 or 5/6. 747-4151 1166:5 c WANTED J CASH FOR CARS Empire Auto Sales 1502 West 7th. 344-6031 1188.5 CAMERAS AND PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT WANTED BUY AND SELL CENTER 67* 011ve 12691 :UH WANTED: VERSATILE DRUMMER lor ready to play band, singers also. Call Al. 345-8865 or Duane. 485-0754 1234:7 REWARD: $50 Want lo rent two or three bed room house Up to $230 One workng person, one student, one 8-year-old neutered cat WiH sign lease Cal Debbie: 343-4706 or (work) 687-5316 1180:7 ( HELP WANTED ] SORORITY HOUSEBOYS NEEDED. Hours flexi ble. Contact housemother 343-7541. 1286 4 NEED FULLTIME EMPLOYEE, Salary and com missions Job Me: Mechanic-Salesperson Inquire 782 East Broadway 10527:7 ACTION NOWASUO accepting applications tor Director and Tool Librarian Women and minorities encouraged to apply Action Now. Suite 5. EMU. 11 a.m-3 p m 686-3702 10619:10 OVERSEAS JOBS-summer'year-round Europe. S America, Australia. Asia, etc All fields. $500-*1200mon*ily Expenses paid, sight seeing Free information-write International Job Center. Dept OK. Box 4490, Berkeley , Ca 94704 1151.20 WANTED: MUSICIANS for Arabu Dancers Con tact B Sellers 343-2830 1152:5 MEDICAL SCHOOLS n Coahula and Morelos. Mexco now accepting qualified applicants for Sep tember 1976 term. Contact R W Cary 4324 Kilcher Court. Carmichael, CA 95606 (916) 483-4587 or 487-5816 1153:5 WORK STUDY POSITION AVAILABLE lor secretary/receptonist Apply Learning Resources Center. 268 Condon 686-3226 10475:4 WORK STUDY POSITION available for person in terested in managing a small resource (brary at the Learning Resources Center Knowledge of library systems helptii. but not required 686-3226. 268 Condon Halt 10474 4 ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION seeks Di rector Apply 12 EMU. ext 4342 Deadline: May 14*i The ASUO is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not ttecnmmate on the basis <* race. sex. religious preference, sexual orientation, dsabrkty or other Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 104936 SURVIVAL CENTER, ASUO environmental action group, acceptng applications tor 1976-77 salaried posrtions: Director Assistant Directors, work-skidy office manager Issues include Forestry. Energy. Environmental Education. Resource Recovery. Impact Assessment. Environmental Leg elation In formation on salaries, hours. )Ob descriptions avail able at Survival Center. Suite 1. EMU. 686-4356 Deadline May 7 Survival Center is an Affirmative Action Employer Women and minonkes are en couraged to apply 10500:6 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD needs a work study student for the Emerald Resource Library Apply Emerald Offce, 3rd floor EMU The OOE is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women and Minorities encouraged to apply 1190 7 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will tram. Car essential Kirby Company 484-9556 12035Tfn FRISBEE PLAYERS NEEDED to play in Greater Frisbee Marathon May 3-24 Desperate for night time players but will be glad lor anytime you have to offer Call 343-2625 Ed or Suzy 1102:4 $$ EARN MONEY $$ Spend your idle hours earning extra income YOU Determine the hours worked YOU Determine the days worked YOU Determine your paycheck Sell Cable TV and Home Box Office Excellent commission Program Call for Interview TELEPROMPTER OF OREGON 484-3038 13679:13 APPLICATIONS FOR POSITION of Assistant Di rector of PACE now being accepted Involves 20-25 hours per week. Salary and credt available PACE is an ASUO program involving peer academic counseling. Applications die May 7, at the PACE office, Suite 1-EMU II. ext. 3802. PACE is an Equal Opportunity employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 10513:7 Eight-Week University ol Oregon Summer Youth Program has WORK STUDY POSITIONS: Career Specialist Vi txne-$350 Basic Facts Mati lnstructor-$350 Study Skills Lab lnstructor-$650 Reading Skills Instructor-6650 Group and Dorm Counselor positions must be able to work with students from various ethnic back grounds. able to devote full-time to needs of stu dents. write mid-term, final reports. $475-536 per monti. Dorm positions include room and board Applications: 316 Condon Deadlne 5 p.m , May 6th. 10514* FOOO-OP NEEDS A WORK study person im mediately Office work: ordering, telephone-no typ ing. Good with figures-restaurant or grocery ex perience helpful Position lor next year, also, if de sired The Food-Op is Fun! Suite 5 EMU 686-4714. 10508:tfn (roommate wanted) TWO ROOMMATES NEEDEDfor summer $71 67 includes utilities Move in today. 344-1592 1250 7 FEMALE TO SHARE wi»i same, three bedroom towne house Will oonsider moving-preler 22 to 27 years old 1252:6 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED: to share 2 bed room duplex with one other. $75 per month. 344-7456 1229:7 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED IN HOUSE WITH TWO OF SAME. Own room Non-smoker 345-7029 1236 4 $100 AVAILABLE NOW. PRIVATE ROOM ANO BATH Washer and dryer, kitchen privileges 2225 Brittany 344-0123 1224* f FOR RENT ) STAYING IN EUGENE THIS SUMMER? Take ad vantage of our summer rates al Emerald Apts . .1877 Emerald Street 345-2101 Two bedroom units fully furnished with dishwashers-large sundeck-close to campus-doseto summer activity $150 10617:»n QUAD-S86. utilities included. 1827 Harris. 345-1163 13347tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. AVAILABLE now Near campus All the nice tee Sires 343 5333 1273 7 SUBLET FURNISHEO TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT near campus CHEAP' 343-9044 1269 7 SUBLET SPACIOUS STUDIO. Furnished, pod two blocks from campus $125 monthly Call 686-8621 evenings 1270 10 OFFICE TO SHARE w4h architect and editor near campus $75 includes utilities No smoking 687-8660. 344-6590 688-3844 10510 7 LARGE 2-bedroom apartment, no pets $150. call 689-1061 after 5 p m 1235 14 1 or 2 ROOMS In 4-bedroom house Garden, sauna, graduate students. mT $85-$87 per monti 343-2718 ’ 237 5 LIGHT. SPACIOUS, Architact Deagred Stutko with Hgh vault wood celfcng. balcony. 2 closets 1 vs Hocks from U ol O Library Furnished. Inquire 733 E 15th Apt 13. 1238 6 FEED DUCKS FROM »ie MMrace Apartments this summer George 688-1549 12416 AVAILABLE NOW, two bedroom turroshed apart ment Close to Campus. 342-4264 1097 6 WONDERFUL ONE BEDROOM turn Vied, car peted apartment Near 17th and Htyard $145 343-4992 10503 7 SUMMER SUBLET: Large two bedroom apart men! $170permonti June20-30free t925Har ns. #5 342-6479 11934 SUBLEASE SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM apartment Pool, fireplace, dishwasher, water garbage paid $190 monfi 740 East 15th. #8 345-0841 12077 SUMMER SUBLET. Three bedrooms, turn shed Utilises paid $180 ext 4986 or 485-9652 Joan 12174 $85 MONTH Private, furnished quad room Uskbesmcluded.no lease required 687-060* 687 8328 12643 Vn QUADS-$85 per montn No lease required, furnished, utilities included, laundry. parVng available Close to campus 13<0 Alder SI. 4854291. 494-0804 12B12Hn QUADS Paid Utilities Laundry FaoSties $90 & $110 1810 Harns 688-2470 12984 tin CALL 343-9817 Near U at O for Summer and Fall One and Iwo bedroom tumefied apartments Some have heat lumished 13566 tin AVAILABLE JUNE let. 2 bedroom turmshed apartment Close to campus, disposal, dishwasher 343-0981 0962:4 BLACK STONE MANOft-exception ally nice cam- - pus apartments Unique! Reserve now tor tall $175-8225 687-0884 13546:6-7 2 BEDROOM, FURNISHED apartment. $195 1805 Garden Ave. 343-5637 13504:ttn PETS FREE FLUFFY MALE KITTEN. Call 343-9949 after 7:30 p.m. 1272:5 ( LOST & FOUND ) FOUND: TURQUOISE NECKLACE, heehi bead, downtown malt, near Sears 2 weeks ago Call Ext. 4071 (campus). 1228:5 REWARD: brown bag and red hat. Lost April 28 Phone 686-5346, Pete 1239:4 FOUND: KEYCHAIN in Iront of PLC and art museum. "Eddie" seems to be owner Call Alex. 343-8000 1210:5 LOST EYEGLASSES WITH HEARING AID attached $25 Reward 746-6596 1284 4 KEY RING WITH BAMBOO CLIP-Has seven keys Call Ed. 666-6163 or 4987 1285:5 REWARD-MISSING BEAST. Grey, tiger, long haired, lemale cat. 170 High. 342-2564 1275:6 [ CHILDCARE ) UNIVERSITY DROP-IN CHILD CARE, EMU H Information and reservations 666-4345 Infant/toddler and pre-school sibtngs- days 3 montis thru stem grades—evenings CSD. and Private Pay 13324 Hn COMMUNITY ] ^^ERWICES__^ FOR THE BEST in movng and storage services, be sure to check with LANE COUNTY MOVING A STORAGE 600 South Seneca Road 484-0999 485-1055 1353811n c MARKET BASKET 3 FOOO-OP SPECIAL YOGURT Ola Yami-truit & plain 73 Nancy s Honey Yogurt Plain 86 Fruited 98 FOOO-OP 1535 Agate Wpls 28 32 36 105017 l FOOD ft DRINK J GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOOD STORE 1211 Alder (Mart to Johnny Print) 'Mxrte gran breads. pastries made with honey, granola, yogurt kattr rtnr* cold fracas, honey ice cream and natural candy ban Treat youreetf to a natural treat! 1208BUW GIANT GRINDER DEUCATESSEN Genuine East Coed Gnndar Sandsnchea MEATS-CHEESES-BHEAO HOMEMADE SALADS "CATERING ALL OCCASIONS" •HOME OF THE nVE-EOOTER" t4M EAST IMh AVENUE 1*77 COBURG ROAD 12382 alt OUTDOOR DMNG NONETS CAFE Enfoy our delicious variety oI lunches n tie great outdoors. 675 Eaat IMh 10511 5 GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY The Coflee Bean Coffee Company 2466 H Award 110 Watt Broadway 120S#Hn i EVENTS ) EXISTENTIALISM and MARXISM a cHcuaaort sriti OR. CHENEV RVAN-PMK.OSOPHY Tuesday. May 4ti at 12 30 EMU FORUM ROOM Sponsored by Vie Graduate Sudani Council 10507 4 FRANK CHURCH FOR PRESIDENT Organizational meeting EMU Forum. Wednesday. May 5th. 730 p m Campagn Film w4l be shomm Discussion ol Issues atterwards All skjdents and faculty uw«ed Paid lor by Chnstma Hurd, Church Headquarters 873 WWameOe 686-8878 1274:5 [ ENTERTAINMENT ) KZEUFM PRESENTS JIMMY BUFFETT and THE CORAL REEFER BAND JERRY JEFF WALKER THE LOST OONZO BAND Lana Co Fairgrounds Auditorium Thursday, May 20. 8 p m Tickets 55 advance $6 at tie door Available: Sunshop. Crystalship. EMU Main Desk. Everybody's (CorvaMe and Eugene) A DOUBLE TEE EVENT lOSlSab HOMEFRtED TRUCK STOP On 14th Between Hkyard and Alder TonighTs Entertainment rn«n(W oi m® r ■rriiiy 10520:4