Styrofoam coffee cups raise clatter about costs Dear Beef Box: The lead article in the Oregon Daily Emerald the other day referred to the necessity of raising prices and cut ting back personnel in the EMU food service operation so that it would be profit making or, at the very least, a break-even operation. This morning, as on many morn ings, I went to the EMU for my coffee break i noticed the standard condition at 10 a m. - no cups and the reverting to styrofoam containers. This forced me to investigate the cost benefits: 1. Coffee cups purchased at a restaurant supply are $5.50 per dozen and have an “unlimited” life expec tancy (provided they aren't dropped or deliberately banged together). 2. Styrofoam cups are single trip vehicles at a cost of 1.3t per cup. 3. Even amortizing the cost of washing, breakage, etc., in 50 trips a cup would pay for itself as opposed to using styrofoam. I, for one, do not like to drink coffee out of an imper sonal plastic cup. It would appear that the simple ex pedience of having an adequate number of china cups might help change the profit picture by a few pennies and a few pennies can always be used. If I can call restaurant suppliers and derive this infor mation, it would appear that a person in management who is beinq paid to do this job could do pikewise Frustrated coffee drinker The Beef Box By CAROL MURKOWSKI Of the Emerald , P. S. At lunch there is a paucity of soup spoons. One day I waited 20 minutes to have one washed so I could eat the "cooling" soup. Is this any way to run a cafeteria? / guess so at the University of Oregon! The costs incurred while using styrofoam cups are all too familiar to EMU food personnel. The problem lies not in poor management, but in poor morals! "We purch ased a more than adequate supply of coffee cups at the beginning of the year,” says Ken Larsen, EMU Food Director, “but through pilferage and loss, we re running really short.” The EMU was assigned funds to purchase the dish ware last year, and will not be allocated more until the end of the fiscal year in June. “I don’t like using styrofoam cups any more than our customers,’ Larsen remarks, "but it’s the only thing we can do. When we put the china cups out, people just walk away with them. At this point, it’s cheaper to use styrofoam cups — nobody steals them!” !t is reasonable to assume that theft is also responsi ble for the shortage of silverware in the various eating areas. Aside from chaining the utensils to the tables (which could get a little difficult when it came time to wash them), there seems to be no way to end the pilfering. The fledgling apartment-dweller may find "shopping” at the EMU a great way to outfit a kitchen, but the rest of us might have to go back to eating with our fingers! Dear Beef Box: When the EMU food service features roast beef, must it always be well-done gray? When I asked for “medium rare," I got a blank stare. What gives? Signed, Medium Rare Cooking for several hundred people a day can be rather demanding at times, but “we want to please our customers,” says EMU Food Director Ken Larsen. Ac cording to Larsen, the only reason meat is always cooked one way is because there hasn’t been enough demand to warrant a change. “If enough requests come in, we ll be glad to comply,'' he states. To get your "beef on the beef” across with best re sults, Larsen suggests using the suggestion box located in the various food service areas. Th# EMU Co Rural forum present* An Evening With GEORGE BENSON May Tth EMU Bamoom Two show* 7 6 9 30 Tickets *4-0 of O Students *5 SO-General PubSc S5 50 At tie Door Avakabie at tie Man Desk 10479 7 EARTHWEEK 76 "Cetabfala and Explore Your Earth Wednesday Aprs 28 1130 Normal Psufus. Solar Energy Lege lakon. forum Room, EMU 2 30 Jogging lor Vie Earth: Meet at 1ST and University St •30-230 Resource Recovery Recycling Displays Man Lobby EMU Thursday Apnl 29 1 DO Willamette River Rail Trip: Meet at tie EMU Terrace Friday Apnl 30 130 Bley da Trip: Meet at 13*1 A University St Sunday. May 2 900 Wl Ramans River Clean-Up Register 687-5307 Meet at the Rrver House Spencer Buna Restoration Protect Contact M*e McClellan 886-4356 or Carol Baker 687 5310 Sponsored by A.S.U.O. SURVIVAL CENTER SuMe I, EMU. 806-4356 1047630 1 EHTEHTAIHMEHT ) BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2667 Weametis 344-0816 Live erxertanment live nights a week MICHEL06 ON TAP 11749Vr SIGMA CHI FILM SERIES PRESENTS Saturday. May 1 HARRAD SUMMER HARRAD SUMMER Here is a gkmpee of ■tie new morakty inaction Are you ready1 The is a sequel to the HARRAD EXPERI MENT which focuses on the sexual revolu tion now upon us Altai then first year at Hauad. an experimental college where open sexual contact is encouraged, lour young students decide to spend two weeks of their summer vacation m each at th«r home environments only lo hod Riey en counter pressures and pre|ix*ces from the outside world make list a moving drama I80PLC *1 7.9.11 pm 13602 30 WHEATFIELD at MURPHY AND ME TAVERN This Friday and Saturday 1098 30 MICK JAGGER Starring in NED KELLY Tony Richardon s classic Australian Western Saturday 7 & 9:30 p.m. 150 Science Presented by WWW 1179 30 EMU BEER GARDEN Friday April 30. John and Pal Dietz 4-6 p m 10470 30 WEEKENO ENTERTAINMENT AT THE TRUCKSTOP FRIDAY NITE Jon Jarvis SATURDAY N(TE Andy Widder EUis SUNDAY NIGHT SCHEBEGAN ALL AT THE HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP On 14th Between Hityard and Alder 10504 30 EMU Cultural Forum presents Friday April 30 Michelangelo Anton cm s BLOW-UP The trend ceding beat Wrn ol 1966 reman* Antorvoni s maeterptece The alectncrty be tween Dsvx) I lemmmgi and Vanessa Red grave adds a new dimension to onscreen ^Tand 030 p.m. ISO PLC S1 Sunday May 2 DANCE GIRL DANCE WILD PARTY Boto directed by DoroOiy Arzner DANCE Gin. DANCE stars Lucille Ball in one ol her first (Urns WILD PARTY is a rare early Hol lywood Mm about an an Sir apology prolessor who tells m love Witt a dapper student As promised in tie title she becomes mixed up m a Scandalous Petty Wdt Clara Bow Fredrc March, and Shirley O Here 7 30 only ISO PLC $1 TONKJHT JON JARVIE plays lor you as you enjoy our tantas tc Dinner Soeoal CHIU RELLENOS HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP On 14th between HOyard and Alder 1049230 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rales, scenic trass no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations Windgate Farms. 996-6689 13454U.H.F TV WATCHERS NOTE: Bogie and Kale in THE AFRICAN QUEEN Friday Night 11pm Channel 3 1191 30 EMU Cultural Forum Presents Monday May 3 JOHN JUSTON’S FREUD Montgomery Clift puts in a fantastic per formance as the great lather ol psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud Susannah York stars as he lemale patient ISO PLC 7:30 • 9:30 *1 10499 3 Now playing at the University Theatre THE DANCE OF DEATH by August Strindberg Apnl 22. 23 24. 29. 30 and May t 8 pm 13575:1 DELTA TAU DELTA PRESENTS BOOGIE NIGHT! SATURDAY MAY 1st 8:30 p.m. Ftefreshmenta-Live Band-$1 50 Admission 1866 University (On the comer ot 19th) —Be There or be Square— 1214:30 The A nan da Marge Society presen is THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER Based on a novel by Caraon McCuHers. tr»s tem explores tie silence which often keeps people from genuinely relating to eacft oner Alan Arkm gives a brilliant perlor manoe as a deaf-mute who struggles to break tirou^i tie lonesnese and indiffer ence he sees m the world around him Saturday. May 1 177 LA 7 and 930 p m. $1 10471 X 4TM ST DEPOT 4S3 Willamette For the month of Apnl. 9 p m to close Glass 251 - Pilcher 75* 1348030 ( PERSONAL ~J MAX'S TAVERN W« be closed Sunday May 2 through Tuesday May 4 Closing Party Saturday Night' McKenzie River Boys and 254 Beers Pilcher sale every Friday at 4 p.m. 550 East 13th 10481 X ALL 1974-75 0YMENT and DE COU survivors are nvaed to a party Tfss most prest^ous event will be staged on May 5 at 1750 Alder Apt 32 Fes evrties begm at 8 p m B Y O.B 1143X CONGRATS, CAT! Love and Kisses. The University Inn Immates 1182 X sa You are me Sun sh vie of my We1 sa 1187:30 ATTENTION CELEBRANTS! Friday is Walpurgts Night" It is also the last day ot campus elections the Celebration ot izzy s 4th Annual Pre-Death Wake, and Max s Pitcher Sale 4 pun to 6 p m All office seekers ot legal age are invited to oome and agonize collectively No polygraph tests will be given Paid lor by tie 13th Street Boys Club Mental Health League 10478 30 HAMILTON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies lor started glass at reasonable prices Good selection ot glass n slock now 4th & High 485-8650 13583UWF REUEF!... lor the agony ct unwanted hair Sale permanent removal Electrology by Marian Phone 687-9181 tor free consultation 10489 tfn GRADUATE STUDENTS IN the lollowing disci plines wanted for 12-18 week summet internships throughout the 13 states economics, sociology history archaeology park and recreation manage ment. wiWMe bology and outdoor recreation Call collect (3031 492-7177 immediately 1075 30 LUNG-You only go around once in life, grab at the gusto you can Happy 21st Your "Cuckoo Roomie 1194 30 FOOO-OP, FOOO-OP FOODS our Game Ask us Agam We ll tell you the same 1535 Agate Street 10502 30 MARK-HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me best part ot my Me l love you -Kelly 1197 30 CHI PSI NINE (Especially Richard Hoover) Thanks lor me show and the flowers too! -The Alpha Ctv s 1198 30 CARLA-LOOKING FORWARD to the Kappa housedance. don t try to take advantage ot me love-your date! 1201:30 THE COMMITTEE TO STOP THE EXTRACTION OF DENNIS BANKS w4l meet Sunday 7 p m at the Truckstop, 1440 Aider 1218 X BUSYtBUSY? BUSY! BUSY FOR “IZZY!” You wont be Dizzy if you re busy, so get vote’for IZZY (Paal tor by Jon Kvistad) 1216X PLEASE LADIES CALL ME. No kick tor house dance date yet. Tom Jones 686-5183 1181 X FOR LOSERS OF ASUO ELECTION, Donna Green s having a party tor the losers and tie 12 people who voted for her (starts at 9 pm Friday) 1202:30 StG EPS: WALKOUT? What Walkout’ You know what Fiat a? That's too bad Ark os muthas Bob-O 1203X LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK DONORS NEEDED A Positive 6 Units. A Negative 1 Unit: O Positive 7 Units: O Negative 4 Units; B Positive 2 Unrts: AB Positive 0 Units Donor Hours Monday thru Thursday 10:30-12:45. Tuesday thru Thursday 2 00-4.30: Friday 3O0-6:X. Can us tor an appontment at 484-9111 GAY YOUTH GROWING ALTERNATIVE YOUTH (GAYouth)" a an organization for the ben sit of. and open to. alt interested people under the age of 23 Meetings are held Mon day evenngs at 730 For more information and meetng locations, caff Carol (343-81X) or Chris (746-6755). 10494 FM JIM BERNAU, in the ASUO Is he really neat'? All we know that he has done Is sit there on his seat! Kirby Garrett. He s Jim s man David s tvs tool But there e something we can do To much improve our school 1ZZY" YAietstine he s our roan Fightng tor our school, So let's join in and vote for him And prove that we re not tools GET BUSY FOR IZZY (Pad tor by Jon Kvistad) 121330 FREDDY THE WALLFLOWER- Happeee Birth day1 SchmaS great celebration to come Later 1204:30 TRt DELTA DREAM DATES-We cant was to dance, drink, and whatever 1205:30 CHESTER-Saturday rugpt I II see t you re worth suiading fort #11 1206:30 YOU GO ’EM DAVE-The Betas 1206:30 THE KAPPA HOUSE dance will be excellent-get set sweet*1 Love, Cuts 1211:30 DEAR Sgma Phi Epskon Suckers: Hope you re having a great time-cuz we are Yp-Ho1 Love. US 1212:30 MAY-DAY! MAY-DAY! Saturday nght is Boogm Night at Delta Tau Delta Your favorite refreshments Live band is the re nowned Powet Play. May 1st 8:30 p.m., J1 50 admoson Delt House-19th and University Everyone is in vited! 1215:30 STARTS MONDAY Bookstore Clearance Sale CHEESE FRANK A Giant 8 inch all meat frank on an 8 inch coney bunwith: ★ Mayo & Mustard ★ Grated Cheddar Cheese ★ Lettuce & Tomato "DELICIOUS" THE HOT DOG DEN 85* also serving burgers, fresh fries, and soft drinks “Home of the Super Frank” 1350 Alder (Next io the Id)