Calendar of Events April 29 - man 5 THURSDflH “The Dance of Death" $1.25 students, $2.50 gen eral. 8 p.m. University Theatre, Villard Hail. "The 76 Springs of Ho Chi Minh" and "Young Pup peteers of Vietnam" $1. 7 & 9:30 p.m. 150 Geology. "Seasoning," UO Dance Department. $1 general, 501 senior citizens. 8 p.m. 354 Gerlinger Annex. Phil Bereano-"Cultural Transition to ‘Small is Beauti ful. ’" Programs on "Liveability for Oregon’s Future ' Free. Noon. EMU Forum. Panel on New Ways to Work, “Liveability for Oregon's Future" Free. 7:30 p.m. 167 EMU. Curtis Holloway, Voice recital. Free. 8p.m. Gerlinger Lounge. "The Tempest" $3. 8 p.m. Lane Community College “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" $2.50. 8:30 p.m. Gulliver’s Cask n' Cleaver, Valley River Center Georges. The Backdoor, 1046 Oak Street. Arroyo. Murphy & Me. 1475 Franklin. fRIDflH "The Dance of Death" $1.25 students, $2.50 gen eral. 8 p.m. University Theatre. Blow Up" $1. 7 & 9:30 p.m. 180 PLC. Seasoning,” UO Dance Department. $1 general. 50