...et al Poet presents original works Oregon’s premiere poet, Wil liam Stafford, will present read ings from his works and will de scribe the poet’s contribution to Northwest life in a public talk Monday at the University. SONNET Priced from $200.00 Convenient Credit Terms Magnificent styling, perfect quality and lasting value make Keepsake the finest Registered Diamond Rings Fine watches, Jewelry and gifts QoKA Jewelers Keepsake Corner VaBey River Center / His presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Gerlinger Lounge. The event is one program in a spring term symposium series en titled "The Northwest Passage into the 21st Century," coordi nated by the Honors College. A professor of English at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Stafford is one of the Northwest's most acclaimed poets. He has been honored with the National Book Club award, a Guggenheim award, and the Shelley Memorial Award. In 1970-71, he served as a con sultant in poetry to the Library of Congress. His work has been included in many anthologies and he has been a frequent contributor to Northwest Review, the University’s literary magazine. Political misinformation amended The Emerald regrets that it accidentally sacrificed accuracy for speed in three political stories in Thursday’s edition. On page 2, we announced State Representative Mary Burrows as an "incumbent Democrat." Burrows is a Republican. On Page 11, we said that Con gressman Jim Weaver is a Republican when actually he is a Democrat. And finally, on page 8, we stated that California Gov. Jerry Brown is campaigning for the write-in vote in Oregon. Brown's campaign head quarters say there is no effort being made to get the Oregon vote, and that organizer Bill Milius is working entirely on his own. IT COSTS MORE TO MAIL A POSTCARD FROM EUROPE THAN TO SHIP BACK THE VOiVO YOU SAW EUROPE IN. Buy your Volvo through our European delivery plan and we'll ship it back—free—from one of seven European ports to any of seven American ports. We even pay the duty and U.S. port clearance charges. There’s no use shopping for a lower price. Who can beat $0.00? For details, come in. •'»ow«mew>cci<»owh>i VOIiVO Sheppard 343^11 1465 W. 7th MOTORS LTD. EMU Food Service Pizza-Burgers open noon-11:00 p m. Pizzas 7Vi” & 12" Cheese, Italian Sausage, Ham Stick, Ground Beef, Pepperoni, Combination. Sunday Night 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Buy a pizza and get a 20(f drink Free. lb Cultures highlighted at festival The Cherry Blossom Festival, an evening of Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultural experiences, is being held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Sheldon Community Center 2445 Willakenzie Rd. The festival is open to everyone and will offer dances and music from each country, a tea ceremony, Kung Fu demonstrations, displays and other activities. There is no admission charge. The Cherry Blossom Festival is part of the American Patchwork Series sponsored by the Eugene Parks and Recreation Department. The series is highlighting different cultures that have contributed to the American mosaic culture. For more information phone Vivienne at 687-5353. Center to air problems of aged The problems of aging and the aged will be dealt with in 14 specialized workshops to be offered to the public through the Oregon Center for Gerontology during summer session. The workshops intend to provide an understanding and awareness of the older person in society for business people, clergy, politicians, media personnel, funeral directors and others who come into profes sional contact with the elderly The workshops will last from three to 10 days and will cover topics such as planning preretirement programs for older employes, problems and needs in relation to the clergy and related professions, community programming and advocacy, health and mental health, and counseling practices for contemporary funeral services An introductory course in gerontology will cover theory of aging, psychological problems, family and sex roles of the aged, living condi tions after retirement, and death Other workshops, designed for geron tology students and working gerontologists, will provide training in death education and techniques of adult education. Some workshops require preregistration, instructor consent, spe cial fees or prerequisites. Complete information about the workshops and instructions for registration can be obtained by writing the Oregon Center for Gerontology, 1627 Agate St., Eugene or calling Linda Way of the Center at 686-420I. They don’t dance on Saturday Recreational folk dancing in 103 Gertinger is only on Fnday and Sunday nights, not on' Saturdays as the Calendar of Events listed yesterday. The Emerald regrets the error Workshop draws Pac-8 deans Arts and science deans from all Pacific Eight Conference univer sities will take part in a two-day workshop Monday and Tuesday at the University. Some 20 academic deans are expected to attend. The program will include work sessions on such topics as careers, confidentiality in personnel files, promotions, project and budget pnonties. and research and institutional responsibilities Harry Alpert. University vice president for academic affairs and provost, will deliver the workshop's welcoming address at a noon lun cheon Monday. All working sessions will be held in the EMU Aussies plan Sunday festival Contrary to first glance, Anzac does not stand for a national railway subsystem. Local Australians plan a Sunday night celebration in the EMU Ballroom to inform the general public of Australian lifestyles in honor of Anzac and Australian Memonal Day, named for an Australian-New Zealand army corps. Running from 7 to 10p.m., it will feature Australian food, aboriginal carvings and artwork, films and slides, and some aboriginal and rock music. The event is free and open to the public. Coffee house delays opening The Blue Heron Cafe, 879 E. 13th Ave., featured in a Surface and Symbol story Wednesday, will open 8 a.m. Monday. The new coffee house planned on opening today, but delayed delivery of some kitchen equipment changed the schedule Jim Gregory Dennis Pi aft Greg Wasson Greg dark Paul Watoschrmdt Chris Story Bob Welch Bob. Webb and Glen Gibbons Jem! Nilson JoAnn Fahlgren Jeff Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farre* Lois Lindsay Brad Lem ley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Kate Seigaf Carl Bryant Susan Harper Ted Johnston Page 2 Editor Managing Editor News Edtax Graphics Ecftor Editorial Page Editor Asst. News Edtor Sports Editor Entertainment Edrtors Wire Editor Asst Graphics Edtor Asst Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin a Student Services ASUO Gov't. & Agencies Features. In-Depth Departments a Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub*shed Monday Ihrou^i Friday during tall, writer and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods. During summer session the Emerald is pubtshed Tuesday and Thursday during the ei£fit-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks at the eleven-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubtshed by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pubkshmg Co . Inc , at the University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon 94703. Subscription rates (1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity administration The subscription rate is $3 44 a person (2) Special subscnptions for persons not m category (1) are available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term The Oregon Dally Emerald offices are in the north wng of the Erb Memorial Union News/Editorial 686-5511 Display Advertising 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service. briefs MEETINGS The Student Bar Association will host Prolessor Roger Findley at the School oI Law today at 12:30 in Room 229 Mr Fndley null speak on "Regulation ot Aircraft Noise and other environmental matters, such as the controversy over the SST He e cur rently a visiting protessor at University ot California (Davis) and directs the Office ot Environmental and Planting Studies at the University ot Illinois He is the author of articles on environmental law and land use The speech is open to the public A tree slide-talk show entitled "Fungi m Tree Tops' will be presented tonight at 8 in 123 Science George Carrol, associate professor ot biology, will present tie talk He spent one year in Denmark sludyng taxonomy ol certain groups of fungi His talk will concern micro-organisms in trees The show is open to the public Frank Okada. architecture and allied arts faculty member, will present a lecture today at 4 30 in 177 Lawrence His talk entitled Painting Since 19S8 1 is part of tie continuing lecture series presented by the School ol Architecture and Allied Arts MISCELLANEOUS AH women skrdents and (acuity a/e invited to play sottball with the Women a Studies Student Union The first weekly game starts today at 4 30 p m on the University Park diamond (23rd and University Streets! Transportation to the held is available at Get linger tum-around at 4 30 Audit o ns will be held lor the play "The Boor by Anton Chefcov loday in 201 Villard at 7 30 p m This play has been described as a come vaudeville piece that amused Russia lor generations For further information can the speech department of fice, *4171 Mike Manley. Olympic hopeful from the Oregon Track Club, will work on foggng techniques at Saturday’s beginning loggers session, to be held from 10 a m to noon al WillagHlespie Community School The school is located on 1125 Willagilles pie Road, near Valley River Center The sessions are free of charge and will be held each Saturday through May 29 A two or four mile run wHI be held Sunday at t 30 p m at Alton Baker Park Individuals can run tor time or |ust for fun and fitness There are no entry fees or prizes, but times win be cated Frida v Anri I 23. IOTA