I CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU ' EMU MAIM DESK UD BOOKSTORE SOW COUNIHt The rates are 10 per word the first day copy «s admitted and 8 per word each consecutive day the - ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more th?~ one day s incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears in correctly, call606-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement wil be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that desert mi nate on the basis of race color rekgton sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. - THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION | FOR SALE j CANOE AND KAYAK SHOP in popular downtown Eugene area Inventory and existing lease on 5200 square fool building. P O Box 326 Coos Bay, Oregon 97420. 0729:16 1976 VAN-BUCKET SEATS, Dodge. Chevy, Ford $40 upipair Call 345-3137 (home). 0735:20 THWFT AND GIFT SHOP 2839 Willamette, across from Willamette Plaza 343-3861 Vi price sale on all expired merchandise begins Friday, April 16. Watch (or further reductions on sale items Monday-Friday 10 to 4. Monday evenng 7 to 9 13497 14 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo e^pment. etc., etc . etc. 12692:mwf 0746:15 njlltHS iui>n wncci. Ftobert Brent, good condition $60 342-4084. 1722 Washington CH'UAN-F A KUNG-FU New sell defense class starting-Wednesday and Friday Call Mike. 687-8143 after 6 p.m. 0742:14 U.S. DIVER'S LUNG, backpac. weight belt, depth gauge, pressure guage. fins $150 Kit. 345-0423 0723:14 SAILBOAT. 11-toot moth class Complete $75 Craig 8-track player-recorder. $25 687-0867 0712:16 HARMON KARDON MODEL-230 receiver and H K speakers. $130 See Jeff, room 306 Watson 0707 15 BHGNTS-$9.75 and up! Ready-made or custom fit with cWferent size top from bottom if necessary In the fabric of your choice Andrea s 2441 Hilyard 13343:6/7 Natural Wools. Macrame Cords, and Embroidery Threads m cotton, silk and rayon MILL ENDS ON SALE THIS MONTH ONLY EUGENE FIBER COMPANY 1157 High Open 11 a m to 5 p.m. 13424:16 COMICS OLD AND NEW Posters, etc can be found at DARRELL'S COMICS inside Son of Koobdooga 651 East 13th 343-3551 13329:30 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Buy factory direct poly-foam cut to any size or ^^"best rest mattress company 632 Blair 343-0222 12057:tfn 25% OFF on all bikinis at Andrea's. 2441 Hilyard 13456:16 COLLECTION OF AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RECIPES-Burnto's, Enchiladas. Chili, etc Send $1 to Globetasters. Box 10344. Eugene. 97401 0649:15 CREATE YOUR OWN MAGIC We have 30 used school buses available at reasonable prices Design your own motor home, band bus. mobile display unit, etc Buses range from 1948 to 1964 models Western Bus Sales, Inc., 311 N E 2nd, Gresham, Oregon, 97030, (503) 665-8195 0594-23 5 HP WARDS OUTBOARD MOTOR. Less than 5 hours use. Remote tank, manual 345-5241 0686:14 [ INSTRUCTION ) GUITAR LESSONS Progress lonal teacher, Country to Pop, S3. V? hour All ages Gary 344-3209 13332:4-30 [ HBTRUMEHTS ) CLASSICAL MARTIN GUITAR: $570 new Will sell: $300 Excellent conditen 343-4758 0597 16 ( SOUND SYSTEMS j BANDMASTER BOTTOM w'2-12 inch JBL speak ers, $175, 343-6269 0727:15 H-K 930 with walnut cabinet. $360: Kenwood KP-1022 manual turntable with AT13 cartndge $85: Sony TC-458 auto-reverse. Bi-directional re cording with accessories. $420: Advent utilities. $180. Complete. $1000 David. 345-9987 0710:15 SONY HP-610A compact Dual turntable. Lalayette 3-way speakers $400 747-4069 0713:16 TEMPEST LAB-2, speakers made by ESS Cost $340, sell lor $280 Pioneer SR-202-W reverbera tion amplifier $35 Call 3431459 0717 14 HARMON KAROON MOOEL-230 receiver and H K speakers $130 See Jed Room 306 Watson 0707 15 SANSUI 881 receiver, pedect condition, only 11 months old Must hear1 $400 484-9495 0709 19 MARANTZ 22*0, Philips 212 turntable. ESS Lab I speakers. Ortolon cartndge. $750 343-0373, 6-7 p.m 0588 16 ( CRAFTS a HOBBIES ) ^^^^^tRENITYWEAVERS 111 West Seventh Leclerc looms in stock Yarns books on crafts r2239:tli. FRAME SHOP AND GALLERY Frame it yourself and save For the price of materials we provide space, tools, and help Custom and ready made frames and pnnts At Midgley s Mm. 687-2531 4th and High Weekdays 10-5:30 Saturday 10-4 133*01fn f~ PH0T0CRAPHY ) MAMIYA C330 2V< square format. Best quality ac cessories included $300, Brian after six 342-2593 0725:16 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 120111»n YASHICA 35mm WITH WIDE ANGLE and tele photo lens $125 747-7797 0591 19 (books^suppuesJ 20.000 USEOB OOKS all selling Vi or less of pub lished price Textbooks. Cktt Notes. Magaznes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036 tin TYPING EXPERIENCED SECRETARY tor typing needs IBM Correcting Selectnc Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 12849 tfn TYPING: TERM PAPERS, EXAMS, job resumes, etc. 344-1828 0436 28 EXPERIENCED TYPIST. THREE blocks from campus Correcting Selectnc. 344-0750.13290lfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST AND EDITOR—IBM Correcting Selectnc II. term papers, theses, re sumes. etc Job rated fees Joyce. 343-9708 0737.20 TYPING TERM PAPERS, theses, dissertations IBM Selectnc. 344-1691 12915 MUW IBM CORRECTING SELECTRICII. Elite and Pea Graduate school approved 343-5124 12997 MUW [ SKI STUFF ) X-COUNTRY SKIS I Blue Bonnas, 200cm. lull metal edge, ABC cable binding, cane poles, all excellent. $65. 344-2109 0755:15 K2 WINTERHEATS. 180cm superb condition $100 Nordica Boots-leather, buckle, size 6 $25 343-0310, Vicki 0714:14 A SKI FOR ALL SEASONS 200 cm Trysel-knut x-c skis with bindings, used 1 year $35 CONNLEY HOOK COMPETITION water ski 66 inches. $75 Brad 344-2647 0606:14 l BICYCLES j SALE! All Raleighs-10%off Centurian Sporl-$99 95 Peugeot U0 8-$145 regular $155 COLLINS CYCLES 342-4878 60 East 11th 13359.1fn ( CABS & CYCLES ) i 1969 SAAB Deluxe, new transmission, needs tun- ' mo otherwise excellent condition. 345-0858 0728 1 5 ’ '72 VEGA WAGON, 3 speed Excellent condition $1850. 686-6359 0730 16 FOR SALE: 1973 Allot FOX, tudor. air. good con- I dition Call evenings 687-2748 0640 16 I 1968 OPEL BALL YE, excellent condition, radials I $675. best oiler 689-0342 0747 16 ' 1973 TOYOTA CORONA, MARK H. Excellent condition, power steenng. brakes, air Steve 686-1909 191 East 19th * 0752 16 1970 FORD VAN. 6-cytmder Excellent mechanical condition Good Gas, extras, small dent $1,250 344-8249 0753 14 1965 THUNDERBIRD, new battery, shocks, good condition. $495 342-3202 0720 14 1964 RAMBLER 4-door Rebuilt engine Tranny, Brakes 5.000 ago Clean, economical $250 345-0858 evenings 0606 15 MUST SELL: 69 Rambler, runs well, approxi mately 20 m p g $300. 345-6603 0682 15 1973 DATSUN PICKUP. Very good condition $2 500 or best reasonable oiler 686-6022 0722 14 65 FORD, GOOD CONDITION. $300 Can Brad alter 6 p m 686-3244 0718 16 MUST SELL 72 Vega hatchback Real good en gine. body, interior, and tires $1295 Call 687-8706 13495 15 ( AUTO BEPAIB ) 4 & 6 AUTOMOTIVE Specializing m the repax and maintenance o!4&6 cylinder water cooled vehicles Foregnand domes tic 1401 Willamette 342-3264 057020 PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST: Saab. Volvo. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL-Ma|Or Tune-up any 4 cylinder $37 50 including parts and labor. 1985 West 7th. 344-2277 or DIG CARS 13165TFN J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebwkkng and parts for Volkswagen* 342-3952 12070Hn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIAUST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 ( RIDES & RIDERS ) RIDE NEEDED TO JACKSON MISSISSIPPI tor myselt and Delongings Leave by 4/18 (?) to arrive by 4/21 Will help share expenses 345-6202 0593 15 ( TRAVEL STUDENT TRAVEL: Unregimented and camping tours ol Europe, Eastern Europe, Spam. Africa and Israel: Eurail Passes and Charters Experiments m traveling Jeff Warren, 686-5189 0648 16 ( WAMTED ) Wanted Bookcase, dresser, lamp 344 8384 Gary 0726 14 HOUSEKEEPER, ONE AFTERNOON a week Poor experience desired Must have own transpor tation 689-6078 0715 15 c HELP WANTED J SHARE YOUR SKILLS with someone else—use your experience and earn credit" Tutors needed Finance 316. 341; Aocounting-all levels Business 532; Chemistry-103. 106; Biology 303. 101. 102, 104. 105, 106; Quantitative Methods-all levels: Physics 203 German 2nd year, Wntmg 120. 121, 323; Litera ture; Journalism; Math 95. 101. 102. 106. 200. Learning Resources Center, 268 Condon. 686-3226 13505 16 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE expenence not necessary We will tram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9556 12035:ttn THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepl mg applications tor 1976-77 Editor Term ot office is June 8. 1976 through June 7. 1977 Applicants must be enrolled at the University of Oregon for a minimum of six term hours, three out of the next four academic terms Applicants should have Know ledge of newspaper journalism and the UO Job requires work Sunday through Friday and a minimum of 35 to 40 hours a week Applications are available m the Emerald Office, third floor of the EMU All applications and sample of previous work must be submitted no later than 5 p m Friday. April 23 to ODE Editor Jim Gregory The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 0376:23 WO WORK STUDY POSITIONS immediacy vailable lor experienced keypunch operators in administrative Data Processing Office 15 to 20 ours per week *2 52-2 67 per hour Contact Work itudy Office Room 262 Oregon HaH 13488 14 IfOMEN AND MEN needed lor part-time sales rork. earn *40 or $50 extra each week in your own pare time Call 484-3038 13435 20 IROENT: WANTED Assistant Division Head of (SCAPE Community Services Earn credit while laning valuable supervisory experience All indi xfuals encouraged to apply through Apnl 15 Ap ikcations and more information available m ES JAPE office. 327 EMU (686-4351) ESCAPE is an iqual opportunity employer 13476 15 rurOR FOR CREDIT I Students with expertise m voting and (ournakstic writing are needed_Contact .earning Resource Center. 268 Condon >06-3226 13468 14 [roommate wanted] HOUSEMATE WANTED-Four bedroom house, wo others. *80 pet month 345-1753 0744 16 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE three bed oom home with two other females 343-2458 0749 15 FEMALE ROOMMATE *80 pet month plus v, utilities Non-smoker 1 block from campus 750 E 14th 2A 343-5050 0634 14 (tOOMMATE NEEDED-to share large two bed room apartment Next to campus 886J807 OOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARE two bedroom partmentdoaeiocampus *87 50permonttLplus aktes CMIbetween6-7pm 48* 1794 0861 15 ONE OR TWO MALES needed to share apartment at 1877 Emerald, cp lum *105. tor two *95 sngie Can Bruce at 686-5183 0685 16 [ FOR BERT j 2 BEDROOM. FURNISHED apartment. *195 1805 Garden Ave 343-5637 13504 tin QUADS PRIVATE BATH Had block Otf campus, at utwties pad Laundry and parting available plus pnvate refrigerator 738 E. 16th 687-1190 136C66n QUAD CLOSE TO CAMPUS, private bath and re tngerator See manager 738 East 16th 0739 14 SUBLET SPACIOUS CLEAN, dose two bedroom apartment 345-7788 Alter 6pm 0745 15 ONE BEDROOM DWELLING INCLUDING UTILITIES, some furnishings, laundry facility *150 Rent can be offset by clearing and other home services 887-0198 0750 16 LARGE ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment Fairly weU-tghted and two blocks from campus Sublet beginnng Apnl 25 *125 per morfh includes all utilities Call Stuart 343-0449 or 686-4951 0708 14 LARGE TWO BEDROOM turned Two blocks from campus Available now $165 689-1061 071116 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. Furnished, dish washer carpel, pool Call 3*5-0958 or slop at 1255 Mill. #7 or see Manager 0719 16 APARTMENT AVAILABLE NOW Two bedroom lownhouse 12th and Ferry Call alter 5 30 p m MOBILE HOME DWELLERS.-Space aval able lor ai size homes at Meadow Lane Mobile Estates Stxirt dove from campus From $65 5335 Man Sprmglield 747-4919 'S4®7 16 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT furnished $195rmon*i LAST MONTH FREE. 1805 Garden Avenue. #14 344-8272 0664 16 $85 MONTH Private, lumished quad room Utilities included, no lease required 687-0505. 687-8328 12643 Bn QUAD-$86 utilities included 1827 Harris. 345-1163 13347 Bn QUADS Paid Utilities Laundry Facilities $90 & $110 1810 Hans 686-2470 12984 tin QUADS-$85 per month Islo lease required, furnished utilities included, laundry parting avalable Close to campus 1360 Alder St. 48S0291, 464-0804 12812 Bn HECETA BEACH HOUSE-two bedroom View fireplace Nice $225 per month including utilities Rent lease. May through September Box 1208 Florence, Oregon Phone 997-6780 0444Ji4 GRATIS FREE TO LOVING HOME Spayed Female—Collie-Shepherd Mix Call 484-0208 alia 7 p.m. 0515 14 AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppy. $66 2 year old female, offer 689-0342 0748:16 AKC IRISH SETTER PUPPIES. Champion Field Show Pedigree $65 344-5129 0751 15 I LOST & FOUND j FOUNO: AT UNIVCR8CTY INN BLACK DOQ. Call Zarlo. 686-6212 0681 14 FOUND: GLASSES IN A YELLOW CASE. Found on Wednesday March 31 on 131h between Kincaid and University Call 686-4874 0692 15 FOUND. RING NEAR Mayflower Theater Sunday nioht. describe to claim Calient 5114 or 344-0651 0694 1 5 FOUNO: WATCH m Allen Hall Call 686-3739 and identity 0638 15 $5 OFFERED FOR RETURN c4 beige ten cowboy hal wi#i several learners on one side A *"1*8 V*0 sun Loet aboul 3-27 Call 344-8167 or 746-9916 Paine* 0603 14 FOUNO YOUNG FEMALE CAT BMc* head back and tail white chest and legs, some white on lace very yellow eyes Found at 12th 4 Mil Clam and or lake away 343-2768 0589 14 PAIR OF CONTACTS, ISSi and High m vhn# case Calient 4071 0663 14 { CHILD CARE ) UNIVERSITY DROP-IN CHILD CARE, EMU N Information and reservahona 686-4345 Intant/loddWr and pre-school sfttngs—days 3 montis thru alem grades—evenings CSD. and Private Pay ' 3324 tin VMCA CHILD DEVELOPMENT accepting regis Iralions tor ctnMeen ages 2 to 5 Averse Stewart 344-6251 13440 14 COMMUNITY ) SERVICES J I WILL PUT vsy note cl ymxi .n a botBe and drop it m Ite ocean For information J R 1065 Patterson #3. 97401 0736 14 | FOOD & DRINK GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOOD STORE 1211 Alder (Nest to Johnny Print) Whole y»n breads pastries made wrth honey. 7anola yogurt *et» dnr* cold |u<ces honey ce cream wrd natural candy bars Traat yours*It to a natural treat1 12069 UW For Lunch GREG FIELD For Dinner RAOTIME MK.UONAIRES The armor speoal is Jembalaya HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP on I4r between Heyard and Aider 13503 14 MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1809 Ea*i 19th Eugene 5 own New York Dot Salad* meal*. cheese* sandwiches soup* drinks. pa*me* grocenm. penes. two dinner spe cial* rvg*i*yt Monday Saturday 12814 MWE OPENING SOON! Friday Apr* 23 Blue Heron Cafe and Expreseo Houee Supreme Fine CoMees and leas Live Music Ken Kesey an snow Oek Menu Open in Midnighi (next to co-op Bookstore) 879 East 13th Avenue 2nd floor 13274 MWF BULK TEA!!! Darieeling-choice1 Ceylon-lancy' . Formosa Oolong Pinhead Gunpowder Dragonwell Jasmine-choice! Orange Spice English Breakfast Bamboo Tea Strainers and a lot more' McKenzie Coffee Company (next to Mayflower Theater) 782 East 11 th Avenue Open 10-6 342-2071 13475 MWF $1 10-2 oz 65« 60* " 70* ” 75* " 66* •' 65* •' 65* 85* CAFE QLENWOOO 78* Breakfast 7 a m -3 p m 3758 Franklin Boulevard 747-9610 5308 20 GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY Th* Coffee Bean Coffee Company 2465 Hilyard 110 West Broadway 12059 ttn — . • a_11 i a 107A