Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1976, Page 2, Image 2

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Infant care
now available
Area residents looking for a
place that offers child care for in
fants and toddlers can now look to
the University. The EMU’s Drop
in Child Care Program has some
openings “at various times and on
various days,” according to Ed
Casto, program director.
This spring the program de
cided to work exclusively with in
fants and toddlers during the day
to fill a need in the community.
Casto says the EMU’s program is
the only such facility in Lane
Children will be accepted during
the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday. The rates
for child care are $1 per hour for
the children of University students
and $1.15 per hour for other chil
dren. Snacks are provided for the
Casto adds that the evening
program, from 6 to 10 p.m., also
has openings. This program ac
cepts older children as well as in
fants and toddlers at the same
Meeting to cover militarism
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
(WILPF) will co-sponsor a meeting today with the YWCA on “Militarism
and Jobs: Women in the Economy.”
Margaret Simeral of the University Economics Department and
Marion Barnes, WILPF national board member, will both speak briefly.
The talks will be followed by an audiovisual presentation by the
Ladeeez Kranky Society and Kazoo Chorus, intended to show the
oppression of women in the U.S. and abroad.
The meeting will take place at 1 p.m. in Gerlinger Hall. Refresh
ments and childcare will be available.
Though it is a “drop-in” pro
gram, parents must make a reser
vation for their children. Reserva
tions and more information may
be obtained by calling 686-4345.
The program is licensed by the
State of Oregon and all personnel
are properly certified for child
DA candidate
sets address
Betty Browne, candidate for dis
trict attorney of Lane County, will
be speaking Monday at 12:30
p.m. at the University Law School,
Room 121.
The speech, sponsored by the
Student Bar Association, is open
to the public.
Aid petition
due Tuesday
The last day to initiate a petition
for spring financial aid will be
Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. according to
Emmett R. Williams, acting direc
tor of the Student Financial Aid
All petitioning processes begun
prior to that t'me will be reviewed
for change of grade status infor
mation relating to the 12-hour
The financial aid office will con
tinue to remain closed from 8 a m.
to 12:30 p.m. through the end of
April. This time will be spent pro
cessing summer and academic
year awards for 1976-77 and
working gn the conversion to the
computer system.
Feminism topic of author s talk
“Feminism and Femininity" is the title of a speech to be given by
Juliet Mitchell tonight at 7:30 in 138 Gilbert. She will also give a sociol
ogy department-sponsored colloquium at 3.30 today in 138 Gilbert.
Both meetings are open to the public.
Mitchell has written "Women’s Estate" and “Psychoanalysis and
Feminism." Her campus appearance is sponsored by eight campus
organizations including the Student Bar Association, Women's Studies
Center, Women's Law Forum, Political Science department, and the
Women's Studies Association.
The Women s Studies Student Union Softbal
Team wi meet at the Gertinger turn-around (Uni
versity and 15th) today to carpool to University Parti
That’s our goal—getting you to Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa the most economical way possible.
Whether you need a one-way or round trip charter flight to Europe or Asia, a group fare to Australia, a
student fare to Africa, or whatever—as a non-profit student organization we can offer you the lowest
rates—air, land or sea. BOOK NOW. SPACE IS LIMITED.
Rm 202 EMU
Ext 3721
EMU Food Service
4-6 p.m.
EMU Dining Room
Free popcorn &
12 oz glass 300
Polish Sausage 500
Jim Gregory
Dennis Pfaff
Greg Wasson
Greg Clark
Paul Waldschmidt
Chris Story
Bob Welch
Bob Webb and
Glen Grbbons •
Jerril Nilson
JoArm Fahlgren
Jeff Nielson
Rick Bella
Patty Farrell
Lois Lindsay
Brad Lem ley
Wally Benson
Jackman Wilson
Kate Seigal
Cad Bryant
Susan Harper
Ted Johnston
Managing Editor
News Editor
Graphics Editor
Editorial Page Editor
Asst. News Editor
Sports Editor
Entertainment Editors
Wire Editor
Asst. Graphics Editor
Asst. Sports Editor
Associate Editors:
Admin. & Student Services
ASUO Gov't. & Agencies
Features. In-Depth
Departments & Schools
Production Manager
Advertising Manager
Classified Advertising
Oregon Dally Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday
during fall, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and
vacation periods During summer session the Emerald is pubfshed
Tuesday and Thursday during the a^it-week term and on Thursday
the last three weeks of the eleven-week term
The Oregon Dally Emerald is pubUSied by the Oregon Daily
Emerald Pubfshmg Co., Inc . at the Ui.versity of Oregon. Eugene
Oregon 94703
Subscription rates
(1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscriptx>n
rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer
sity administration. The subscription rate is $3 44 a person
(2) Special subscriptions for persons not in category (1) are
available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term
The Oregon Dally Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb
Memorial Union.
News/Editorial 666-5511
Display Advertising 686-37t2
Classified Advertising 686-4343
The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and
College Press Service.
lo play softball Interested women are urged lo fxn
the grot*) at the turn around or at Universay Park
The kst ot degree candidates lor spnng term
graduaton is now bang compSed by me Office of
the Regatrar The last day upon wfuch an appkca
ton may be Ned lor degree lo be granted spring
term is Apnl t6 This dale will be enforced because
of me many operations of checking, clearing and
prntng which must tollow
To quality lor the degree appked lor. a student
must have completed all necessary work and pro
cedures by tie end ol tie term Aft transcripts trom
other schools when are necessary lor a degree
should be sent to me attention of Graduation Office
of the Registrar. m order that it may be on Me by the
deadkne of June 18 The nctudes work taken
through me Division of Conhncnng Education
Any student who has appked previously and ctd
not recave the degree must reapply Ukewee any
student who does not dm ihe deadknes must
reapply lor a future dale
Today • Ihe deadkne to lum n appkcahorui lor
Resrdeoi Assistant potaons n tie University dor
mdonw Appkcaions are to be timed nto lie
Housing OKce Carton Hal. by 4 30 p m
Unhappy unto a professor^ Thu* a grade was
unjust? The Umvertrty Academe Grievance Com
matee could help
Any tludenl can subma a wntten signed com
plant to tie committee Upon receipt, lie oompUml
is lonmrded lo the professor named grveighwnor
ha a chance to respond
Compton* may be tubmatad lo any merrOer at
lie oommmee Members are Madred Carmack,
chaeet School 01 Law Carakn KeuLrer psycho!
ogy Roy Poole, education Lewie Wad. mathema
let Bob Bowkn dean ol stodenls. and John Cran
dal. ftrder* represenrabve
interested in speakng Sweden? Edson East
side CommoiOy School has someone wSkng lo
leach adult tree d chage n tie afternoons Wed
kke lo bagsi ihe Sweddi data ngrs away to 4
you re sitaeslad or know someone who is cel tie
community school at 867 3254
The ASUO It in need ot two students, one
graduate and one lodagraduate to save on me
search committee lor a new hnanoal aid drector
Applicants should presen»y M reapwnts cl fcnen
cal ad To become emohred. contact Peta Spratl.
Sate 4 EMU
The Environmental Studea Centa and Re
source Library wSI be open from 7lo9 pm Monday
tirou0i Thursday dang spring term, m addton to
1030 to 4 30. Monday throu^i Friday Credt *
available tor taring ihe stall and votumeas ae
welcome For more intormatan cal ext S006 or
stop in a 11 PLC
EMU Check Cashing
The Erb Memorial Union Mam Desk Store cashes checks as a service lor
students, faculty and staff of the University ol Oregon Students must present a
current certificate ot registration and a plastic identification card with picture:
faculty/staff must present their plastic identification card with picture and current
validation sticker
There is a five cent service charge per check Make checks payable to the Erb
Memorial Union and include Eugene address and phone number (or department
and extension for taculty/staff) on the check The limit on checks is $5 00 until
4:30 p.m. weekdays and $10 00 evenings and weekends
When writing checks, double-check your bank balance Make sure what you
think will be a “good check' doesn't turn out to be a “bad check If your check is
returned, there is a service charge of $3 00 This is in addition to any service
charge charged by your bank You will also lose the privilege ot cashing checks at
the Erb Memorial Union for the remainder of the year (July 1-June 30).
To abide by policies set forth by the banks: 1( We cannot accept counter
checks, 2( There can be no alterations or changes made on checks, 3( We cannot
accept personal second party checks and 4( If you do not have personalized
checks additional I D. must be presented
New Students:
1. U. of 0 statement ot admission with student I D number
2. Valid I D with signature and description
Returning Students:
1. Previous term's certificate of registration
2. U. of 0. Plastic I D. card with picture.
Summer Session Only:
1 Validated certificate of registration
2 U. of 0 plastic I D. card with picture or second piece of valid I D.